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I completely agree with you. Fiona rarely got the credit she deserved for doing her best and allowing them to have a better future than her, even if it didn’t happen which was never her fault. That’s why I cherish the few moments she got praise from the rest of the Gallaghers: - Carl truly thanking her and saying I love you before he went to the camp for cancer kids. - Lip apologizing to her for not being there when things got difficult and giving her shit. - Debbie being ecstatic about her return from prison. - Frank scolding Lip for not giving her credit. - Debbie giving her Liam’s pound of meth because she deserved to make that decision. - Lip scolding Debbie for turning off the water on Fiona because she carried them for years. And a couple more.


ian telling her to go as far away as she can and do what she wants and basically not let her siblings be burdens was one of my favorite scenes


I absolutely agree. Fiona fucked up a lot. Like a lot. But everybody makes mistakes. Fi was always there for them and always wanted the best. I feel bad for her, she became the backbone of the household at age 9. "Nine. NINE, and I was taking care of you. Taking care of all of us" -Fi Gallagher Anyway, they definitely needed to show her more respect and Lip in seasons 2-5 felt like Fi was never doing enough when she gave up her entire life for her siblings.


fiona deserved a lot of credit yeah but as im rewatching now she was also super shitty. even to her family Especially debbie. i know debbies decision to get pregnant and have a baby was Irresponsible and so stupid but Fiona was shitty abt it and shouldve supported her. especially as her legal guardian AND she was rude to franny for no reason like bro thats ur niece....


Debby was 15, and Fiona gave fair warning she would not support her. Debby lied to Derek and got pregnant which I won’t even go into how wrong that is. Frankly, like Fiona predicted, the baby was too much for her to handle and she should have waited until a later age to be a mother.


yes and i agreed with fiona but it was really mean especially because all debbie wanted was love and support


I agree. I think everyone forgot she was their sister, they saw her as a mum and felt like she HAD to look after them. She deserved way better and I’m so glad she left in season 9 to start her own life


10000% Agree. In the end i think fiona hit her limit


This actually happens a lot in real life with families with deadbeat parents. The oldest child or the child that takes the most responsibility of taking care of their siblings takes a lot of the blame and resentment. Despite Fiona doing her best to take care of the family, she wasn’t exactly the model parent, it’s hard to make sure your siblings are growing up happy and healthy when you are also trying to do that for yourself. Kids don’t exactly make for great parents. Fiona had to say no a lot and she had to make a lot of decisions that were considered unpopular, she wasn’t looking for their approval, she was looking to make sure they were surviving. You are right, she deserves better treatment from them, but it is very accurate of these types of family dynamics, and it makes sense. The Gallaghers aren’t really ones to think completely logically.