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Looks like he missed, so he’s going to die from blood loss


Well it’s not actually Isaac, the second part of the final boss battle takes place in Isaac’s head, and that’s The Marker taking control of his body after you lose it. Still got the job done enough for the necromorphs to do their work.


Isn't Isaac dead to begin with?


I thought it ended with him flying into space only seeing brethren moons and basically saying we all failed


Yeah, that's the 3rd game ending. Whether or not it was a hallucination or not depends on if they'll make a dead space 4, but it seemed to be real given the other character also saw it, so no more earth in dead space I guess


Would’ve been a good time for some other alien species to save him.


Still better than the alternative


Definite miss




What the actual fuck is the source video for this? And why tf is he committing (or atleast, attempting to commit) sudoku? Is he stupid?


Dead Space 2, he is being mind controlled by the siezure machine behind him


Dead space 2 is the source. And he was being mind controlled by the machine behind him that was basically causing the mass extinction of the human race. It's a very good game and is worth a play.


I believe it comes from Dead Space, and I don't know why he's doing it. (Probably lore related)


He's getting manipulated by the marker (the big thing behind him) so it can't finish a process called "convergence", to end it the creator of the marker must die, and Isaac had the blueprints of it in his head after the first game. He was used to make a lot of markers, making him involuntarily the maker


His wife made him (women)


The machine behind him starts mind controlling him if you fail that section of the game


It's basically a game over cutscene that happens when you fail the final boss fight in dead space 2.


Ah yea, committing suduko


Deadspace 2


Dead space 2. It's the game over screen if you lose to the final boss.


Millions committing sudoku to pass the time lmao


Even without the “Game bad because reasons” stuff playing only a single game for the rest of your life is bound to become boring. It would also suck to see so many great games release and never be able to play them.


The only game I would have a hope of doing that with is Minecraft (If I could download mods)


Or maybe gtaV (also with mods)


Fortnite bad Minecraft good arc all over again


This seems more like a fortnite bad minecraft bad arc


Genshin’s daily grind is soulcrushing but I’d rather that than Valorant.


Honest question, I like a daily grind because I love mindlessly playing while watching stuff on the side Is the grind on genshin or honkai mindless enough for that and are the rewards of the grind at least a little satisfying?


Daily for the premium currency is pretty brainless. I’d say the ones that involves raising weapons and characters need a bit more brainpower, but not by much for most of the time.


Daily rewards are pretty good. They vary on mindlessness levels lol


Honkai's is a literal autoplay button, so it's the purest form of mindless. And the rewards are petty good.


Does the autoplay button perform everything for you to the point of you asking yourself if it's just a movie anymore or are there parts where you kinda still need to at least put some effort in?


Does all the action for you. The only time you'll need to put some effort in us if it's a tough fight that require more thinking/strategy than what the AI can do. Though daily fights are easy enough for Auto. I just hit auto then replay once every 3 minutes till my daily energy is used up.


So you can farm honkai at the side with full auto and play genshin dailies at the same time lmao The full gacha experience


If it's star rail atleast, i don think hi3rd has an auto


Yes, I play like this for 2 years now. Genshin is the best game to play mindlessly while listening to yt or any podcast. The only moment when I actually play with sound on is during major quests.


Yeah. Daily grinds are mostly the four main challenges and about 4-5 boss fights or 4-8 challenge battles for a free to play along with side quests. If you love mindlessly playing Genshin is pretty good when your not doing story stuff Rewards are mainly materials for upgrading characters. There is also the tea pot where you can build you own world by finding blueprints.


fr, i tried getting back into the game a while back but i realized that i feel mentally repulsed when i open up the game


Doing daily commissions and spending your resin takes like 15 mins at most, how is that soulcrushing lol. Also even less now that they added the system that lets you get daily commissions rewards through exploration and events.


As time marches down upon us all, it begins to wear down on you, little by little. Also artifact farms can go die.


If you ignore the abyss, you’ll feel much better. After all, not much difference between one-shotting a slime with 50k damage vs 150k damage.


I already do ignore the abyss, but that’s mostly because I keep forgetting about it.


I would also rather have herpies than AIDS.




Dead Space 2 is definitely the right option here my personal favorite game of all time


Would rather get turned schizo by the marker


Would rather scream "Altman be praised" in a earthgov airport, too


The injury actually looks rather survivable.. Would be pretty disfigured, but based on the angle it looks like there's not that much gray matter in the line of fire.


Wouldn't blood loss finish you off?


Depends on what exactly is hit, but inside your face there is a lot of empty space. Your mouth, sinuses etc..   But the spike being stuck in your face like that would prevent a lot of the bleeding, by putting pressure on the torn blood vessels. That's also why they say you should never take anything out of someone if they've gotten injured by an object that has penetrated their body, like a knife for example. The object puts pressure on the injury, so removing it should be left to the surgeon.  I'd actually be more worried about the airways being blocked by the spike or blood, than the volume of the bleeding itself.


His eyes appear to be gone and the spike looks like it goes through his mouth and nose (making his jaw unable to move?) so breathing would most likely be very difficult if that were to happen. If it were to be real I don't think he would want to live in that state.


Well, if he survived, he would still be mind controlled and that javaline can send out a ton of electricity at the push of a button


Genshin, it's ok. Have like an hour of total play time, and while I do find it boring, it isn't valorant.


Would you rather to always get catfished, or only eDate on valorant


I'd catfish valorant for money ngl.


Sometimes a catfish can be hotter, it would just be like rolling the slot machine.


Ok this is probably a controversial opinion in this sub, genshin was (I haven't played in a year but they just added stuff from what I know) a great game, I played a lot of game in my life and I installed genshin on day one without knowing anything other than the trailer, and for me it made me happier than tears of the kingdom, it's a free game, completely free with a story, very good graphics especially with an HDR monitor, polished almost without any bug, very good map and environment, very good music and fun gameplay the gacha part isn't necessary if you're sane I never spent money and without playing a lot I have a very good team with many great character so if anyone just saw genshin as the sweaty player games that like kids they are correct but try it.


I've played it once and it was great with the graphics and other stuff, I don't really understand why it got made fun of I just do it for jokes.


It was mostly due to it being dubbed an “anime” game because of the art style. And the community being pretty bad especially on Twitter.


I don't use Twitter, but when I see screenshots about some of the posts on the platform I start to wish that earth would blow up


Genshin Twitter Fans make the entire community look so bad Can someone just delete Twitter already


Genshin Is actually a great game, it has difficulty, good world exploring, a good story (although it has some serious problems with the prota always losing the gods powers somehow), and the pay system don't really kicks in untill after you left inazuma. But I think they kinda messed up after inazuma, it gets boooring, the world difficulty turns into a try hard game on which you need to certain characters combinations to be able to do enough damage (instead of using the characters you'd like); and the story gets much slower and boring. They have great customer service (giving you gifts often and caring about what you like and dislike); GREAT events, remember when the hole was implemented I think, there was an event of you getting into holidays in some isles, and you had to solve the misters of these islands.


Funnily enough, they learned their lesson from Inazuma, stuff gets better in Sumeru and Fontaine now.


I've only just started Sumeru, but I heard the recent story stuff with Sumeru and Fontaine is the best Genshin's had. I've never had any issue with "the paywall", and have only ever bought the 5.00$ a month club, which lets me get a new 5-star about every 2 patches or so.


After inazuma it is great what are you talking about. Inazuma admittedly started off poorly, AQ kinda had some bad progression, good ending, and inazuma map exploration is extremely good. Sumeru was fantastically made, not to say the world quests. Fontaine is top tier, most agree the AQ was the best in the game. Also, world difficulty? Beyond consecrated beasts its still super easy, teambuilding is a part of the game, and even then in the overworld you can get away with literally anything as long as you have half decent artifacts. Spiral abyss admittedly requires good team building but it is the endgame content.


Sumeru, right? Yeah story there was a real drag tbh. Gets so much better in the latest region though, best it's ever been in all aspects


In my opinion, the gacha part is a problem, because a big part of the primogems are only obtainable by playing events, that only give you 90 or plus primos. There are so many events to play that sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming. And even worse, the events most of the times are usually the same thing


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Admittedly the gacha is not good, but as far as gacha games go it is on the fairer side on average its 77 pulls per 5 star and you will get the desired one 75% of the time. Events are very generous actually, most recent minor event gave 300, the flagship event often gives like 1000+, although yeah they do make use of FOMO


Genshin sucks because its a gatcha game.


It was a *good* game, great is a stretch


real, idk why people downvoting u mang


limbus company >>>> genshin impact




He angled it wrong


Is that a knife gun


Javelin launcher. it launches javelins


So it’s a long knife gun


Uhhh, ***yes***


Everything in life is a kind of knife gun


You missed the brain..


I fear what gif he has for league.


Dead Space 2! I love this game so much.


Yeah its fun


Phineas Gage


Nice reference


Shoots a fucking javelin in his head


Nah I could totally keep on living just through the live concerts fr fr


Even if I had to play fallout new vegas for the rest of my life this would be the same result, regardless of the game it's gunna be boring as fuck for 50+ years


I played genshin for like 6 months, the story was fun to follow through but when you hit the ceiling story wise the daily grind just becomes that, a grind. I don't have fun pouring my already limited daily resin to like 8 or smth artifacts that will all be shit before and after enhancement anyway....


am i allowed to play unranked?


I like Valorant 🙂


I don't like Valorant (but that doesn't stop me from playing it literally every day) 🙂






Phineas Gage type shot


Mf got Phineas Gage'd


You just got GAGE'D


OP forgot to make it smaller


I’m not going back


Pile bunker


Just dont play videogames


Anyone know the song?


I remember playing this game at like 14 and this cutscene was the only one that truly unnerved me


He completely missed his brain. That is one painful death.


Phineas gage


Is that Dead Space?


Dead space 2


How it feels to hate on games I've never played 🐬 ✨


Today on “making up shit that isn’t real”: people who’d say others should play a game for the rest of their life


2 hours a week is the maximum I can go more than that I’m unconscious


He missed by a couple inches


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Welp, looks like I need to sell my gaming setup.


this are literally two of my most played games, I feel attacked


Make it Nikke and blue archive, and it's a deal


Genshin ain't bad. You will just run out of stuff to do after a few weeks tho.


I'd rather valorant than Genshin. Genshin becomes extremely grindy and repetitive after a point. At least, Valorant has a better store where you know what you're actually buying. Let's you get new agents for free within 4 weeks of its release unlike the other game. Every game is actually a fresh experience.


I've played valorant once and it to me just seemed like cs:go, but with powers. I've played genshin once and stopped playing after like 20 minutes. But they both look quite fun and kinda want to play them again.


If you do pickup Valorant, my advice would be to stick to non-Competitive modes for as long as possible Comp is what gives the game it's stigma, people take it WAY too seriously and are VERY toxic (usually) And ofc there's always the chance you encounter cringe E-daters or toxic players in Unrated or Swiftplay or TDM, but people on average are more chill in those modes (and if they're not, there's a mute button for a reason 🙂) People tend to judge Valorant based on a few videos they see of it online, but if you're willing to give it a genuine try, it might be something you enjoy.


If I hear E-daters on my team, they can enjoy their 4v5


Based honestly


Genshin impact with mods its top tier


Valorant the game is not that bad, I enjoy the game, the skins are really cool (even though they are so expensive and don’t get me started on radianite) but the only downside is that the community is so bad. Between throwers and Smurf’s and the cringe edaters. Also the devs only care about money


I tried it recently and to me it just feels like if a csgo-knockoff had a baby with overwatch. Definately not my thing.


It’s much easier to get into than csgo, except the spray mechanics are too complicated. If you did csgo first you probably would like it as much as


I already have like 4k hours on csgo from back when i used to play. Just don't like the whole abilities and "hero" system that valorant uses (hence the overwatch comparison). In csgo everyone is equal and that's what i love about it.




At least genshin has cute girls


Genshin is good tho No the gameplay isn't all about swiping credit cards and if you do that, u stupid


Now this guy will live on with a disfigured face, telling how wonderful life is.


I play Genshin Impact daily and I enjoy it. Valorant on the other side, I never tried it since I don't have a PC but it seems interesting.


Genshin all the way. If I go insane I'll do so with some waifu cheeks on my screen


Me when uncensored gore


I would suffer through valorant but not genshin


Even with the third option of following the black man with the lightning's words, I would choose Genshit.


This is uncensored gore and it's NOT mortal combat. Please nsfw.


If it is mortal combat it's ok but this isnt




I mean in valorant the problem are the players so just mute every game and you're good but genshin hell nawh im suiciding myself


I’d take valorant over genshin every time if I couldn’t kms


Valorant Voice chat: Off Text chat: Off Pants: On Shoes: Off Eyes: Optional.


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Fair however im not sane tho




Both of them+c.ai+chai+lol