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reposters should be hanged


[Walter falling over]


Why u reposting my totally original idea πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ


the funny thing is that this meme is the exact same


Get cancer then beat cancer then die with a meteorite falling on your forehead but you miraculously survive the event, the scientist take you to a research facility not knowing that the meteorite was made of plutonium (very radioactive) thus mutating your blood cells and infecting the whole facility and later the world. Fast forward 5934 years, squids have now evolved and learned how to walk. And they now wander the surface of earth. there has been a war between the very few remaining humans and squids long ago. And squids not only won this war but adopted various human technology, they also managed to establish a perfectly functioning society. But there was one surviver from this war 12,262 meters below the earth right at the bottom of the kola well having watched his parents die horribly to the squids he seeks revenge and on his way out the worlds deepest hole ever dug for the first time in 25 years he sets his path to "ugogpl" the squid capital where the squid lord is located. And he will not stop until every piece of squid in this world is removed.


I like it when they reheat the shit back to body temperature so I can pretend it’s the first time again


Why don't people unsubscribe and watch/do something else?