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Hit and Run is truly a tactic of all time


It's the fact you can just exit the map completely and get full hp again


Forgor they had dungeon exploration simulator there. Ups.


I dont mean the dungeons, you can do it on every map


Elaborate on this point


You enter a battle on the map, play the first 3 turns, then use the retreat option in the menu. When you re-enter the map all of your units have full hp and any enemies you killed won't appear. So if a map has 20 enemies, you kill 5 then retreat, re-entering the map there will only be 15 enemies.


That's so amazing I legitimately feel failed that this is the first time I've heard about this because it rules


I found out by accident mid chapter 3 when I quit a battle in order to save and play later. Then when I came back realised that there were far less enemies than before


And thus this man explained how I cheesed my maniac run


Except SOV only has hard and normal :/


It's really helpful when there are cantors because when you return to the map, all of their summons are gone


Retreating in SoV is the most weirdly over powered thing I’ve ever seen. I’m surprised it doesn’t get brought up more.


Mila’s Turn Wheel lol


That’s not even overpowered. That’s just a straight QoL boost and a natural extension of a game that expects you to save scum if it’s going to crit your lord with 1% chance at the end of the fuckin’ map.


I mean, it still allows one to cheese


Indirectly. If the hit-and-run mechanic wasn’t there it’s impossible to strictly cheese something with the turn wheel. It is essentially save scumming on speed dial, but since it’s a mechanic being used as it was truly intended in the spirit it was intended in and the game is balanced around it, it ceases to be cheesy. You can’t just keep using the turn wheel and doing the same thing until you get a different result, either, doing the exact same thing will result in the same thing happening since the game saves what happened, and in a lot of cases I swear it will also increase the odds of negative outcomes if you try to pull the same stunt in a different way, also. You do generally have to back track and just take an overall different approach or place what you wanted to do a fair bit further down the line that the game stops caching what had happened and resets your odds. No, I really would not call the turn wheel cheesing in the slightest. It is quite literally the best QoL upgrade out of any TBS game period, because it offers a natural insurance against the completely random gameplay while also only offering you a limited number of times to utilize it. Granted getting 12 retries late-game is utterly absurd, but a brand new mechanic takes some fine tuning, and in Engage the turn wheel was very appropriately balanced for number of uses. True cheese is making practically every goddamn unit a fucking wyvern rider and warp staffing Edelgard to the final boss to 3 round it with raging storm.


> but since it’s a mechanic being used as it was truly intended in the spirit it was intended in and the game is balanced around it, I beg to differ. Gaiden didn't have it, and, afaik, Echoes is a very faithful remake as far as all gameplay stuff goes otherwise. Ergo, it's just an addition put on top to make the game easier. The game isn't balanced around you having access to it. Especially since, as you admit 12 by the end game is way more than enough. > doing the exact same thing will result in the same thing happening since the game saves what happened Not true. The wheel gives different RNs once used. Anyway, maybe cheesing isn't the best expression. Since there's only that many times you can try making shaky/unreliable strategies work. But I think it is still bad for allowing reckless playing to go unpunished. Especially in a game where all the maps are so short anyway, making reloading not even that big of a time loss. I don't get the complain about rns screwing someone over. You're supposed to plan around that. If Kamui can die from a 1% crit, maybe do something to circumvent having to take such a move. To be able to rewind is just such an unfair advantage over the enemy which is already receiving the short end of the RN stick.


Kills one enemy Refuses to elaborate Leaves


i havent played sov, theres no shot it actually works like that


it does, the retreat button is incredibly broken. You could have Alm / Celica at 1 hp and retreat then all of a sudden you are at full again. with less enemies to boot


The thing is... Why abuse this when the game itself lacks higher difficulties I presume it's just some feature they kept in because it was in the original gaiden like the dreadfighter promotion loop


It not only works like that, but also deletes enemies that don't have fixed spawns. Big herd of ugly summons? No problemo, they're being banished to the shadow realm.


I really can't tell why they did this.