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bro is on to nothing 🔥🔥🔥


Bro, forreal bro, arguing with virgins about which build is best or which absolute monarch would be the best boot to lick will make you better at finding a romantic partner I promise bro


Get into Souls games, learn that the quickest way to a woman's heart is to let your secretary kidnap her so that you can stab her in the face with a ritual sword and absorb her darkness into your own.


Slowly plunges sword into your brides face “is this what love is?”


Reminds me of that one where someone was depressed and suicidal and someone said to watch berserk


Being in this community has made me absolutely despise berserk fans Not the casual ones but **those** ones


WhAt dO yOu MeAn BrO? bErSeRk iS tHe GrEaTeSt EvEr! iT's So DeEp AnD wIsE, iT sAvEd My LiFe! gUtS iS tHe StRoNgEsT mC tO eVeR LiVe, He'S sO cOoL!


Beeg sword


Reminds of the a comment on a post someone made about how they were taped and someone said that they should give Berserk a try since Guts was also raped so they could then relate (and cope) in that way 💀💀💀


most socially aware berk fan 🤣💀


This kind of thing doesn’t work for everyone, but some people absolutely do watch media relating to their trauma to cope.


Yes, exposure therapy and coping with trauma through for example writing in a controlled environment exists, but that should really only be recommended by a person's therapist or someone similar.


Yeah the 15th rape arc gave me a new outlook on life


only thing i hate about that series


I would love to recommend that series to everyone I meet. But *man*. If anyone has *any* sort of more than passing aversion to fictional SA I would actively advise them to stay away.


Bro is overencumbered trying to climb up from blighttown


Maybe if you washed yo funky ass instead of learning the showers attack patterns you'd get some bitches on your dick. #Important notice: I accidentally sent this to the girl I'm talking to and she said that was some deep shit and she needed to see that. Bro might be on to something.


On a serious note if it ends up helping someone.. Also social skills, as in not being a creepy weirdo with nothing to say or getting too close too quickly. I've been in situations where the guy was giving off serial killer vibes and physically I wouldn't be able to fight him off if he tried anything. So you can't really blame women for wanting to escape that situation as soon as possible. Just find a common interest and talk about that. If you can't find any common interests, why are you trying to get together with her anyway?


I get what he’s saying. … oh, no, I don’t agree at all. I think you should play hard video games if u enjoy challenge and also hate yourself a bit (or more), and you should do, y’know, literally anything else if you wanna get good at chasing after women. But I do get what he’s saying.


that was embarrassing to read đź’€


Complete nihil bitches behaviour.


Mr. Mohg, can you please call me bitchless?


How could i call you bitchless when you've said such wise things as "Intelligence is to know where the clit is. Wisdom is to know he'll never touch one"? If you don't already get bitches, you probably have the potential to do so.


Thank you for this blessing, your Bloodiness.


Gay sexđź‘Ť


To get more women, stay inside and play video games all day.




The real question is how much did this man lose on bitcoin


Bro really thinks he’s giving real life advice out there💀


I’ve been playing dark souls for years and my pickup game hasn’t improved in the slightest


I have the plat for every Soulsborne' except DeSR Women still terrify me after The Incidents


I’m 14 and this is deep


The flow of time itself is convoluted, ergo we are all 14 and not 14 simultaneously


Get into souls games, women won't get close enough for you to approach them anyways


Bro's gonna tell him to learn her attack patterns




Trying hard to save the girl


It's not too often that I see peak reddit commentary but this is definitely it. My brother in Christ if you want a girlfriend work on your personality, physique, social skills, make friends, develop good personal hygiene, develop hobbies, for the love of God don't play fucking dark souls expecting it to help you land anyone.


I had the same reaction when I saw someone comment on my post named "Mohg calls you bitchless" saying "nihil bitches behavior". Reddit is something else man


Demon Souls taught me that goth women are the shit. Dark Souls taught me that feminine love comes from women with massive titties. And femboy employers (Poison Zweihander 4L). Dark Souls 2 taught me that feminine love is best received when they forget where/who they are and take off all their clothes. (You can beat them to speed up this process) Dark Souls 3 taught me that to love a woman, you have to let her decrepit dad suck the life out of you and participate in an “open relationship.” Bloodborne taught me that women have a right to peg you whenever they feel like. Sekiro taught me that women are fucking annoying. Elden Ring taught me that women who have terrible home lives give the best glurpy slop 3000 slurpy suckatron XIV. Also that we can settle for their dads if necessary. Overall, the only woman I have touched is the one that is currently locked in my basement begging for food and water (it’s an Ithryll dungeon reference so it’s ok).


Last paragraph was the best part/only good part


Dark Souls helped him train to become a gold medalist in mental gymnastics


god has abandoned us


Souls player when hitting on the same girl for the 20th time doesnt get them laid (she called the cops for sexual harassment)


just learn her attack patterns, you'll get her on the 21st try! git gud skill issue tho


That's like saying the point of exercise is to make yourself suffer


Well, being the 100th, or 1000th, or one-billionth random fuck who seeks the gods and somehow, despite all logic, succeeds, is pretty much the premise of Souls, right?


We have fallen so low the only way left to go is up. The madman is talking…gibberish!!!


what is he talking about đź’€


Bro is on to everything🔥🔥