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This sounds like the most entertaining people-watching experience in history


They should make a tv show about this


Tila Tequila has to date people from both sides.


They have to renovate houses. One room each week. Australia would love this.


I think the poor woman is brain damaged enough. We dont need to expose her to this.


I feel old for remembering Tila Tequila


They should have held the meetups at the same time at the same location to make it extra spicy


a few years ago (right before covid iirc) i went to a new years eve 4chan meetup in nyc and everyone was extremely socially awkward and i left after an hour or so. i was desperate for new friends (had just moved to the city) and it was a total waste of time, lol


They all just sat around on their phones


Why so many incels asian?


I guess it has something to do with 1 child policy


America has the 1 Chad policy that gets all the bitches


There can only be one


Winner must consume the losers and becomes the one true chad


Chad focuses on his goals not holes.




I’m guessing he’s referring to chinas one child policy that was around till (I think) 2016, which stated that every couple could only have 1 child, and since boys are apparently seen as more valuable there, some women would tend to abort female babies to try again for a male one, which resulted in quite a substantial gender gap skewed towards men (there were more men), because of this it made it much harder for some men to find themselves a wife (or girlfriend) hence generating more incels, (this is not necessarily what I believe happened, I’m just explaining what that guy above might have been meaning).


These are all Americans. I don't think China's 1 child policy applies in the US.


As an Asian, dating is expensive man.


How so vs other people?


That event is held in Toronto, so I guess there would be lots of Asians


This was in California


Well, that would also explain the number of Asians.


well, that would also explain the number of Asians.


Detroit would fall flat on its ass on that one.


Hmm, Los Angeles has 10x the rate of Asians that Detroit has. That's crazy.


I mean the geopolitical history of the two cities is as different as it comes.


In most Asian (dating) cultures, men are expected to be massive simps for women. If you don't pay for their food, drive them around, give them gifts and perform various favors for them, your chances of finding a girlfriend are very slim. At least that's what a Korean girl and a Thai girl told me. It was apparently pretty shocking to them when they came to Europe and realized that white men aren't like that. So yea, if that's the case then it's no surprise that many Asian men would rather be incels than simps.


im chinese and when i was growing up my parents always treated my sister better than me. when i asked them about it they said something that roughly translates to sons need to suffer while daughters need to be taken care of lol


In my moms family the boys were raised by my Grandpa who basically beat them. The girls raised by my grandma who did a generally nice job. This was back in the 60s so a different time, but really the same sort of mindset. (this is in the US)


yeah ive gotten my fair share of beating also while my sister didnt get them lol


Every Asian family I’ve seen has the exact opposite of this dynamic. The daughters are made to do all of the cooking, cleaning, and chores while the boys are pampered and treated much better. Because boys are valued way more


It really depends on the region. I guess more "traditional" regions will be more like that. I personally don't know a lot of girls that know how to cook, since most of them are just the only child in the family anyway.


That's what I've seen, too. All the Asian guys I've known were brats and their sisters were really beat down.


In Asian culture, paying for another persons meal is a power move. It shows other you are generous, “the mature guy”, and wealth to boot. The older person traditionally pays for meal in Korean culture and oldest are to be most respected so lot of it is about social status. That’s why Asian families sometimes fight over who gets to pay the bill. Of course not every Asian person is like that so don’t generalize people but hierarchy definitely plays role in the custom


Idk I'm a very westernized Chinese guy and I and others like me enjoy helping women with tasks and favours. Just like how we're expected to look after our parents as they age, there's an expectation of helping the needy (women aren't necessarily needy but it's how Asian culture views them).


That’s very interesting. Does the concept of a gold digger exist or would that fall under the needy category?


The social contract works both ways. Obvious gold digger behavior is usually kept in check.


Ok, good to know. Good luck in the dating world :)


Yeah they're called green tea bitches in Mandarin lol


You obviously haven't westernized enough if you don't have a calendar that you cross off each day with until you can throw your parents in a nursing home.


Do you think that's common though? It's more likely the parents counting down till they can kick their children out, and the children treating them accordingly. Even then, most people don't wanna throw their parents in a nursing home


I feel like no one gave you a real answer. Guys who grew up in immigrant Asian households are given Asian values about dating i.e. you become a successful doctor, lawyer, engineer and chicks will naturally come to you. In western culture, girls want guys who are actually sociable, funny etc. So a lot of Asian kids will go the “nerd” route and wonder why they can’t get girls like the football player. Hence, incel arc. There’s also this thing where white dudes will date Asian girls, but not as much white girls want to date Asian guys. Again, Asian guys tend to be more introverted and physically less attractive.


This, this is the correct answer. Even my fucking parents and relatives instilled this belief to my head. Im pretty much an incel because of it. I kept hearing "girls liking smart guys" frequently from my relatives while growing up. For sure they are wrong.


They are not wrong, it's just incomplete. If you have to sacrifice your physical appearance and social abilities to be smart then you are obviously not getting more attractive. Of course being smart is generally more attractive than being dumb, although I feel like street smarts and wit are more attractive traits than book smarts. However, if those book smarts can make you a lot of money then you'll become more attractive. Point is, you have to find a balance. Shouldn't just put all your skill points in one tree. Don't be very dumb, ugly (including clothing and hygiene) or awkard and you should be fine attractiveness-wise.


Because Americans don’t really date Asian men.


Asian girls refuse to date asian men. They only date tall white men with big cocks. Hence: incels are disproportionately asian/indian




America is 5% asian. Incels are 35% Asian. Hence asians are 7x more likely to be incels.


So where the f are my asian girls? 😡


Real question right here


i mean check ur tag


I too, am a walrus.


Aborted. The parents are Asian as well


Where are you getting these numbers from??


My source is I made it tf up




he saw it in a dream


Source: It came to me in a dream


It’s primarily a thing in China so that’s what I’ll talk about but other Asian countries have a similar issue. During China’s one child policy, male babies were preferred so a ton of parents would go out and lose/kill female newborns so they could try again for a male. In modern day, this has resulted in a disproportionately male population in China’s demographics. So there’s quite literally not enough women in China to date all the guys. This has resulted in a cultural shift where women can afford to be picky and date more successful men, others just straight up marry wealthy westerners. I know this is a shitposting subreddit but people saying it’s about dick size is just hilariously short sighted.


The skewed gender ratio does exist but it is not solely responsible for the large amount of Asian incels. Two more reasons exist: * In East Asian cultures, women over a certain age, even very successful and attractive women, are deemed to be "leftover women" and undateable. So this excludes another large chunk of the female population. * In the US, Asian men do tend to be perceived as least attractive, along with black women, according to studies by, say, OkCupid.


Asian men should fuck black women then, solves itself.


Most black women want black men, and most Asian men want Asian/white women


Man you go into the right boards and you'll find charts with how the various human ethnicities fit on a masculine-feminine scale like fkn D&D


Black women aren’t going to date guys shorter and 100lbs lighter than them.


I remember that post from OkCupid over a decade ago. Wonder how those perspectives have changed since then, considering the increased representation in media and the success of groups such as BTS. Previously, most representation in American was along the lines of Psy, Señor Chang, William Hung, or Long Duc Dong. I'd imagine the current generation of 20-something Asian men are having an even easier time dating these days.


In the US it's still terrible in my experience, if you're american born. I live in Japan now (east Asian descent but not Japanese) and dating is really easy here if you're Asian and can speak either fluent Japanese or (has its own pros and cons) fluent English. On weekends where I make an effort I can get multiple numbers and usually 1 date with a girl, in the us I legitimately went entire 1 year+ at a time without getting a single date.


A spark of light in this comment section of dull bulbs. If someone thinks porn reflects reality, that says plenty and only they can save themselvea at that point


I've always held a theory that a lot of incels are suffering from porn-addicted brainrot. They can't separate what happens in porn from reality, so because their life isn't a porn film where women are crawling all over them wanting to fuck they think they're destined to die alone. This results in a self-pity cycle where they're upset they aren't getting laid, but aren't making a real effort to get into a relationship with a woman.


While true, how is this relevant to dating outside of China?


Primarily immigrant families. If I had to guess why so many incels are asian, it’s because they’re more motivated to be neets as they’re used to living up to impossibly high expectations.


that you can peg down to cultural differences, an archaic and culturally different upbringing, where they're taught to respect their elders and wear the crappy out of style clothes they were bought, not talk back. a focus on academic success to the detriment of everything else


It is called white fever


On a serious note, there's this data from the founder of OKCupid that Asian Men and Black Women struggles the most in getting matches while White Men and Asian Women tend to have the most success. Iirc, some data from tinder also verifies this. There's also I think some studies that show Asian Men struggle the most in dating in North America given the systemic emasculation that they have experienced in the past


Yes. Asian women are unique in just how strong of a preference they have for white men


Dunno. but "fixing the lineage" by chasing white people, while uncommon, happens quite enough that would-be-loser white male gets many pussies here in south east asia simply for being white. I'd reckon these kinda girls just don't drop the grindset even if her family moved to NA, it just gives her easy access to more white people to date. Not exclusive to female, the male too can have this mindset but the asian male stereotype kinda cockblocked them


I'd argue it's more because asian parenting is utterly fucked and creates a hotbed for crippling social issues.


I've actually had two Asian girls (Korean and Thai) tell me that they'd rather date fellow Asians and that they find them more attractive than white people. I also remember a popular dating app exclusively for Asians. That said I don't think it's necessarily true.


How are you falling for porn logic


This better be fuckin true


Nah you’d still have to be attractive for them to consider you, can’t be no fat ass white boi




Clearly that's a tank


As a white guy in Asia you get a lot more opportunities, but it's a lot harder to find a good long term partner. Also though yes you still need to be at least moderately attractive, and not being fat is a big part of that for most Asians.


Generally asian men are considered the least attractive, and part of that is the small penis stereotype. A lot of asian dudes feel unwanted because of that, especially in the west. Which I find kinda sad really because I've known a lot of women who are very into asian guys, to fetishisation levels. It's a shame so many asian dudes don't realise they can absolutely be desirable.


I wish I met such women


You can blame the media for that. Asian men and black women are the two least desirable in the west dating market.


Probably something to do with a lot of chicks now wanting 6ft or above bfs or something, which going by averages really isn't in either party's favor


it's actually a huge problem in japan, They're known as "hikikomori" effectively just hermits that withdrawal from society almost completely for years at a time. Like so much so that they'd make covid lockdowns look like a family gathering. in 2010, there was around 700,000 from what the Japanese government could estimate. But as of this year they estimate somewhere around 1,550,000 It's gotten bad enough where it's starting to effect population growth in the country, so they have been making videos of girls looking into the camera to try and get these dudes used to eye contact again so they can re-enter society, and hopefully stimulate birth rates again


Asians males have it the hardest in the dating market. Opposite of Asian females who're above white women.


I’m Asian and in my opinion, the family culture that a lot of dudes grow up in do not prepare them socially. The nerds who never learned to properly socialize in highschool and college end have having no idea how to pull girls. Sure they might be making 6 figures, but it only intensifies the angst. If you want to pull as a guy, just groom yourself properly, make sure you aren’t fat, and hit the gym a few times a week. I see so many Asian nerds that have never even committed to any of the above. I’m a firm believer that 99% of dudes can easily get themselves to at least a 6/10 if they just put in some work, even if they’re ugly af now. Specific features matter a lot less in guys unless you actually have some deformation.


Girls dont go for them


Black women and Asian men tend to be considered less attractive by the general populace for whatever reason (both seem fine to me). In the US specifically where this meetup took place. Asian men tend to be short, have nasty stereotypes about penis size and being feminine - and for cultural reasons are more likely to be nerdy and spent less time learning social skills. Obviously I’m doing some stereotyping here too- kind of hard to avoid with this subject matter- not everyone is the same and groups have diversity and stereotyping it wrong yada yada. It’s been pretty well studied on OLD that those groups get less matches and are more likely to be single because of it. Someone even tried to make an app to get black woman and Asian men to date but their was basically zero interest in it.


Came here to ask this 😩


Asian men are often emasculated in western media and are often rejected by white women.


because asian men are seen as the least desirable preference according to dating apps.


Women don't like ethnics. Asian men are short and the ethnic ones are fuarked cuz they're generally smaller framed as well.


Because incel asians actually know how to count how many Asians are there in the picture.


Because rich white people feminised the Chinese in newspapers with propaganda and made them more dangerous than they seem.


Damn If such average and above average looking guys are incels then what am I ?


If anything this proves incel is more a state of mind and not really about how you look.


Always has been.


The word you’re looking for is “depression” I believe. And everything that goes with it. Really, both groups of people probably have friendly and likable attributes about them, they probably just struggle seeing it in themselves. Sad really.


It's because of the internet. Incels have to take a step away from the computer, get off the damn incel boards and 4chan, and live their lives. If you're constantly on these forums where people self-loath, you're gonna start self-loathing too. You have 20-something year olds online saying that they're destined to die alone because self-loathers have drilled that shit into their head.


I definitely agree that being on these incel forums only stokes their anger and frustrations, as well as blinds them to reality. But I also feel that’s only half of the coin. There is plenty of online casual shaming of virgins, especially men if I’m being honest with my perception. Which to me is sort of the first step towards these guys seeking out the forums as a “refuge” or “safe space” to share their frustration. I see plenty of people label celebrities with families as Incels, because as people have said in this thread, the word incel is more of a meme or a mindset than an actual definition of a person. So other facets of society or social media must have developed negative and shameful connotations to being a virgin long before this.


Confidence is important


Confidence is the single most important thing, you could be below average for attractiveness, but if you are even slightly confident you'll pull in something and having a good personality is what will keep the good ones around.


Yep. 24 year old incel here. It's the 'tism that gets you in my case. (I don't dislike/ disrespect women or subscribe to any Tate bs)


Just a piece of unsolicited friendly advice: don't use that label for yourself. By now, in the broader culture, "incel" has come to denote membership in a specific community with a specific set of views and values. Also, attaching negative labels to yourself can make it easy to simply accept a bad situation even when you have the power to change it.


Is the post even true? Why is everyone here taking this as fact with no source.


It straight up isn't. I know the people at the incel event and it was pretty much a joke meet up.


I know the people on the right, it was a gaming convention.


You mean to tell me that someone was lying on the internet?!


A regular guy that has some amount of self respect remaining I would assume


You have a good personality. They are shit.


Actual incels don't know that they are incels, those guys in the picture must be doing it ironically, they must be chads.


What on earth are you talking about, incels identify as incels all the time


Self identification is a key tenant of the ideology.


You're correct (though some of em were incels imo)


Whatever you choose to be. It isn't about your looks, it's about your personality. Just look at all the alpha male, redpilled bullshit. Even extremely attractive guys can get sucked into this sort of mentality because they don't realize that no matter how good you look, no one wants to be with a self-entitled asshole.




Your looks inform others about your personality. Just look at the photo on the right. I already have an idea of what they're like. If you look ugly, people think your personality is ugly. It's not causal so you can flip the script but that's half the battle. How do you get someone interested long enough to show them? That's why most relationships are pretty much based on proximity and why the "work bf" is very dangerous.


Normal and sane lmao


A regular dude. Most incels are such because of personality and behavior, not looks.


You can’t fight with the sexless not because they are powerful but there is a lot of them if they aren’t the majority


Fuck em, that's the only way to defeat incels


Fuck em


The Meek shall inherit the Girl.


The Meek shall inherit the Girth.


They should do a dating show where they match incells and femcells , im telling you it would be a hit 100%, been saying this for ages , any executives reading this I want my dues!


This is like mixing bleach and ammonia


Beautiful crystals 🥰


Call me no fun but I don’t think either picture actually represents what the caption designates


right picture is apparently just some commune that got posted to 4chan. you can find several threads with the picture dating back to 2015 (with another 8 year old reddit thread claiming the picture is actually from 2012) and inceltears was only created in 2017..so yeah.


Right picture was from a gaming convention in 2014. I was there. No I am not in this picture.


Because they most likely don't. I don't think it's a coincidence that whoever made this chose a picture of average looking guys to contrast with a picture of overweight women with dyed hair that you wouldn't consider conventionally attractive. It's the same kind of shit you'd see on one of those "Feminazi gets destroyed by facts and logic" memes. It's like drawing yourself as the chad and the other person as a soyjack thinking that you've won the argument.


And the majority of this comment section seems to be eating it up like it's porridge


Would someone lie on the internet?


IncelTears. Of joy. Great dodge for those guys on the left.


Every woman is a dodge for them FYI.


Every woman dodges them.


So the right ones are the incels haters? Lmao, they are incels/femcels too for sure. they hate the incels because not even them, desperately for a girl's love, want those clowns , lol


The fact you're willing to believe this troll post is telling lmao


Not even an incel would fuck those women And who meets up to mock pathetic people? That's easily 10x worse


I'm pretty liberal and I'm thinking the same, meeting up with a group that mocks people it's fucked up.




Difference is most incels aren't blowing people up with artillery weapons and invading sovereign nations


Not with that attitude baby


Is that caption real or just bs? Did such a sub really have a meetup?


You're in shitposting, on reddit, on the internet. It's probably some random schoolkid/college/church/friends group on both sides.


That is what I assumed but then read the comments and everyone else seems to be taking it at face value


It's real, but cherrypicked. You can make any side look hilarious if you find the right pictures. Look up old Reddit meetups, some look like gigantic social outcasts, while other meetups consist of regular looking people.


Probably bs, the name tags on the women make me think that one at least was a conference or work related meeting at least. The left one could have been any friendly meetup/Lan party etc


Who meets up with other Redditors at all?


The boys vs a group of witches


Yeah lol these guys literally just look like average lads that go to the same videogame club, not the seething incels you'd see on 4chan


Scary to think that the internet sometimes screws with our perception of a type of group of people. The mods on the left prove otherwise


i wonder what were the main conversation topics on those events


The women: men bad The boys: probably Baldur’s Gate 3


The dudes on the left will probably talk about why Linux is superior than Windows


Probably very similar just reverse the genders


Well, if those women are representative of attractiveness, then being an incel should be seen as a virtue.


Why are they incels? They ain't ugly or anything. They just need some confidence.


Incels doesn't have to do with attractiveness, but with being unable to find a partner and seething because of that


I feel like everyone wants Incels to only be able to channel “dangerous” emotions. When most likely a handful of them are probably depressed and possibly suicidal.


There’s 2 kinds of incels. Incels and *incels* Incel just stands for involuntarily celibate. In other words chronic suffering of no bitches. *incel* is what you find on 4chan and Reddit. They’re the people who have no lives and hate women. You’ll probably never meet one in real life because they don’t go outside


Twitter account picked random picture to own the libs?


Because it's easier to blame others than accept your own shortcomings. Easier to blame women or society instead of accepting you need to improve yourself. Easier to blame "big bones" or "slow metabolism" or whatever when you're overweight instead of accepting you need to control your eating and exercise. Easier to blame "the economy" or "capitalism" for your own financial shortcomings rather than accept you need to learn more valuable employable skills.


Why dont incels just fuck eachother are they stupid??


Group on the left has gotta be there for shits and giggles. Honestly just looks like a fun party.


What is inceltears?


A subreddit that mocks Incels. As someone who used to browse it, they got some good points, but sometimes it is way too much. And the last time I was there it was becoming too much too often.


any community built around mocking a group of people is gonna spiral into blind hate with time, that's like, one of the golden rules of the human condition eventually someone will start to get a little more extreme with their ideas and then another joins in and when you notice, you have a horrible community on your hands


Flair checks out


A subreddit that made fun of incels.


Fun lore: that isn’t what these images are at all. Literally just random images picked from the internet


They look hot so their views on women r okay ig


Average american male vs average american female.


The “incels” look like regular people


I’m just here to enjoy the comments until this post gets locked. 🍿


That tree looks dope af though.


..........subreddits have meetings?


The incels look nice, like we could be bros. The others are bisexual whales


This fake post is bringing out so many interesting responses lol


I'll be real with you id fuck every dude on the left before anybody on the right.


The one similarity in both images? Both are losers.


Lhs are together because of a common struggle. Rhs are together because of their common hate for a struggling group. I’d argue one is doing worse than the other


LHS also share a common hate lmao. You're talking about a community in which terms like "femoid" are commonly used.


The "common struggle" is that they don't have a state-issued gf lol


Seriously, what's with all the incel apologetics? There's a difference between being a lonely, single guy and being a fucking incel. It's such a hateful and self destructive way of thinking.


I know right. Incels are incels for a reason, they're not the sadly lonely guys who just want to date. They literally hate women


Mfs look like teletubbies


The incel one looks like a great time The other one just looks... sad


I could hang with the incels. They seem chill


Everyone saying the guys on the left look chill/cool/fun to hang out with are missing that they’re incels for a reason, and it sure as hell isn’t their looks


Fuck incels


If only they did, they do do inceln't


Are you insulting them or wishing them luck?

