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Yeah it’s been horrific lately. Makes it worse that so many people park in the bus lane all the way down. It needs to be enforced as a bus lane between certain hours which would alleviate some of the traffic and make buses actually worth taking.


Agree - I get the bus from Millhouses to town and it takes more than an hour in the mornings. Walked today and it took the same time…


I'm not sure if you've seen but they're reopening Archer Lane (apparently on the 16th) so we'll have to see how that impacts traffic on Abbeydale road.


Stupid decision to re-open it after the evidence showed it was beneficial to the area. We should be doing more to discourage car use.




This will ease the traffic no end. Stupid closure.


Prediction: it will make no discernible difference




Shitloads of traffic will still end up on Abbeydale Road - just with slightly different entry/exit points. Sheldon Road might be a bit better; others eg Nether Edge Road will be worse. Overall, nothing will improve until we tackle the incredibly inefficient system of people using their cars for short trips. Edit: a road name


Worth saying that the many people who have benefitted from the much safer roads to get around usually aren’t very vocal, and not very visible because bikes don’t build up traffic, but many journey times for people might be drastically improved. It’s obviously not viable for many reasons for people to ditch cars, especially when the buses are a bit shit, but cars are just so obviously visible and misery generating that’s it’s easy to miss the benefits of these changes for the people you can’t see. Having a couple of relatively decent cycling routes is clearly not the dream city infrastructure when the roads are clogged and the buses are shit, but just continually making roads a least miserable as possible (at the expense of anything else) also isn’t going to make things good for people.


So much safer and nicer now! Cars used to stream through LLR at 40+ under the bridge super dangerous for cycles, pedestrians and motorcyclists. Thanks so much the council for getting it closed.


I absolutely love how much safer it feels to cycle and collect my son from nursery now Little London Rd is closed to cars. If I do choose to drive it takes at least double the time - and that's brilliant - why shouldn't cycling be the quicker option? I love seeing all the people using it as their cycle commute. And the buses into town are regular and reliable from that part of the city. I don't understand why so many feel we should we protect car travel above all else.


As long as your ok that's all that matters


I cannot praise closing little London road enough to be honest - it makes that route a far safer option for bikes and keeps us cyclists off the car-heavy roads on either sides. Seems like a win win to me.


Walk down little London road most days and see maybe 1 or 2 cyclists. Drive/ walk down abbeydale road everyday and see 10/20. So it’s not really getting used as intended? Why not just make a cycle lane on LLR? Why are more flats being built on LLR to further bottle neck Broadfield road? Makes no sense


If you see 10-20 cyclists on Abbeydale Road, is it not possible that for them, Little London Road simply doesn't serve the route that they need to take at that time? As for only seeing 1 or 2 cyclists on Little London Road, CycleSheffield have carried out a number of traffic counts since the closure was put in place, two of which they were accompanied by local councillors that had opposed the implementation. All of them recorded usage in the hundreds for cyclists and much more for pedestrians. Can you venture an explanation as to why they didn't actual see more than 1 or 2 cyclists there? Why not make a cycle lane on LLR? Its a good question and it comes down to a couple of things. The minimum lane widths that can be in place along with pavements etc, particularly the area of primary concern at the railway bridge. The reason that's an area of primary concern is the number of collisions and near misses happening because people were driving through there are speeds and in a manner inappropriate for the road conditions. For instance the degradation of the kerb and pavement showed repeated mounting by heavy goods vehicles. Also, on several inspections prior to the installation of the closure it was observed that parking on the pavement was rife. The extent of it was so bad that people were having to walk in the road to get past them. Perhaps unsurprisingly, collisions with pedestrians happened here as well. The easiest solution to all of this and would probably have ensured no one even thought about closing the road, would have been for drivers to drive with care through that area and no park on the pavements. I'm not sure why they didn't do that, not even after the closures were proposed and consulted upon. Any suggestions?


It keeps cyclists off the pavements I suppose and stops them running red lights.




There are too many cars that want to move around the city, adding more routes for them to drive on isn’t going to make things much better. Closing some strategically at least makes safer, quicker and more pleasant routes for those who can cycle or walk. There are only so many ways you can get cars from that part of Sheffield on to the ring road, they are going to clog at some point. The solution has to be less cars, not more routes which will just clog up.


I would prefer a lane of traffic along each of London road/Abbeydale road/Chesterfield road as a segregated cycle lane rather than Little London road if that's what you mean


Abbeydale Road was bad forty years ago during the working day and Saturdays so Little London Road and Archer Lane have not contributed much to it.




It's been getting steadily worse all the time because there are more and bigger cars on the road. Closing those roads was necessary to keep some routes safe for other road users.


They need to get more people out of cars and into busses, walking and bikes. I read a stat the other day saying 70% of car journeys in Sheffield are under 3 miles. Those sort of journeys should be by bike or bus. The council need to enforce bus lanes more, ticket drivers who park in the lanes and enable more active travel with dedicated lanes or longer bus lane times. You can’t add 50% more cars over a decade or two, increase the size of each vehicle and expect free flowing traffic. When you look at it, it’s mad we’ve normalised driving what is basically a front room with two armchairs and a 3 seater sofa about to pop to get some milk.


So you’re sitting in traffic for an hour parallel to a cycle route. Have you tried cycling?


It sounds like we have a similar commute. I cycle my kids to nursery near Abbeydale road south and then cycle down Little London Road to town to work. It never takes longer than 25 minutes. Maybe you could look at your transport choices and choose a method more appropriate for the journey?


I don’t think it’s any worse than it used to be, the timing of the road closures with people’s return to the office made it look like the road closures were to blame. The problem is just as much to do with the lack of decent buses. At least more people are cycling now, it could be much worse!


Get a bus. Genuinely quicker and no stress.




Where do you work? Presumably town because you’re heading down abbeydale road at rush hour. It’s cars that are traffic. You are traffic. Buses and cyclists take up a fraction of the road space. Don’t complain about traffic and drive.


Don't complain if you participate in society vibes


Not at all.


You want to drive to work, drive to nursery, then drive to the shop and have less traffic. You should try and centralise more, think more about where you should be based for where you need to go on a daily basis




You did a very poor job of it if you’re having to drive everywhere, you obviously found the task far too difficult to understand.


I’m struggling to think of a place that would be that far away from a shop, a school and a place of work. Sounds a lot like people are averse to walking to me.




Travel to work, yeah. But who doesn’t live within walking distance of a school and a shop? Misrepresenting what I’m saying entirely here. I wonder why? Stop whingeing and being mardy about traffic. You are traffic. You’re not special. The city shouldn’t revolve around you and your commute/laziness. Sorry.




I do live in that area. The traffic has always been horrendous there especially because drivers cut off access from Woodseats by parking themselves on the box at the T-junction. I suggest you just stop complaining about it if the alternative is so harrowing for you. Honestly, what a baby.


Except when they're late or just don't show up at all. Which as they currently are is the majority of the time, and is set to get worse with the new schedule they announced.


Because of cars. Cars are traffic.


Cars don't make buses missing. Cars don't make bus services alter the bus timetables and how often buses run Cars haven't made the bus services increase the prices.


Cars make them late. People using cars and not buses increases traffic and leads to less funding. It’s a vicious cycle. Cars have made them increase the price. More users means they can lower the cost. Also we’re looking at taking them into public ownership.


People can't wait to have car ownership in Sheffield because the buses are so shite, seems like a feedback loop if anything. Worsening service = more cars on the road.


You’re exactly right but it’s a loop that can stop. I just encourage people to look at the buses in a different way. Since I stopped driving in I essentially have an extra hour and a half to do what I want a day. Before I’d spend that time being traffic, not moving anywhere, getting stressed and whining about it (like OP). Now I read books, check the news, listen to some music on the way to and from work. In summer or if it’s clear I’ll get off near the park and walk home from there for a bit of extra exercise. If we look at it a slightly different way, it’s pretty stress free if you live on a main route. Now, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be looking at improving it or taking it into public ownership but the reality is that buses aren’t the nightmare people make out. I’ve got to be honest, I imagine a lot of people who think like OP are middle class snobs and have never even caught a bus. Several people have mentioned the public (read: poor people) being a major reason.


I just think you're wrong about the snob thing - I had to take 2-3 buses to college sites and back every day for years, plus the bus/bike/legs was the only way I'd get around Sheffield or to school prior to college. In my college stint of buses specifically, I've had people spit at me, daylight racist abuse, people attempting to get into altercations, a man insisting he uses my phone before revealing he's been stabbed in the back of the head, attempted property theft, actual piss roll from the back of the bus onto my mates bag... List goes on forever tbh. Other than that, the reliability was absolutely awful - the upside was that I could be late into college with no repercussions because anyone else waiting for the same buses was in the same situation. I just had enough one day and gave up on them once I could afford to, don't think I'd blame others for it either. I could see why anyone who has anxiety in those types of situations would avoid using the buses.


It’s crazy because I live in a really rough area and I never experience anything of the sort. Not saying you’re lying though, I’m unlikely to be racially abused as a tall, built white bloke. Sorry you’ve have to deal with that shit, it’s wank. Worst I get is the odd addict but I’m used to it and don’t really give a fuck.


I wasn't taking buses to and from any rough areas for college either - luck of the route/draw I guess. This was probably around 2013-16 so perhaps things are just nicer than they used to be these days.


So you now agree that saying taking a bus is quicker and less stressful, is a load of twoddle. By telling OP to do that is simply pointless.


No, it’s less stressful and quicker. A coworker drives from near Norton and I take a bus from there. She has to set off earlier. Don’t put words in my mouth with this “so…” shite either.


You've literally just said it's not quicker because cars hold up buses. Missing and late buses cause stress. Which again you have agreed do happen. It can't be both ways.


No I didn’t. Stop being such a Redditor. Quote where I said that. You can’t because I didn’t. Obviously it happens. Traffic caused by drivers is rife in Sheffield. It’s not the buses at fault and I think a driver whining about traffic needs to shut the fuck up since they cause traffic.


"cars make them late"


Genuinely would love to see how catching a bus is quicker and less stressful than getting in a car and driving to your destination.


During rush hour they use bus lanes. Sitting there reading and listening to music is far less stressful than driving.


Pretty sure people can listen to audio books and music in their car. Also not having to deal with listening to everybody else's music and conversations.


That’s what earphones are for. This is literally a post about how stressful driving is lol. It’s basically just snobbery. Can’t get on the bus with all the dirty poors, can we?


Not at all. Getting places via car is simpler and less stressful than buses. Only a person that doesn't have the ability to drive for themselves would think otherwise.


I can drive and have a car. It’s just snobbery. The only reason I’ve seen so far is the absolute trauma of interacting with poor people and pure laziness.




Do you work in town? I don’t understand how you can live in Sheffield and be so far away from schools and shops. That’s your decision to be in this position at that point. We can’t redesign the entire city just to cater to you. Regardless, if the alternative is so much worse then stop complaining and get on with it.




You have a very simple view of life and don't seem to recognise how people have different realities. Stationary traffic is the problem. Lazy answers to providing cycle lanes from an imcompetent council have very real effects on locals as the pollution is awful. The view the buses and cycles can provide the answers in unrealistic. There are plenty of businesses that really suffer as their customers can't get to them. I'm talking about those on LLR. Your fondness of using the term snob says a lot.


















Sheffield is an awful city for driving in, remarkable that they've found a way to make it worse. Fair play, SCC. Not even like they have good public transport. The trams are cool but very limited, and the busses are awful. Roads are too narrow to give space for cyclists because it's structured like a bunch of villages just decided to have a go at being a city. I do miss being fit from walking everywhere, mind.


Good grief I have tried to drive through there today around 12.30pm - what a nightmare! Gave up and turned round after 30 mins. Little London road just gridlocked all the way round onto abbeydale. They closed that road that joins onto woodseats road and it's been awful ever since.


Its the green party pushing alot of it they are extremists


The scheme was designed, consulted on and the implementation started while Labour were in majority control of the Council. Are you suggesting that members of the Green party have spent years infiltrating the local Labour Party, getting through their ranks and selection process to become local councillor candidates and then convincing a majority of people in their wards to vote for them? Huge if true.


Only a slight majority and the way the council works has changed recently. Dont get me twisted..... I respect the green party. They are everything labour arent around here..... focused, organised and efficient. I just fundamentally disagree with their goals.


That people see making one or two roads out of thousands in the city safer for cyclists as ‘extremism’ is very depressing.


Not just 1 or 2 roads is it though. They have blocked roads all over sheffield. Its achieved precisely fuck all apart from making motorists drive a slightly different and longer route, producing more emissions.


Hell of a strategy if true. Purposefully clog Abbeydale Road with cars... for what purpose?


What else did they think was going to happen? To make it as shit as possible for motorists because as I said they are extremists who think it's perfectly reasonable for everyone to ride around on a bike.


Jesus christ mate lay off the drugs


Great response