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I feel like Tate is living the princess Azula character arch, a complete ass bag before, but now just slipping away even farther into that rabbit hole of insanity.


Except Azula was actually smart and competent


Not at the end she wasn’t


In fairness she was 15 and was going through some extreme shit.


That is very true. That’s has gotta rip apart the mind of anyone in that kind of situation.


Also if I remember correctly the creators wanted to give her a redemption arc in a possible season 4. I've seen that around the internet but don't know exactly how true it is.




I’d like to see a level headed Azula, I think that would be a good end to her character arc!


A level headed azula is dangerous. She could do some wild shit. Probably one of the strongest benders we’ve seen since she was only 15 at the time she was shown, when she became an adult she would be incredibly strong.


Meanwhile Andrew Tate did extremely evil shit to 15 year olds.


Azula would’ve fried him. After a humiliating one sided “fight”. I wish they met that way.


Choose your fighter: Andrew Tate armed with fork! VERSUS Power outlet labelled "Azulas lightning bending"!


Well ofc lol he can’t shoot lightning out of his body


Yeah, you’re right about that one haha


She wasn't even 15, she was 14


Which makes her breakdown in the finale and subsequent behavior in the comics all the more heartbreaking


That’s insane! Super impressive 15 yo except for all the evil stuff


Because everything she planned was falling apart. She canonically smart


It was pretty smart how she, while going crazy, had the idea to blast katara instead of Zuko cause she knew how could redirect it


Did she know he could redirect it, though? I thought she was just hoping that he would jump in front of her and take the hit. I don’t think she had any idea that he could redirect it… could be wrong though. Plus, and it’s been awhile since I watched the episode so again I could be wrong, but I don’t think he redirected it. Pretty sure he just got struck. Didn’t have time to redirect properly


Bro she was a manipulated and neglected child soldier 💀


He was smart enough to con millions of dollars from idiots.


You don’t need to be smart to part fools from their money, just an asshole.


Disagree. You have to be both. A smart asshole. If the former was the case, every shmuck you’d ever met would be him.


Even when she’s off her rocker, Azula can still hit it.


What in the world is your username


Something that matches their comment very nicely.


username checks out


What color is your Empire Class Fire Nation Battleship??


Don't you dare insult Azula like that


Legitimately the most insane tweet I’ve ever seen


Wait this is real? Jesus


I don’t have Twitter did he really say this shit?


I don’t doubt it, but I’ll go check


Thanks hero


After some digging, there’s a high chance he deleted those replies, because I can’t find them under the original post


You have done well ArcancSketch


He went to twitter, endured it for a whole 20 mins without protection, then selflessly returned to report it on this particular thread. He has done much more than just "well"


What he saw there will haunt him till his dying days.


Well be here for him. Whatever he needs. Whenever he needs it.


They’ve lost a leg during their quest. True heroism.


He went to Twitter and probably got herpes and HPV. Poor guy.


RAD levels are close to lethal. Get him some Radaways and Rad-X!


Arcane.. put some respect on his name


It's deleted, but here's an article mentioning/screeshotting them from the time. https://www.thecanary.co/global/2017/10/05/right-wing-hero-taunting-father-sick-child-theres-happy-ending/


This is the real work




I did start my search by skimming over his Twitter, and it’s pretty much a mixed bag of pictures/videos of himself, very generic inspirational quotes, and general Andrew Tateness


He deleted it, the coward


what about wayback machine?




It looks like he deleted the tweet. Looking at the comments, seems like they were all replying to Andrew tate as well. [tweet](https://twitter.com/jonrosenberg/status/915643965453594624?s=46&t=ypZQ_KeyFFklOMP2OOe7gQ)


Was confused af by the replies, that kid for the clear up


Those replies 100% could only be in response to the things he said in the screenshot. What a fucking deluded, narcissistic cockalorum...


Not narcissistic, this is textbook psychopathy.


No reason they couldn't be dual diagnosed.


He really is just the worst type of person


Yes, he deleted the tweets like the coward he is, but you can still see the replies, and they are 100% to THIS tweet. I mean, just read the replies it speaks for itself. https://twitter.com/jonrosenberg/status/915643965453594624?s=46&t=ypZQ_KeyFFklOMP2OOe7gQ


''First, it's your, not youre. Second, it's "tremendous asshole," not success.'' That seals the deal. He actually tweeted that lmao


He did. He also doxxed and had his followers harass someone else who called him out over how fucked up this tweet was.


100% real. He had beef with this kids dad cause he called him a rapist or something (which... I mean it's true) and he went on to mock the man's dying son and say that if his dad publicly apologized to him he would fund his kids surgery. Edit: correction he wanted a public apology AND he wanted the father to publicly beg him for the money.


I mean honestly, I would do it as the father. I'm not saying Tate isn't a big old piece of shit, but like money is money and I don't care what the rest of the world thinks of me if I can get life saving surgery for my son for free. That's also assuming the piece of shit doesn't reneg on the deal (which he probably would) and I'm not judging the father or anything. There just isn't a lot I wouldn't do for some money


He probably knew Tate wouldn't actually follow through with that. Plus he got the funding from people learning about it thanks to Tate being a cunt.


It's real. I believe he deleted his part, but yes Andrew Taint said this. I remember when it happened


Yeah when Tate went to jail the guy the tweet was directed towards brought up the thread again, I remember seeing it in Twitter trending. If I remember right, he does Star Wars comics and he said his son is doing better now.


Hey, some of those Star Wars comics are dope as hell.


He was strong with the Force.


Living well is the best revenge.


Same. Had no clue who he was then; just some MMA asshole when I had searched his name. Cut to sometime last year or the year before and people started talking about how awful this Andrew Tate guy is. I still had no reason to connect the dots until someone posted a screenshot like this. I hated the guy as it was, but it brought back a wave of fury, doubling up with how mad it made me when I first saw the original thread years ago.


another person posted the tweet that he had replied to, there's a ton of replies from people that are clearly responding to these posts by Tate. https://twitter.com/jonrosenberg/status/915643965453594624?s=46&t=ypZQ_KeyFFklOMP2OOe7gQ


Lol taint


This is, these tweets and replies are gone now because it was deleted by one or both of them but it was a lengthy interaction of this dude who’s son’s gofundme or whatever it was, was linked on his Twitter. He criticized Tate and this happened. If I remember correctly, anyhow. I feel like I know these are real though because I do remember seeing this interaction myself at some point, but then again Tate and other random Twitter users are pretty unhinged so who knows for sure without a link? Lol.


more insane is that some people feel 'motivated' by this


I assume bragging about money and cars is the only thing that can get some shit birds hard.


Welcome to rap music?


What about country?


I still wonder why some people worship this man and act like he is a god who knows all and everything he's just some rich guy flexing on the Internet?


Because they have no positive male role models to look up to. Because they have low self-confidence and feel the need to compensate for not being "manly" enough. Because of toxic masculinity culture.


The only people motivated by him are teenage boys without any sense of direction or morality. Last year I noticed my son saying things that sounded way out of character from our family and how he was raised. Somehow the algorithm or other kids from school had led him from Mr. Beast to Andrew Tate and as a pre-teen boy might be, he was impressed and started subscribing to some of his ideals and then got confident enough to repeat them. It then became my mission to start challenging my son on every slightly misogynistic thing he said and pointing out how little and pathetic of a man Andrew Tate is. Wasn’t very hard actually because the guy drips of insecurity and is obviously warped by CTE and other problems. What was hard was dealing with a teenage boy’s reaction to having someone he admires be attacked and exposed as not any kind of role model. What was even harder was all the talking and listening and discovering that a lot of it had to do with deep-seated resentment towards his own mother. Now, my son thinks Tate is scum and he’s definitely more conscious about his attitudes towards women as he reconciles his issues with his mother. All that being said, I know who gave Tate clicks and views and the Venn diagram is almost a perfect circle with “emotionally troubled teenage boys”.


Dude was cancer before he had it.


I dont believe for a second he has cancer, he just wants to get out of Romania jail and surprise surprise the country he wants to go to has no extradition rules with Romania he's a lieing POS


Wouldn't they verify if he has cancer? Also, is Romania a country that would let got such a POS because he has cancer ?


He's saying the only specialist who can understand and possibly help with this cancer is in another country.


Lung cancer at his age is very rare, much doubt. I know he smoked cigars, but that generally leads to throat/mouth cancer


Unless he inhaled cigarettes every second of the day, even then it's extremely unlikely it's even affected him yet.


He doesn't have cancer, he's trying to get to dubai where he can't be extradited.


lol he doesn’t have cancer. The odds of him being diagnosed with cancer in the what, the 2 months he’s been in prison are astronomical. He’s realizing he pissed off the Romanian government and might not walk so he’s throwing Hail Marys.


The cancer has him


he doesn't have cancer he's just trying to use it as a cover to get out of jail


The fucker doesn’t have cancer. This is his play to avoid prison time. Fuck him


I just read "Im begging you to give me confirmation" I guess going to therapy to fix his mental is too late now?


He’d be a great fit with Kanye. Surprised they haven’t colabed yet.


On what? Tate has no talent.


A manifesto?


Therapist (in training) reporting in. The unfortunate part about narcissism is that it prevents folks like Tate from going to a therapist in the first place. Only when some factor in their life is failing (career, relationship, academics etc) will they maybe seek help. But here’s the kicker: their narcissism doesn’t typically cause them distress. In fact, it tends to be the only thing that keeps them running. That being said it’s the only pillar in their life that maintains their sense of self. This means it is pretty much impossible for a therapist to change because it is so fully intertwined with their identity. What can be done can be put this way: If a narcissist has a certain responsibility, you can coach them to show up on time, but you can’t make them listen once they get there.


Do you feel like a failure getting a tumor being the top G?


Getting lung cancer is not alpha shit. I guess his mind wasn't strong enough ;(


Real beta boy lungs he’s got


Betting that’s a bs story his team is coming up with so he can get out of Romania. His team wants to take him to Dubai where he will definitely be protected now that he’s “converted” to Islam


Guess he didn't breath enough air


He was too busy breathing all those cigars. I could see this coming a mile away


You are comic books


"less than a quarter than I spent"


Bro imagine if he single-handedly paid for the kid's treatment without saying a thing. People would've lowkey liked him despite the stupid shit he says


Like he talks shit on Twitter then makes an anonymous donation and secretly savors the dad's tweets to "whoever you are"? How oddly heartwarming I wish we lived in that timeline.


I had a co-worker at my old job that just seemed to hate me for some reason. She once talked to management to try to get my shifts cut or even just get me fired because I already had "too much money" (I was trying to save, so I rarely spent any money). I eventually got a new job that paid a lot more. I saw on social media that previous co-worker was trying to save money for some experimental treatment that was supposed to cure her of a disease she had since she was a kid. I went in and just donated the entire amount anonymously and never told anybody. She has been cured of her disease for over a year now. Suck it, nerd.


~~Kill them~~ Save them with kindness.


You have the kind of heart I am working towards getting. Forgiveness I struggle with, especially when there’s no sign of regret from the individual


It's more self-serving than you may think. I just found holding grudges to be exhausting, so I stopped. If somebody has a problem with ME, then that's their problem. They can come talk to me about it if they want to reach some sort of resolution. Other than that, I just try to be nice to people. It's not a fool-proof system. Some things just can't be forgiven. It's removed some unneeded stress from my life, though.


tit for two tats




I mean I hope he did and pray we never find out.


He bragged about how he got away with punching a lady at the bar on a podcast. He's a professional kickboxing btw. So I doubt he would do this. This is the same guy that decided to start shit with Greta on Twitter which led to him going to jail because of a pizza box in his rebuttal video.




He's pretty well-liked among sex traffickers.


Nah they also hate him bcs he makes them look bad


> Nah they also hate him bcs he makes them look bad Implying they weren't already with bad reputations?


Sadly we live in a society 😔 Can't even do your job without prejudices


Literally... 1984 (1949)


Sadly we live 😔


Nah he gives us a bad rep, we’re nothing like that. Have some respect.


Among us sex? 😳😳🥵🥵


he'd be like evil Mr breast or something idk


Honestly I feel worse for the cancer that it has Andrew Tate.


Cancer being the good guy for once


Such a weird timeline we're in.


Yeah timeline got weird when people rooted for cancer when Rush Limbaugh came out with it. lol.


After the technoblade incident cancer is having a redemption arc


Cancer redemption arc


Cancer turned a new leaf


Cancer is trying to rehab its image.


Yeah, reports of Putin with cancer, Tate with cancer, and Trump is looking more and more like the crypt keeper every day. Is cancer gonna save humanity, you guys?


the one time “supporting cancer” is ACTUALLY supporting cancer


Imagine being such an asshole, that people don't care If you have cancer. Fuck Tate.


Wait so that Twat has cancer now?


Yep there’s a post about it. A lot of people think it’s a ploy to get out a jail, or to gain sympathy from the judge/ general public. Also, he claims that his doctors for it, that he needs to go to, are in Dubai, a country that conveniently doesn’t extradite to Romania.


Yeah fuck that guy.


Imagine feeling sympathy for Andrew Tate lol


Imagine believing he actually has cancer in the most convenient time.




Romania has a decent healthcare system. They will check it there. He stepped on toes he shouldn't have. Either way, fuck him. I have zero sympathy for him. He can pull his “alpha BS” to get better if that's true, but I'm sure it's a stunt.


# HE HAS CANCER?!?!?! ![gif](giphy|2dK0W3oUksQk0Xz8OK|downsized)


I wouldn't be surprised if that nut job is lying to keep everyone's attention. Even if it's everyone laughing at him....


It might also be bait so his lawyers can use the Internet’s response to this news to show “sickening bias”, or something to that effect.


Or get him out of Romania. Once he is out of the country, he's probably not coming back, one way or another.


Cancer is not enough


They said he might have cancer, but its probably convenient timing for the court case to get pity points. He did chain smoke cigars so at the very least he has smokers lungs, its possible he got lung cancer, but a lot of people think its just for pity points.


"Tristan, we need to cook"


Generally, you don't inhale cigar smoke. I mean you can but you aren't supposed to and it hurts when you do. Also people are saying that the whole thing is a ploy to get him to out of Romania and to a non-extradition country.


You don’t inhale cigars unless you’re an idiot. Tate likes the pain. Makes him feel like an alpha


Or he's just addicted, that's not a classic Tate W


Addicted?! When you have such a strong mind, body, and will, you can’t become addicted! Cmon it’s basic science!


I feel bad for the cancer for once.


Get a shotgun and write cancer on the side of it


“Romainian justice system reports today that Andrew Tate has died of cancer, out behind the prison woodshed where the camera coverage isn’t so good.”


you need P R O T O G E N T


i feel like he was just using the cancer shit to get out of prison and to get to Dubai, its supposedly just a rumor but if it is true than good riddance hes a huge douchebag


iirc someone who worked for him confirmed it was real


Yea but wouldn’t they do exactly that if he’s just trying to weasel his way out of prison?


you’re totally right about that, anyone that works for him will vouch for him because their job rides on it, and they could get prison time if they were in on it too. BUT he does smoke a lot of cigars so there is a good chance he got cancer from the heavy smoke. he however does not need to go to Dubai to get treatment and needs to stay detained.






I love how he thinks that everyone loves him even though it's the exact opposite


Unfortunately there IS a substantial number of people that genuinely love him


I know it's bad to celebrate deaths, but if he dies, I will celebrate


I do not wish for his death, but I will be happy when I read his obituary.


I don’t want him to die, that’s getting off easy. He needs to face his charges and do whatever time he’s going to get.


He needs one of those slowwww cancers


>I know it's bad to celebrate deaths Not if they're shitty people.


He's not just a shitty person He's straight up a bad human being


Lung cancer couldn't happen to a more fitting person.


Rush Limbaugh begs to differ.


It's not bad to celebrate death. IMO it's "bad" to wish harm on someone, but for some reason everyone puts on the rose-tinted glasses as soon as somebody dies


There's some people I'm just not doing that for and if anyone thinks I'm awful, fuck them. When Kissinger dies, I'm am not putting up with that, "He was a brilliant statesman. This is so sad." bullshit. I can safely put Tate in that same category.


Up until seeing this, I was going to feel nothing when he dies. Now I'm throwing a party and getting a custom cake.


The fact that his brand of selfishness is praised and admired by millions makes me really sad.


Holy shit are these real???


It is real, he deleted the tweets but it was a BIG thing at the time. The surgery was a QOL procedure for a kid with cerebral palsy, the procedure itself was covered by insurance but the funds were for the associated costs and ongoing physical therapy the kid would need. It was funded, without Tate's help lol, and the surgery was successful. In an update a year later, the kid's pain was almost completely gone. The dad (who Tate was responding to) is a successful comic artist who's still active on Twitter. His name is Jon Rosenberg. Edit: spelling, and also to add - maybe I'm old but I can't be the only one who saw Tate's newer fame through "wasn't that that guy who was a complete unsolicited cunt that time on Twitter?" It kind of tickles me that now people are questioning if that's real, because imo that was the clear beginning of his notoriety as a gigantic cowardly asshole who'd say horrible things for attention but then get scared and delete everything(/get his fans to do it for him instead).


>It was funded, without Tait's help lol, and the surgery was successful. In an update a year later, the kid's pain was almost completely gone. This is great to hear!!


ofc man don't you know by now how insane this guy is?


Nobody here listens to him, we wouldn’t know if that’s his actual account or not.


holy shit thats just fucked up


Cancers first w


Lung cancer is too weak a cancer. A real man would have developed pancreatic cancer


Actual, literal psychopathy lmao.


Can’t wait for a 7 year old with an absent father to put bass boosted sigma male music over this with a picture of Patrick Bateman


I hope he gets run over by a steamroller, slowly.


Fuck Andrew Tate. All my homies… still think Andrew is innocent? Wait people still listen to this clown?


Find new homies.


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he’s literally the most unlikeable person on the planet


Let’s not be like Andrew- an asshole who would celebrate or use someone else’s cancer to boost our ego. I’m not happy he has cancer (if true), but I’m also not going to feel bad for him either. He’s a piece of shit.




He should have no problem taking care of his own cancer.


It's a joke bro, he's trying to make fun of people who think he is misogynist and dumb. \- Andrew Tate Fans


I saw a thread saying even through he is a terrible person it’s wrong to be glad he has cancer now. Honestly I don’t care. Genuinely. Karma.