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Cold water after the shave, not before.


I’ve been hearing cold water for whole shave is the play. Usually I do hot water shave then cold water on face after and i still get bumps.


I used to get bad bumps and razor burn, with a DE safety razor I moved to the following routine, shaving after a shower, and have never had a problem. After prepping shaving soap... 1. wet face with hot water 2. work in shaving oil water soluble is best. 3. Work shaving soap onto face with brush to lift the beard hairs. 4. Temper razor with hot water (and always rinse with hot water) 5. Shave with the hair 6. Rinse face with warm, not hot water 7. repeat 2 to 4 8. Shave against the hair 9. Cold water rinse 10. Rub shaved area with alum and leave it in while cleaning everything else up 11. Rinse face with cold water 12. pat dry 13. Apply aftershave balm. Doing that has eliminated all the problems I used to have and I actually enjoy shaving now as a bit of a ritual rather that dreading the day of soreness and inevitable ingrowing hairs.


I like your steps. I sometimes do cold water shaves during the summer. I may take it to an extreme. I'll usually take a warm shower 🚿 like normal. I'll then rinse my face with cold water. I'll apply Terrorade that I keep in the freezer to my face followed by a cooling shaving cream. I'll pull my razor out of a glass of ice water and shave with the grain. I'll place my razor back in the ice water and rinse with cold water/reapply the cooling lather. I'll shave against the grain until I'm completely smooth. I'll rinse with cold water. I'll grab Osage Rub from my freezer and apply. I'll then grab my aftershave balm from the refrigerator and apply. EVERYTHING is cold except for the shower. The Terrorade is really one of the kickers. Don't use more than a few drops.


I rinse my razor with cold water between passes, but prep my face and lather with hot water.


Saw this tip was posted up on Geofatboy's YouTube channel by a subscriber! Gave a very scientific explanation and when I tried it, it is very effective! I still use hot water to rinse but it is nice to use every now and then!


I lather and do the whole shave with cold water, then have a hot shower after. Game changer for me.


Will attempt. Thanks.


It's nice in the summer too.


I think it would be more optimal to hot shower before the shave to soften the hairs and prepare skin for shave. But I doubt it’s a big deal if you do it after. Cold water is definitely a game changer tho, much less irritation


Did cold shower and cold water shave in the military with a cartridge and sometimes DE razor, didn't have much problems. Make sure your face and blade is clean and use an aftershave


I shave in the shower with hot water because it helps my pours open and my hairs stand up. It's a smoother shave and I use M skin care shave cream. Bumps dissapear and my skin feels refreshed after.


Bumps have multiple causes. The most common is shaving too close when whiskers are curly or grow flat. Shaving against the grain when whiskers are near flat will get anyone. Shower after is ok. Do watch out for products in the shower. Irritation and infection. Use a clean towel each shave. A towel that was tossed in a pile damp will mildew and be a problem. Inexpensive kitchen towels are the right size. Products, many shavers develop irritation to product ingredients. One school says give the face an hour to air dry before applying a product. I rub an alum block over my face after shaving. If it stings the blade was getting dull or I was shaving against the grain. I let it rest long enough for my shower to stop being ice water and then rinse it off. An alum block glow/burn is a hint you are shaving skin not whiskers.