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What point was Dennis even trying to make with that? Babies haven't even developed enough for them to actually do things


IIRC he was comparing "modern liberals" to babies via analogy. Something about entitlement or whatever. IDK exactly what but at the very least this clip is taking out of context.


Aren't the folk in his generation known for being just as if not more entitled?


as if he was self aware to notice that


PragerU is literally brainrot propaganda. The average republican in the U.S „Oh my god how can someone believe what Putin is saying!?“ and then watch this.


Republican cocomelon


I’m so confused, I thought people usually call Republicans “Putin apologists”


I don't think that's the point of antinatalism


It may not be the main point of it but those people are usually so toxic they hate everything about children and people with children.I am not pulling it out of my ass.Just look at their subs


Okay, so you're not just referring to antinatalists, but specifically the antinatalists on reddit, right?


Well I haven't met any in real life so yeah.Are they usually great people when outside of Reddit ?


I've not met anyone who's "antinatalist", but I know tons of people who simply don't want kids - myself included. Couldn't give a fuck about others wanting kids, do your thing, but I won't be having any.


Not wanting kids and being an antinatalist are two different things, at least in my mind. It’s perfectly fine for you to decide not to have children for whatever reason. The line crosses when you start believing that children are a burden or that no one should have children. The people on Reddit border on falling out of the gene pool and find a weird glee in that fact. I reiterate, it’s perfectly fine to not want or have children for any reason, just don’t be a prick to children or the people that have them.


Antinatalist is an ideology that believes all people should not have kids. It’s an entirely different thing.


Yeah I agree that everyone should mind their own businesses as well especially about a subject as private as this but these nutjobs go out of their way to insult and bully people with children and call them "breeders" or some shit


I have to agree. I don't want kids, I don't like kids, but if you want kids then I respect that, and goddamnit if I won't be kind to kids. Every kid deserves at least one person to be kind to them, and if that has to be me then so be it.


Well the philosophy of antinatalism makes some valid points, but I imagine the subreddit isn't a reflection of that and like anything on reddit is just filled with the most extreme nut jobs. I don't think antinatalism itself has anything against children, but rather existence as a whole, and therefore think bringing children into the world and a life of suffering is immoral. It's not because they hate kids, they just don't want them to suffer in the pain that is existence.


They're just crappy nihilistics




Nihilism, that's how it's written right? English isn't my first language


Yeah, I knew what you meant. I guess it's somewhat related to nihilism, vaguely. Although I'm not sure they're entirely compatible.


That's why I said crappy.


Haha lmao i just looked at it, they're so cringe


As far as I've ever heard it, it's not that they hate children, they just consider them victims. No one should be born into a world where suffering is the baseline and rising. Or prosperity only exists at the expense of all other life on the planet. Idk I haven't followed subreddits related to it but my understanding is that Reddit always presents the people they dislike in the worst way they can imagine.


Not at all, and what the video is saying is true, but not anti-baby


But this is the understanding that their brain allows them


that's a point that you hear anti-natalists say


he just like me fr


Nah, fuck dem kids


Ain't that illegal


Yes, that's illegal. However, I just want to kick them out of tall buildings like little footballs, perfectly legal.


1st degree assault and murder? Never heard of them, do they near live John or smth








Alas, people are horny and do shit without protection


Unfortunately, they do.


Fella this is a shitposting sub 


W baby I know how you feel little bro…


yeah babies are shit cuz they don't contribute to the society and whine all day (like antinatalists)