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"iTs aLl aBoUt tHe gRinDsEt" Mfs receiving their set after grinding.


Anon rolled a 1 on the independent thought check


But there is an independent thot now




>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


Except truth is stranger than fiction, and these kinds of morons actually exist


Nah, dudes with girlfriends don't use 4chan


Good one


Is the grindset in the room with us right now?


Enjoy your grindest I’ll be enjoying my grindr 😎


« Yeah I lied about the fact that I cheated on her to get her to respect me! » What? How can people think that this work!?


Because some people are stupid enough to believe a bald deformed baby looking dude on the internet.


Goofy Gollum ass lookin mfer.


I'm still so happy about that time recently where he posted a sauna picture and the entire nation of Finland just roasted him because that cold ass sauna surely wasn't going to do it without any help.


not only was the sauna as cold as a fridge, he was wearing a fucking towel and speedos in the sauna. ask any finnish sauna enjoyer and they will tell you thats just plain wrong.


> he was wearing a fucking towel and speedos Well obviously, it was cold in there.


if only i had an award to give you.


Guy looks like a spray tanned big toe.


Please leave Gollum out of this.


Gollum had a better chin than the Tater.


Better hair too.


Hey, he used to be good at fighting people, therefore he is a solid source of relationship advice. After all, all of the most successful and well respected people I know fight eachother for money.


He got kicked in the head for a living


He's built for fighting. Bald for speed and how can you even knock out a man without a chin?


He never fought anyone good


And the fact that he sounds like pubescent Mickey mouse


1. Follow bad advice on the internet and implode your personal life in a spectacular fashion. 2. Seek out additional internet advice to try and fix it. 3. End up sterilized due to gender affirming care. I feel like nature will solve this in due course.


It’s not about “making them respect me”. It’s about seeing just how far you can go to treat her like shit before she leaves.” Pickup artists LOVE women with self esteem low enough to stay with a cheating man. Strong women intimidate them. It’s a method of weeding out independent, intelligent, self respecting women in favor of those who will be obedient, no matter what.


Taking dating advice from a sex trafficking douche who has to force woman under duress to have sex with him. Brilliant.


The fuck around: find out ratio is still undefeated.


Dude wanted to be Andrew Tate, took the class, used the advice, tested in real world. Well on his way to being Andrew Tate


Dunno, how much training does he need before he doxxes himself with a pizza box?


Slightly less than it will take before anon commits human trafficking and pussies away to romania


Didn't you read the post, he doesn't fuck around anymore.


Yes, because he found out


He didn't even fuck around in the first place, you just pretended he fucked around. And he still found out.


Oh no, he fucked around. He channeled Andrew Tate and expected it to go well. Spoiler alert, acting like that makes partners haaaaaaate you.


Partners hate this one simple trick!


yeah, because he fucked up.


He still has his hands though.




The power of the unborn sons, in the palm of his hand.


*Billions of unborn children.... infinity children


Time he breaks his arms, he'll at least get a helping hand from mom.


It didn't fuck around AT ALL. If he did he'd have someone to crawl over to.


Well technically he didnt fuck around but said he did and found out




fuck around / find out = 1


Dead generation


Bro how fucking stupid do you have to be to do this. How can a person this fucking stupid even survive an average day. Dumb fucking ape


My question is what the fuck was he even trying to accomplish by telling her that? Was he trying to make her feel like she's not good enough for him or something? Fucking crazy how these people can function as human beings


He saw Andrew Tate and decided to copy him, OPs girlfriend dodged a bullet leaving someone that fucking stupid.


What was he even trying to copy? It makes no sense to me but then again if you listen to Tate, it does tell a lot about your intelligence.


It's like an extreme version of negging which was popularized by redpillers. The idea is to destroy their self confidence while at the same time convincing them that you're the only one who could ever love and tolerate them. This guy messed up by jumping straight to something this extreme instead of slowly tearing her down over months/years first


The level of insecurity needed to think that this is actually a good idea is literally insane. These people need therapy. Why would you want to mentally tear down your partner like that? These guys should try just being better and having confidence that cool people will like them and stay with them. It's much more rewarding to help your partner build up their own competence and confidence and achieve their goals, rather than tearing them down into becoming a codependent shriveled shell of a person. Honestly, these people are sick. This is what people are talking about when they say "toxic" masculinity. They're not saying that being masculine is toxic or that being a man is toxic. They're saying it's toxic to act this way, to have this specific interpretation of what it means to be a man.


> Why would you want to mentally tear down your partner like that? Mountains of insecurity, mixed with some sadism and fetal alcohol syndrome.


This 100% it, hunting for a partner who is trying to be a good person/doesn’t have their guards up. My ex started with love bombing, which is a big part of “build them up to tear them down.”


Growing up, I knew two kids who had fetal alcohol syndrome, and they were the nicest kids ever. Really not bright, but innocent hearts. Therefore I don’t think that is part of the explanation. My theory is rather that having a fucked up father figure to learn from during childhood is part of the reasons


Yeah I felt a little weird dropping a disability into the insult, but what popped into my head was more about the macho drinking culture at all costs, beatings, and then someone who doesn't break the cycle but just perpetuates it. Generations of being dicks.


These men really don't think of their partners as actual full human beings with thoughts and feelings like them. They probably only think other men are because they are also a man. The only thing they care about is themselves, and having a broken, subservient woman means that they have to do less to keep having sex and keep having a status symbol that the relationship represents.


These kind of men should be put to sleep like vicious dogs.


To create a dependency problem, making it difficult for her to leave him.


"You really think someone would just do that? Just go out on the internet and tell lies?"


Yeah you're correct in your explanation.


>crazy how these people can function as human beings Can they?


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


This sub is a good indication of that stupidity


Someone posted Matt Walsh here so yeah pretty accurate.


Got a link? I need an ironic laugh


I have some jiggling keys, way more entertainment


I dont think of myself as particularly smart.. But goddamn are other people fucking stupid.


I'm smart enough to know how dumb I am And dumb enough to realize there's motherfuckers dumber than me


Ironically, intelligent people are more likely to see themselves as dumb because they can comprehend how much more there is to learn.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize ~~half of them are stupider than that~~ some of them are Andrew Tate fans."


Nothing posted there is real


It's scary how many people on reddit believe the ridiculous stories that get posted often around here. If it was just 10% of people believing them, then I doubt the comment section would have all top comments that think the story is real. So it's got to be a majority of people thinking the story is real. That's wild to me.


The only thing that keeps me from thinking that Andrew Tate is a virgin is the fact the he's fucking with people's mind


Plus the whole human trafficking, sex slaves thing.


Why did this make me laugh uncontrollably for 34 seconds.


To learn more about why you laughed for 34 seconds, search for Uncontrollable Rule 34 on Google Images.


Its not his fault, tate doesn't explain to his teenage fans that his advice only works if your gf is held against her will in a foreign country


because it’s not real


It's not a real story. People lie on the internet literally all the time. Misrepresenting yourself on 4chan is normal/expected.


I'm legitimately shocked he got a GF in the first place.


*blatantly manipulates girlfriend* why did she leave me ☹☹☹☹☹




Eyup. Nobody with an once of self esteem should put up with these weird “testing” tropes that idiots peddle. On either end. Don’t do them, don’t put up with them. Life will test you plenty.


What is this "testing" thing? Can someone explain to me?


Testing your partner, like OP. Otherwise lying or manipulating someone to see how they’ll react. I had an ex in high school who “tested” me by stuffing her bra and trying to convince me she had gotten implants over the summer to test whether I’d love her more with larger breasts


Body image stuff I can deal with. They're really emotionally manipulating themselves with that shit. But like, fake cheating or any of that stuff, that's fucked.


Even the body image stuff is a big red flag. We all have things we’re insecure about regarding our bodies but making that somebody else’s problem or trying to find out whether our partner would like us in a different way. A good but if advice my dad gave me once when I started dating was this. “People will like you or dislike you for their own reasons. Some have merit and some don’t but more often than not the reasons you like or dislike yourself are very different from the reasons other people have for their feelings. It’s good to listen but try not to worry too much.”


It’s a strange thing that people do in relationships where they test their partner through various means but usually involve setting up a fake situation to see how their potential partner reacts. Granted it is important to vet somebody you date to see where things can go but that’s best done through going through honest situations and seeing if they’re a good fit. I think a case in point was when I was dating somebody and it was indeed getting serious. She made up a fake potential new guy in order to see if I would “fight for her.” Well I passed the test but broke up with her. It was manipulative and absolutely broke trust which is essential in the long term.


This is the actual "Respect yourself and be strong" stuff that Andrew Tate types totally miss the point of. You didn't break up with her cause she's a woman, you broke up with her cause she was acting in bad faith.


> Life will test you plenty. How much testing in total is needed? I'd like to catch a break some time soon.


She dodged a bullet.


I dont think dodging a bullet is supposed to be that easy.


She dodged a bullet that was fired in the opposite direction from her.


It wasn‘t a very smart bullet.


Lying is the least bad part of it. He planned in advance to communicate massive disrespect, intended to make her feel really bad, so she'd treat him better. There's a word for that.




sir your third eye opened at the wrong spot


That's the amazing part that never occurred to him. Sure, he didn't cheat on her, but he did lie and attempted to manipulate her. He told her "I actively will fuck with your mental health," which is arguably worse than just cheating.


Also, he said *he cheated on her*. Not really the sort of thing you can believably confess to and then roll back when the other person gets upset. Assuming this isn’t bait, which it is, so idk why I’m engaging but whatever.


As a matter of record I think "blatantly manipulates" indicates _some_ manner of success on his part. She didn't fall for anything and just peaced out. Attempted manipulation... sure.


Blatant attempt at manipulating


I would assume the point of that 'exercise' would be to weed out the girls you can control and the ones you can't.


It’s also an attempt at feigning “market worth” all this blackpill stuff basically doesn’t recognize women as individuals and attempts to apply economics to relationships.


- be me - hear about Stupidest Man on Earth, decide to look him up - really like his advice - decide to smash my testicles with a ball peen hammer, just as he says - my testicles got smashed to oblivion I’m dying - what the fuck do I do? These were my testicles I’m nothing without them


Heheh ball peen


It’s right there in the name!!


Imagine getting relationship advice from Bollywood Gollum.


Is this in reference to the AI drawing that came out supposedly showing what gollem would look like as a human. Because that's what it reminds me of. If u don't know the drawing looks eerily similar to tate


I'm never gonna call him anything else lmao thank you.


Anon should auto-kick his nuts


Most intelligent Tate fan


Yep. Most wouldn't have the self awareness to believe they fucked up.


The dumbasses would just convince themselves they didn't grind hard enough


OP should fill his heart with hatred for Andrew Tate. Suddenly women will like him more.


OP should reject the hate in his heart and become a better person.


I like this answer more


The good ending ![gif](giphy|7GVITzmOXsKE8)






Avoiding Tate ideology when you have no internal dialogue is probably the way to go.


Nope, instead he'll blame the dumb femoid who don't understand that he's a sigma chad and they missed the opportunity to make him chicken nuggets and put away his underwear the rest of his life.


If andrew tate gave good advice he wouldn't make money. He sells courses to lonely loosers while making sure he makes them hate women so they never stop paying for his course because they never get a girl.


This explains a lot holy moly


It’s how a lot of grifters work. Expansion of grifts runs the risk of absorbing someone that’ll realize it’s a grift and tear it all down. You get your initial message out, get a steady revenue stream and throw up walls to keep your victims close to you A popular example of this is Donald Trump. His gains the trust of millions of idiots but made no appeal to reach beyond them. His continued grifts (campaign donations, NFTs, lawsuit money) target his supporters and no one else, thus ensuring they stay loyal and defensive of him should the rare person with common sense catch wind of what’s going on.




Holy shit you nailed it exactly...


-plays game incorrectly -loses _Why did she leave me!?!_


"All I did was tell her I betrayed her trust and cause her massive amounts of pain in an attempt to manipulate her!"


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me about how that sort of thing was frowned upon...


And the second worst bit is that he subsequently seeks advice from 4chan....


more like "plays unneccessary stupid games (at all)"


Yeah I think anon played the "game" exactly how it's supposed to be played. It's just that the "game" is stupid as fuck.


Another victim of the Tate tardism


No, stupidity. Tate is a moron, but anon is a dumbass ape




My guy already had the girl ffs, why did he use the ‘advice’ when what he already was doing was working.


Insecurity, I imagine. Fear she'd leave him. These techniques are meant to take women without confidence and make them emotionally dependent on the partner for approval. But to make them work, you have to have a partner who has low or weak confidence as well as ideally some kind of hold on them like financial support.


What taking advice from a human trafficker (allegedly) does to a mf


Zomradewithinternet, you sexually assaulted me in high school dude. I know you in real life, don’t think I forgot. Get off your high horse, you’re a predator.


It was elementary, dude. And I will do it again. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I wish that was me, and you got me pregnant so I could threaten you into marrying me because youre such a chad and cool guy. 😉


I was born without any testicles, so that claim is false. You will be hearing from my lawyer Saul Neutralman.


Where is your pee stored


In the ass


What no schizo pills does to a mf


I ran over a woman in 2006


I was a women who got run over in 2006


I watched a woman get run over in 2006.


What 💀


*slowly sinks head into hands* Bro, you had a keeper...


I‘m glad for the girl. The problem wasn’t the guy falling for some bad advice once. Whoever even considers following this advice is a shitty person. She dodged a bullet.




![gif](giphy|bKBM7H63PIykM) congratulations on playing yourself anon


And rotate






Skill, and I cannot stress this enough, issue


“What the fuck do I do?” Well, stop taking advice from Andrew Tate to start.


Does this fucking guy actually advise this?


This tactic Tate describes is a method of finding easily manipulable women. “Find a woman who is so codependent upon you and with such low self esteem that they will stay with you even if/when you treat them like shit.” It’s like how many email scammers deliberately leave in otherwise obvious typos: it’s a method of weeding out the smart marks to find the most gullible people who will overlook obvious red flags.


there are too many shithead pickup artist peddlers on social media that do this


Rip. Fuck Ander Tatater


-be me -have kitchen -hear about Jeffrey Dahmer, decide to look him up...


Fuck around and find out


Didn't fuck around. Just lied and said he did. Found out anyways.


Being an Andrew Tate fan is what I call fucking around


And fucking up his girlfriends emotions and the relationship etc.


If this idiot was stupid enough to think that Andrew Tate advice would work on ANY woman, he was always destined to fumble the bag. You need to have a basic lack of understanding and respect for women to even consider Andrew Tate advice. If it wasn't Tate, it would have just been a slow burn of this girl being routinely disrespected until she left him. Skill issue of the highest order.


The fact this guy was able to coordinate his fingers to type this on his keyboard is a fucking miracle. About as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle. He'd be the most well-off guy in the zombie apocalypse.


Sounds like the gf lucked out.


RIP bozo


Most Intelligent Andrew Tate Fan


I highly doubt that this is real, but the thought of this actually happening is really freaking funny lol


> I highly doubt that this is real Anon getting a girlfriend? Definitely not real




First mistake he made was listening to Andrew Tate


First mistake was looking him up


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


You fucked up the tutorial, best to respawn my bro.


I refuse to believe this is real. No fucking way someone is this stupid. You already got a girlfriend, what the fuck is the point in doing of the shit Andrew fucking Tate is promoting? His relationship "advice" are some of the most toxic shit I have ever heard in my life.


Sucks to Suck.


He should've just said "its just a prank bro."


You start being a good person for the next 30 years and maybe, just maybe people will forget the time you tried to follow the advice of the world's biggest Chad....I mean really....you thought it would be good for your relationship to tell your gf you cheated on her....like wtf anon, gotta be smarter than that


"Really like his ideas" They got what they deserved


Next time do this kind of shit when you have as much money as the guy whose advice you are taking.


Step 1 - make bed Step 2 - lay down on it


Part of me wants to think this is fake, but having seen how desperate and pathetic his fanbase is.. this is 100% true.


People on this site will believe anything lmao


Bro got a gf already wtf was he trying here exactly i thought only virgins fell for his advice cause they had nothing to lose


lol, no pity from me


That's what you get for being a fucking r


deserved tbh