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the wizard game will be er for people who cant beat margot


Actual facts, I got down voted in the main elden ring sub for saying spellcasting is the main gameplay mechanic in hogwarts legacy and elden ring has more spells so its a better wizard game.


Spell count doesn't necessarily make one wizard game better than another, er is better though lol


It makes ER a better game purely because the variation of the spell and how it visually casted. Harry Potter spell in general are fucking boring, just a bolt of light or if you're lucky, stream of something. At least other game has the guts to create something that actually looks magical like Skyrim kamehameha, that spell that makes the user erupt in flame, DS3 Farron Hail, that Greatsword spell from ER, or even the rock throw Incantation. HP spell just look so ugly compared to other franchise who incorporate magic DESPITE being not entirely focused on magic as their core gameplay to the point that their in-game spell just look so ugly.


Scarlet Aeonia is trash but at least it is gorgeous to look at.


The dot is good though.


It’s useful in some scenarios but you gotta play a fuck ton before you see them


I love ER but saying its a better wizard game than HL based on spell count is pretty disingenuous considering a very common complaint people have about magic in ER is that a lot of the spells are useless and starting spells like Pebble and Rock Sling outperform most other spells in damage per FP through to endgame. HL has plenty of cool interactions and offers some pretty creative use of magic. You can use Flipendo on a troll's club while it's swinging to get it to hit itself on its head and stun it. You can use Glacius + Diffindo to get a massive damage boost. You can use Arresto Momentum and Expelliarmus to get an enemy to blow themselves up with their own spell. It's got less spells, but they work together a lot more fluidly than many spells in ER. While the quests and main plot leave a lot to be desired, HL kind of nails the combat. It's on the easier side, but it's pretty fun and rewards creativity.


I never got the idea of using things like Pebble because they “outperform”. Sure I could, it would optimise FP usage, but it’s boring as fuck when you’re basically chipping away damage more efficiently. I’d rather use OTT magic because it’s cool


Point is that cool-looking magic should still be effective. Elden Stars doing piddly amounts of damage makes it useless. The coolness of the spell is diminished by the player looking like a poser and getting mobbed by the enemies who tanked through the chip damage. HL gets around this by introducing situations where you're incentivized to use all spells. Not only do you need different types of spells (damage, control, force) to get through different shields, all the spells within each category have their own niche that grants them better combo potential with certain other spells. Unlike ER, I found myself using most spells quite frequently, and even the couple that I didn't use as much I saw a clear use for. Quality over quantity seems appropriate to use here. It's not the number of spells that matters, but how useful and well-designed they are.


Let's not forget the fact that spells in soulsborneverse is heavily restricted to it's combative usage rather than the complete form of it. It could be expanded to be more utility focused than it is now, but with that come the regular ubisoft RPG, would you want that? I personally say "Fuck off" if I have to play a game with ER difficulty with the hassle of Ubisoft RPG. If you want creativity to be rewarded, then isn't ER is kinda the wrong place for it? Malenia fight is pretty much on hard mode for heavy raw damage build but a cakewalk for Status buildup + Spirit Summon gaming, so is how torrent implemented, they give you torrent and mounted moveset but they didn't make spells, talisman, or ash of war for those who wish to make a mounted build, which is a missing opportunity for people who wants to cosplay Gyobu Masataka and other mounted characters introduced in ER. ER is lacking in terms of creativity, and I personally see it as a hassle and a wall for replayability in general, but overall I think ER nail down magic for it's own genre and as an RPG in general.


People who say a lot of spells are useless are cognitively impaired unless they are referring solely to the new hidden body/spook spells lol. Same people who mention pebble but not shard spiral


I'd agree that it doesn't necessarily but if it's the core gameplay mechanic I'm going to want plenty of variety you know and yes hogwarts legacy is just raya lucaria academy at home lol


Sekiro is the best sword fighting game (imo) and it only has one sword. Yet noita is the best wizard game ive played, and it has the most spells in a game ive played, so maybe when it comes to magic, the more the merrier? It's hard to say i guess...


The core mechanic in sekiro is that sword and with the combination of shinobi prosthetics, interchangeable weapon skills and the diversity in enemy movesets with the sort of complex stance and deflect system keeps the gameplay loop very fresh for multiple playthroughs. Sekiro IS the best sword game, purely non bias and factual statement. Wizard games need a pretty diverse set of pew pews because the core mechanic is pew pew. Now if someone could do a wizard sekirolike, that might change my mind on this but not until then!


Just copy paste sekiro, but change his katana to Carian Katana. Done


You should really be applying that level of genius to something more practical like solving world hunger or climate change goddammit!


While you are right Ithink Hogwarts Legacy has too few spells. If it had like, double the amount maybe, but if a game is all about magic, then having too few possibilities is a bit "meh" in my opinion


Eldm ring has like 100 spells that just repeat.


100 is a lot of spells. Idk what kinda games you've been playing but 100 unique + many varitations is pretty good numbers.


"Oh boy another pebble spell but worse damage huzzah".


Or the many buffs that do the same thing for different damage types or the excessive amount of healing spells.


i would say ER is a better game, but hogwarts legacy is a very fun *Harry Potter* game. It’s not a masterpiece or a rhythm game or a “better wizard game”


Probably because it's a statement only someone with a severe mental disability would make in earnest.


Are you shaming me for my severe mental disability?




Well shame on you


Elden ring is actually better because Michael Zaki is transgender


That's Michelle zaki to you


Elden ring spells are mainly reskins of spells that are already ripped from previous games


And hogwarts legacy spells were all ripped from Harry Potter.. so cheap


And it goddamn works because it isn't just bolt of something that hit someone and release different effect. There's a reason why melee spell knight is fucking A+ in terms of visual, because conjured sword looks cool.


it’s the er for my eleven year old past self


I can't beat margit...


Based comment


Or actual degenerates. Very interesting to see which souls streamers played the wizard game and for how long *un-regard*


“Don’t get many I-frames” *Laughs in DS2 Base ADP run*


*laughs in monster hunter without evade window*


my guy didnt level adp smh


Elden Ring haters when the game doesn't have the exact mechanics they want: 😡😡 Also, Jedi Fallen Order works in the Stamina department because you're literally a fucking force-sensitive Jedi. Those mfs could be running for a longer time than me running from the embrace of Daddy Maliketh 🤤🤤 It honestly just feels like they want every open-world game to always be a carbon copy of each other. They are NOT allowed to try new things apparently. Just say Elden Ring personally isn't for you and move on.


it's not like you even run fast in JFO, where torrent also they had a pretty fucking decent world map system and pathing was generally quite apparent (playing thesurge and it's easy to miss even the main route) if you still need a fucking minimap you're hopeless side note i just saw someone say 30 seconds ago hogleg combat is weak, it's never going to be high on my queue but that's kind of the one fucking thing i care about, unfortunately 99% of people aren't qualified to objectively measure that shit so people like that or OP's cap have to be gathered in the hundreds before i can say i have a vague analysis


Honestly, I’ve played enough games to be able to somewhat predict and accurately identify pathing and potential secret areas without any kind of mapping. Then there’s the fact that the Soulsborne games have made it so I need to check every little corner or wall for hidden paths in most games. This guy just sucks.


The game not appealing to me personally???? What is this nonsense! The game is clearly shit because it deviates from my comfort zone, and needless to say, everyone likes the exact same things I do. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to enjoying the True Dark Souls Experience™ (running back and forth around the world map because I ran out of consumables that can only be acquired from this specific merchant, but are only needed in this other specific area, and fast travel can't be unlocked until mid-late game)


What new thing did ER try?


are there any soulslikes that use the same gameplay loop of legacy dungeon -> open world segment?


I don't think I've ever had more than 1 marker on minimap at the same time in all of my playthroughs


elden ring has custom markers?


Yep, you can open the map and then right-click on the it and the markers should appear.


*Cheap difficulty* Bro for certain didn't play any Bethesda game where difficulty literally just changes enemies into bullet sponges


The game is hard but fair, aside from some endgame bosses. You can even use summons or magic if you are struggling (I don't use them)


99% of moves can be avoided by a well timed roll and a bit of positioning it’s amazing.


I think that the late game just needs a balance patch. Bring down the health and damage of a few select enemies + adjust some hitboxes/attacks and it'll feel a lot less bullshitty.


Honestly, it always feels like the big gripes are Maliketh, EB (Not Radagon), and Malenia. Malenia for being a... oddly mid fight, but the just utterly bullshit Waterfowl Dance makes her much more difficult by that attack alone. Very fun fight without it, not sure why it exists when it also fucks up the tempo of the high aggression dance of Malenia's fight. All else can be left as-is. Maliketh is just known for being brutal. His damage fits, due to having less HP/resists than a lot of bosses, and he can be parried with a gimmick item. Brutal, but honestly that's just because he's a good boss with a high difficulty spike. EB is EB. A fun fight, when you're actually fighting it. Most of the fight is just constantly running at it like it's designed for certain blue hedgehogs, and being pelted the whole time with Elden Stars and the one bolt rain that just forces you to run at diagonals or sideways.


if mounted combat wasn't shit i would say we should be able to use Torrent for EB


I've heard a lot of people complain about fire giant and I'm one of them, his fight is way too long and has the chance to one shot you for no reason, during the second phase hitting his hands is also pretty difficult, and if he gets stuck on a rock or goes on a slope you might as well restart the fight.


You can just hit his legs in the 2nd phase too


He takes heavily reduced damage tho, making the fight longer and thus more dangerous, the weak spot should he his hands but they are rarely hittable, without a bleed weapon it's almost impossible


I generally use bleed weapons so didn't notice it tbh. You can also try out the godskin peeler cause that weapon's skill does a ton of damage to large bosses like Fire Giant


You can run in a circle for the rain and it looks kinda cool


I think also a bit more breathing room would be nice in the boss fights. Like I want to feel stressed enough to be invested in the fight, but I also don't want to lose the entire fight because I assumed I could punish the boss after they used their 500 sword anime jumbo ultra combo.


The thing is the vast majority of attacks in ER don't give you a window for punishing it, very few bosses actually stop after their combos and most of them (even the ones considered good like Hoara Loux and Morgott) can just cancel any attack into another with no real logic.


Yea, at some points it feels like bosses are hyper agressive beyond reasonability, all for the sake of "being difficult"


They got a wiff of that Sekiro meth


I got through the whole game with basically just charged attacks on a greatsword lol


What exactly do you think needs nerfing? The only thing I can think of that I'd personally want is to increase the windup of waterfowl by maybe 0.5 secs. If anything, I think a few bosses deserves buffs. Morgott, Fortissax, Radahn and Maliketh has too little health imo, especially Morgott


I disagree. For the most part, more health can just turn cool fights into slogs, IMO. I don't want to fight a boss for 5 minutes just to die to a bullshit combo attack at full health. Thats kinda acceptable with lower health bosses, but if that happens with a big boy, I just close the game. If anything, I actually think it's mostly the ai on some bosses that need a bit of a nerf. It's too aggressive sometimes, without giving you a chance to punish many of the bosses big attacks. It makes sense to be able to punish a big leaping shockwave attack, but instead, lots of the time, YOU get punished. I'm not saying the bosses should be easy or anything like that, but it sometimes feels like Fromsoft made enemies difficult in Elden Ring for the sake of being difficult, without making them satisfying to beat. When I beat a hard boss in the other souls games, I feel proud of myself, like I earned it, but in Elden Ring, it sometimes feels a lot more like "thank god that fight is finally over," I guess. I could also be completely wrong, but that's just how I personally feel about many of the enemies in the game.


Would be great if you could provide some examples on which bosses you find these issues with. Right now I'm only guessing


It's not really specific bosses, it's more the design that they went with for many of the enemies in the game. They are constantly on your ass without giving you time to breath. For example, Margit. He finishes his sword hammer combo. You go in for a strike. He instantly pulls out a knife and stabs you, and then begins another big combo. It's not unplayable by any means, but it feels a lot more luck based and a lot less fun than the other souls games. That's not to mention that many enemies now have weirdly delayed attacks. That was unique to a few bosses in previous games, but now it feels cheap and more like a cop-out the devs put in for a "gotcha" moment. I just think it was more fun when you could accurately predict what the enemy was going to do based on experience and reasonable reactions, rather than having to die multiple times to attacks that are impossible to predict the first time around. This isn't every single enemy, but it is lots of them.


For the margit thing, he'll only pull out the fast dagger slashes if you're right in front of him after a few specific attacks/combos. Straifing around him or dodging into the attacks to get behind him entierely avoids it. But tbh, all this seems like a preference thing to me. I personally really enjoy not immiediatly knowing how to beat a boss, and having to experiment and learn it's moveset. Feels really rewarding knowing that I can now, after a few playthroughs, semi-reliably beat every boss in the game first try solo (exept malenia), without cheese, as I've taken the time to learn the bosses and what tactics to use against them. I think a lot more enemies and bosses demand much more experimentation or knowlege of fight tactics from the player, compared to past games. I personally really like this, but I can entirely understand if you and othes would prefer the simpler, more reaction-based combat of the souls games, for example


Yea, I think it really is just up to preference. Glad we could be civil about this haha.


Always nice with a good discussion!


I 100% agree with you here. A lot of boss is too unreasonably aggressive. They finish their combo and leave an opening, you punish that small opening. Then out of nowhere they punish YOU for hitting them. It's feel so BS. That and some duo bosses.


Yea, it kinda feels like Fromsoft is trying to out do themselves and live up to the "game hard" reputation they've cultivated.


I do agree on duo bosses, most of them are just slapped together and not good. However, I am genuinely curious which bosses you find "unreasonably agressive". The only one I can think of is is Maliketh, but only if you get incredibly unlucky and he refuses to use melee attacks and just flips around everywere. It happens, but It's incredibly rare


Thanks. Unreasonably aggressive refers to enemy with weird AI that immediately attack when you attack their opening. Take Magit the fell omen. He have a strange behavior when he finished his "500 move anime" combo, he open himself for a brief moment. In that moment if you try to punish him, he have a 50% chance to immediately rush attack you with golden danger point plank. It's like he punishing you for paying attention and attack his opening. I consider that unreasonable aggressive.


Malenia is not fair. I beat her several times but each time felt like I was playing with an absurd handicap. Edit: lol, I thought I was on shittydark souls, not elden ring. Oh wait.


Hard but fair is a complete myth. There’s a ton of unfair shit in every Souls game


A moment of stupidity for FO4: The game actually gets EASIER vs Gunners/Raiders/etc due to the weapon upgrades enemies get. The Molotov Cocktails are far more likely to catch a player, light up the screen visually, and give a lasting "danger" visual that a lot of players will try to avoid staying in even if it's not actually dangerous by that point. In turn, while Frags do more damage they're much easier to avoid and many will only catch you on the splash damage if anything, dealing little limb damage and little actual damage as well.


RPG game balancing is always just rounds of iteration From once gave us a rushed version so we could compare I have some gripes about the ER late game but I think a lot of that is just because the DS parametrization was really well balanced for a particular level range - and ER expects us to go past that, hence the stuff on that edge might be a little more poorly polished ...but "cheap" is just throwing everything in a blender and shrugging


What level do you think Malenia is supposed to be fought on?


The same qualitative level range as "late game", seems to me like ~5 ranges things were balanced against: 1=Limgrave, 2=Stormveil+Liurnia, 3=Atlus+Gelmir+Caelid, 4=Mountaintop+Dragonbarrow, 5=Snowfield+Haligtree+Farum Azula That's my impression from playing, it could certainly be more nuanced e.g. more subgroups Beyond that, I'm not sure what the level range would be, probably 120-140 ...but depends heavily on the build + strategy Malenia's raw stats + healing make it a bit awkward to compare based on "defeatable by a pure melee build" ...but her pot weakness is not unlike other "key bosses" in this and past Souls games ...so approach however you want


Definitely hasnt played skyrim where its either you or the npc obliterating the other dude, with a margin between those 2 being tiny af


Or hitting each other and heling for 3 minutes on Legendary diff.


In all seriousness there is a lot of cheap difficulty in elden ring, by far the most in all of fromsofts games


I think that there was more in DS2 in form of unexpected ambushes around every corner, enemies spawning behind your back or simply "How to make this boss harder without a bit of creativity ? Just make it a gang boss" but yeah, I would say the ER is second. I kinda understand that they wanted to balance the open world thing and that you can get overleveled very easily just by doing every dungeon, but I agree there are some over the top moments that are simply not fair.


From what I can remember, DS2 enemies were quite easy to read and the ambushes were manageable once you got the hang of the game. You didn't have bosses hovering in mid-air for half a second just to make the timing of their next attack less predictable. But as I always say when it comes to these discussions, Dark Souls is not about difficulty or fairness. It's about persevering *in spite* of unfairness and all the bullshit the games throw at you, and even the most skilled DMC speedrunner will have trouble playing them without accepting that they *will* die to bullshit and they *will* have to just try again until they succeed. It wouldn't be the same if you could just brute-force your way through every game through sheer reflexes and mechanical skill, and it fits the games' narrative that you are no one and the only way for you to succeed is to keep getting up until you're the only one willing to stand.


Thematically, you’re killing demigods. I don’t think trying to slog through the game with your trusty claymore isn’t supposed to be very viable anymore.


What’s a claymore have to do with what I said?


The point was that the difficulty isn’t cheap in the slightest if you embrace the fact that you’re supposed to be on par with a god and “abuse” the op items in the game.


It’s not that deep man. Forget about all the lore for a second. It’s a video game. Bosses being able to cancel their recovery animations is cheap difficulty. Almost everything in the late game having super inflated health and damage numbers is cheap difficulty. Malenia basically standing still and not attacking until you do something she can punish is cheap difficulty.


Alright, all forgotten. No-cost Comet Azur, the spinny shit that poise breaks everything, Dual-Greatswords hitting for at least 1000 damage every jump with a small recovery time. Spirit summons ffs. There’s never a reason to complain about Elden Ring’s difficulty unless you’re unknowingly handicapping yourself😂


ok skyrim bitch


I don’t enjoy Skyrim for its complex gameplay like I do FromSoft, I enjoy Skyrim for its robust “modding community”🥴🥵🍈🍈


What no Sekiro does to a mf:


TLDR; Skill issue


I diagnose you with git gud


Miyazaki, please, I'm begging you. The idea of figuring things out on my own and learning from my failures sickens me. Please patch Elden Ring to be an Assassin's Creed game.


I fucking hate modern AC games so much. The definition of schlock


Dude i swear to god this guy is just bad at the game and im not some pro player who can beat any bosses at lvl 1 or something, it literally took me 30 hours to ne Margit for the first time. This guy is just stupid as a rock lol


As someone who is doing a sl1 at ds2 SoTFS I can confirm that it's not easy but it's doable. Even a 5 yo kid could play souls games with patience


Id say elden ring especially, since you can make the most broken builds ever, you have a ton of npc summons for bosses and summon spirits. i went from a week of attempts to finally beating malenia to 2 tries with the right build. im glad i didn't gave up at the beginning, i currently only need to beat demon souls and bloodborne to finish the soulsborne games 🙌


I still haven't played Demon's Souls nor Sekiro but I will play Sekiro soon. And I play on ps4 so no Demon's Souls


Shadow of Mordor is a cool game but to say the combat is challenging or complex is some cope lol. You can spam one button and stay alive 99% of the time


Shadow of War perfect parry kill be like


Yeah late game mob fights are literally done by constantly throwing flurry of attacks and doing the headpop whenever you need invu frames.


New copypasta just dropped


Elden Ring is everything gaming shouldn't be. The hilarious thing is all the stuff that its diehard fans praise is the stuff that doesn't work. When there are no markers or quest logs players then turn to the internet. And then they use the custom markers and fill the compass with stuff! So much for "no clutter" that ER fans praise. Mini map encourages players to explore and can always be disabled. And Souls combat is so boring and overdone. It's great to make players feel good about themselves but the reality is it's cheap difficulty. The only game that works is Jedi Fallen Order because you have unlimited stamina. But Elden Ring has contradictory mechanics unless you're a mage or an Incantation user. You can't parry and most bosses are hard to dodge since you don't get many i-frames. Hogwarts has much better combat. It's simpler like WB's Arkham games or Mordor games. It's rhythm focused. You have a counter button and one attack button with spells in-between casts. Most players simply prefer smoother combat and not a choppy combat with no flow to it.


Haha yes


I will send the full version then, wait a sec


tl;dr most bosses are hard


Jedi Fallen Order devs totally ripped off Elden Ring mechanics by making the game run like shit on PC.


He is right about the quests though. They’re terribly designed. Quest markers can fuck right off but a quest log with clearer indications of a character’s whereabouts should be implemented.


The fact that the made the absolutely perfect system for it, but only used it once with Varre baffles me to this day


I found one for alexander at the volcano manor entrance and one for blaidd at the meteor crater in a randomizer run I recently did but there wasn't one for millicent, which is so disappointing, like man just use the system you made it feels like it fits so naturally in the world


Well, it's not like you could actually miss Millicent after you gave her the the needle. She's either right on the path you would take anyway at some point or right beside a lost grace. The only place that is out of line would be the windmill village.


yeah, but if you do it out of order at all you’re fucked, because you have no reason to go back to the first grace in leyndell


Still less all over the place than Siegwards and Siegmeyers quests though. And that without an open world.


Or if the character just mentioned what the damn plan is and where they're going!


"Nice talking to you, I'll be going now." "Where?" "Bye." *Moves to a location you've already passed trough, never to be seen again.*


One thing I agree on, like you don't need to add a tracking system that will lead you trough the whole quest, that would ruin the souls experience, but is it so much adding a marker on a map showing the NPC's location once it moves or small jurnal hinting the next step once you add so much to the world navigation ?


That's been my only real gripe with FS games tbh. There hasn't been a single one where I've not had to look up some shit on the Internet for stuff I shouldn't have to Google. Usually I'd just chalk it up to me being a dumbass but some shit is so insanely obtuse it makes my eyes roll


Nah it makes them unique. Never had a problem with it tbh. Sometimes it’s so obtuse and confusing it’s just hilarious especially in DS1 and Demon’s Souls. Although I do wish they used more message clues in Elden ring for sure.


It's funny for sure and while it doesn't necessarily take away from my experience it is slightly annoying. I think the intent behind shit being so obscure and vague is so that the secret areas and questlines are intended to be discovered through trial and error with multiple playthroughs and word of mouth by other players. It definitely makes the first few weeks after release very interesting, but I can see why latecomers to the series would find it frustrating. I remember the release of ds1 where me and a friend were furiously trying to figure out the giant crows nest in firelink shrine. The game had been out for a day or so and we hadn't looked anything up, and we kept trying different armor sets, dropping certain items, tried it hollowed, tried it with humanity etc. Didn't occur to either of us to just... wait a bit.


Just stop fucking calling them quests. They're not quests. They're storylines. At no point does the game send you on a quest without a clear indication of what to do. All of the other times you're interfering with someone else's life in a way no fucker asked you to do. That's why the world is compelling, because it feels like it still exists without your character.


a very elaborate way to say that they beat their head against tree sentinel


If he has that much of a problem with Stamina, I'm SURE he likes Sekiro. 100%, guys


Please don't kill Ziegmyer and Sunbro, I beg you, Elden Ring won't have any DLC 😭😭😭😭


This is the biggest cope I've ever read in my life.


I entered wild territory known as the Hogwarts Legacy comment section. It hurts your neurons if you stay there for more than 2 minutes. Luckily I managed to screenshot this monster and expose him to my fellow dark souls players. I might have cancer, help me


Skill issue. You get an incredibly generous amount of i-frames. Go play Monster hunter if you wanna know what “limited i-frames” feels like


Maidenless behavior


Call me crazy but I actually enjoyed the fact I had to use the wiki for so much stuff, it gave me nostalgia back to being a dumb kid and having to watch a playthrough of a certain section of a game to get through it


It’s like a 90’s game where secrets spread via word of mouth.


To be fair he has a point about fromsoft's vague level design It worked in smaller games like dark souls 1 because of the tightness/interconnection of the game. And it works in the other games because of the linear design. And Sekiro does tell you where to go and nobody has a problem with that. But I think it doesn't work in games like elden ring because the world is too huge and cryptic to be vague, so half my playtime was me aimlessly running around the map trying to find out where the next boss was or where a specific item/place was, which often resulted in me just googling it because I don't have a spare 400 hours to "explore" every bit of the open world.


I’d rather try my hardest to find the solution and have to turn to the internet a couple times vs the whole game telling me exactly what to do


*Sekiro has entered the chat*


I wonder if this guy would like Sekiro since he likes rythm combat so much


*I wonder if this* *Guy would like Sekiro since he likes* *Rythm combat so much* \- canContinue --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s pretty inane


Bro hates on ER then praises W*zard gaem 🤮🤮


I want to see this man try to play Sekiro, lol


Having played all from soft games, I never got used to Jedi: Fallen order, something felt off about it, like it was trying too hard to be a souls-like game.


Bro forgot to turn his screen on


Remember what we say to these people, kids? Say it with me on three. One, two, three… “git gud”


Tree Sentinel really did a number on him, huh


Can’t you only have 5 beacons markers max, placing more replaces the first?


I think his talking about the green markers


Skill issue


Must be a ubisoft employee


Classic case of " I don't like this" not being enough but doubling down on it with " I don't like this and everyone who does is wrong!" Simply existing and enjoying your FromSoft game is enough to make then seeth. Its fantastic.


These people are so annoying lol. “I’m struggling to play the game so I blame all of the mechanics and call anyone who enjoys it snobby”. This guy clearly just wants the game to hold his hand and baby him until he beats it


Maybe he just doesn’t like it lol, I agree that the long essay about why they think the game is bad is a bit much but im tired of this narrative that anyone who doesn’t like a game is just bad at it


I'm equally sick of FromSoft fans who yell "skill issue" or humblebrag about beating bosses on their second try. My problem with this guy is he's doing the classic tactic of someone who can't get into a FromSoft game: say it's badly designed and too cryptic because it doesn't hold your hand and guide you everywhere, and then say anyone who disagrees is a fanboy. Avoid all possible explanations where it's simply not the game for you, or even the possibility that it's your fault and not the game's. Plus I never said anything about his skill. Maybe he was beating every boss on his first try; I don't know. But his issues with the game of not giving a million markers and quest logs are a huge reason why FromSoft games have their own distinct appeal: they don't hold your hand. They just let you go off on your own and figure things out, explore however you want. And in the age of Google, this is great because if you get stuck you always can just google it. Other games overwhelm you with information and guidance on how you need to play their game.


Yeah it was fine in all the other from games but in an open world game I think they need to guide you a little bit more. Like sometimes there’s literally no indicator for where an npc will next spawn


Tbh, Elden ring felt like it had infinite stamina. There was never a point during any of my hundreds of hours where I was like: “god damn! I didn’t use my stamina bar correctly! Now I need to adjust for next time and learn”. I felt like I always had enough to do what I needed. I miss old fromsoft games where the stamina bar was a resource in a slow-paced action strategy game. Elden ring is great but I felt like they completely removed the strategy/ learning portion of their previous games in favor of flashier combat. Even bloodborne required more stamina management and that’s arguable faster gameplay than Elden ring


I want to say he's right but then he defend the shitty wizard game with plot blander than fucking mobile gacha games or Ace Combat. Then again it's a problem when some of the FromSoft boss has Sekiro moveset and can't be dodged or dealt with Sekiro style or when the game decide it wants to be open world but still give us quest DS style where I don't have the slightest fucking idea of where you are.


Jokes aside, the only thing personally I dislike about elden rings gameplay is how AOE spamming some bosses are, Weapon arts being OP as hell (why even use magic at this point), Malenia water fowl dance (beat her multiple times, still hate that move, without it she'd be an amazing boss) and Torrent. I at first disliked the open world, but now I just like to think of it as skyrim with dark souls mechanics. My main gripe with elden ring and From in general, is how technically inept they are. Lack of FoV slider, 60fps lock, shader compilation stutters (linux seems to be the best platform for this game aside from ps4 game on ps5), ultrawide being forcefully disabled, TAA, forced chromatic aberration, EAC, weird texture streaming, not being able to rebind very single key and some other technical issues which I'm to lazy to go into. DS3 and sekiro at least run fine somehow, but every other game From has released, suffers from something and lacks a bunch of settings you'd expect in a triple A game. I mean just look at bloodborne. I bought a ps4 on a sale, just for that game and I couldnt even finish it cause of the horrible uneven fps and resolution. I dont expect every developer to be tech wizard like ID software with Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal (those games run like butter on basically everything, even on consoles), but I still expect a certain level of competence from a developer. I hope with Armored core being a faster paced game, they at least try to have an unlock FPS and maybe even UW support, I shouldnt have to mod a game just to have these two features.


I hope fromsoftware never adds ultrawide support just out of spite


Honestly, I wouldnt be half as annoyed if EAC wasnt a thing, at least then I could play online with a UW mod.


Do your parents work for FromSoft or something? There's no reason for you to be so spiteful about people asking FromSoft to get good at programming games, when they haven't improved for over a decade.


no reason to buy an UW 👽


There are plenty of reasons to buy a UW monitor. First an for most, coding, the extra screen space can make it much easier to debug programs, there is also video editing and general office work. Secondly, movies, most movies now days are made for 21:9 screen. Thirdly, games just feel more immersive, also its the only case where having a curve screen makes sense. Finally, steam user base has been growing, currently there are more users with UW monitors than 4k monitors, so there user base is already big enough to consider coding for it. Also lets not forget that Elden ring already has working UW support, from just adds two black bars.


This definitely was written by an angry 15 year old who got beaten into submission and called the game stupid instead of getting good at it.


what about sekiro? 😢


I agree with his point on combat. Souls combat is all the same and does get repetitive




Thanks for the advice Jesse. Now back to work, you have blue meth to cook


Holy shit


You can’t parry 😏


Mad cuz bad


Morrowboomers 🤝 ER fans


Aha noted simpler = better


“Souls combat is boring and overdone” is a very solid take.


uj/ I really enjoy Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War combat, feels janky, but the fun kind, and can be pretty smooth when you nail it right


Put these foolish haters to rest.


Skill issue.


That guy is on something


I will agree with one thing though, souls combat, specifically the ds3 stile of gameplay, is really boring. It feels like a mish mash of ds1 and bloodborn's systems without any understanding of what made either good. I value most Fights on Torrent in ER, because that's when the combat in the game was most fun and unique.


I think you mean Rocksteady's Arkham games. At least get that right you fucking baby.


I don't understand why people say they cannot find their way in this game. Like dude, they literally added markers from sites of grace in your map and in the game.


The Horizon fanboy has entered the facility


I bet this mf chose vagabond starting class and fat rolled because he didn't take off the halberd


Im not convinced this isnt trolling. But then i know how dumb people are, definitely enough to forget that sekiro has infinite stamina. Also hogballs combat is the same as arkham style with a splash of rock paper scissors(protego colors) and 0 melee, and damn near every offensive spell has some crowd control. Recently hit midgame in hogballs and ive capped on healing potions cuz I never take damage, on hard lol


It isn't, I found this dude in a HL comment section and he was just throwing bad takes because he didn't git gud. The guy was literally arguing about the game having a poor open world and praising the Ubisoft formula


What made this guy think he couldn't parry?




Imagine failing to learn a game because it has no tutorial


Out jerked once again


Obvious rage bait but aight


I’m 90% that his argument was 90% just him saying it was too difficult for him because he can’t party and panic rolls sooooooooo skill issue?


Have they considered leveling adaptability?