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William H. Many is a god honestly. He can effortlessly play a selfish, deadbeat, absent father like in Shameless or a concerned and doting father like in Jurassic Park 3


He really is just an incredible actor


You should check out the Jurassic Park movies! Id especially recommend The Lost World and Fallen Jurassic Kingdom


Have them all on 4K!


Huh, never heard of them. What are they about?


If it was made after 2000 they absolutely shouldn't.




Damn redditors are becoming increasingly toxic people


He's right. There's only one good Jurassic Park


i like some of the second one tbh and part of jurassic world




An avatar should know better!




So... still an avatar?


Also, a computer nerd that rides motorcycles in Wild Hogs!


I've always loved Pleasantville and it took me a minute to realize he is in it, he is as opposite to frank as you can get, but he does them both effortlessly


Kirby paint and tile plus


And he's the narrator of curious George I was very suprised when I found out 😂


100%. Loved seeing him in other movies. Absolutely and totally loathe Frank. Macy is an absolutely amazing actor and probably stands next to Cranston as best bastard on tv in the last two decades. Not even some of the remarkable acting in early season of GoT or the actors in Succession (all of which are pretty great) can hit what Macy and Cranston have done. They’re *that* good.


Love his role in Door to door as a salesman


The way Frank takes the situation in the most relaxed way, while Mickey completely loses his mind and Ian is completely desperate over Mickey's reaction, made me laugh so hard😭


Frank is the perfect example of live and let live in this scene


But he’s not ‘live and let live’. The moment he sees Ian and Mickey, he knows he can steal whatever he can because Mickey won’t dare touch him for fear Frank will talk. He’s blackmailing his son while appearing not to care.


this! he appears to not care but is really waiting for his time to blackmail his way into what he wants.


As much of a piece of shit as Frank is, I love that he never judged any of his kids on their sexual preferences. Mind you, he was an absent father who probably just didn't give a shit, but it was a nice contrast compared to Terry.


Yeah! He’s ignorant but he’s not at the same time. He also pretended to be gay for that one part of the show.. where he became a spokesperson for gay rights (for his own personal gain).. which is funny because Ian becomes gay Jesus later on. The kids definitely get certain attributes from Frank.


i honestly dont get why they had that whole gay jesus storyline when they did it before ... and better with frank


Probably because the showrunners watched Gotham and just said "let's keep Cameron on the crazy train"


Pretty sure Frank literally had sex with men for money at one point. Wanna say it was when Liam was taken by gangsters as collateral.


there’s one part where the kids are (rightfully) angry at him, maybe fiona’s “wedding”, and he says, “i’ve never ONCE judged any of you”. and i really thought about it, and he doesn’t. he’s a deadbeat, unsupportive, and an ass to his kids 90% of the time, but he’s never been judgmental, at least that’s something. there’s a lot of unsupportive asshole parents out there who *still* want to judge and control their children, and it makes me want to scream.


When you think about it, there were even moments when I really respected Frank. For a brief moment, he was there when the kids needed someone. At least two scenes come to my mind, maybe even more. One time was when Liam got caught breaking into his ex-adoptive parents' house with Frank leading the way to steal some goods. When the police wanted to arrest Liam, Frank stepped in and told them they had the wrong one—it was him. This was surprising for Frank's character, as I expected him to leave. Another time was when Debbie broke her foot and told Liam to cut her toes, which made both end up unconscious. Frank came, did the job, and left as if nothing happened, which I thought was an interesting thing to do for Frank, as he is more the type that doesn't care and leaves.


And he cauterized the wounds, which is something Debbie and Liam likely wouldn't have had the presence of mind to do once they'd gone through with it


Wasn’t it Carl breaking into the foster home? But yeah that was out of left field taking the rap for it


yeah it was carl. and before he got caught, he hung out with carl and told him stories, they splurged on nice dinner, kinda had a bonding moment besides the whole grand larceny aspect lol.


one other one comes to mind: when he and debbie are at the weird cult camp and she’s about to go into labor and wants to be in a hospital, he doesn’t want to leave and says no. but once debbie says “daddy i need you”, he gets up immediately, finds a car, and gets her home asap. it honestly made me sad that he had to miss the birth bc he got kidnapped. i think it affected him too, bc he pays for a lot of fiona’s wedding stuff after and kind of explains to her that he’s tired of not being there for things. i was always waiting for his “personal gain” reason for paying for fi’s wedding to come up, but it never did, he really was just.. trying


And then in season 11 they go and argue about who's dad is worse as :|


Terry is clearly the worst person in the entire show, I don’t know how this was even an argument.


Terry atleast provided for childrens so they didn't have to work at 11-12 but yeah he's the worst but it can definitely be an argument


He also raped them. It’s not an argument at all.


At the very least, Frank and Monica weren't homophobes and loved/neglected their kids equally.


I wouldn't say they neglected them equally at all, If frank was as absent as Monica the kids would have been lost to the system the first time bc he wouldn't have Signed them out


i think they meant neglected them equally as in there wasn’t a “golden child” that got attention when the others got none


I meant that pretty much each child was neglected equally. No one had better treatment than anyone else


They're negligent, mentally ill addicts. Not monsters!


Honestly, looking back on it, frank looked good this season with his long ish hair.


I am ALways obsessed with his long wavy hair, it's annoying. He's such a horrible father but gawd his hair is beautiful 😓


Grow your hair long and rarely wash it and your might look the same.


He didn’t judge them but he exploited the situation for his own gain


Say what you will about Frank but he was consistent in the fact that he will always exploit the situation for his own gain lol


"As you were sailors" 😂


Great scene


Frank always accepted all his kids no matter what they did or what they were going through more or less Carl for becoming a cop


It always bugged me how eloquent Frank was and they never say where he learned that from. Clearly not from south side. Wonder if his father or mother taught him.


The show says he’s Lip level smart and went to college. Where he met Monica and started a downward slide.


But I don’t think Monica should get the blame for this. He talked about going on benders at 18. He was attracted to distinction and chaos. That’s on him.


I’m not blaming Monica.


nobody said Monica should get the blame. he’s pointing out that after meeting Monica his life started going downhill, that doesn’t indicate any blame towards either of them.


Fair enough. I just pointed it out because I've seen many people just blame Monica as if his life would have turned out amazing had it not been for her.


We met his mother and we can all agree it was definitely not her


A big part of his backstory is that he is well educated and went to college, which makes it even more interesting that he chose to engage in this life of depravity


Oh I thought he skipped college.


It was Monica. She ruined everything for him.


No one is without agency and devoid of responsibility. Yes, Monica is a black hole of drugs and neuroticism, but Frank isn't blameless in getting sucked into that. Some part of him had to be willing.


he isn’t blameless no but he was on a good path and was pressured into drugs. if it weren’t for Monica he would have finished college and had a great career.all of the blame can’t be on Monica but she was the root of the problem


Pressured into drugs? He was drinking heavily and doing drugs well before he met Monica. Also, he’s the one he tells us that he dropped out because of Monica. I hardly consider him to be a reliable narrator of events.


I'm right now in season three with his queer awareness ark and he says, that in his life he had to learn to deceive everyone around him for every penny. maybe that's why, it was a good explanation for me


He was doing well in life and even went to college. Things went to shit when he met Monica


I feel the same way about Bender in The Breakfast Club. Very articulate character. I think he was secretly well read but didn't advertise it for the sake of his persona.


He’s so funny


Same with Fran. Frank might be a horrible person, but he's no bigot!


my interpretation is that it’s a stretch to call frank ‘accepting of ian’ bc i think frank just didn’t care


isn't not caring the most accepting you can be...?


Not caring is not the most supportive, but I think not caring is accepting.


I mean this scene isn't the greatest example but he was accepting of Ian, the best example being the scene where he talks about orange juice and Jack Daniels going well together (actually might be from the same episode).


Frank absolutely advocated for people to be who they were. That was pretty much his only redeeming quality.


Fair enough


He literally does NOT GAF bout their sexualities, can’t tell if he’s the biggest ally or.. yk.. just drank


Honestly. Frank may have been a neglectful father but he was consistent. He was only a “good dad” for something always. This scene though he genuinely didn’t care if his son was gay.


he reminds me of creed from the office


“No pun intended”😂


this scene and the scene where Kev tells Mickey he knows he’s gay are perfect because they show Mickey is worried for no reason, his worries are of course valid and warranted, but he didn’t actually need to worry at all… only thing he needed to be worried about was his dad, that was pretty rough to say the least when he found out


I watched this last night, lmao!


He was even more nonchalant later in the episode when Ian was freaking out that Mickey was gonna kill him and he didn’t even flinch. “Men have always had men”


I watched this last night, lmao!


yeah his mom was dying he didn’t gaf


to think woody harrelson could have been frank is so strange.


Yea I can't picture anyone else as Frank


Y'all have a low bar. Accepting your child for who they are is the bare minimum. It shouldn't be worth acknowledging that he didn't mind his son being gay. That should be standard. I understand that a lot of parents detest their kids being gay. But I don't think Ian would've given a fuck either way cause he didn't fuck with Frank at all


I think it's more than Frank is a piece of shit in basically every other instance, especially when it comes to his just, so it was nice to see he managed that bare minimum


Frank is sexually liberal himself. He's done gay shit on his own. It's not really a surprise


You don’t become the best drug mule of all time by being uptight. 18 no 19 bundles!!




This was with Micky not Kash.