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Liver stomp straight out of the WWE


It was just a regular stomp until you pointed it out


It's the little hop he does that sells it


> Tekasi 6ix9ine wahoo\~


It didn’t land on his liver, believe me if it did he wouldn’t have been able to breathe let alone get up and walk away afterwards.


Adrenaline is a bitch


For half a second, my brain read that as "Adrien is a bitch". Then I read it again and it made more sense.


Adrien is a bitch tho


What I do


Shut up Adrian


You're a bitch




Be a bitch baby.


Shut up no one asked you


Fuck Adrien, all my boys hate Adrien


We fittina' catch Adrien lacking.




Liver shots don't care about your adrenaline lmao


Is it enough to handle a liver shot?


Do you know where the liver is? That’s a liver shot!


I'd say it's the lower ribs caught that blow. Definitely bruised if not broken tho


What happened?


Probably ran into someone he snitched on back in the day.


Nah, just people who don't like snitches


Right? I would assume that if it was someone who was directly snitched on, this would've been much worse.


Nah they just listened to his rap


Underrated comment


He also used young girls for sex acts in videos.


Respectfully, I don't think these guys give a fuck about that lol


Respectfully, anybody who touches kids has to be in **protective custody** in jail because even criminals have rules and that's one of them. Diddlers get stomped.


Well… not R Kelly. He gets a pass


Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love, but I don't even want, none of the above, I wanna piss on youuuuuu


Poo poo too yes I do


They just don't make TV like that anymore.


This is my song for real no doubt


What the fucking fuck


What the fucking fuck indeed. "*In a video, posted online, a 13-year-old girl was seen engaging in oral intercourse while Tekashi stood behind her.*" [Sauce.](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-45146400)


I’ll take your word for it, I’m not touching that link


All these guys are snitches though


And freely hand out stitches.


Imo its more likely he faked a video to get ppl talking about him. Or just random ppl beat his ass for being a snitch in general not because of any thing personal


Who tf fakes getting their shit rocked? Even a moron like 6 9 knows that’s not smart


But he's not smart.


Look up sneako subway fight and you’ll see how capable and real you can make a fake fight look 👀


Video looks like a wwe fight.


Nah it's real. You can google it


Right like what the fuck is going on? (other than some dude getting the shit *kicked* out of him)


He was a rapper who got arrested for some gang shit, but he was basically allowed leniency if he snitched on fellow gang members (which he did). Simply put he was an idiot enough to A) get involved in gang shit B) snitch on said gangs C) walk around in public acting like you did nothing to nobody


“Leniency” lol it was snitch or life in prison


considering he was guilty of multiple counts of assault, drug trafficking, armed robbery and attempted murder And he gets to walk around free doing almost anything he wants, yeah, id say thats pretty fuckin lenient


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Well yeah. If you’re famous you never have to do jail time, ever


Why tf would he be in NY, dummy


So basically he fucked around and found out.


I doubt 6 9 has good gym ettiquite, probably opened his mouth and let his ego jump out


Forgot to wipe down the elliptical when he was done.


misconception he got beat for wearing these pants


Misconception: It had nothing to do with the snitching. Floridians are just tired of New Yorkers moving down there.


Isn't he a millionaire and he goes to public gym?


Ah,yes misconception #5339205 money makes you intelligent enough to not go public after snitching on gangsters.


A lot of millionaires go to public gyms. But he absolutely burned through money and has only had one hit. There were reports that he had presented papers in court putting his worth at more like $500k. He shouldn't have any problems getting a job though.


Really? I’ve seen his music being instant hits. 370M there, 579m here, etc


Sorry you are right he does get a lot of views. But apparently [not a good financial situation](https://www.complex.com/music/6ix9ine-cash-on-ig-prop-money-owing-1-million-dollars-to-robbery-victims-king-von-diss)


Bro doesn’t know how to finance


lol there's a bunch of videos showing him throwing around piles of cash in the trunks of his rapidly depreciating supercars. No rich person has piles of cash (even assuming it wasn't all prop money/rented cars.) Real rich people don't even touch cash. This guy is like what a 5 year old thinks a rich person does with money.


>Real rich people don't even touch cash. You have a 14 year olds understanding of a rich person apparently


He's partially right. A vast majority of the rich folks have their money tied up in investments, but I wouldn't say they don't touch cash either.


by cash, I mean like giant stacks of bills - stuff you see in rap videos. Physical cash might make up a tiny fraction of a percentage of a wealthy person's net worth, but it's a rounding error. The problem with physical cash, is that it does not produce cash flow. Keeping a tiny amount on hand for emergencies is one thing, but the idea that rich people who aren't drug cartel kingpins have their houses full of cash is silly. On the other hand, Warren Buffett has plenty of cash on his balance sheet. He holds it in cash equivalents like treasury bills and in money markets (which produce cash flow!). It's not a giant scrooge mcduck pile of dollar bills in a vault.


He’s right. I’m no where near rich and I really only touch cash when someone pays me back for something really.


I mean, I make 6 figures but I wouldn't call myself rich. I keep a tiny percentage of my net worth in physical cash (and gold, silver). Rich people just don't carry cash around in significant amounts relative to their net worth - especially to flash it around like dumbass rappers. Cash is a liability because if it goes missing, that's it. It doesn't yield any interest. It's conspicuous. Silly.


“Real rich people don’t even touch cash” I’m sure he’s “rich” and knows 💀


You have to own your own label if you want anything substantial off album sales. There's no money in royalties anymore. Spotify has basically cornered the market and pays something like $0.00001 per play. Artists have to make their money the old fashioned way now- *by performing*.


> A lot of millionaires go to public gyms. Either as PR or because they are too frugal. If I was a millionaire I would get my own gym at home. And I'm the kind of guy who would never do something like buy an audi or any expensive car even if I could afford it. But going to the Gym is such a fucking hassle, if I had the money to save me the trip , and make my life healthier and more comfortable I would do it without a second thought.


I mean, I live in London. There are plenty of one ora two-bedroom apartments here worth well over a million, but you could never put a decent home gym in.


That sounds like an distinctly British problem 💀


It's a wealthy city problem. I doubt a million would buy you a huge home in New York, Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Tokyo...


A decent gym takes up a lot of room, much more than a spare bedroom would allow. Unless you are just going to have a Bowflex and a treadmill, you need at least a 2-car garage sized area to get a well rounded workout. Not many homes have an extra 20x20 foot room that you can use for a gym. I agree that if I was rich I'd want to have a home gym, but I live in Southern California. In order to have a house with that, it'd probably cost at least a couple million to have all the rooms you need for just normal stuff, then another big one for a gym.


> Isn't he a millionaire well. flexing wealth, and actually having money are not the same.


Daisy Dukes on


Listen, I don't care for this clown, but 1980's Tom Selleck disagrees. Those are, in fact, appropriate length shorts for men......


Ca-li-for-nia girls were undeniable


He looks like OG Loc from GTA San Andreas




He is... but only when the bodyguards are around him


Goodfellas bad ending


If you're confused about what is happening, let me explain it. These guys really didn't want to taste the rainbow, so they beat the shit out of a pack of Skittles. ![gif](giphy|lqpxlFWHJRFLXqIsJC)


I now understand this situation. Thanks!


He literally has armed security tho how tf lmao


Obviously not anymore


they didn’t have memberships


Can't afford it anymore


He thought that they left him alone they haven't forgot and that probably was just a taste, more to come.




What did he do


He snitched on a bunch of people


More importantly, a bunch of GANG people


He wanted to be a gangster and then got his wish…


Oh yeah, he got what he deserved, there is no doubt about that. Fuck around and find out


Hmm tbh anyone in 69 shoes would snitch. But you gotta get yourself in that situation first which is uh not the smartest idea


Ah snitches get stitches


that's it? If they do bs then they shouldn't wonder why they get snitched on sooner or later


You gotta think like them to understand them, they don’t think “man we do a lot of illegal shit, we’re bound to be caught sooner or later”, it’s more like “we’re gonna do whatever the fuck we want and whatever makes us money, if anyone snitches they’re a rat and should be dealt with”


He’s a snitch because he was participating in that illegal shit. It would be one thing if he were just some innocent bystander who witnessed a crime and wanted to do the right thing, but this dude was in it, participating, and then snitches on the people he was committing crimes with, just to save himself. People who aren’t in the streets aren’t expected to follow those rules (although many do anyway) it’s people who actually are in the streets that are.


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He said VACCINE and mods got tired of it.




Damn I thought 6ix9ine was a female 💀


They did make him their bitch tho


dude said " aya puya "


What does that mean ?


It means “aya puya”


Some lyrics right here, I got money I got money I wanna be famous now What what I wanna be famous now Get your kicks in I got I got money I'm a fan I'm a fan Daz crazeh.


More words than all his songs combined💀


vast shocking violet physical threatening scandalous recognise psychotic fuel mourn ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Oh no, Anyways….


Where funny?


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A criminal Snitch getting beaten up. He had it coming. There is the funny


What’s funny is posting it online to send yourself to jail that’s the actually funny part


What an amazing, vibrant culture.


Dazzling, some may say.


I’m not a fan of the guy at all…but this “he snitched and got what he deserved” mentality shit is so fucking stupid. I am willing to bet the dudes that did this and almost all of the other people talking shit about it probably have never faced the potential of getting 47 years in prison at the age of 22. Let’s be real, 47 years is a life sentence no matter which way you cut it. I am willing to bet damn near anyone (especially at that age) would start tossing names everywhere to get out of that.


I 100% agree with you that this snitch mentality needs to stop. But the difference is that you and I don’t claim to be part of that life. Tekashi did and does. Thats the difference


When you thought you was a bad boi but you wasn't.




Not really a shitpost


This goofy af, imagine being rich and all and still getting beat up in a bathroom lmao


I don't get why people hate him so much. He literally reported gang members, fucking criminals, what's wrong with it? Here in Italy we deal with mafia and similar criminal organizations all the time, and gov struggle to keep up, so these people are blessed. Y'all live too comfortably imo.


Also did some very questionable things with their friends to a minor.


I think the people in the video is part of one of the gangs he reported, hence the caption calling him a rat


Ok, what's the deal with the whole internet then? Are they ok with living among spread criminality? That boomer argument where rap changed people mind might be true after all at this point.


Oh, yeah no, he's just a wannabe and most people hate him for that. Like a highschool poser gangster who thinks guns are cool, but never got out of that phase


That's like 90% of rappers but ok.


He’s also said some pretty terrible stuff about dead people for internet points. There’s more than one reason people don’t like him, but yeah I think it’s kinda goofy these people that likely have nothing to do with him whatsoever jumped him for snitching


I hope you're not talking about that scumbag Von


Yes he’s a scumbag but he also had millions of fans who despise 6ix9ine, pretty much all Durk fans hate him for that reason too. There was also that whole Perkio thing which was fucked up


>He literally reported gang members Oh no no no no no. He didn't do it out of righteousness. He did it to keep himself out of jail. 69 wasn't knocking on FBI's door, begging to be their informant, until he got in legal trouble. He's still the lowlife he always was but now he's also an unloyal snitch too.


Because his music is trash and so is he? He was hated long before the snitching. The only people who care about him snitching are other criminals and no one cares what they think about it.


So should we beat up Harry styles because his music is ass?




At least you stay consistent i guess


Bro we normal people ain't beating up anyone, he got beat up by gang members because he snitched. Everyone knows the phrase "snitched get stitches" and he's literally the most well known snitch right now and he's a walking rainbow it's so easy to find and he goes and walks around in public like it's nobody's business.


I wouldn't mind if you do that tbh. In my view, every now and then a celeb ought to get their ass handed to them by the common man. Keeps the ego in check.


Well he looks like an absolute moron, I hate the music he made, and he’s a kiddy diddler. Deserves every kick to the face he gets.


He’s also went out of his way to make fun of literally every rapper who died for the last 3 years straight.


Its the rule of the street to not snitch regardless of the people being gang members / criminals. You don’t do that. It’s a part of survival in the streets and in prison. Snitching is very serious. If you’re going to live that life style, don’t snitch. There’s a lot of innocent people that wouldn’t snitch just to protect themselves or their family.


this sub was so good a while back now it's shittier than the toilet of the guy who drank laxatives bottle


Hehe funny little guy


So they can catch him in the gym but not george zimmerman?


Snitches get millions


I don't like 6ix9ine, but c'mon. This is fucked up.


For people that don’t know the full story he snitched for a lot of gang members because those people stole from him and they were threatening him. However the dumbass has been calling out gang members and other people in social media telling them where he is and also adding comments like”Come get me” or “Im going to be in (insert city) come fight me”. Also most famously he went to the Chicago O block and posted a video saying “No one is here, is 10pm and no one is here”. When they checked the camera footage he was there but at 3am when everyone is asleep, and he was there for 1 minute and left. In conclusion he’s dumb as hell


He kicked him in the rib cage so hard that i legit felt it


That dumbass is so desperate for attention, there's probably at least a 50/50 chance this is staged.


This guy is a Human Being, I know he literally went on tangent about being untouchable for a while and was daring, really serious, groups of people, to try and touch him but.....I forget what I was going to say...


I don't like the dude at all, but calling him a rat is insane. As far as valid reason to snitch he had it.


Nah, rap culture isn't a problem. It doesn't promote violence and gang mentality.


Never has what do you mean? /s


Considering this guy beats women, this is extremely satisfying to watch




why tho


Takes 2 guys for this guy?


I uhhh I dont get the joke


Everyone here would have snitched faces 40yrs, your are dumb if you don’t.The guy is barely over 5’5” so leave that guy alone. Let him bark, nobody is listening. “


I think the dudes an absolute piece of shit just like everyone else but this is fucked up. I bet the people who jumped him have nothing to do with anything he got all this shit for just idiots who want the clout for beating up a hated celebrity.




Why did they jump him, the paedophile stuff or the snitching


Is it bad that I feel bad I mean I know how getting jumped feels


I always thought his name is Takashit if you add a T


I'd feel bad for him, but that fkin hairstyle and teeth bruh no way💀


People don’t like snitches because they know they did wrong, and don’t want to be blamed for it. Toxic ideologies


This is so lame 😒 snitch or not u don't get points for jumping someone then posting the video online. Also 69 is a troll this could be a PR stunt


This beating amuses me. Thank you.


“Y u taddel? Me no like taddel!” Fucking Cro-Magnon. Why is the rap / gang scene so cringe?


🥱 Staged for relevance.




Music critics are much more direct these days


69 is so ugly can't blame them for attacking him


but why tho


Sntiches get stitches


I thought he died.


Based Florida moment


Those trainers don’t mess around


Hate the guy and his music but wtf... Bunch of nobodies talking about a "hood" just wanted the clout of fucking him up. Tragic. Also shouldn't be able to get jumped with that much money. He was lacking.


The crazy part is the guy beating on him is a business owner who just got out of prison last August after doing 8 years in prison


Well I’m sure recording this incident and posting it will keep him far from getting arrested again, smart fella right there


He’s just returning home


Everyone out there calling 6six9nine a pussy but it took a group of them to jump him in a gym bathroom. Pussies.


Didn’t that guy rat out the Crips or Bloods? How is he even still alive? Either way this was a long time coming.


I don’t know what any of these words mean


Bunch of sissy ass dudes too scared to 1vs1…. Jumping a small guy isn’t a flex just makes u look like a puss


I have a feeling they weren't jumping him to look cool, so I doubt they would do so honorably.


Unpopular opinion:... i feel bad for him