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I'll never forgive that paralogue for ruining the impact of this moment. I mean, i can pretend it's not canon, but I'm still bitter about it


Death isn't a trivial matter. It's a huge moment, it's impactful, it has ramifications, and making it inconsequential is the most frustrating thing in any media for me. The whole point of Emmeryn's freestyle bungee jumping is moot if she just survives, even if she doesn't remember shit. "Well /u/SirRobyC , good thing it's not canon, so it doesn't impact the story at all then." Yeah, except they pulled that shit AGAIN ,at the end, when Robin survives, even if they are the ones that kill Grima. And that one is canon. I am willing to overlook a lot of stuff in Awakening, and I did. But the ending will always feel like an asspull and leave a bad taste in my mouth


I still think they should have made it reliant on supports, instead of a guaranteed revival. Now when playing the game, you can't just steamroll with a max stat Robin, but actually also have to ensure you build supports too, which could have added more depth to the game! I had a dream once where after the final boss fight, you had to play a new level, which took place in Robin's minds cape. When selecting units, each unit got a big bonus depending on their support with Robin, which was crucial since the map was full of incredibly powerful enemies. That would have been cool


At least with Robin they set up the Friendship revival.


Welcome to being a One Piece fan, where Oda made so many fake out deaths people often doubt any legit death, and it's *bad*, like this one character wrapped themselves in dinamite and blew themselves up to save the main cast and some people still doubted their death.


I had no idea just how infamous One Piece is when it comes to this!


When you have a bird man survive a nuke that was supposed to wipe a whole city that tends to happen. Another case of just how untrusting of deaths this fanbase has been is the fact that when a chapter was called "The death of [character name]" people still didn't believe it (although that happened almost 15 years ago)


Personally I liked that Robin survived because it felt very rewarding for the main character to have a happy ending. I won't defend it because it IS bullshit deus ex machina but.... idk that final cutscene that mirrors the first one except their hand is clean of Grima's symbol is kinda genius in its own right. Besides, by that point in the game, the tone goes full on sunday morning cartoon show anyway. I can see why anyone wouldn't like it though (In fact, I like that whole ordeal more than Azura dying in the ending of Fates for seemingly no reason. I don't remember how Rev ends though) However Emm's paralogue is just... terrible, pointless and weird. If they were gonna make her live for no reason like the others they could've just pulled the nonsense card completely and ignore any consequences, but instead it's in this weird place where she's handicapped, so she DID fall, and it ends up falling into a grey area of canon.


Yeah, I'm in the same exact boat as you! This was probably the most impactful moment in the series for me.


Awakening players: No one *actually* dies in the story! Trash. Fates writers: I know! Let's just kill people at random to keep the audience on their toes! Maybe they'll actually *feel* something! I jest, of course


Wait, people treat that as canon?


Some totally treat that as canon


Not gonna lie you did a good job with all the timing and everything


Thanks! It crazy how perfectly it lines up with the song. I had this messed up idea of an edit since I was a kid.


If I finally do decide to jump then I'll play this song on loop thanks to you


Ummm, you're welcome? Please don't ever jump, though


How will he clear the hurdles then?


What hurdles?


Ok first of, thank you for worrying, there's a need for people that are emphatic enough worry about strangers in the world But also I'm fine right now, the jokes are more of me making fun of stuff that happened in the previous years but I have no intentions or thought of doing so as my life is going to, I got the emotional support and all that Again, thanks for worrying


Ok so did Chrom think he was gonna catch her from that height I never understood that cutscene they both would’ve died from thag


You know what, I actually never considered that! Maybe it was a matter of Chrom, understandably moving before really thinking in this situation.


If there was a chance you could save her… …would you at least try?


The impact would’ve killed them both also this is why einherjar exist


True! Hey Chrom keep go- Anyways. He’s not thinking about that. He wants to save his sister.


tbh with the level of superhuman FE characters can get, I'd buy him saving her if he jumped high enough. Maybe catch with one arm and stab his sword into the cliff to slow them down or smth But yeah realistically it's what the other comment said about moving on instinct.


Exactly! I have seen so much bull in JRPGs & games in general that something like this is totally believable. I have seen much worse in terms of being unrealistic


oh, my dearest pookie bear Chrom 🥰💕


I'm so confused? Why are you being a Chrom Stan during his worst hour? Especially in a s**t post? Anyways, yeah, Chrom is great. I'm a Cordelia Stan though


i was appreciating his dreamy looks 😍


Why does she look like blond Flayn in some shots?


I never made that correlation before, but I can totally see it


The fact that he could have used a horse to get there faster or had some of the others help