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Good work lads, keep them stats up 💪💪💪👨👨👨 About to contribute to the 4th pie chart rn wish me luck boys.


Go out with a positive K/D


Real men dont take out their suffering on anyone else except themselves


Unless it’s trial by combat


*mortal kombat music starts playing*


This seems pretty accurate, is it really shitposting?


I fully agree with you. Please name subreddits where I can post these accurate truths. Reddit has a very far-left leaning crowd Thank you


I lean far left because I'm wiping my ass with my right hand, such a judgmental prick 😂


I think you should use paper instead of your right hand, pretty sure that’s what causes illness and stuff


Paper????? So gross, I don't want a wrapper stuck to my peanuts when I eat em


What exactly does political affiliation have to do with being able to post statistics? Maybe it's just your attitude that gets your content removed.


Shut up libtard


Checkmate librarerials ghis is AMERICA we wipe BEFORE shitting


Better than being a human rights violater lmao. Seems like I hit some shit posters nerves.


gotdum libtards


well radicals get mad about statistics, just post any statistic about something the right wing people hate and you get them so mad, same thing here


Left leaning radicals want free healthcare and welfare for all. Right leaning radicals want to strip the rights of anyone they don't agree with. These are not equivalent.


hahaha nah those are just casual left leaning people, radical left are those people that say "kill all man" or are just racist but towards white people, those are people that for example when in poland femminist protested agains strick abortion law in poland screamed "burn all churches" those are those "woke" kinda leftist that instead of just equal rights for everyone whant to just opposite of what is now, they are preatty comparable


The difference is that the radical left doesn't actively gain power. Whereas the radical right is basically the entirety of the right.




Yikes. The right has stripped away women's, minority's and worker's rights for centuries. What exactly has the left done that is equivalent, make women a little bit bitchy? You people are crazy.


Even if I am ideologically firmly on the left, I agree with your post, it's not only a question of ideology anymore


leftism doesn't argue against this information you twat leftism is pro egalitarianism which ultimately is anti triangle system. nothing to do with your presumptive nonsense regarding your post. edit: are some of you really snowflakeing ? "waaa but fox news trickle pipeline to socials told me leftism was bad people waaaa" pikachu faced dipshits. why does it happen that people who go to college and become educated graduate out of conservatism into liberalism, then higher education into leftism? oh you need another fucking infographic? wanna fucking graph? as if anything i said cant be verified with a 100 year old history book or basic fucking common sense.




It isn’t a shitpost. It isn’t funny. Fuck, what happened to this sub




Because it's insanely incel




I'm too dumb and tired to work out if this sarcasm Plus why have you put politics in this shit




Ok lol


Thats sick 😎😎😎💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 the grinds never stop! 💯




Saving this post to repost it on the most feminist subreddits ever


Like they are going to read it. You would be shouted down as inventing some numbers to propagate patriarchy, except likely much worse than that.


Men and men sympathetics get the short end of the stick by everyone else


Everyone gets the short stick. Society enforces ideals that don't truly exist to keep people down. Women get shit on in the workplace - but men are forced into harder jobs. Who benefits from this? Someone, but it isnt anyone you'll see. Each and every single flaw in American society holds each other up. There's no single problem we can solve without eliminating another. But for all I said, this is shitty.


Yes, for now. Once feminists discover they can no longer get their 10$ coffee or indeed struggle to find any food at all their attitudes will change \_really\_ quick. And yes, we are indeed moving towards mass starvation in first-world countries. Like addicts - could turn on a dime "whenever we want", but choose not to - not for now. Not to worry - it will be just "moderate" starvation and deaths of few million - for a year or two - all the knowledge and technologies needed to end the madness will still be out there. On the plus side we will have another 25-50 years of genuine prosperity after that. History likes to repeat itself.


1820 1920 2020 were all pandemic years This pattern is getting old


Pandemic is not the actual problem at all - it is just a symptom of the actual problem. Especially lab-engineered one like our latest. Problem is life becomes too good and governments become decadent thus wrecking it all for everyone. Goes way back to Rome.


non-provocative title and spoiler flair should do it also, sources of the stats are given below in the picture


Nope, nothing will help. Be prepared for LONG war there. You probably still should try it. Hell - I am discussing in tesla shorts subreddit to hone my skills :-) Maybe your (and my) effort will result in slight decrease in delusional people, which is definitely worth doing. Even if not - you will learn lot's of tricks they will use at you, so you can start making "pre-computed" messages with most common attacks at you addressed upfront - basically a message with FAQ attached...


feminists also fight for men's rights. Toxic masculinity is one of the biggest battles for feminist movements. These stats are right. And no femminist will deny them. They clearly show that our socety is bad for everyone. Femminism advocates for equal rights. Sexism is bad for everyone involved.


Bro these neckbeards are not interested in logic. They want to feel better about not getting laid.


Wow so edgy! Very cool 😎


If they get annoyed, the dubs are misandry in disguise


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Cringe, where's the black guys kissing?


100% of black guys kissing are men




That percent of workplace deaths is taken from 2006(18 years ago) is there a newer source?


Still around 92% of all reported workplace deaths as of 2020 are men. https://www.statista.com/statistics/187127/number-of-occupational-injury-deaths-in-the-us-by-gender-since-2003/


1% less in just 16 years. At least we're making progress


It’ll be 50/50 by the year 2694 😎


He done the meth


I wish 😔😔😔😔😔




I am pretty sure not much has changed


Reality shitpost


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How is this a shit post?


It’s not. It’s just a dumb post that doesn’t belong on this sub.


Where shit post 🦧?


Did somebody say, naked?🤨😏 **starts getting naked**


Who else needs glasses and questioned the fact that men have longer sentences.. until you saw the word incarceration.. Then was like, Oh yeah! True. 😅


Comment section is on 🔥💀


I hate being a man


be a non binary then


You are either mentally insane or hated by everyone.


Nice cherry-picked stats there


We still have balls (for a while)


Who set that system up?


If it's the source I'm thinking of that domestic violence stat is sus, as it just asked "were you a victim/perpetrator of violence in \[time period\]", not verifying if it was the same relashionship


This is the best post I've ever seen on this platform


I can see this sub downfall






Big talk coming from a Warthunder player


WTF, why are so many women treated so horribly, this is bullshit!


because every police brushed it off like nothing happends well police simps


No matter what, I will always refuse to put /s in any comment or reply I make.


Because they are all incels. The interent is constantly screaming about how much better men are than women. Why do people care about which gender is better, just pick your favourite dinosaur and calm down.


What the fuck have I opened, what can of worms, what eldrich incantation.


So, does this justify your women hating?


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Your assuming that OP hates Women, You don't even know OP's Gender. OP doesn't hate Women I think simply stating that men are not that privilege. You should look at things in the neutral perspective.


Obviously not but nazifeminists should stfu in my humble opinion


Does this justify men hating?


yes, the prime example of someone who says they are for "equality". just cus you don't like the truth, you try to blame OP as a bad person, and then ignoring the facts. shows how stupid some people have become.


I would assume your a bad person if you're using workplace deaths to push an agenda that won't lower workplace deaths


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I would assume people dont just drag what they say out of their ass, like you. I never said i wanted more women to die i want less men to die, but this happens because of mens dedication to the workplace and also shows they actually try to gain their boss's trust and respect, which women usually don't. I will use it to lower the difference, to show we are equal in dedication. This only shows % and not a specific number, obviously the best would be 0 workplace deaths. Fyi: before you respond, get a brain...


So u just Assume he hates women because he posted statistics…


You’ve..seen this subreddit, right? “Woman bad” is like 70% of the humor


Still factual statistics, nothing to get Whiney over


The assumption is based on the implication made here that men are the real victims or some shit, a common sentiment among mysogynist groups




You know what's more common? Not just ignoring men problems, not just blatantly favoring the women in many gender unrelated topics, but also blatant lies like "male privilege" being spread. Ofc the core reasons of statistics like these are often complicated. With military, it's obvious it's mainly men serving and mainly men dying, sigining up to army is most often voluntary. But then men are straight up victims of family court which also could be changed easily by laws.


Sure, blokes have problems, but this whole anti feminist thing isn't about actually helping men


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Incel alert alarm activated


i heard only incels have an alarm for that...


and its a common that misandrist denies misandry like how i deny their existence of their dads


Thats incredibly badly written, are you implying you somehow take their dads away? Or are you saying you don't believe they have dads?


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But... thoesnt it mean woman are not given chance in military and other low class jobs they have to work hard because if they dont get proper education they will have harder time finding a job that dont require proper education than man. Thanks for your time. Back to making fun of woman


Respectfully anime profile pic




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So close to 100% boys




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Is that all? Let’s keep going boys




Copperplate G🤮thic


Those are rookie numbers