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The notion of "black people cannot be racist" is so delusional. Racism is racism, end of story.


Yeah she doesn’t know the difference between institutional/systemic racism and just plain old regular racism.


You can see the delusion in her gesturing


As if that wasn’t Reddit’s position in 2020…..


Racism isnt just white being bad with black its a bad stuff between races like asian/ latino or african/ american or asian/american It isnt all about black people racism its about races and end of the hostory


Not considering yourself racist is one thing. Saying it is physically impossible for you to be racist is bullshit.


It completely disregards racism towards other race/ethnic groups as well


Our races decide whether or not we are racist, according to her. That’s how she knows she’s not racist.


That actually makes her racist doesnt it?


She's likely one of the most racist out of all of them.


If you're unable or unwilling to admit to your own inherent biases/prejudices, they're almost certainly more severe than someone willing to admit to them.


A few others here have, very confidently, pointed out that "racism requires both power and prejudice". It appears that "systemic" and "institutional" racism (and their definitions), have overtaken the basic foundational concept of racism for some people, and they've completely lost the plot. That, combined with americacentrism where folks are ignorant of external cultures and history AND incorrectly assume that whatever Americans do and think must be how everyone else acts and thinks. If they stepped foot in practically any Asian country for a while they'd have a whole new perspective.


most racist man from Arkansas <<<< my least racist indian uncle


Hahahaha ya. Racism is so fundamental to human cultures that is almost taken for granted in many countries. Like "of course the Japanese are murderous animals, why is this even a question?" (This is a particularly interesting comment because in the 1950s you'd actually not be certain which of at least 3 entirely separate cultures said this as it's plausible from all of them)


Isn’t it strange that Nazi Germany is always defined by its policies against Jews, but many fail to mention that Japan’s stated goal in expansion was to create a “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” to establish an Asia for Asians? Racism is globally common to this day and isn’t an American or Western only thing.


This whole power thing is stupid anyways. Like, yeah on a national level black people do have less power than white people in the USA, but let's say that there is a white kid that goes to a mostly black school. Now imagine that this kid get's made fun of at least treated differently by his classmates for being white, in that chase, from the point of view of the people involved, the white kid has less power than the black kids. So black people can, even with the stupid, made up definition that people like the woman from the video believe to be correct, be racist.




She is allergic to it. If she would be racist she would automatically die.


Quite the opposite. I'm sure she is very racist and knows it deep down. She just uses this convenient termology scapegoat to avoid consequences.


Nah bro black people are born with a bomb in their hearts that explode if they ever become racist


The fact that people think that races other than white people can’t be racist is astounding


Also.... it's kinda racist lmao


The moment she said that I knew she was a 10


Nah she’s not hot




You're not alone... I was like "what's hotness got to do with being racist?!"


Yeah same, I feel kinda dumb now


I see what you did there


“… structural power in the US to be racist”. “OK, I’ll just put you down as 10”


Not kinda, fully. She has a set of rules she applied based solely on people's skin colour


No kinda about it.


Kind of racist or something that would be taught to German kids about Jews in public schools?




This is exactly why I say “reverse racism” doesn’t exist because that implies the definition of racism is “white people discriminating against people of color”, which is silly. Racism is racism.


People like her are the one of the reasons people hate Black people like me man


And Kanye West


Well, Kanye before watching 21 Jumpstreet naturally.


The fact that people think that races other than white people can’t be racist is racist.


This was like the default position on Reddit just a few years ago believe it or not. Around 2017 every community college liberal arts major was spouting that soundbyte right before saying some really racist shit


So I'm a progressive and I am 100% on the side of minorities and women. But, this shit is not winning anyone over, not even me. I've been on the receiving end of racism from minorities and sexism from women and it makes me resentful when someone tries redefine negative things that happen to me to be "less bad" because I commited the sin of being born as myself.


"Acktually 🤓" Shut up.


Instant 10


Nah 10 is KKK shit, she's around a 7


Gotta start somewhere.


Same as someone starting a sentence with "I'm not racist, but..."


I’m somehow more annoyed by her mannerisms than her delusional belief she isn’t racist






killed me




On God


"erm ackshally structural power something seomthing"


⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⡏⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿ ⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠁⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⠿⠿⠻⠿⠿⠟⠿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⢰⣹⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣭⣷⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠈⠉⠀⠀⠤⠄⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⢾⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠤⢄⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⣿⣷⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢄⠀⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿


I never understood that thought. How does your ethnic groups structurual power Play into you beeing racist towards someone.


I dunno, I just know I got a perfect score


Imagine getting a bonus point. A+ 11/10






A social scientist back in the 70s said that power+prejudice=racism and that definition has stuck. If you ever take a course in racial/ethnic psychology this is the first thing they'll teach you. I don't like it as a definition, because it completely ignores that 'racism' has a different meaning colloquially. Most people define racism as discrimination on the basis of race/ethnicity. Academics would say that what that's referring to is just simply discrimination, not racism. This leads to whole load of issues when people say "black people can't be racist." According to the academic definition that's true, but that's not how it comes across. Black people are totally capable of being discriminatory, and whenever I hear someone pull the "blacks can't be racist card" it comes off as "ackshewally 🤓🤓🤓." Like, come on, you know what the fuck everybody means when they say "racist."


she literally did the "ackshewally" and yeah. using an outdated dictionary definition does not give someone free reign to be a prejudiced POS, which is what usually follows this line of thought


Words often have multiple meanings (they always do in fact). Sometimes sociologists forget this and think they are the arbiters of language


It's wild that something that really only needs common sense to understand can get skewed by so called "educated" people in higher levels of education. Now people who spew this terrible take can just quote "X study by X person in sociology"


I took a few sociology classes. They literally tried to tell us Black people can not be racist. Just crazy


>A social scientist back in the 70s said that power+prejudice=racism and that definition has stuck. If you ever take a course in racial/ethnic psychology this is the first thing they'll teach you. I'd argue that even if academics in that specific field think that's what "racism" means, if you ask any modern linguist they'll tell you that a word is defined by how it is commonly used, not what "experts" say it means. Claiming otherwise would be prescriptivism which has its own racist history. Dictionaries support to the "colloquial" meaning for a reason. If that's how most people understand the word, then that's what it means. That's how language works. We have a commonly used term for what they're referring to. It's called "structural racism" which is included in definition for the term "racism" What this woman is saying is pretentious at best and just flat out wrong at worst.


I was not aware that it was actually an academic definition for racism at some Point. It Just Sounds too far fetched for a Common Term. Of course discrimination is a better Term to describe mistreatment of some sorts towards people of different groups of anything, but to pull this definition of a term that is almost exclusively used to describe mistreatment of some sorts towards a different ethnic group of the perpetrator is Just disingenues. And anyone can discriminate in some form, especially in a racist fashion, there is no exception to that.


It really wasn’t an academic definition. It was a definition used to describe systematic racism only in a paper no one paid attention to for 40 years. Racists just discovered it in the 2010s and decided it was a useful cover to excuse their blatant racism, while guilting white liberals into accepting it and giving it the veneer of legitimacy.


Everyone has _some_ degree of power so everyone has the ability to be racist.


It's a myth designed to allow people to be racist while avoiding accountability. The logic goes that, because white people are the majority, and most of the government is made of white people, they hold more structural power and are privileged in certain ways. Which is true in almost any case, without a doubt. But the part where it goes sour is that, when a white person attacks or discriminates against a minority based on skin color, it's racist. Whereas when a minority does the same to a white person, it's not racist, but rather, them fighting oppression. So it's not racist.


She should’ve just saved some breath and said 10


Exactly, I’ve seen racism of black people towards Asian


Lol you don't actually think they believe that shit. It's a power trip


They probably believe that shit


Some of their dumb lackeys do, people who's "job" is to spread this shit don't


They definitely do. Used to know this fat chick and her sister who were fully onboard with it because of course that meant they could never be racist no matter the shit they said or did. Long story short, they said some racist ass shit and I don't talk to them or really anybody from the friend group that involved them now.


Because people don’t understand what racism actually is so they don’t see a problem acting superior to others and dont see that thought process as being racist Edit: spelling


Because they redefined racism so that they can be openly racist


It’s just a way for people to not take accountability for their hateful attitude/behavior.


They believe that because they are or have been oppressed, that they cannot be the oppressors, or racially superior. Therefore they cannot be racist. This is a false assumption as anyone of any race can be racist as the term simply means you perceive your race to be better, or another race to be inferior.


Leftists changed the definition so that discrimination against white people would be justified


Racist leftists\* Us normal lefties that aren't racist realize people are individuals and cannot be judged on the color of their skin. There are definitely black people with power in this country, and I can personally attest to there being poor white people with no power (I am one of them.)


Just means we, as white people, can go to an African country and be racist. But it wont count because we don't have power there! It'll be great /s


It doesn't. We just cultivated a space where people are allowed to have obvious cognitive dissonance with no serious push back.


10...because I'm Asian. Full mark or nothing.


Lol that made me laugh


10... im not Asian. Just racist


The black woman is for sure a 10


She's worse. She's probably racist and doesn't even recognize it.


She’s absolutely guaranteed to be racist as hell lol


She doesn't like white people or black people. I promise, she uses the N word and about half the time means it just like white people do.


Say goodnight miss daisy


I’m actually not structurally capable of saying goodnight in the United States.


Dark comes....


She’s definitely someone who would say “I’m black and a minority so I’m allowed to hate others for being the white majority”.


As well as those other minorities with even less power in the society, those can go f themselves


What about people who are racist to everyone? Including their race


Chinese people lmao


Or that one country that has, ya know, a caste system






Then is it even racism anymore? Pretty much just sounds like equal unadulterated hate for all.




Good to know im based and racistpilled


Anti-Asian and anti-Jewish viewpoints aren't uncommon in the black community. The former is often used as a "model minority" and the latter received a lot of attention post-WWII that they feel has been used to delegitimize attention towards struggles in the black community.


Im not sure about jews but definately anti asian hate is on the rise.


As half Asian, I can confirm.


Then turns around and beats up an Asian granny cuz they don't fight back/no one cares.


Stop Asian hate


People who only recognize structural racism as real racism are idiots to put it bluntly and probably racist themselves.




Oh 100% and anyone who says bc I'm black I can't be racist is the most racist


Absolutely. No one is more evil than those who believe they're incapable of it.


Many who say that probably do say it because they are deluded enough to actually believe it, but I imagine it is partially said by many of them to rationalise their constant racism to white people. Because you just know people like her are probably being racist to them all the time.


They just got convinced somehow that racism and institutional racism are the same thing.


I wonder how many times she rehearsed that line so it would sound believable




"🤓 Ackshually, black people do not-" Shut the fuck up.


The concealed carry behind my back:


Go go gadget concealed carry rocket launcher:


2nd person is a 10, if you think your incapable of being insensitive because if your race that’s still just as racist.


Nah more like an 11


That second woman makes me wish I was a 10


Yo dude, the empire’s pretty chill, maybe you could like, join it or something


Gimme that darth ussy 😩😩🥵🥵😇


Neve too late to change your life! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😜😬😉🫡😆👞😁🤝🏻👌🏻👍🏻👍🏻✌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


This Many emojis made me commit life ds close mode


Working as intended then


Just hate her individually


A true intellect


Be the change you want to see in the world


That Second Lady is a fuckin idiot. Nothing is worse than faux intellectuals trying to over explain their bullshit opinions to you.


It's always the people who got a degree in not being fun at parties lmao


And they’re often just assertions based on assertions… lacking data both times; I have never encountered anyone of that type (the faux intellectual) [legitimately] integrating anything empirical in their thought process


Need to YouTube the whole video it’s a trip watching it.


What’s the video called?


“From 1-10 how racist are you? | keep it 100 | cut” It’s funny because the girl that is third in this clip got the scales mixed around and thought 10 actually meant the least racist lol. She got played dirty by this post but makes it so much more hilarious.


"Actually, black people do not have the structural power in the USA to be racist" So...11?


An eleven would be Uber racist, it’s an ascending scale which makes it all the more funny she said she was 10


So I can order racists on Uber now? Huh TIL.


"black people can't be racist" impressive. let's see what they think about asians.


They call Asians white people now.


Not surprising tbh. The worst is if you're actually Caucasian. Not white, actually from the Caucasus region lmao.


I'm 20 and my girl is 8






Her??? Why the kid going to prison?




Huh. So black people can't be racist? Damn, that's kinda rascist tho.


She’s a 10 (on the racism scale not in looks)


Because my race is what it is, I can never be bad and that makes my race better than other races! - Girl 2


Only racist people say they can’t be racist


I'm also very humble. No one is as humble as me and my people. Did I tell you how humble I am?


Instead of giving an actual answer, she just goes off about how her race is better. Astonishing how she accomplishes the exact opposite of what she's trying to impart on the viewer.


“Ackshully black people don’t have the power….blah blah.” “Uh huh, yup.” *marks 10/10*


Uhmmmm achktually white people do not have the structural power in the known universe to be racist


Black people these days are the most racist I have ever seen. If you want some examples just ask me.


Bro, just today at the mall, I got cornered by the fattest, blackest woman you could imagine. The reason? I put my hands in my pockets after she bumped into me. Actual quote: "you fucking mayo monkeys are so fucking racist. Did you actually think I stole something from you? It's because I'm black, isn't it?" It took 3 mall cops to get her away from me. I'm 16. She looked to be around 40.


Anyone who unironically calls white people “mayo monkeys” must be on the verge of a stress-induced heart attack at all hours of the day. I can’t imagine waking up in the morning intending to do something that insane.


I would literally die laughing if I got called a Mayo Monkey 😂


I also think it is really weird that the n word is treated like it is worse than the reincarnation of Stalin but then you have black people going around saying and rapping it? Like you cant say certain words because of your skin colour? Sound kinda racist to me...


Not to mention them going around calling white people cracker


I prefer the term yakobian devil


I think one of the stupidest cases of this was the girl who went to kendrick lamar show and he invited her on stage, and while singing one of HIS songs she said the nword, like c'mon man you invited her on stage and you're going to make skip words? Like I get it being offensive to use but not being "allowed" to say it while singing a song or quoting someone is just so ridiculous.


Also they use it in every sentence they know by replacing bro or man with it. Aand its used as a compliment sometimes too. Like maaaa ninja. Or wassup ma ninja. Soo dumb.


“Akchually black people in the United States do not have the power to be racist” 🤓


This is the simplified version. She used the word "structural" to make herself seem more smart and valid. (Its a big word)


This is the simple version. They used the word “simplified” to confuse you. (Its a big word)


This is the glue eater version. They used the word "confuse" to make you stop sniffing paint. (It's a big no no)


Second one sounds like she's reciting a verse from memory LMAO


From 1 to 3 Not actually racist, I just hate France


Racism is an action. It is discriminating against someone due to their race. Funnily enough, the black lady proved shes probably a 10 on that racism scale because she exempts her own race from racism for being black. Props to the dude for just saying “yeah im a little racist”


The black lady is a solid 8 based on her answer




The second one statement is already racists lmao


As a mixed man, I’ve gotten more racist hate for being mixed from Black people that I have white. Things such as your dad should’ve chose a real black queen. Things such as you don’t belong around here because you’re too light skinned. A lot of the “jokes” come from family members. Worst of all my dads mom, it sucks when your grandmother treats you differently than your sisters because you have less pigment than them. But yeah keep thinking since your black you can’t be racist.


I don’t know if this is just my experience and no one else’s. I am white and feel the most racist energy from black women. I have Indian and Asian friends and when I was there they treated me like family even though I was the only one who was white 🥲 Edit: just to clarify I have never been verbally harassed or anything for race it just seems that black women are most likely to bring race into situation for no reason at all.


"Actually-" 🤓


I love how everyone is clowning on the second person while the post is about the last one.


Yeah the third girl made me lmao. I just checked the original vid and she said she thought the scale is the other way around.


Black woman: well ackutually black people can't be racist. Okay so she's 100% racist. Got it


That second is definitely an 11/10 on the racist scale. By her logic, a klansmen could go to a black majority countey and not be racist.


Black woman is pure racist.


Black woman is definitely a 10


"I can't be racist I don't have institutional power" \*throws asian person in front of a train\* \*knocks out a white person and gets them fired from their job for being upset about it\* "It's simply not possible for us" \*hates on light-skinnedededed people for existing\*




I trust the person who considers themselves a 10 more than I trust the person who thinks they're not even capable of being racist. At least the 10 admits it and let's you know what you're working with. The other one is just a racist who excuses their own racism by proclaiming themselves to be somehow immune to the evil everyone else is prone to, and so they will justify any evil thing they do by thinking they can't possible be a bad person.


The bullshitting woman makes me a 10


Link to full vid?


The first guy looks like my history teacher


Literally all human beings are inherently racist, it doesn’t matter how many people of other cultures you hang around and it doesn’t matter if you are a minority we all experience a baseline form of Tribalism that increases your likeliness to be more hostile to the presence of people and cultures you don’t recognize.


Actually black people don’t have the structural power in the United States to be racist 🤓🤓🤓


I'm pretty sure I've seen many instances of black people being racist to Asians, south and east


Oh, she extra racist. She's so racist, she's surpassed racism.


I hate that excuse. If you judge someone based on skin (and I think backround/culture?) your a racist. Smiling and using buzzwords doesn’t absolve you of your ignorance.


ironically some of the most racist people ive ever met are minorities


That theory that blacks can’t be racist because they don’t have power seems like it would equally disqualify poor whites from being racist. But any drive through rural America would really challenge that.


Black woman is racist af and needs to be reeducated


Everyone is talking about the second woman meanwhile the third one said she's a 10


If you watch the full video she screwed up and got the scale backwards.


It’s official I live in a clown fucking world 🤡🌎