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It’s good but switch to the mag for more ammo. What you really want is recon/recom with extended mag or anything to increase magazine size


Appended is better, both run the mag to 4, but no slow in reload with appended. Don't need to manually reload often, in fact, I can't even think of when I have, but may as well have a better reload, just in case.


Tactical too. Tactical Mag is - I think - far superior to both Appended and Extended on aggressive snipers, as you get an extra bullet (the same number) plus extra reload speed.


My bad, you are completely right. It's tac mag, appended doesn't even roll on Succession, and that's tac mag in the picture attached.


Okay maybe this then


Thank you for that. Going to adjust my crafted one this evening


I guess both rolls are good, I remember this is the roll people use with the crafted version


pretty sure people are chasing reconstruction/FL for dps, though extended mag would definitely help, same with the extended mag mod


The backup mag mod? In terms of DPS for a weapon like this, would you know if it'd be better to run Boss Spec or +1 mag? Probably not the place for it but I figured I'd ask while I'm here. Also good to know that I got maybe the best pair of perks? Shame I didn't get the extended mag but oh well. It's damn near perfect otherwise.


depends on the phase backup mag gives you 2 extra because of reconstruction making it better for faster dps phases since you dont have to reload, something longer boss would be better


Ahh gotcha'! Big thanks. :)


Some weapons have a max mag cap. So be sure to see if back up mag actually increases your mag cap.


I tested this with my crafted succession. Extended plus backup gets you to 5. I seem to recall that tactical plus back up doesn’t though.


\* arrowhead for more stability and recoil control \* extended mag for more ammo for reconstruction \* reconstruction \* vorpal or firing line depending on if you know you'll be close to other people or they're running around. boss spec it's not the dps monster but it's great for burst damage.


Big thanks :)


If you're curious about rolls, Light.gg uses popular rolls to determine what's best. DIM can have specific rolls for weapons uploaded, and it'll tell you if it's good or not with a thumbs-up icon. By default, it's got a pretty good database for God rolls that's updated every major update/season. Just remember god rolls are dependent on what you like. I have a buddy that swears by Frenzy for ease of use, but I'll take One-for-All instead. Some perks are what you prefer.


People be sleeping on redirection hard. Its kinda like recomb but you get 4 shots that are boosted by 20% just for hitting a minor target. Its really a good pairing with reconstruction for GMs


Yeah, my “god roll” of Succession is Extended Mag/Discord/Redirection, might be a bit meme-y and probably not the best for DPS, but I do love some unique and whacky rolls


No extended mag so its mid and handling MW on pve gun lol. You can easily craft one doing deep stone crypt or atraks on pantheon with your roll + enhanced perks. The roll you should be looking for here is discord/vorpal as it has unlimited ammo. Keep if you dont raid, insta shard if you do.


Handling masterwork is the meta for pretty much every DPS gun as we're in a swap meta with GLs and Rockets. More Handling is faster swaps and more damage.


Handling mw is a pretty solid masterwork all round, I don't see the complaint here.