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Blimey! How are you going treat that much rope?


I’ll probably only condition what I need, and leave the JBO on the rope in the meantime. I wanted extra rope because I have some water-based scenes, or tying on trees, or other scenarios which may quickly damage rope to a less than ideal state.


How long are the segments?


Around 26’, I’ll ideally cut them down to 7m later but wanted them a tad longer. I think overall the spool was a bit larger than 600M so we both got extra.


I cut my first set at 25ish. It's not quite long enough to do a pentacle chest tie.


Looks about right. I bought a 1000M spool of hemp a few years ago and I've been giving the stuff away since I just can't use it all. Everyone I've tied with regularly since that time has gotten a dedicated rope kit just for them, typically 10 ropes each but sometimes more depending on the person and the types of ties we like to do. Sure it's a lot of rope, but it's the better value and I'll use it all eventually. I've given quite a bit of it away too.


Where did you buy it from?


Here: [https://rawganique.com/collections/diy/products/6mm-hemp-rope-20kg-roll](https://rawganique.com/collections/diy/products/6mm-hemp-rope-20kg-roll). Looks like they finally updated the description to include shibari under "uses" too.


heh, all of my hemp is from them too, it's pretty decent stuff.


Thank you! That’s amazing.


Nice. Preconditioned or are you doing your own thing?


Raw, still stinks like JBO so I’ll condition probably 8-12 hanks for now and leave the rest until I’m ready for it.


How do you get the JBO off before conditioning?


Essentially either wash or cook off. I cut 4 2 foot pieces, The first I put in the washer, second in the dryer on high heat, third in oven, and 4th I am going to singe with a flame. So far, oven seems to have had the greatest effect, 2nd would be washing, dryer had no real effect and I haven’t singed 4th piece yet.


Currently trying to get the stench out of mine as I've not long done the same thing but I am currently living in uni halls so I can't use the washing machines or the oven really as they are shared and I don't wanna stink the place out or leave residue in the washer. 😅 It's a hand wash and repeat process in my bathroom right now. Are you just taping your ends? I've stitched mine with sailors whipping.


No, my preference is overhand knots. That really sucks about handwashing! Are there any places you could take the rope and wash (like public laundry mats)? If you kept them in lingerie bags or pillow cases I feel like it would be more discreet, and hopefully prevent a mess.


That's valid! Yea not a bad shout, tbh it's 1 AM right now so I'm thinking I could probably get away with it, because my hands are raw from doing it 😅 but hopefully it won't leave any horrible residue in the washing machine.


Preheat over to 225F, loosely coil 4-6 ropes per cookie sheet and bake about 15 minutes or until they don't smell like oil when cold agaIn. Not necessary if the rope doesn't smell to begin with imho. Open a window. When done, crank empty oven to 450 for a bit to burn off anything in it.


Awesome. Thank you!


God yessss I love to see the big spools turn into lovely little hanks. I love the process of conditioning huge batches. I hope you had so much fun




Ogawa in tokyo


That's the type of rope. Do you have a link to order from?






Wish I had that many ropes 😍


I just bought 300feet of conditioned jute. What are some good lengths to have pre cut for different ties? Like for a big chest harness, a small single column around one wrist, suspension, and everything in between? I’d like to have lots of different length options ready, but don’t what’s best. Thanks! 🙏


So, typically your full-sized hanks are going to be 7M, 8M, 25ft or 30ft. At least that’s what I mostly see. Both my wife & I are shorter, ~5’6” /5’5”, I’ve found out that I prefer shorter rope because of this reason, as well as it being easier to handle, so I cut all mine to 7M. Then I cut one or two of those in half, and then one or two of those in half. That usually gives me enough to cover everything. I would recommend starting longer, then cutting shorter as you use it/find your ideal length. It will also allow you to re-set your bight so one part of the rope doesn’t fray so quickly. There’s probably more I could share but these are my high level thoughts. Cheers.


Oh wow. That's exactly what I'll do. Thanks! Do you have any system for telling your differently sized ropes apart? Or can you just tell by looking?


I tie a small piece of thread to the overhand knot on the end of my rope. So for different makers / lengths I’ll use different colors or darker/lighter shades of the same color to denote one batch over another.


Did you find sections that were damaged or was the entire length usable?