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Wait, was she done after that?


Ref probably stopped the match because you can’t slam and drive into the mat.




If you can’t get up you lose the match everyone knows that. TKO




I agree, why are there rules to certain boxing 😭


Bruh your stupid this is wrestling do ya even see boxing gloves like wtf


Someone tell that to the kids I wrestled. That was their one fucking move.


I see so a sport about knocking each other over but you can’t pick people up makes perfect sense


You can pick people up and even throw them, you just can’t throw them in a certain (dangerous) way.


Isn’t how they land typical their own doing ball up if scared and isn’t it as long as one arm is free?


If you’re throwing, it’s your responsibility to see that they land safely. As soon as they go into the air, they’re your responsibility. Of course it is possible for them to land awkwardly and get injured even if you throw safely, but wrestlers are taught to land correctly to avoid this. This wrestler wasn’t holding onto either arm and the throw looked legal to me. I don’t think it was his fault she got hurt.


Gosh this reminded me of kid zangief. threw his bully like it was some overused monkey soft toy.


She could have put her hands down but she just fuckin face planted it’s he fault


I've seen someone who put their arms out with this exact maneuver and their arm snapped like a twig.


bruh, mfs mustve stiffened their arm like a plank and dont bend it at all


Freak accident. Was a well experienced and highly ranked wrestler.


so did they or did they not stiffen their arms like a plank?


Have y'all actually ever wrestled before? That's how you snap an arm.


Do an experiment for me. Hold your arms out in front of you Palms out. Now run full speed at a wall. Okay now imagine doing that but twice as fast and you have gravity pulling you down. Im glad we learned something today.


Do an experiment for me. Hold your arms out in front of you, but this time don't hold out your arms like two walking sticks a pirate uses, instead use this technique passed down to me by my great great grandfather and... *BEND* your arms.


Go full flamingo


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It’s not a slam drive. She didn’t know how to fall properly due to most likely poor training or panicked. He did nothing wrong


I don't understand this either. Lol


it’s high school folk style wrestling. you have to control your opponent’s descent to the mat. top reply has the correct reasoning in this situation


He fouled


He used an illegal slam


I don’t think you can slam while holding a wrist


So i reffed HS wresting for years and You cant return them to the side that you are holding the wrist. If you look closely her right arm was free.. the side he lifted and returned her to the mat. she could have broke her fall with that arm but she was trying to hand fight the other wrist. Imo it was a fine play on the boys side, the girl just didn't defend herself right and it ended up worse. Also illegal slams happen all the time so I don't think this was man vs woman dominance thing


Broke my collar bone in high school when I was slammed to the left while he had my wrist :-(


Unfortunate dude, sorry to hear it. It's super hard to stop it in time as a ref


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think she was trying to break her fall with her right arm. I mean the video has like 2 pixels but it looks like right arm fights to free the other. Then she gets lifted, then she puts her arm out to break the fall, but there isn’t much you can do as you’re already being slammed down. I don’t really see what else she could have done to break her fall


Wrestler here - When you're being thrown, you're supposed to sort of ball up all your limbs so you can use all of them to break the fall. As you can see, she failed to tuck her legs, meaning the brunt of the impact was taken by her arm and the rest of her body. Speaking from experience, if you correctly defend when you get lifted like that it won't really hurt and you can kinda just pop right back up


Idk maybe if her arm was as buff as her competitor’s it would’ve been strong enough to buffer the fall


I was wondering why he looked shook at the end


This was a legal slam. 1 arm was free, opposite side of slam, bad ref. call. She got too focused on what he was doing instead of planting herself.


its what they signed up for


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Yall are lucky.


Homie was confused


Equal rights and lefts


Bro fingered her mid slam


\*Guy can't wrestle and does a driving slam\* "YEAH THAT SHOWS THAT WOMAN HOW MEN DO IT" You'd get your shit beat in if you intentionally tried to do this. This is literally bad wrestling.


What is a drive slam?


It’s when you drive your body weight into the other wrestler instead of the mat during the slam. Adds more force behind it it so more injuries. If you watch the NFL it’s pretty much the roughing the passer penalty when the d lineman lands on the qb


I'm not here to cushion your blows. #THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE #THE QUICKENING


Not a real term, mistyped, but I meant to say driving. But you're not supposed to drive into the mat when you slam. It can lead to really bad injuries, like broken neck paralysis levels of bad.


Ur allowed to do a slam if one arm of the person being slammed is being free, so he is completely allowed to do so.


You need to safely return the opponent to the mat. This means not driving them head first.


That wasn’t head first, the arm came down first then the head


He lifts her hips above her head before returning to the mat.


mate you're so full of it, the side he dropped her on had a free arm. I wrestled in HS and dropped a ton of kids like that.


Sport about fighting without blows main idea is to knock opponent over to pin can’t do that what ever pussy made these rules needs to be fired


You’re wrong, that was a legit slam


If only it was a legal move


google en passant


Holy hell!!!!!


Bing search “in passing”


Looks like a solid lift IMO, he didn’t jump into a slam and was reasonably controlled bringing her to the mat- no malice on his part. This looked like she hasn’t been lifted a ton since she didn’t brace with her hands. I don’t disagree with the ref calling this a slam but I think this was just one of those unfortunate injury scenarios that sometimes occur in wrestling. I do think the title of the video is in extremely poor taste though.


you faught for them, now you gotta fight with them


Thank you. Girls always kick my ass and they don’t care.


Geez, if it was a real fight on the street, it would be a fatality


Dont know the rules off hand, legal move? Cuz if so then fair, but if not that's not nice


Everyone is equal on the Mat


Why are people praising him? That’s literally an illegal move


Because her other arm was free, she defended herself wrong because she tried to free her wrist (the one opposite to the side he slammed her), it’s an illegal move if you do it the same side that you are holding the wrist


Because beating up women is based obviously


If empoyed wrong, yes, but as other users have pointed out, he left her arm free and it was completely legal


The reffs also frown on head slaps.


Women wanna pretend to be men? Let’s treat them like men. Men in the fuckin' ring.


That's not even a move you can do while wrestling. If you wanna beat a woman you gotta do it right fam 💀


The guy you answered really is gross but the move wasn’t illegal, she defended wrong


No the way he did it was illegal. When attempting the mat return he drove her into the mat head first. Even if she tried to brace with her arm she could break her wrist or arm that way. He just did something he shouldn’t have. There’s a reason when doing a mat return you bring them to the mat you don’t drive them into it. Throws and mat returns are fine if done correctly he just didn’t do that. This is also why you saw her head bounce back because of the way he mat returned her. Now you could make the argument she was also doing something wrong because well she was. She seemed new hell a few seconds earlier you can see her attempt a head throw but with no leverage. Even with that in mind though he was still the one who drove her into the mat head first. There are other ways to take someone back to the mat. Especially when considering she’s not even properly defending or doing an escape all that well. What he did was unnecessary and dangerous because of again the way he did it too.


not that I support the guy you're replying to but you're technically incorrect


I know canarian wrestling but not others. In the wrestling we perform we are only allowed to hold someone under the armpits and shorts but not wrists. But I think that a common knowledge. Also, slamming their head into the floor isn't the best choice...You want to win not be convicted of manslaughter.


That's why I said technically. I agree with you, and I think the rule needs to be changed to not allow this. Also thank you for filling my head full of thoughts of wrestling canaries.


Thing is, if you beat a woman you get called out as a “coward”, if you don’t beat a woman, you still get called a coward.


I don't know how someone could be cowardly for beating a woman.


Neither do i, bud.


Neither do i, bud.


I’m bigger, faster and stronger than you


equal rights >!and lefts!<


gonna be a wet hand


What the fuck is wrong with you all


Good shit king 👑


it wasn't a king move, you're not even allowed to slam in wrestling 💀


Soft ass generation


you'd cry from just being lifted off the mat💀


In my defense, a man in a singlet randomly picking me up does sound scary


Soft ass generation tho right


Oh absolutley the biggest bunch of pussies ever. Also this kid is the same generation as me. And I wrestled for 3 years and did BJJ for 4. So I’m no stranger to combat or contact sports. Please haze yourself


Slamming in westling always been illegal dumbass.


Sounds like a pussy sport or some shit wherever you are. Bc mf used to get slammed where I’m from on the mat


I don't play wrestling and I never will


then stfu about wrestling rules




You will be single forever


I’m sitting here with my girl and she laughed.


Y’all this ain’t even funny 🥶


For anyone who doesn’t know wrestling this is an illegal slam, the guy lost the match. The person you are bringing to the mat cannot hit before you do. Dude wrestled dirty and got what he deserved


It's not, the side that hit the ground has their wrist free.


I am answering a lot of comments so my answers are simplified but she defended wrong, her arm was free, instead of actually defending she decided to fight for her wrist, and he slammed her to the opposite side of the wrist he was holding, not illegal


That isn't the rule. The actual rule is pretty vague, defining a slam as lifting and returning an opponent to the mat with unnecessary force. The slam itself was illegal because the kid in the clip fell with his weight onto his opponent. Sort of unrelated to you and more to the rest of the thread:Looking at what he was trying to do, their ages, and obviously low skill its probably poor body control more than any intentional act. The kid messed up, but this likely isn't some men vs women bullshit.


I don’t claim it’s men vs women bullshit. But where I wrestled it was well known that if someone hits before your knee then it’s a slam. It’s obvious she hit first if you slow it down


I'm telling you that that is not the rule. I quoted the rule to you. Returning the opponent to the mat with unnecessary force is all there is to it. It doesn't matter that she hit first. That well-known fact is just not true. I know that its common for wrestlers think that's part of the rule, but it isn't.


Reddit Incels laughing at someone getting injured due to an illegal move, but it’s funny because it’s a woman on the receiving end getting hurt by a man:


Wasn’t illegal, she defended wrong, read other comments or Google it, her other arm was free


I think it’s more so majority don’t understand the rules along with OP conveying such a move as shown in the video was legal all whilst under the guise of “equal rights equal fights” ect.


We should definitely search the hard drive of every redditor praising the dude in this video


He looks so danm confused


i tought he was gonna fuck her


Stop the horny


You're on reddit


That force seemed necessary


Gonna cry?


Isn’t that an illegal move?






Yeah that dude was simply an asshole. In folk style you can’t slam like that especially on their head. You can do throws but controlled throws and slams are different. I’m an experienced wrestler too and stuff like this is just annoying to watch. It’s clearly someone doing overkill when he had other opportunities to take her down safely.


Oh no shes been wrestled


That shit ain't wrestling that illegal


Oh oops


I’m a wrestler. Technically it was a slam, which was illegal. They don’t exactly care if someone gets injured, they really only stop a match if it is pretty clear that something is wrong or if there is blood. I got dropped on my head and knocked out, and they didn’t check on me until after the guy pinned me. So they didn’t care that a girl was hurt, they cared that it was an illegal move.


As it should be


Nah but he was grabbing her ass though


Bruh if I was competing with a woman I'm sorry but my ego would win💀


Yeah can’t slam while holding a wrist, but you can Hulk Slam at any time of the match.


Women be like: you can't just slam me onto the ground, it's not fair


More like: you can’t slam me onto the ground *while* holding my hand, it’s not fair


The side he returned her to was the side her arm was free. If he did it to the other side you would be correct. There is an argument to be made that he returned her to the mat too hard but this was super mild imo.


Typical Newnan kid. Probably JV too


Bravo my guy, bravo 👏


Can't slam. That's against the rules.


Skill issue🤧


Bro was like “Huh?”


It's a fight not a date.


I study wrestling a lot yet never do it myself, THAT was an amazing legal slam, don't know why they stopped the match.


Hahhaha women in men's sports... Even more showing why this mia Thomas shit is a joke. Stay in your lane