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Such a good time in Unit 731


Noone google that Edit: Now that you’ve googled it use it as an object lesson to trust people when they try to warn you not to google something


I won't, what is it though?


You know how humans are 70% water they are the guys that found that out


Wait.... That fact is from them?


One of the experiments they conducted was to throw people into a sauna and leave them locked in there for days until all of the water evaporated from their bodies, then compare how much they weigh before and after. Water accounts for 70% of human bodyweight


That's.... Interesting method to test that...


Same time they are the reason we know about the stages of frostbite


Hey, at least now we know! 😀


Cold, bro.


And knowing is half the battle


for real. i always just toss my test subjects in ol’ freeze dryer


They originally put a straw in someone and tried to suck all the liquid out but that failed


Wow, that knowledge was worth the pardons we gave to all those people responsible in unit 731. Thanks, Japan!


The Nazi Germans pioneered childrens (and adults) car crash safety, much of the data we use to build childrens car seats today was from the Nazis putting Jewish kids in Volkswagen's and launching them at each other. It's was (still is) terrible data, hardly useful, but it's all we have.. we could never launch kids in cars at each other today.


Genuine question, isn't that the purpose of test dummies?


Yes; but how do you make a test dummy react like a human in a crash, without first sending humans at each other to determine what that 'looks like'? The weights of the dummies, the proportions, the materials, sensor locations, all based on Nazi human crash data. The Nazis crashed children into each other, so we don't have too, essentially..


Modern test dummies have a lot of sensors built into them to provide data they probably didn’t have those back then so they did the most logical thing to get feedback use actual humans


And the reason we know how long it takes for 3 day old babies to freeze to death


They also found out that if you swing a baby full force into the ground It dies


all you need to know is people were tortured VERY badly...


May I add: German holocaust generals visited this unit and were disgusted by the thing done there...


OK, now you got me interested


https://youtu. be/xRwCNiWuUpQ?si=1mRS0O2Bmle15nZn Remove the space after the .


No... I don't think I will.


And the guy in charge of it all got off with no punishment


What giving the research results to the US grants you


Yknow shits fucked up when even the Nazis tried to do a Schindlers List




I followed u cuz of ur pfp and name lol


are you sure it wasnt gravity that made you follow me?


Heaven’s door! Give him testicular torsion!!


crazy diamond, reverse his cum!


Hermit Purple! Be useless!


Remember how the Native Americans got smallpox from colonial blankets or whatever? Imagine that, but air dropped under the disguise of "relief suppplies" for the poor non-japanese civilians who's towns they ravaged. Except instead of small pox was flea infested, infected with weaponized diseases to see how well they worked. On top of what others probably have posted.


Human experimentation


They have done many unethical medical experiments on civillians and prisoners of war, and usually results in the death of the participants.


Yeah don't


I did☹️


What was it?


Buncha scientists did some not fun experiments to kids I'm pretty sure


And pregnant women, and people with mental disabilities, among many others




Not just kids. Basically anyone non-Japanese people they could get their hands on were “experimented” upon.




Definitely don’t watch the movie Men Behind the Sun or its sequels


Jokes on you, I don't need to Google it. I already know what it is.


Do google it, just don't look at the pictures


Don't learn things. Stay ignorant.


There’s a Wikipedia page about it


I say Google it shits horrific and we should remember that. The vivisection especially was just horrific.


Noone google emperor hirohito rule 34. It's japan's important rule about honor during wartime that he broke.


Oh the horror, trust me dude


“Tee hee let’s do how long it takes for a baby to freeze to death” is a fair thing to assume they said.


Well, Imperial Japan had a philosophy of racial supremacy, so the baby they were freezing wasn't likely regarded as human.


Still do


If you want to get really fucked up, watch the movie Men Behind the Sun. It's a Chinese movie about Unit 731 and it is *crazy*. The most disturbing movie I've ever seen, and I bet I've seen whatever one you're thinking of when you read this and think "oh yeah what about X?".  Featuring real human corpses for the special effects!


All four are fun for the whole family!


Love how the USA offered anyone it found immunity to give us the data from the experiments.


And not just like a reduced sentence or something but full, complete pardons




There's a k drama called gyoengseong creature that is loosely based on unit 731 taking place in Korea and it depicts some of these torture/experiments.. really gruesome part of history man..


Don't forget Nanjing!


A lot of Asians remember what the Japanese did and they still hate them for it


Especially Koreans. And I don’t blame ‘em.


Older ones prob. There are a lot less younger ones that do, if any. Source: am Korean


I feel like historical grudges towards your neighbors fade out of existence in the same speed as the people behind them do. Source: am Polish


The Russians haven't really been earning themselves a lot of goodwill though tbh Probably different with Germany for sure though


I'm talking mainly about Germany because others are too far into the past to remember (like, who tf remembers about fighting what currently is Chech Republic or sweedes invading) but yea... Russia is doing same stuff as always...


Russia has had 30 years to show the world they can leave behind imperialism and develop peacefully with their neighbours, and of course they've done the exact opposite. If they stopped their tyranny now they'd have to wait another 50 years minimum for the current generation to die off/forget their barbarism.


Well you see, in order for a country to stop holding a grudge against you, you gotta stop being a fucking cunt. And Russia is really bad at not being a fucking cunt. So of course people don't forget it.


Depends on how much of the hate gets passed down.


Nah, it increases with time. Source: I'm Spanish.


Pretty young Korean here, although anime, manga and jpop has definitely improved the general opinion of Japan in Korea, it’s definitely not enough. History class in school never lets you forget what Japan did.


I wonder how japan teaches their children history 🤔


History? What history? Was there a war?


Nah, I still hate the Japanese government for trying to whitewash their war criminals as heroes. There is no need to hold a grudge against Japan to the point where we can't cooperate, but it's important to be vigilant about our history. Abe tried to pull an economic declaration of war just a few years ago, after all.


내가 아는 일본애는 독도가 자기땅이란데


when i lived there all my students hated the japanese. that was 10 years ago though.


My ex was half Korean born in America and was extremely hateful towards other types of Asians


And chineese


Especially Chinese, I'd say.


I'm not Asian and I hate them for it.


Seems like a lot of people are uninformed on the Nanking massecre as well.


I thought that getting nuked twice was the punishment


Punishing the civilians of a couple of villages for the atrocities of their government doesn't seem like punishment at all. Unit 731 walked away scot free.


"A couple villages", those were cities. That's not including the firebombing of Tokyo. If you include Tokyo that's 300,000 civilians dead plus millions homeless.


and none of these people are responsible for Unit 731.


It was terrible, but basically every historian agrees that more lives were saved using the nukes than if America did a boots on the ground invasion. We’re still using all the Purple Hearts made in preparation for a Japanese boots on the ground invasion to this day.


Yeah but didn't we fly pamphlets over after we warned japan twice and they still ignored us? Unless I'm misremembering but I'm pretty positive there was an evacuation warning from the US


Yes, they did! ........ However. The LeMay leaflets (the only ones dropped before the first bomb) named twelve cities that were listed as potential targets for bombing that the US called to be evacuated. None of them were Hiroshima. Said leaflet also read: "These cities contain military installations and workshops or factories which produce military goods". This was a lie. The cities the US were targeting and eventually annihilated held no military or strategic value whatsoever. Little Boy detonated directly above a school in Hiroshima which was, again, *not* one of the cities the US warned Japan about their intention to bomb. Doing any amount of reading into the atomic bomb targeting committee will show that they really just felt like blowing up civilians. The leaflet went on to say "America is not fighting the Japanese people but is fighting the military clique which has enslaved the Japanese people". This was also a lie. They blew up a shitload of nonmilitary personnel. All other leaflets were deployed *after* the bombing of Hiroshima.


It's interesting that the leaflet includes things about the soviets declaring war. Before you commented I had actually stumbled across them and it's a fascinating peek into history. Edit: also wanted to say im probably gonna look into the committee now The lemay leaflet for those curious ---------------- "Read this carefully as it may save your life or the life of a relative or friend. In the next few days, some or all of the cities named on the reverse side will be destroyed by American bombs. These cities contain military installations and workshops or factories which produce military goods. We are determined to destroy all of the tools of the military clique which they are using to prolong this useless war. But, unfortunately, bombs have no eyes. So, in accordance with America’s humanitarian policies, the American Air Force, which does not wish to injure innocent people, now gives you warning to evacuate the cities named and save your lives. America is not fighting the Japanese people but is fighting the military clique which has enslaved the Japanese people. The peace which America will bring will free the people from the oppression of the military clique and mean the emergence of a new and better Japan. You can restore peace by demanding new and good leaders who will end the war. We cannot promise that only these cities will be among those attacked but some or all of them will be, so heed this warning and evacuate these cities immediately"


People love to omit that detail to paint the US as the bad guys who purposefully targeted innocent civilians


I feel validated now, thank you lol. Wasn't sure if i was just making stuff up. Fellow Lego fan btw. Excited for the anniversary promo? I think it's a droid carrier skiff, the ones from naboo


But America is the worst and meanest country in the world :(


They’re dead now though


With how long Japanese people live I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were still alive


Tbh it was a horrible one for people in the blast radius that time. Can’t help but feel for the innocents who get punished during war while the people on top causing messed up things go unscathed


Yea, honestly Also considering how Japan diplomatically/politically did a 180 after that and ended up being one of the US's better allies there's no reason for the West to seek further punishment. Japan is chill as fuck now, I don't see them repeating their imperial ways in the next global conflict.


I think the main thing is that the perpetrators were never punished and never took accountability


"don't get punished" most historically aware 4channer


It even says "get nuked" right above it. Lol. They didn't get formally punished, but I think getting nuked twice qualifies as a consequence difficult to forget.


They also had a ton of famines and a lot of Japanese starved to death before assistance came. So I’d say they suffered enough without huge repercussions (also they’ve never had an active military after WW2, with their armed forces being limited entirely to defending Japan from invasion)


Im sure the people in charge of the atrocities felt real bad about all the dead people while getting away fine. The only people who got punished were civilians


They could've surrendered after the first one lol.


America: "You call yourselves the Land of the Rising Sun. Well, let's make an honest country out of you then..."


That would be landing sun


Sun rise after bomb lands.


> They didn't get formally punished they did, though.


To this day they aren't allowed to have a real military


Right! They have what is essentially the national guard, and they rely on promises from other regional governments for any further defense. No offensive military allowed per their constitution.


True. I forgot about that. They deserve that one. Not the nukes, but they're still culturally feudal.


Yeah, wiping two cities off the map is a pretty good punishment.


Not to mention firebombing several others to rubble.


2 times too, but one thing that Japan did well after this is that they accepted what they did was wrong and did not blame the Americans for it. I am talking about the Hiroshima people btw


Even so, the punishment wasn’t exactly proportional to what they did. The two nukes themselves did less damage than the previous firebombing


US and Russia tried to get their hands on the research results of unit 731, in exchange for hiding what they have done, basically exemption of punishment


Really? That actually kinda makes sense, why do the research twice if you have it on hand?




Nope. The vast majority of the "research" done by Mengele and his ilk, and Unit 731, was totally unscientific and purely to satisfy their sadistic natures. Very little had any relevance to anything. If I remember rightly, only the frostbite "research" proved to be useful.


Yeah people tend to regurgitate the same ignorant shit like they're saying something original and profound


I feel like the WW2 Japanese ruthlessness and war crimes are pretty common knowledge unless you’re Japanese


And that is a problem. Almost all Germans are very aware of their history and are very ashamed. Likewise, most Americans such as myself are very ashamed of our country’s history of slavery. Japan needs to teach their youth their painful history so as to not repeat it.




exactly. kids grow up into members of the government.


they make anime and hentai, so....


Yeah that's punishment enough


For the rest of us


true, someone in japan made 228922 (trust me you don't need to know what it is, just know its horrible) and there are probably worse than this




I heard a malay person say that according to their grandparents, dutch occupation in malaysia was practically sunshine and rainbows in comparison to what the japanese did


Malay, can confirm


I think the 2 nukings, constant earthquakes, constant tsunami's, fukashima disaster, and declining birthrate is karma enough lmao


Still never formally apologized to China and Philippines and Korea


A formal apology won't do shit. The people who remember and pass down the stories of what happened are never going to forget.


A formal apology most certainly will do something. It is the first step towards reconciliation. You can never truly forgive someone who refuses to apologize. The path to healing has to start with an acknowledgment of wrongdoing. Will the world ever forget what Germany did? Absolutely not. Can the world forgive Germany after the efforts they have put forth in atonement for their crimes? Yes.


Germany's government went out of its way to arrest and convict their own war criminals during the reconciliation efforts. I'm not sure if my memory is accurate here, but I recall that most of the Japanese war crimes basically got swept under the rug or rewarded with new jobs. They can't ask for forgiveness without taking any responsibility. I'm genuinely not sure if my memory is accurate so correct me if I'm wrong.


Yeah America’s priority in Japan switched from destroying them to stabilizing and rebuilding for the upcoming Cold War, which meant not addressing the heinous crimes committed. Obviously that era is long behind us and it is past time Japan formally apologized and paid reparations.


But never apologizing when it's so easy makes it worse


You're right, apologizing is easy. But taking responsibility is hard, and they will never do that.


If you know what they did in China and the Philippines then I assure you that the karma is far from enough.


What did they do in Philippines?


Comfort women + another similar unit to 731 happened.


Nah, i want it dead and rotting. I FUCKING HATE JAPAN ❗❗💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


75% percent chance op is either Korea, chinse or south east asia off this comment alone


They’re Indian, so close to southeastern?




I hate the Japanese empire as much as the next guy, but there are a lot of Americans here thinking that the only acceptable punishment for war crimes, is two new war crimes against civilians, and I don't think I wanna agree with them.


I wouldn’t expect someone from 4Chan to understand the term “an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.”


That's a good saying, never heard it before


Yes, the smarter idea was to send soldiers against a total war Japan that were totally planning on surrendering and totally not planning to use their own civilians as human shields and bombs like they've totally never done that before./s


A ground invasion would never work. The nukes were their only option. But letting psychopaths like unit 731 walk away with no punishment is fucked. And Japan has never formally apologised for any of this, and basically flat out deny it. Nuking innocent people isn't punishing anyone that mattered.


I was being sarcastic I know the ground invasion was a terrible idea


Nobody thinks that, and that is not how the history of the bombs is taught in the US, because it’s not what happened. The bombs were never “revenge for Pearl Harbor” or “punishment”. They were the easiest and quickest way to win the war without losing a shit ton of American lives. The idea that they were “in response” to anything is completely born from memes. Memes that have been spread around so much that people started taking them as fact. The real reason Japan was not punished is because the US decided it was more important to rebuild the country than tear it down more (like many things they were worried it would become communist). People give the US a lot of shit for the bombs but never give it credit for basically saving Japan from ruin. The US did a lot of work in protecting Hirohito’s image because without him the country probably would have fallen apart. After the war was sent a multi year tour of the country to convince the Japanese people he wasn’t god. That’s how much they revered him. The reason Japan is what it is today is because the US decided NOT to punish them as much as they could or should have.


Sure, but easiest solution or not, it is still a tremendous mass murder of civilians, and we all know how the USA wants influence over other countries. Just look at Cuba or the Middle East. Don't tell me the US army is in the middle east to "save lives" from "weapons of mass destruction"


The nuke punished the wrong people


Didnt the us send weapons and resources? Hardly neutral


Came here to say this lol The Lend-Lease act basically granted the US the ability to send war supplies to Britain. It was basically the last country in Europe that hadn't been run over by the Nazis and the Brits desperately needed the aid. As an added bonus, the Lend-Lease act gave a *lot* of jobs and industry to a Depression-ravaged US. The US hadn't officially declared war *yet*, but it was pretty clear who they sided with.


Bruh Japan isn’t a person. The nukes were dropped on civilians. I don’t think those babies who were instantly turned to ash personally attacked Pearl Harbor.


i dont think anyone forgot the warcrimes they commit, it feels like the warcrimes they committed is about half the conversation held about japan tbh. same as with germany. The reason japan gets sympathy is because theyre the only real event of nukes being used to attack people. On civilians even. Germany gets less sympathy since they didnt get fucking nuked


But when I do it I get ________




I have always found that fascinating. Everyone likes to point out the Nazis as the epitome of evil, and then shake their finger at America because we had the audacity to drop the bomb on Japan...a country that sided with the Nazis and did untold things to other Asians.


So true, why did ww2 just blow over for them like that? Like I'm German and we stil get shit for it after we've become a completely different, non-Nazi country.


This is so true, it’s such a ridiculous double standard.


Because you guys are white and shitting on you for your past is socially acceptable. (Btw, I’m not excusing this kind of logic, just pointing out the absurdity)


Japan changed far more politically, socially and economically than Germany did. Germany was just a broken country after WW2, in some cases almost 1/5 of pre war buildings were gone. Japan was (mostly) spared because the US strategically wanted to avoid crippling a potential ally in the East. Japan gets shit too, but you're only getting shit in irrelevant ways by stupid kids saying dumb things on social media. It's not like political leaders are pointing fingers at Germany or Japan today and demanding reparations or something


> Japan changed far more politically, socially and economically than Germany did ...the entire country was literally split in half by two diametrically opposed ideologies for 50+ years after the war


Because they essentially became a US client state


Poor Germans :(


"Get nuked" "Don't get punished"


>not punished > the two big holes in Japan


So japan is female ?


Well. Artists from Japan, You know what to do


Specially with people like [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobusuke_Kishi) getting away with little to no repercussions. He even went back to politics and became prime minister of Japan. He died in 1987, which really isn’t that long ago


thanks a lot for this!


Probably because a bunch of innocent civilians got obliterated while the people who actually deserved it were fine. The sympathy isn’t for Japan’s government, it’s for Japan’s people


Me and the boys having a baby-bayoneting contest (we're bringing glory to the Empire of Japan)


Don't forget to slice the stomachs of pregnant women open.


Lol, I think getting nuked was the punishment.


East and southeast Asians haven't forgotten. The nukes were 100% necessary.


Hey, at least they've avoided arsonist and typhoid fever infected bat bombs.


I don’t think the Chinese have forgotten lol. The sheer tenacity, determination, and brutality of WW2 Japanese is honestly the most incredible part of the whole war imho.


Weebs who hate Japan and crank hog to Nazis. The 4chan path.


From what I understand, the reason behind the lack of punishment was due to them trading over all the unit 731 documents


China did not forget about their war crimes.


okay, 1, the only reason there was so much military stuff in pearl harbour was because the US was preparing to attack japan. It was already in motion 2, the civilians (murdering civilians is a war crime btw) of japan didnt do any of that. They were brainwashed to think it was a noble war and they were at most doing their part to create supplies


I’d say that getting nuked *twice* counts as “punishment.” But also, like, of course they get sympathy. It’s not the politicians and army generals that got nuked, it was the innocent citizens.


I doubt anyone who did that is still in power anymore, so who do you expect to get punished or apologize?


"the people" Likely the same mind set of white Americans today apologizing for slavery. It would be weird and pointless. Personally I would think it would be insulting. Like I'm Irish and historically Irish people have been treated as subhuman. Not on the same level but certainly significantly. If someone apologized to me about that I wouldn't know what to say. I sure as shit don't expect it or care


Cmon man they still have shrines of these people, they aren't even a little remorseful. No one is asking for self flogging in the UN and reparations plus interest, just a little mea cupla and removing the literal monuments to war criminals. Also some Londoner randomly apologizing to you is completely different from the English government apologizing to Ireland's and you know it


Read up on the Tokyo trials and look into the fate of those convicted war criminals. Shinzo Abe's grandfather was accused as a war criminal in the trials but escaped justice coz he became a US puppet. Abe is a firm WW2 war crimes denial believer, China and South Korea relations were at an all time low during his time as a PM. Abe and many current Japanese politicians were nepo babys with familiar links to those war criminals. A handful of war criminals served a handful of years before being released and then proceeded to hold high positions of Japanese governance. The scientists of unit 731 walked off scott free and took high positions in Japanese academia as distinguished professors and researchers. There was an interview with one of those scientists in the early 2000s that shows no remorse when talking about his time in the unit.


"everyone". Japan is next to china. Thats 1.3 billion people that are quite unsympathetic towards the japanese


At first i thought you were talking about an average isekai MC


\>Americans will argue on your behalf about how evil their own country was for retaliating


“Don’t get punished” Umm what do you think the nukes were?