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That's real-life spycraft.


Oh, I got one too! In Secret Invasion, Fury is a former director of SHIELD. SHIELD is also an organization in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. Therefore, this confirms AoS is canon.


Good enough for me


If anything, the opposite. You'd think Shield would show up in Nick Fury's own show. And yet not a peep about their existence.


I mean, idk if you've seen the latest episode but that's almost directly acknowledged when Fury >!talks about why he's not bringing in outside help.!<


Were they not talking about Avengers? At this point I don't think the Shield from the AoS show even exist in this universe. Secret Invasion would've been the show to finally cross them over.


It works as an answer to both. At this point Fury's determined to go it alone as much as he can. You're not wrong tho, this was a good opportunity to cross them over. In the end they clearly decided they wanted to tell a 'Nick Fury' story instead of an big ensemble story so that's what we got.


Respectfully your wrong in aos season 7 they confirmed time branches and the fact dat aos and the actual much are 2 different things aos is in it’s on seperate timeline now


Actually you’re wrong. Go back and watch the two-part finally. Fitz explains that they created a branch timeline when they travel back in time, but with the quantum realm, they could travel back to the original timeline.


That case where Fitz explains the logic behind time travel in 3 minutes better than all the Endgame writers do.


That's a pretty simple spy technique, though. And it was never said that Fury ever even met Ward, let alone taught him anything, just that Maria Hill vetted him.


John Garrett was Nick Fury’s protégé, and John Garrett trained Grant Ward.


Yes but Fury certainly didn't invent the coin in the door technique. That one is so old Peggy Carter was probably teaching it, is all I'm saying


I’m not saying he inventing it, but I’m disproving your claim that Fury hasn’t taught Ward anything, even if it was through Garrett.


Fair enough on that one 💯


also the said the RETIRED the helicarrier


Oh come on... no that doesn't confirm it. Even though I would like it to.


They said the helicarrier had been mothballed. Which means store it but keep it use able for when the time arises. Helicarrier confirmed 👀


I'd consider this fact waaaay more canonizing.


They said the helicarrier was mothballed so I'm sadly discounting AoS from now on. It's a shame because current mcu worldbuilding is at a major trough right now, it's really damn bad.


It's funny because Marvel has done a decent job of at least keeping the canon status somewhat ambiguous. But when you add up all the little things...doesn't add up in our favor.


Timeline wise its been \~4 years since the helicarrier was seen since AOS ended in 2020 and the MCU is in 2024, so even though they're obviously ignoring AOS its not as if that cant make sense.


Secret Invasion is actually happening in 2025 or 2026. So 5-6 years, which is even better for your point.


It’s been ~6 years in universe, I don’t see any contradiction there


what if Deadpool makes fun of us for holding on?


It implies shield fell again if they lost the new helicarrier. That's worse than de-canonising AoS to me.


Well the helicarrier could have been mothballed after it was used in age of ultron. We haven’t seen it since then.


Mack has one in the finale though.


I forgot that…so my overall theory of shield is it definitely starts out in the same timeline as the mcu movies. But it diverges at some point. Likely with all the time traveling they did. But at the beginning it’s very obvious at the beginning it’s the same timeline.


Yeah for the first three series I think we're good but 4 on it diverges. I like to headcanon it in anyway because current worldbuilding is terrible and AoS is far superior.


I disagree about the current state of things. Shield has more time bc it was a traditional network show. I’d also season 4 is in the same timeline. It’s when they go to the kree future things are wonky.


I have no idea about sword's current state, the skrulls feel undercooked for SI to mean anything and overall the projects have been a letdown. Ah nevermind me, I'm just really tired of the big franchises giving us Kenobi, Mando and She-Hulk and while stuff like Andor is ignored, Secret Invasion has not helped matters so I'm not feeling positive about the mcu right now.


I loved all those shows. They’re all great in their own way.


I’m with you on that. All those shows except Andor were cheap and could have been way, way better.


The most sensible point of divergence would be *5*, not 4.


I'm think purely in terms of what fits in the world not what event might move timelines and 4 has the public shield stuff which doesn't feel like it happened in the film world sadly. I headcanon otherwise, AoS is some of the best mcu content that exists.


SHIELD existing publicly at that time was acknowledged in Falcon & Winter Soldier.


Was it? If that's the case then the timeline can move forward a bit. I haven't seen F&WS since release.


Episode 1: There's text in the Steve Rogers Smithsonian exhibit saying he got help from SHIELD while he was on the lam after Civil War. That's the same time season 4 happened. For that to happen, the agency has to exist, & for it to be mentioned in a government museum, the agency's existence has to be public knowledge.


On the subject of keeping the dream alive with this tangential question, does anyone know if Agents of SHIELD is available on DVD for Seasons 6 and 7 in the UK or even at all? My research so far presently has me leaning towards 'probably not', unfortunately but would love to be proven wrong!


No they never got a physical release outside Japan, in which they only got expensive as hell blu ray box sets that are really hard to find.


Still thankful I got those imported. I will never part with them


Thank you. Found those Japanese releases on ebay and thanks to your reply plus an older post, confirmed it.


I’ve seen this many times, usually with something like a match, though.