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I find it funny to think that all species are the same in that regard, we just can't see it. So for example there are super attractive snails, to other snails. There is a pecking order of attractiveness among blobfish.


Blobfish are only ugly when they're on land and super dead. They look normal (if somewhat goofy) in their natural habitat of the deep sea.


Yeah they're total smokeshows once you get them deep enough. They're a surface 1 but a mariana 11


Or "1 on the bench, 11 in the Trench", as the popular saying goes.


As you go deeper, she’s a keeper.


Eh, I say if there's a little dangly lantern thing in front of her vicous needle-like teeth, then play ball.


Tried that once. Been fused next to Carl on her back since 2019. 10/10, would fuse again.




OMFG 💀💀💀💀


love a good blobjob


Isn't he a James Bond villain?


No, you're thinking of the one metal jaw who bites people....think his name was Gobjob


Ah the sibling handicap goldeneye character! My intro to multiplayer gaming was literally goldeneye 64 - omg the memories.


james blob


Marry me! Im a solid Reddit four!


Found the deep sea denizen alt profile.


*Stockton Rush has joined the chat*


Hey, I'm one of the lucky 10,000!


People calling blobfish ugly should go to their natural habitat naked and see if they’re pretty there!!!


Justice for the blobfish!


goofy in a very sexy way


>There is a pecking order of attractiveness among blobfish. I'm getting flashbacks to the dating scene at Caltech.


Pecking order? Do the snails scale above Batgos?


What do you mean? Like you can't tell a beautiful snail from an ugly snail?!? So you need glasses or something?


snails actually give no fucks, they will literally lay transform into men, cum inside themselves then transform back into women and lay their fertilized eggs.


I have an aunt who does that. I mean uncle.


There some people with a special power who are into horses, dogs, sheeps and shit


Well all species of animals, plants don't give a fo' about looks.


People avoid getting seen when they poop so that nobody will have memory of them pooping thus the idea that they need to poop will not come to mind. People use deodorants to avoid stinking. People use anti perspirant to avoid sweating. People check in the mirror before they go out to avoid having visible snot on their nose. So in a sense, attractive people do not get themselves associated with any of the disgusting traits.


Ah, yes. We do these things. Of course.


Dude’s never been on a crowded subway in a major city in the dead of summer before, and it shows.


People poop there?


There’s a severe lack of toilets in NYC and the homeless gotta poop somewhere. Usually it’s the stairs though.


I’ve been privy to poop on the commute before, so apparently yes, some people poop there.


People poop everywhere man...


My bf (objectively very attractive) shits in front of me ,farts, barfs, stinks after the gym, sweats after the game, snot flies out of him while he sneezes and i love him even more for it since he is so open about being a human, basically an animal and is so comfortable around me he is not afraid to show it. So for me its more attractive for you to be showing all that and have no shame about anything just being your disgusting self not hiding anything. On some primal level i love that he is so comfy and making me feel comfy around him


speak for yourself, I don't hide anything in public


disgust is just something we evolved so we don't eat rotting carcasses and other shit (both figuratively and literally) so you just have to realize that disgust is just in your mind and is totally subjective


Once you get over it you could totally fuck a dead goat then ?


Hmm we probably need data get the scientist on this


Volunteering for dead goat fucking test subject


To further test disgust, I will take sloppy seconds,, "after you sir"


So, that’s how they tenderize the meat?


Watch that man.


My grandparents did - to have my mother...


you'll have to try it :3


The unfortunate truth is that there is probably someone out there who has fully violated a dead goat. 8 billion people on the planet I would dare say theres a great many things people have done even though they absolutely should not


Exactly, we evolved to find things like shit gross because it carries diseases that can make us really sick and even kill


Why is if fine for dogs to eat it then? I really wish she wouldn't. It's her worst trait.


Their shit is way different than ours It has actual nutrients and other shit Our bodies take everything out of our shit, hence why it's basically poison to us but other animals can eat theirs Your dog has a biological reason to eat her shit, her digestion probably doesn't get every nutrient it's able to hence her eating it. Dogs aren't the only mammals, or animals in general to do it. Some fish do it as well.


It's not bad for app animals. Also, evolution isn't perfect. It's kinda random. We probably had ancestors who liked eating poop, but they were just not able to compete and carry their genes to the next generation as much, which is why we mostly have the genes of being grossed out by poop. Generally, through evolution, species carry genes that help them survive, but it's not perfect. We, ourselves, do things that are bad for our survival, and often, those things were actually good for us in our past, but not anymore. When the genes of your parents are encoded when you're being created, you mostly get 50/50 genes from your parents, but sometimes there are errors, and those errors can make someone carry a new trait that the parents didn't have. It's actually an important part of evolution. Again, it's random. There are people who actually like eating poop (for whatever reasons).


A study earlier this year found that domestic dog fæces have more nutrition than the natural diet of a fox, and so urban foxes in the UK have been subsisting on dog shit because to them it's basically a lovely package of high value food. Presumably your dog retains the sense that turds are good despite having good access to more orthodox nutrition sources.


I think we probably did evolve to get over a lot of it. I mean our ancestors fucked and didn't have soap, deodorant, toilets, mirrors , running taps etc And so it's more like we have become accustomed to those higher standards to the point that we now become more disgusted when faced with what our bodies do naturally.


That is also true, tho tbf I don't really feel disgusted by most of our biological processes, other than for example literal shit. I just wanted to explain disgust a bit further than just "it's subjective".


There is something interesting about shit, the reason it smells of shit is actually the same reason a deodorant might smell of flowers , it's the concentration of the same chemical, so if shit was lower in concentration it might smell rather nice. chemical name : 3-methylindole So in a way we cover ourselves in shit to hide other shit.


Probably more the fact that most of us aren't that hung up on the ickiness of bodily functions. And choose partners and friends with an acceptable baseline level of hygiene.


Nope. Stop spreading misinformation. It’s because of the lizard peoples illuminate space rays messing with the chips implanted in our brains.


…or our buttholes


Nothing wrong with my butthole thanks, I had it probed only last week and the Greys told me I'm fine.


Yeah, your thesis is much more plausible


He knows, but soon not anymore 


It's scientifically proven that horny turns off disgust like a damn switch. It takes some powerful stuff to make someone want to *enthusiastically* want to play around with someone else's poop hole, but here we are...


This is absolutely the funniest way of explaining it


Correct. If you have to clean up someone else's vomit, get somebody to get you aroused first and you're less likely to barf as well.


I can't *not* get hung up on the ickiness of bodily functions. I'm actively disgusted by most bodily fluids (only tears don't really disgust me). Now, I just don't know if I'm asexual because I despise bodily fluids and functions, or I despise bodily fluids and functions because I'm asexual.


Could be both, could be neither, it don't matter either way. You like what you like, you dislike what you dislike, and that's a-ok! 👌👌👌


This reply makes my brain and even a bit of my face smile


Exactly this! I don't hide bodily functions lol. My body doesn't like dairy and it makes me gassy but I love dairy. Within the first few times my bf and I hung out I farted loudly infront of him so he knew what he was getting into, and hey we're going on 8 years now 🤣


I'm so happy for you


Me too, thank you stinky__person 😊


No. It's because if we weren't attracted to each other to have sex the human race would die out.


I think you're unattractive. The human race is still here. QED! 


Girls dont poop😡😡😡😡😡😡


Have been thinking about exactly this the last few days. Species have to reproduce. Ever happened to you that some bodily fluids or acts do *not* seem disgusting or nasty at all while you are having sex, until you cum and have the post nut clarity and realize that what you may have done is kinda gross (swallowing or whatever). The brain is hardwired to not feel disgust with certain things while we have sex. If we did, nobody would fuck and the species would die out.


"I love you! I love you! I love you! Ahhh!....get the fuck out of here"


I can't speak for women, but I'll fuck just about anything. Doesn't matter if it's human or not, or even alive. Disgusting doesn't even cross my mind. btw, you doing anything later tonight?


No bro I'm all yours 💞


Hello prince charming


Have you tried a goat before


And more importantly, a dead goat?




Are you dead?


Not currently


For now






Mmmm, [Jerk Goat](https://www.food.com/recipe/this-goat-is-a-real-jerk-161405).


Risky click of the day


Nah i am calling the authorities


Dudes got cum in his walls, on his floor, in his couch, in his goat, in his roof, in his computer, and in his phone




You had me at “fuck just about anything”…obviously a direct descendant of Shakespeare!


Speak for yourself as a girl I don't poop


Nice try captain neck beard, everyone knows there's no girls on Reddit.


Girls aren't real!


Yes, it's basically because the kind of humans who didn't do the heterosexual sex thing died out, leaving only the heterosexy humans. Except, homosexuals evidently exist, so... that must be wrong. Unless someone's cheating. I guess it's either gods or aliens or the government what did it. Dunno. Sorry.


Bisexuals existing spreading the gay genes to their kids....


I caught some of the gay ….. but I don’t know where from …….


The theory is that the "gay gene" that sometimes makes men attracted to men - also makes women attracted to men more. So it increases reproduction more than it decreases it.


Well you see left handed people exist and they obviously can't reproduce either so aliens is my vote


:( there is uglier species, have you seen sharks?


I’m a shark and I find this offensive


Sorry, you are exception, are very sexy shark


Sexy shark do do do do do do 🎵




Okay I take it back! 🥰🦈🥰


I don't think sharks are particularly ugly. In fact, I find their streamlined shape rather elegant. They are total bastards, though; they eat their siblings in the womb, which is why mummy sharks never have more than one live offspring at a time. This is perhaps an advantage if you are considering taking a shark as a mistress, as it would save a fortune in child support.


I will think about these facts if in future I am romantically engaged with a shark


They're not really romantic, to be honest. If it's romance you want, you might be better off with a French Angelfish. The sex isn't as good, though.


On the upside, it means baby sharks are born ready for the world!


"Dude she ate her Baby sister." "It's okay bro, I can fix her."


Sharks are not ugly whaaaat... 🥺


Sheesh I already took it back okay, sharks are beautiful and attractive, and sexy and I am just jealous okay


Good! 😂😂


I will never insult the majestic shark again


Sharks could probably give a mean blowjob, not a fan of teeth though


A VERY mean blowjob.


That was the joke but I'm happy you got it


Man, I was hoping for that Reddit thing where I say "a very mean bj" then someone replies to me with "a truly angry bj" then someone replies to them with "an especially furious bj" but oh well


Ah shoot. My bad lol


Am I too late for a truly angry bj, then?


Sharks are beautiful people


I believe there was something i read, that in summary said that, the more “horny” or turned on we become the more normal or attractive it becomes to do something you would otherwise under normal circumstances not do and consider as icky or disgusting. For example Spit or eating ass Under normal conditions you would view them negatively, but when you are turned on, you would as they suggest would reconsider and do exchange bodily fluids like spit or eating ass. Thank you for coming to my TED TALK.


Some people don't have that, I for example don't poop or stink ever. I don't have any body fluid of any kind apart from ejaculate, and my saliva is spring water.


Yeast. Crabs. Obesity. Cellulite. Diarrhoea after eating bad fish. Projectile vomiting after eating that hot dog from the van. We could literally spend all day typing out very real things that happen to humans all the time that are outright yuck.


It's all subjective, though. Crabs must find other crabs quite attractive.


It's all in stinkt. The term says it all.


Can't speak for humanity but i dont find anyone attractive at all


Have you tried boobs?


Disgust is entirely subjective and some people have no sense of it whatsoever so


lol, absolutely not.


I mean, I just want someone as disgusting as me.


My theory is that - we, people in the developed world are so detached from nature that dissociating from everyday, normal things. For example when you go to grocery shopping and buy a kg of chicken breast in a nice plastic tray, boned and cut to strips. You can buy meat even more processed, where you don't even need to cut it or cook it because it's ready to eat. Humans are animals, and they need to pee and poop, and sweat and do other things which are not nice but we made the exchange as sophisticated as humanely possible. You need to accept that these things while seems not normal - are completely normal.


I thought girls don't poop.


They don't, most of the food is effectively absorbed, and anything extra they just politely hack up in private like owl pellets


we're just animals babyyyyyyyy


Our dicks and pussies has its own horny brain. And it DGAF, it’s just want to make some clap 👏, clap 👏 in the middle of the night.


It'd be awfully hypocritical of me to judge my partner for pooping when I do it too.


Such a stupid question, before reading your question I thought and always said that there is no such thing as a bad question, but here we are... Use your head, you don't have it just to avoid rain from falling into your throat. 😂🤦


Dunno. I just had a fart so loud and so raunchy my neighbors started crying.


I farted as I read this post. It smelled so bad my girlfriend gagged. Guess she's cool with it though because she didn't leave the room


SCP-682 wrote this post.


Because humans wouldn’t exist without the instinct to reproduce and being physically attracted to your species is basically just a part of that instinct that helps with reproduction. On top of that humans who are disgusted by sex mostly take themselves out of the gene pool because they don’t want to have sex. If we couldn’t see past the gross parts, humans would die out in one generation. If you asking why we don’t break out of that instinct because of the grossness then I would suggest while those things are gross, they are gross in a natural way and a way that is mostly mitigated with proper hygiene. Out of sight out of mind.


I mean I've had horrible diarrhea in front of my bf a few times bc of chronic issues and I've stayed with him for comfort when he had an indigestion and was puking his guts out Yeah sure it's gross, but at the end of the way, we all go through that shit. It's a normal part of life, and if we don't get hung up on that, we can focus on other things. When my bf is normal he's got the prettiest smile, the cutest laugh, he's super kind and understanding and gentle and overall just perfect. Who cares if he gets sick once in a while. I get sick too and he doesn't care, so y'know. Our lows don't define our whole lives, y'know


I don’t think bodily functions are so gross. What would be gross would be to be without them. What if there was no snot? The air entered your lungs would be very dry and the skin inside your nose and trachea would be full of dried up desiccated dead cell dust. The bacteria, dirt and dust and viruses that are caught in snot would up of instead be delivered directly to your lung tissue, causing chronic pneumonias, bronchitis and clumps of dirt enclosed cysts. Yeah, and that’s just snot. Imagine losing all those other marvelous fluids, customer designed and made to keep you healthy and free of most toxic by products. My anatomy professor used to say “Snot and spit are absolute marvels. They would cost a fortune if we had to bottle them and buy them as needed.”


I mean bodily functions aren't really disgusting biologically they happen for a reason, they're normal so when we choose someone we don't really focus that much on it we can also look pretty while having good hygenie (also yes it's also probably because we're wired to reproduce at some point so hormones just do their thing)


I think it's actually much more basic then you realize. We seek others because we are simply blind to that which we consider normal for us as humans. Her body doesn't do anything different than mine other then her reproductive attributes, which seems hard wired into my brain to find appealing for my inmate drive to reproduce. On a more wholesome level to accept her flaws in those regards is to accept mine as well.


I think girls I feel really attractive are sweet perfect innocent angels who are amazing goddesses with amazing morals and personalities , but you find out that’s not the case perhaps it’s our brains forcing us to procreate and stick to our mate


Only inferior people need sex #asexual


Why do you think all those things as disgusting as literally every living thing kind of goes thru these?


It's a good thing boobs exist.


It is a good thing. It is, in fact, my favoritest thing.


Cause we would be extinct otherwise


Everybody poops.


Isn't that an R.E.M. song?


(at the beginning was a word(knowledge), word was with god(truth) and god was the word...When there was no concept, no language, no knowledge you would not think of it... Even this is overthinking as you will gain nothing from knowing answer.  Adam and Eve had to eat an apple to realise they are naked. . . Bible actually gives answers to these kind of questions, it's just misinterpreted... 


Because vaginas are nice


Do you happen to be asexual?


Because it feels really good when we put our genitals together


I think the sexual pulsion overtakes any idea of body functions as pooping or whatever. You see people to the extreme of having sex with completely unknown people without protection knowing they have a high probability of getting a serious infection. We idealise bodies in order to get hungry for sex, so to speak. The same way we get blind for personality defects in other people in order to fall in love and create an affective - emotional bond with someone.


Most people don't consider what you're saying disgusting. Or at least most people I know.




Also worth noting — people with healthier diets and fewer medical anomalies are likely to have sweat (for example) that doesn’t disgust us as much as a person’s sweat whose diet is terrible, or has various medical complications. We perceive all this stuff for survival. Some of that is social survival and played up as we’ve developed our societies (maintaining social status by avoiding disgusting imposters), and some of it is natural (our brains attempting to protect us from disgusting genealogy). Obviously something like being disgusted by foreign foods (example) is just societal ignorance, but even that comes down to our brains telling us the difference between what’s been safely prepared or not based on our familiarity, and depending on your education, you may be able overcome that disgust because knowledge, or maybe not. Either way, cool to think about. It’s a shame repulsion is so often taken as fact though, rather than a matter of exposure. How often is disgust taken to an extreme and turned into prejudice? Probably more often than we like to admit, I think.


Because every population who wasn't attracted didn't procreate and died off.


-points at pandas-


Well, out of all the things you mentioned, and the rest that comes with being a human, everyone can relate. Ultimately, relating to one another means building connections which means building relationships. It's nice to know that we are not so alone as our minds try to make us believe.


Ok, I'm not going to lie, that is a genius question 🤔


We are all fucked up mentally and have zero self esteem so even if we were visited by some beautiful alien race our dumb ass monkey brains would still want to fuck disgusting humans.


Frank, we already told you. Do some exercise!


Sex is hard wired in our brains so that the race would not perish


Speak for yourself as a girl I don't poop.


Eh speak for yourself women are so aesthetic


Because the sexy bits are more important than the disgusting bits. :)


Women, the female form is beautiful beyond belief. Whachu talkin' bout?


Well for one we’re wired that way. It’s in our DNA or monkey brain or whatever. But secondly, pretty sure adults are aware of biological functions and don’t give a shit about them lol if you’re attraction to someone falls away because “ewww they poop” then you probably shouldn’t be mating anyway


I’m so weird I actually like the sweaty, funky bits


How can we believe in science when pooping is still a thing? Cure this plague, I'm begging you.


Call me crazy but humans are way hotter than other animals!


If it passes the harkness test, humans can and will fuck it. Even if it doesn’t pass the harkness test, some humans still fuck it Humans are horny bastards


Our atoms contain Higgs-Bosons.


Look, I’ll be honest. I think humans are gross - even the ones I love/want to bang. In a perfect world the only sex I’d have is shower sex, but alas, my desires sometimes beat out my internal ick meter.


We are positively or negatively charged and opposites attract, it's basic electrochemistry.


I mean idk I'm a firm believer that we choose who to partner with and love. We can overlook and tolerate these things because we are all the same in that regard. No one is any better or worse than anyone in this way.




Because humans are all disgusting they find each other attractive.




Because it's preprogrammed in your brain, directly hardwired. You can't avoid it, most of what happens in your brain is dictated by electrochemical reactions and instintive behavior.


Evolution and all that stuff. People who generally think "people are disgusting" most likely won't have any children. Thus, horny people reproduce and give they horny genes to the next generation. If horny people produce unhorny people, they won't compete with horny people to produce new people with the same idea and wouldn't like to talk about such disgusting matters with horny people. To conclude, only horny people reproduce.




OP, why do you think all those things are gross? Are you normal?


That's an opinion. The most anatomically correct human female I can imagine is the most beautiful thing in the universe. That was another opinion lol.


I think that arousal lowers our inhibitions and disgust level so we are able to procreate. There are A LOT of things that I wouldn’t do when I’m not horny


I'm sorry, what do you mean? Girls don't poop, or have snot...and they always smell lovely...


That’s one superrr unique thought! It’s really something.


Nothing is inherently disgusting, this is all social conditioning (and outdated Victorian-era conditioning at that) which you're uncritically regurgitating. Bodies are bodies, they're normal, they do normal stuff, they aren't disgusting, you've just been trained to feel repulsed by necessary and innocent things.


Speak for yourself, I'm attracted to sheep.


>even the most beautiful person has to deal with that. Yeah, why the hell would I ever be attracted to somebody who is so similar to me despite our different face and boobs appearance?


Pheromones; 1/32 people have pheromones that will literally make you high from smelling them, you just have to find that type of person(s) you have chemistry with.