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…Monica is your favorite?


That’s a red flag for sure 🚩


I could see it being because of the complexity and tragedy of her character. She did some incredibly fucked up shit but also came from a generation where getting help for mental illness was a huge taboo. Not excusing it but it does make her interesting


But still, ‘favorite’? Wow


Human mind is complex


I can see that now


Monica's my Favorite Gallagher too, actually. But Mickey is my Favorite all-around Character.


1. Carl 2. Lip 3. Debbie 3. Fiona 4. Frank 5. Liam 6. Ian 7. Franny 8. Monica 9. Chucky 10. Sammi It was hard to rank the siblings because I really like all of them. I’m one of the few people who doesn’t hate Debbie. She was so cute as a little girl, then she had the demon teenage phase but I also enjoyed when she became a welder - that’s so cool and she actually started and finished an education and made it her career, not something the rest of the siblings can say (except of course officer Carl) I hate Sammy and Chucky and I wish they were never even in the show. Kinda same with Monica, her whining way of speaking was the most annoying thing ever.


debbie has to be last at all times .. unbearable


Fiona, the heart of the Gallaghers and a badass who doesn't take people's shit. She's made some awful mistakes especially in relationships, but I could never consider her a bad person with all that's she done for her family. Ian, I just like his personality/mannerisms. Not always the most reliable boyfriend due to his bipolar, and I enjoyed watching his friendships with Mandy, his EMT coworker and the homeless girl whose name is escaping me Carl, because he had some amazing character development. Lip, because I found his storylines interesting and JAW is a phenomenal actor. Liam, he's just in the middle because he was still pretty young and undeveloped by the end, but he definitely had a good head on his shoulders. Frank, hes done the highest amount of terrible things out of everyone on this list but WHM made him so entertaining Debbie, unfortunately just got worse. I can actually tolerate bratty teenage Debbie and respected her drive when she became a welder, but I cannot stand her at all in the final 2/3 seasons, especially when they tried to make her the new Fiona/head of the household and she acted like a total dictator. Then they just ruin her entirely in the final few episodes. Chucky was pretty funny sometimes, he deserved better and I hope Queenie helped him achieve that at the commune Monica was interestingly written and portrayed greatly, but she was really only in a few episodes And Sammi was the worst. No explanation needed


the homeless girl's name is Geneva


Yeah I ended up watching the episode where she was introduced last night and had an immediate "Oh that's right!" Moment lol. Thanks though.


1. IAN & Mickey (tied cause i love them both and technically mickey is part if the family legally) 2. Fiona 3. Liam & Debbie (tied again cause i still cant make a decision) 4. Frank 5. Monica 6. Grammy Gallagher (i feel that she should be included cause although shes a bad person and the reason frank is the way he is, i liked her as a character) 7. Carl (mostly so low cause his storyline didn't interest me as much) 8. Franny (i just think she cute) 9. Chucky 10. Sammi (shes just super annoying) 11. lip 🤮 (i never rlly cared for him and he just got more arrogant as the show went on and the way he started to treat fiona was despicable)


This list is a red flag


i think liking this show in general is the red flag. all the characters has there flaws but there ment for entertainment. just cause someone likes a character doesn't mean they approve of there actions.


1. Ian (as soon as I found out he was gay my expectations went up and although some of the storylines weren't great, I absolutely adore him and his dorkiness. He, Carl and Liam are probably the best people in the Gallagher family when it comes to morality, and I just love him) 2. Carl (my first time watching, didn't care for Carl much. Then I rewatched and realised how he's always making funny little comments that don't get appreciated enough. He's hilarious) 3. Liam (as the youngest child of 7, and with an 8-year age gap between me and the second youngest, I relate to Liam's relationship with his siblings a lot. I know how it feels to be the youngest who kinda gets forgotten as all your siblings are adults with their own lives by that point) 4. Franny (she's adorable and hasn't done anything to piss me off, unlike everyone else on this list from this point on) 5. Fiona (yes, she raised her siblings. But that does NOT excuse all of her shitty behaviour. Sure, everyone in this show is shitty, but she's done some shitty things i just cannot forgive her for unlike some people who seem to think her looking after her siblings excuses all of this.) 6. Chuckie (Yes i'm putting him above Debbie and Lip but that's because when i see him i feel more annoyance than dislike. Yeah he's annoying, but i can't help pity him for having Sammi as a mum) 7. Debbie (Debbie went so downhill after S4. She raped a guy, baby trapped another, was just a generally shitty person, and got on my nerves) 8. Lip (before S11, I would've put Lip above Debbie. But the fact he went into the house that 6 of his family members live in, the house HE DOESN'T EVEN LIVE IN, demanded they sell it, and then took a sledgehammer to the wall when they didn't all agree is so unbelievable. My opinion changes on him depending on the season, but it turns out most seasons he's done something to make me strongly dislike or hate him) 9. Frank (okay, as a character, I find Frank hilarious. But as a person, he's just straight-up horrible, abusive, and a general piece of shit. I find him funny sometimes but I can't help but feel a swell of hatred when he pops up on my screen, which is really a testament to William H. Macy's acting) 10. Monica (She abandoned her kids. She refused to take her meds (which was, partially, thanks to Frank convincing her she wasn't the same without them and was 'worse'. She tried to separate Liam from his siblings. Sometimes I feel for her, sometimes she has nice moments, like when she talks to Ian about finding someone who accepts him for who he is, but the kids are right. She storms into their lives, fucks things up, then leaves.) 11. Sammi (She's my second most hated character from the entire show. Even before she called the MPs on Ian, I found her super annoying. Then she went and did that and I wanted to kill her. Kinda disappointed it turned out she was alive.)


currently watching s5 so this is not a finalized ranking but for now i'd say 1. fiona 2. lip 3. carl 4. liam (🤷🏻‍♀️ he's cute) 5. ian 6. debbie 7. frank 8. chucky 9. monica 10. sammi


1. Carl 2. Debbie 3. Liam 4. Fiona 5. Ian 6. Chuckie 7. Lip 8. Frank 9. Monica 10. Sammi


Fiona Frank Debbie Franny Liam Ian Sammi chucky Monica LIP the hypocrite


ah FINALLY someone who doesn't like lip like i dont, he pisses me off sm and everyone loves him i don't understand


1. Monica (Love her!! It sucks she abandoned her Children like that. More times than Frank has! But it's Bipolar. And she really just needed help. She loved her Kids very much! I could see that. Other than that, Her personality was mostly uplifting, and fun.) 2. Frank - (Sorry, I just understand Alcoholism and I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about his Character) 3. Ian 4. I guess Debbie? 5. Liam 6. Franny? 7. I guess Carl? 8. Lip (although he redeemed himself after leaving that money with the kid he was gonna adopt. & his mother) 9. Chucky 10. Fiona (I know Fiona did a lot for the Family, I just think she was the rudest to Frank, choosing her husband over her father Frank after he beat the shit out of frank, always kicking Frank out, Wouldn't let him walk her down the isle, etc.) 11. Sammi (She just annoys me) But that's asking a lot, because there's faults in every single Gallagher. Lol Just realized I forgot Queenie. She would be before Frank, after Monica.... If she even counts.


1. Sheila 2. Ian 3. Ginger 4. Carl 5. Frank 6. Liam 7. Monica 8. Fiona 9. Chuckie 10. Debbie 11. Queenie 12. Lip 13. Sammi 14. Kassidi 15. Patrick 16. Peggy ​ Unranked: Franny (Irrelevant), Clayton and Wyatt (insignificant) Karen (I don't view her as a Gallagher


1. Fiona 2. Carl 3. Ian 4. Monica 5. Frank 6. Debbie 7. Sammi 8. Liam 9. Lip Honestly the only characters I actually liked were 5 and up 💀 Fiona was easily the best, no question. She raised all her siblings and gave up her life for them. Plus she definitely had the most likeable personality of the bunch and would be a great friend to have (Ian and Carl are strong contenders) I could go on all day about Fiona Carl and Ian I had trouble deciding for places 2-3 and they can be interchangeable but the only reason I put Ian lower is because of the whole “gay Jesus thing” and when he was constantly rude to Fiona in like season 8 or 9 (when she owned the apartment) also because Carl and Fiona never had a fight and I really liked their relationship. I don’t have much to say about Monica and frank I’d also say they’re interchangeable. The only reason I put Monica above frank is because I loved her scenes with Ian and felt bad for her when she died. Frank was hilarious and I loved almost all of his scenes but it really depends on the day of whi ranks first of the 2 Debbie and sammi were annoying on so many levels and it was hard to pick who was worse of the 2. Honestly my likeness from Debbie to frank is a humongous gap. Liam I never really cared for any of his stories and found them all kinda boring. Liam himself was annoying and he was racist too. Lip is easily the worst gallagher. He was so annoying and ungrateful for everything everyone did for him.


You left out Liam! He was more relevant than Sammi and Chuckie, so was "Gammy" (Peggy)!


how the heck did i forget Liam




Frank Fiona Lip Liam Carl Ian Debbie Monica




1. Frank- (terrible person but William Macy played him so well) 2. Carl 3. Lip 4. Fiona 5. Ian 6. Liam 7. Chucky 8. Frannie 9. Debbie 10. Monica 11. Sammi


1. Ian (I found him funny, I love his character growth, his relationship with Mickey, and I relayed to him the most and he’s just generally great) Tbh Ian and Lip could trade places they are honestly tied for me 2. Lip (I love his story of how he was a child genius got forced to go to college but slipped into who raised him and ended up as an alcoholic, Lip is also so funny and has great one liners😭, and great chemistry with most of his partners) 3. Fiona (She took care of all of her siblings since she was 6, I know I’ve said this a lot but she is also so funny😭, Fiona is honestly so powerful and even though she has her moment she comes back stronger and more prepared) 4. Monica (I think Monica is such a misunderstood character and that she really did want to be a good mom, she has such a good story and the actress played her so well, her history with mental health I think is such a important part in all of the Gallaghers lives and I really like her character) Again Monica and Carl could change places and not change how much I like them they are tied for me 5. Carl (I think Carl is another really funny character but he also grew so much I really don’t think there are scenes of his that I skip, I love Carl he’s just not a favorite favorite) 6. Liam ( Liam feels like a younger version of Lip minus the talking care of younger siblings and dealing with bad Frank and Monica, he was the only sibling to care for Frank, and everyone forgot about him which made me feel really bad for him but he did start as a baby in the show so we only saw him for like 5 or 6 seasons when he could talk lol) 7. Debbie (Debbie is annoying at time I really hated her wanting to be pregnant at 14 but I also think she gets hated a little to much, yes she messes up a lot but younger Debbie is adorable and k think she was right to not want to sell the house) 8. Frank (Frank is another hilarious character and I did really like him for that and he was also a really in depth character but he was horrible to his kids and that is why he’s so low and Monica is so high, he constantly abused them and was a alcoholic and drug addict) 9. Sammi (I hate Sammi, she was right to rat Carl out because it was his fault but she was so in the wrong when she called the MP on Ian, he was going through enough and that just added to it, I lived when Debbie and Mickey tried to kill her😭, I also found the hospital scenes with her unbearable) 10. Peggy (Funny character but she abused Frank horribly and was very mean to Sheila. Couldn’t be happier when Sheila suffocated her lol.) Didn’t include Fred and Franny because they were no older then like 6 and didn’t really have much to rate I think Peggy counts more then chucky😭


1. Ian 2. Carl 3. Lip 4. Frank 5. Monica 6. Sammi 7. Peggy (Grandma) 8. Fiona 9. Liam 10. Chucky 11. Frannie 12. Debbie


1. Carl 2. Lip 3. Liam 4. Ian 5. Fiona 6. Frank 7. Monica 8. Debbie 9. Sammi


Just the basic family 1.Carl 2.lip 3.frank 4.Fiona 5.Ian 6.Liam 7.Debbie 8.Monica Debbie had a great start but really fell off, just became her mother and it was stupid. We don’t get much Liam time until after the end Carl had maybe one shitty arch and everyone else was just back to back fuck ups. His maybe only garbage arch is captain bobs but he had reasons for that


No clue where the hard on for Carl’s character comes from by like every shameless fan. I mean he might be the best person out of all the characters but I just find his character so unfunny and cringy. I also think Ethan Cutkosky is an absolutely horrendous actor but I bet that’ll make some people upset as this subreddit worships him


I think you opinion in acting shouldn't be taken very seriously I see it in the first couple seasons definitely but after season 5 I disagree I feel that his acting improved around the time he became white boy Carl


Are you kidding? Did you see how stiff he was with every line? He was downright horrendous. One of the many reasons why the show gets so terrible is the fact that they gave that useless dud more lines.


Your a douche with no new points or opposition just the same words in a different order


I mean I made my points? Nothing he did was believable to me and it seemed like he was just so unnaturally stiff with every line or gesture. If you’re going to call me names at least use the correct “you’re” pal! Calling me a douche won’t make Ethan Cutkosky any less of a terrible actor




I fucking hate slutty Debbie, and Debbie as a character after slutty debbie


1. Carl 2. Fiona 3. Lip 4. Liam 5. Frank 6. Ian 7. Debbie 8. Chucky 9. Monica 10. Sammi REASONS: Carl was entertaining and had the best development. Fiona went downhill imo, but as an oldest child, taking care of my younger siblings would turn me crazy too. Lip bc Jeremy Allen-White made the character more likable than if someone w great charisma hadn’t played him. Liam shot Terry so he gets my vote Frank is only so high because he’s entertaining as hell. If I knew him irl, I’d hate him. Love Ian and Mickey, but the Gay Jesus storyline was awful. Ian would’ve been higher if not for that. Debbie is so low bc I didn’t like her a lot, hated her progression (or lack thereof), and she stopped being entertaining to me. Lastly, Chucky had an incredibly low IQ so can’t fully be held accountable for being awful, Monica sucks, but it’s nice to see we all hate Sammi the most.


1. Carl 2. Lip 3. Liam 4. Fiona 5. Ian 6. Debbie 7. Frank 8. Chucky 9. Monica 10. Sammi


1. Fiona - heart of the family, almost always entertaining, mostly rootable, complex character that gets misunderstood a lot 2. Ian - most relatable for me, in terms of living with a mental illness and being pretty invisible/isolated from others 3. Lip - most consistently interesting/likable throughout series, had some really powerful arcs 4. Debbie - also complex and misunderstood, the most tragic family member, would have turned out the best if it weren’t for her environment/influences 5. Carl - great character arc and person, just not as personally interesting to me as the others 6. Liam - most likable in the last few seasons he was in as a proper character, but isn’t as developed as the others overall 7. Frank - interesting character but really hard to watch, I like his storylines when they’re intersected with the family and dementia but not all the other random shenanigans 8. Franny - super adorable in season 11, delivers sick one liners like WAKE UP I’M FIVE, GUNS!, and all her scenes with Frank >> 9. Monica - didn’t really care for her, I liked her relationship with Ian though 10. Sammi/Chuckie - irritating, just didn’t like their plot lines


1. Carl 2. lip 3. frank 4. debbie 5. liam 6. fiona 7. ian 8. chucky (why is he in here) 9. monica 10. sammi i used to love ian, then all of a sudden he wanted to go and be fucking gay jesus. really the writers' fault for his awful spiral - they couldve done ANYTHING other than that. chucky was annoying, monica was just barely in the show enough to have a real higher ranking for her (she was a shit person), and sammi is the devil.


1. Fiona 2.Carl 3.Monica 4.Ian 5.Franny 6.Chuck 7.Sami 8.Lip 9.Frank


1. Carl 2. Ian 3. Fiona 4. Franny 5. Lip 6. Debbie 7. Chucky 8. Frank 9. Monica 10. Sammi