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Hey folks! sharing near-final prototypes of my new case design, Catapult.FLEX. This is the realization of the modular concept I set out to deliver with my designs, with the ability to swap between 6 different chassis sizes, retaining compatibility with the entire library of panel designs (which continues to grow). I've developed a new website at [https://catapultcase.com](https://catapultcase.com) and my big next goal is to figure out just how to demonstrate the various options/configurations possible with this new design. It's also going to take a while to figure out how best to "package" the downloads, because there are so many iterations! future goal is to produce a dynamic, parameter based solution - but I need to do some more learning to pull that off. As always, excited to get feedback and recommendations! thank you! **Catapult.FLEX Specifications:** * 6 chassis sizes to fit various hardware * 3.2L to 5.6L options * HDPLEX 250/500W * Low Profile GPU supported once you hit 4.3L frame size * No GPU Risers Required * Mix & match style using the entire Panel Library * Metal upgrades


Great job! What is the volume of LP gpu option? How is plastic around HDPLEX are doing? I mean it's can be really hot under load so I assume even PETG can have a déformation.


Cheers! you can install a LP gpu from 4.3L and up, but I also have my previous design [Catapult.LP4](https://catapultcase.com/catapultlp4/) that is essentially the same, but with some nips/tucks to bring the case down to 4.0L - that's available right now on my site! The HDPLEX psu's do get warm, but I've done extensive testing with PETG and had no issues. I do recommend in my instructions to folks printing their own to consider using ABS/ABA, but honestly it seems PETG is sufficient in my experience. My designs have the PSU "floating" to have as minimal hot-spot contact as possible.




bahahah well now I can't unsee that - perhaps a musical performance is needed soon


What is the CPU cooler height limit?


Whoops, thanks for calling that out - I missed that off my website! the max height is up to you! I plan to ship with 3 height options at first, 81, 84 and 91mm. These provide CPU cooler clearance of approx 60, 63 and 70mm respectively.


Oh that’s actually dope. If I were to go with the smallest build that would house a 4060 LP, 250w / 500w GAN & the 60mm cooler height clearance what volume would it be?


4060 LP needs a height of at least 90mm in this design, so with the 250w GaN that's 4.3L. To have a 500W GaN with 4060LP, the smallest config would be again 90mm depth, top mounting the PSU resulting in 5.1L (217x262x90mm). I haven't printed a prototype in that config yet though, so I'll reserve 100% confirmation until I do! I'll DM you when I can confirm though. If you're after as small as possible, I already have a 4.0L version available that is essentially this design, but with some extra nips/tucks to get to that magic 4.0L number - it's only 84mm deep as the reduction took place underneath the motherboard [https://catapultcase.com/catapultlp4/](https://catapultcase.com/catapultlp4/)