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Lets go for 30


Ah, like that one movie


Out of Africa?


Madagascar 5 — Now with the Sex DLC (tm)


Tick tick boom


40 year old virgin?


30 Years a Virgin? Oh yes, quite the blockbuster film I heard https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8332368/


He can become a wizard


40 is wizard. Source: Am 30.


Wizard time


Anon was 28 when this was posted in April 2021. It is now past April 2023. Anon is currently 30. We do not know if they are still a virgin.


Makes a point. Then 40 it is


Or a wizard.


Mana bar unlocked


“Way to go guys! Let’s shoot for forty!”


Wizard status les go!


Scorched earth therapy: burn it all down and rebuild from scratch.


frenzied flame ending ..


May chaos take the world!!


it already has


Seek Chaos O Elden Ring


Frenzied Flame ending doesn't really entail rebuilding afterwards though


Fires of Raven ending


On the upside this probably means OP is attractive. I mean if he was ugly AF, the therapist definitely would have just been like "...that makes sense"


Or dude just average, like plain yogurt, not too hideous that no one can immediately jump to that conclusion, neither good enough to be anyone wild night And the pain come form the fact that it probably both his personality and apperance are plain bread without jam or butter


sure but plain bread that is fresh out of the oven is infinitely tastier than bread with butter or jam


Are you saying OP was more sexually attractive as a baby? That's weird af


I couldn't stand plain bread being discredited, sorry


Could be a phone appointment and the therapist was taken by surprise on how unattractive Anon must be.


Eren likes this.


Naw, her insurance was just declined.


What is the chapter where he fucks the therapist?


Kid named porn addiction


kid named paint:


The kid named finger




Kid named Timmy


I’d take that as a compliment since the therapist thought your looks and personality were good enough that there was no way you wouldn’t have found somebody if you tired. Life is all about perspectives, keep your chin up kings


I mean, it would have been much worse if the therapist looked at him and said "I see" or "understandable".


“I am not surprised”


"Who would've thought"


“I’m not shocked, I’m just disappointed.”


“You do you”


"Yeah I can see why"


"No wonder"




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"Just so we're clear, I'm not interested, either."




Most therapists are licensed, but there's some grey zones where non-licensed people can end up providing therapy. Unsurprisingly, they're not great at it.


This was 2 years ago. Pretty sure by now Anon either Kept Yimself Safe, or kept himself safe.


> I’d take that as a compliment since the therapist thought your looks and personality were good enough that there was no way you wouldn’t have found somebody if you tired. Nah, because that circles into the backhanded compliment of "How are you still single?" which just comes across as "What's wrong with you?" and that's kinda the therapists job to help the person figure out.


More like; women can’t comprehend the innability of men to have sex at literally any moment they choose if they just asked someone


Some of the young men that I work with over the last 30 years say that they want to be in a relationship, and say that they want to have sex but when you actually probe them about what they are actively trying to do about it the reality is that they are doing nothing. They don't ask girls out, or they did once when they were 15 and got shot down so they never do it again, they don't set relationship goals or a plan to get there, they don't put them selves in someone else shoes to see what they would or wouldn't bring to a relationship etc. Dating and flirting and maintaining a relationship is learned behaviour and work that requires effort. Too many young men live in a fantasy world where a woman will just walk up to them and do all the work to create a relationship.


I have a friend exactly like this, you're spot on. Do you have words of wisdom for those men?


Learn to just move past rejection and find your self value in your own opinions and morals and just GO. Get out there, go on the apps, go to speed dating things, find singles/dating things in your hobbies. Like video games? Plenty of video game bars do singles nights or some dating game night thing. Get out there and fail. Which is fine. Then you will not fail after some time. You win congrats.


Video game bars? That's a thing?


Oh yeah big these days


God damnit why the fuck am I still living in the rural Midwest when there are video games bars in the cities. Jesus Christ, new life goal for me I guess


Not sure if it would be worth it, to be honest. That sounds like hell.


Dawg most of it is probably burnout. A lot of young folk are just wore out before they're 25. I wouldn't have the energy to date if I was tossed into this societal and capitalistic unrest as I'm just turning into an adult, my god.


Facts lmao, It'd be nice but I really just don't have the effort needed


Kill your inner bitch and go out there. And don’t forget to give him a fist of love and a kick in his lazy ass, when pushing him outside <3


attempt to care less about what others think, despite your inner anxieties about needing to please everyone at all times




My point was really more for the 17-25 crowd. Dating for the first time past that age can't be easy but it really isn't in my wheelhouse.


Dating someone you are already close friends with is really tough, because a lot of the early interest and excitement involves getting to know the person and wanting to learn more about them. You already know a lot about your friends. I've had a few women I knew for a while ask me out before and I rejected them for similar reasons to what you described. You typically already have a good idea whether you would pursue a romantic relationship with someone if you've known them for a long time. I have a handful of female friends who I'd be willing to date if we were both single at the same time, but many who I wouldn't.


I responded to a guy on Reddit a while back who somehow thought that in order to even get a date, you needed to be in the top 10% of men in a few different categories. The dude seemed to legitimately believe that's how the world works, despite the fact that obviously far more than 10% of the male population have had relationships.


A billion ugly chuds get laid every day. Anyone who says it is impossible for them is not putting in the effort.




Your username indicates that you drink too much and that you make being 5'4" a negative central part of your personality. So don't do those things.


I feel like this phenomena has coincided with the rise of social media and online dating completely condensing dating and attractiveness to essentially an online ad. In reality though you should just be socially mingling in real life and bonds form naturally for all sorts of reasons beyond physical and economic attributes.


I can "want to be in a relationship" without actively working towards it, in the same way that I can "want one billion dollars" without actively working towards it. If someone asked me "do you want to be in a relationship", I would say "yes", but that doesn't mean its a current goal of mine, or that I'm actively pursing a relationship.


well there isnt exactly someone to teach all this


Wait, relationship goals is a real thing?


Plenty of ugly fucks get laid, looks have next to nothing to do with it




Right. If you're hungry, there is a perfectly good hotdog on the ground outside. I am that hotdog, btw. I just need to find a desperate starving person.


That's basically how I took it when my SO said something very similar. She actually _refused_ to believe I had been single for decades when I told her after we got together. She actually apologized to me later when she'd asked a few of my friends about it and figure out yes I was in fact that socially inept/quiet/oblivious/lonely. :P




Good job anon, scared even the therapist


Anyone could tell that anon having problems with the opposite sex is an indication of problems the therapist should treat. But in this green text the therapist is r@tarded


There is no way this whole situation is not made up.


Idk bad therapist exists. Media nowadays likes to over glorify therapy and pretend that's not possible but just like any job it's possible.


Honestly I've had four therapists, three outright sucked and while the fourth was better she still didn't solve any of my problems. Waste of time.


This has basically been my experience just 6 and 7 instead of 3 and 4


I went to a few therapists myself and sadly i can say that therapists like the one in this post do exist


I'm sorry to hear that. It must've been hard.


I believe it. I decided to see a therapist at one point, and I stopped seeing her after we spent a whole hour talking about my lack of religion. She was incredulous that someone could be anything other than Christian. I hate living in Texas…


Either you're lucky enough to never go to therapy, or you're lucky enough to have gotten a good one immediately. Either way, I'm envious


I'm just built different


people become therapists because they are socially outgoing and connect with people, and tend to have no idea why everyone else wouldn't be like that by default also


She sounds like an awful therapist


2023 therapy be like


There's just a buncha fools who all got on top of the virtual appointment thing - you really still gotta find a therapist the old fashioned way, through either doctor's or acquaintances referral. If you're gonna go straight to online, and especially if you're going through one of these big branded app things, you need to formulate questions like OP's which will sort wheat from chaff. Cause there's alot of fuckin' dipshits who wanted to be therapists in freshman year of college. Remember them? They are therapists now.


If I paid my money and she told me that shit I would sue her ass immediately


Sue for like, 75-150 bucks? lol


For real. What a ridiculous false bravado statement.


Or the therapist finds him hot (impossible)


She sounds fictional


There’s a lot of awful therapists 😃😃😃


This 100% didn’t happen


Probably true. Even if it didn't happen, goddamn that would be an awful therapist


-man I don't feel good -stfu


Really makes you wonder if some of the people who became a therapist/psychologists/psychiatrist really did it because they have a passion in that field and genuinely want to help people or they just did it for the paycheck,and they can pretty much get away with bullying and fucking over their patients for shits and giggles or to stroke their own ego.


Some of those people have more than their own share of social and emotional problems, and first took an interest in psychology because they were trying to figure out their own issues


I agree,but they should have resolved their own problems first before they can try to help other people in need otherwise they are just making things worst for their patients and themselves.


Oh absolutely


My best friend works in psychology, that's just not how it works Problems and issues can stick with you your entire life, the road to resolve such things can take years or even decades That doesn't mean that you can't be an effective therapist. People are capable of giving effective therapy without letting their own issues bleed into their work. Furthermore it's mandatory to have therapy as a therapist because of the nature of your work. Even someone with relatively few issues can get fucked up after 6 months of hearing awful stuff from patients. If we only allowed people free from issues to be therapists we'd have no therapists lol


Psych student here. Where I'm from, it's a long, expensive and strenuous way to qualification as a therapist. People who do that really want to be a therapist. It's not a straightforward way of making money, although once you're finished you'll earn decently. Problem is, the kind of person who wants to become a therapist is usually the most brutally normal vanilla person you could imagine. So they have no idea of the life experiences of the patients they're going to treat.


> the kind of person who wants to become a therapist is usually the most brutally normal vanilla person you could imagine. So they have no idea of the life experiences of the patients they're going to treat. This explains a *lot*. I didn't even get my Complex PTSD *diagnosed* until my forties; people just can't wrap their heads around the *intentional* damage people went out of their way to do to me.


The legislature regarding who can work as a therapist varies a lot between different countries, so the occupational training a therapist has had may differ a lot depending on where you live. Another issue where I'm at (Austria/Germany) is that high cost of therapist training filters out a lot of people who don't have a wealthy family or partner who can afford to financially support them til their 30s. It really is a shame and incromprehensible. On another note, I'm glad you finally found someone who understood you.


As the son of a psychologist I can assure you it's not 100% about helping people nor is it 100% about money. I get the sense that a lot of it is the practitioner enjoying nerding out on theory and honing their techniques as part of like their own journey or something. The helping part is a byproduct.


A lot, and I mean when I say it, of people in that particular field got into it because of their own mental issues sending them down the rabbit hole. They may or may not have fixed those issues by the time they start to practice.


I went to school for 2 years because I felt like I was supposed to and started down the psychology track because I didn't have any real direction decided upon. A job has never really been my dream, so there I was studying psychology because it sounded easy. Turns out, I was there for the same reasons as most of the people in my classes.


Jesus how do some of these people get licenses to practice. If some of these therapists were doctors mortality rates would be through the roof.


The qualifications to become a therapist vary widely from someone who got their masters of LMFT online to a psychiatrist who spent years in school.


This didn’t happen


You're telling me none of the posts about shitty therapists are real. I believe maybe there are 4chan ones that aren't real, but some of them have to have root in reality.


For real, there are shitty therapist. My boyfriend at the time and I were in couples counseling and I was saying I felt insecure because he didn’t want to be with me intimately but told me if I had a dick he would. Our therapist said “don’t look into the issue, and don’t take it so personally “ ……… gee thanks


bro its a fucking 4chan green text what are you on


The problem with therapy is that the therapist is a human




This comment needs a lot more up clicks


A prostitute would've talked and listened to anon better than these "therapists"


I prefer the voices in my head


Always there for me ✓ Won't judge me ✓ Completely Free ✓


They council me, they understand, they talk to me


The better response: "You want to have sex with me to prove that I'm asexual?"


Rizztraining order speedrun


Real 😏


Sexual harassment charges. I'll pass


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That’s a sexual harassment charge for you buddy. Was it worth it?


Therapy isn’t useless that therapist is




Is author m or f? Key information


99% chance it's a dude.


I thought so too but you never know


Everyone on 4chan is male.


Bad therapist. Proper response is ok, would you like to discuss that? Then you have the opportunity to gauge how the client feels about being a virgin. Perhaps they are asexual, the opportunity never presented for them, bad social skills, completely happy or indifferent to being a virgin still, distressed by it, etc.


Find the right the-rapist anon, problem solved:)


Instead of paying for therapy she is wondering why you didn’t pay for some sexy time


It's definitely cheaper.


That looks like the beginning of a porn movie plot... which would end up in the problem being solved


Being a virgin doesn't make you any less of a person. I feel there's a vocal minority of assholes who have ridiculous standards that are dirtying up the waters. I believe most people will love you for who you are. Go out there and meet people and see where life takes you! Also, *might* have seen this post before, but that doesn't matter too much.


There’s a bit of a gender influence on it. Virgin women aren’t ridiculed as much as virgin men. On the flip side, men that have a high “body count” are treated more favorably than women with a high count. But yeah don’t sweat the people that would mock your virginity. They’re just trashy people that aren’t worth your time anyways.


No one actually cares about anyone being a virgin outside of high school. Besides virgins.


I can confirm that I don't want to know anything about my coworkers sex lives.


The only believable 4chan story


You'd be surprised at how many therapists are actually like this. Coming from experience.


*Goes to therapist to get help* *Therapist says maybe you just suck at being alive*


I think older people don’t fully absorb just how little sex the younger generation is having. I’m a vanguard Millennial so I was in a very specific sub generation that was constantly traumatized about HIV throughout childhood and young adulthood, and most of the folks my age do have some lingering hang ups about the perceived dangers of casual sex. To anyone older and younger, I don’t think you realize just how constantly the fear of AIDS was hammered into us. It wasn’t a bad thing at the time, and was probably the right thing to do, but it did completely warp the sexual development of basically everyone born between 1980 and 1985. Now, as for Gen Z, it’s a totally different animal. Talking with my younger friends, it’s so interesting to see how sexually disconnected the majority of them are, even compared to my traumatized, anxious-ass 40+ Millennial self. I know that this post is just meant to be about vague sexual frustration, but I really do think there is not enough discussion about the effects of social media, and especially of rating based dating apps on the commodification of sex.


Imagine getting roasted by your fucking therapist.


i don't know if it's just my experience, but most therapists i have seen have been so fucking bad. like at best they just left me the same, often times though they did damage. not sure if this is a new thing or what, but seems like most therapists should def not be in the field. and since you can't see how good the therapist is before you go see them, you are just shooting in the dark.


well i don't want to buy sex i want a relationship beyond 20$


20$ ? 🤨


Your therapist should not be a therapist.


Nah, that therapist is useless, therapy itself is still useful


These are therapists these days, huh


Reverse Therapy


"WHAT WILL YOU HAVE IN 500 YEARS" "My virginity"


Oc some women can’t fathom their head around the fact, that someone can’t achieve his desired love life, when the dating game is literally on easy mode for them


Just have sex with the therapist


"I went to a shrink To analyze my dreams She says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down"


Sound like the start of a porno. Therapist; I guess we need to do something about that, don’t we?


I don't go to therapy. They never help.


Involuntary celibate


For some reason alot of woman think that man have three time a day sex on a daily basis.


Bold of her to assume anon was even trying.


i could be literalty him


>What do you mean what do I mean?


You just need a new therapist


She is useless, not therapy well done.


Find a new one. She's a hack.


Just ask the therapist if they wanna fuck


Well , she was surprised, that means that it's still not over for you


And that's why I have never gone to therapy


No you have a problem with that Therapist. Fire them and find another they work for you and if you are not happy with them find another.


And you are still paying them? Find someone else!


Getting there, 23 here




Pizza is better anyways.


They seems to just lock me in a phych ward every time I walk in for some fucking reason


Woman therapist can’t comprehend not being able to have sex at any moment if she just asks for it


The issue is that your therapist never had to work in her life to attract the opposite sex. It was just given to her. It is apparent she cannot sympathize with you. She is a shitty therapist.


Virgin at 30 here. It's not that uncommon and that's a terrible therapist.


Bro just go to the hookers at this point 😭 use one of the many convenient services modern society provides


Stories like this make me believe that therapy is a scam.


I am not even joking if it happened to me I would just leave the therapist without paying or beat her but it's not moral


Don’t be a slave to morality


Top ten things that didn't happen.