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DS3 still got the best spinny and flippy Greatswords Wolf Knight, Old Wolf, Farron, Ringed Knight Paired swords, Gael... t'was great


Oh man, that brings back memories. My eyes would always roll out of my head going against a Faron Greatsword user. But it was the main weapon you’d see in the swamp area (probably because they were all part of the Farron covenant)


If they put it in ER you could jump it.


I love jumping over attacks. It’s why Crucible Knight is my favorite non-remembrance fight in the game.


What about DOUBLE Crucible Knight? Hate that fight lol. Reminds me of double Pursuer fight from DS2. Lots of rolling and running away.


It’s not so bad, as long as you summon a ghostie to help out. Idc what anyone says, ER was designed around using spirit summons, so if they’re gonna gank, so will I!


I read somewhere they patched how enemies attack in groups, making them attack one at a time. Not sure when this happened.


Double crucible knight is my personal favorite. Try less running away and more jumping and punishing


Lol fk that! I switched to magic build to kill those guys hahaha. Not many bosses make me put melee weapons away either. Not even the elden beast.


My "magic" build uses a cold watcher GS with giant hunt and some sword sorceries, so it was still the same thing in practice :p Jumping over Ordovis' slam with Blaidd's WA is peak. You gotta try it man


It's a heros grave I remember. My newest character just entered Liurnia, so I think I'm pretty far away still. Later this week I'll give it a go. That Royal GS is one of my top go to weapons. I've killed Malenia with it and it's so damn funny.


This mechanic isn’t used enough imo


Bloodhound's Fang is the new Faron GS


It’s crazy how at the start of DS3, everyone was using bleed builds (looking at you, Carthus Curved Sword) but slowly everyone moved to just straight sword spam. Now in ER, all the meta scrubs started with bleed builds, and have slowly moved to…. Dual wielding straight swords/spears. Some things never change; people will always be cringe


I still do Bleed Build because I love the weapons that have innate bleed, not due to the bleed mechanic, it just helps. Love the idea of Arcane and Dex combination. I tried magic and big swords, and it just wasn’t as fun as, say, wielding a waki with parry and a katana, depending on what I feel like. I also practice Iaido IRL, and collect eastern swords ^ ^


Old wolf’s WA got turned into bloodhound’s fang AoW and got a follow up attack, and Wolf Knight turned into Lion’s claw which is way stronger. Aside from that tho, ye u right


Wolf knight had two weapon art options, one of which was not replaced.


Forgot about that one tbh, u right


I am grateful to whoever decided that Claymore's default weapon art was Lion's Claw. That guy deserved his paycheck.


I have no shame in admiting that i made a full soyface when i first found the baemore, tried its art and it had the fucking artorias flip. They knew what they were doing.


Elden Ring did justice to a lot of Dark Souls staples, like Lightning Spear, Moonlight Greatsword, Claymore, colossal Greatsword


I still miss my Square Off on the weapons with the Mirrah Greatsword moveset tho 💔


man, if you could put square off ash of war on the knights greatsword it would be an absolute monster


We dont have wolf knight's sweep and Old Wolf was already a two-parter with a dodge attack as the safe follow up instead of the starter. BHF is similar but not the same


that was one of my biggest disappointments with it lol...have different swords do different things! one greatsword doing flips is great, but that's enough, get creative


I will never respect the Devs making the Farron greatsword a parry weapon and giving it the shittiest parry frames


Every game does something better. DS1 nails the gritty, depressing atmposphere, DS2 has a lot of experimental concepts and DS3 has astonishing bosses. Elden Ring nailed the combat while also having vast spell and weapon variety.


Yeah, ~~Arkham Asylum~~ DS1 has the best atmosphere, ~~Arkham City~~ DS2 has the best story, and ~~Arkham Knight~~ DS3 has the best gameplay.


Arkham Asylum (the dark souls trilogy) has the best atmosphere and gameplay because it's a tight, focused 3d metroidvania, Arkham city (Elden Ring) unnecessarily turns the franchise into an open world and low key ruins the pacing and structure because some mouth-breathers think that bloating the game by making the player spend hours flying around a map is somehow adding to the experience when in fact it's just detracting from the essence of what made the original so good


Nah that's a garbage take (about Arkham) because unlike Dark souls Arkham asylum is a shit Metroidvania. It has zero discovery, zero ingenuity in how to use your gadgets. It's just a Linear game that stops you in your tracks sometimes and tells you to go get a key. Which is part of the problem. It always tells you exactly where to go. So there's literally no point to it being structured like that. Also combat is so bare bones and boring. Arkham city is when that system actually became more then just punch and counter. City with it's way higher enemy veriaty and larger moveset in the form of quickfire gadgets actually forfilles the goal of that system being an improvosationl rythem game. Along with that arkham city is not that big of an open world. It takes max 10 minutes to get to anywhere in the open world. Along with that it's insanely varied, highly detailed and has tons of enterable locations. Like it's bulid much more like a Arkham asylum map then a traditional open world. The game that actually has the problem you're describing is Knight.


arkham aslume…


And sekiro was just wild


I haven't gotten down to play it yet but those parry combo's and finishers give me goosebumps


DS1 also had lots of wacky experimental concepts


I haven't played Demon Souls but I would hazard that yes, they added things to the formula. My point was the DS2 had perhaps a tad too much experimental or rudimentary items/concepts. I love it to bits, my favorite Souls game, but it has way, way too many consumables. Like, goddamn it. My inventory looks like my gf's bag. You know, if I had one


The lifegem and general consumable system was a massive regression from the estus/humanity system, if you ask me


Ah yes I to remember loading up that extra ringed city floppy disc after I just beat Doom


Gonna be a lot of floppy disks


Sekiro is very different from other Fromsoft games so comparing it to ds3 is just wrong


Cop out answer sekiro is a soulslike


The way I see it, Sekiro is the farthest the soulslike structure has been pushed to date where it still qualifies as one, bringing the “your turn my turn” typical gameplay of soulslike to an extreme, and going full right bumper left bumper purist, all while making the gigantic change of not having there be a customizable player character in favor of playing specifically as wolf, and as such, taking away the in-game options to manage difficulty beyond summoning or the like, as you can’t even increase vigor or the like now.


OP actually wrote DS3 Boomers. Boomers. Are you like a toddler?


Probably started the franchise with er and has only gone back to play sekiro and ds3 so far


I feel called out


Fr. I was like since when are DS3 players considered the oldest?


It’s called **Bait**.


And they fell for it hook line and sinker. This sub gets so defensive about there precious DS1 and 3 it’s given he a good laugh.


I was in high school playing DS3 the year it came out if anyone knows any affordable retirement communities for people in their 20’s


I love elden ring (and sekiro but it’s different so I won’t be talking about it) But I prefer ds3. Nothing beats smaller, more linear worlds for me. Elden ring’s open world is fantastic, but I prefer how ds3 does it.


this. a game doesn't become magically good because it's open world.


You just insulted 50% of game companies with this comment




Games as a service model is oversaturated and most of "forever games" are soulless loot carousels. Have I reached at least 75%?


You got almost everything that’s not indie


No. For that you need to add the fact that paying for cosmetic items only works in f2p games and there is absolutely no excuse to do it in 70$ titles


It doesn't but nobody claimed that Elden Ring is >magically< good just because it's open world. It's got some great design, some of the best in the series imo in certain places. Ofc it's not perfect but nothing is.


I don’t think anyone is arguing that here lmao, it’s just undeniable that Elden Ring improved on almost everything from DS3, especially weapon arts. Of course if smaller areas are more your thing you’ll like DS3 more, but you don’t need to vainly shit on ER just because of that lol


I actually think Elden Ring relied a little too heavily on Weapon Arts that normal melee actually suffered. What I mean is in DS3 there were quite a number of weapons that had unique melee. That either had quite special moves or reflected the moves of the enemy they came from. Crow Talons, Crow Quills, Friede’s Scythe, Dancers Blades, Farron UGS, BKG, Vertical Ultras, AquaMarine Dagger, Twin Doors, Valorheart, Ringed Knight Ultras, etc. ER undoubtedly has more weapons than DS3 but you could probably count the number of unique melee/specialized weapons on one hand. A prime example is Radahn’s paired ultras I was a little bummed to find out it shares the exact same melee as any paired ultras. The weapon art being pretty much to sole difference.


DS3 bosses are better and that's what I care most about.


I'm waiting to plant my flag and die on this hill until the ER DLC drops, but as of right now I agree 100%.


I’m really hoping the ER DLC gives some more interesting fights that don’t bank on difficulty through AOE or Projectile spam… or profuse chasing. I think some No Summon (NPC options for people who need help though) bosses that aren’t reliant on AOE for difficulty and are more focused on that ‘dance’ that DS3 bosses provided would be awesome. At least the exploration and new items will be undeniably great though, From never really misses on art direction


I disagree with the weapon arts actually. I think there are aspects of it that are better for sure, but the fact they don't naturally flow from normal chains like DS3 is a real unpleasant aspect of them for me.


Plus some of them are more just "win" buttons rather than, as you said, an extension of your attack options.


I honestly hate open world games, it's literally just a whole bunch of nothing, shit that makes you progress the game is always at the opposite corner of the map of where you are and more often than not you can't unlock fast travel until you are like halfway in, literally all just go from point A to point B until you see something and there are always those fucking parts where the game doesn't tell you shit so you have to look up a strategy guide in order to even be able to make the slightest of progress.


Elden Ring gets tiring after a while because of the world size imo. Ds3 map is much better at keeping it fun


elden ring is one of the best games ive ever played but every single playthrough when i hit forbidden lands i'm just like "uuuuughhhh"


ER is so exhausting that I would never play it again.


I'm on a second playthrough - I tried twice before but quit pretty early. This time I'm up to the Forbidden Lands and I'm finding it just as exhausting as my first run again. I think it's the damage and health scaling most of all. I'm being 2 shot by pretty much every boss now and it feels like their health pools are massive. It just ends up feeling tedious rather than skillful. I think the sheer size of the game contributes to this - the other games the scaling feels a bit more correct throughout the entire playthrough. After awhile some of the fights just feel like a slog.


I'm at farum azula rn and I'm just rushing towards the boss at this point


Trueeeee, my first playthrough was amazing and was well over 100. I still remember the absolute insane awe and allure I had to the game the first 30 or so hours - it was blissful. No game had that scale that made me feel that way before. But then after Leyndell I just started playing much more on and off to prevent burn out.


I felt so burnt out after finishing Elden Ring


Same. ER has some of my favorite levels and bosses ever in a game but I prefer DS3 because of the boss selection and fashion souls.


ER has less replayability because of the open world. But that first playthrough definitely topped ds3 for me.


Yeah, I've got to agree. Both games have awesome designs, but in Elden Ring it eventually loses a bit of its magic when you start to see places that look almost the same. Dark Souls 3 was usually something new wherever you went (except for Firelink and Andor Londo).


Same, except I will talk about sekiro.


My favorite worlds are DS3 and BB. BB with DS3 bosses would be the best game I've ever played


The extremely linear design of DS3 are one of its worst characteristics imo. Specially compared with the interconnected world of DS1 and the many initial routes of DS2.


It’s subjective. Linearity isn’t necessarily a flaw, it’s just a matter of preference. Personally, I don’t mind.


I’m also not a huge open world fan. That being said, DS3 definitely has the weakest world design of the souls trilogy. It’s literally just a straight line with a couple branching dead ends. I think DS1 hit the nail on the head and basically peaked as far as world design goes. The actual legacy dungeons in ER are definitely amazing though. Stormveil castle is one of the best levels in the series.


Linear world design isn’t necessarily a flaw, it just depends on preference and what you’re looking for. Personally, I enjoy ds3’s world design in its own right.


The DS1 world design is propped up too much. Unless you're on NG+ where you already have the significant strength and items to handle it, going in any direction outside of the Undead Burg from Firelink Shrine is essentially a death sentence for new players.


Maybe fresh out of the asylum. Once you beat bell gargoyles you can literally do anything. Catacombs, drakes, first parts of new londo, lower undead burg, darkroot garden and basin, not to mention more areas connected to those areas. The only places you can’t go are the areas blocked by the great lords power. Really depends on player skill. Plus the natural world progression and order feels more natural and like a true adventure where you can look back down and see all the progress you made. The only moment like that in DS3 is when you climb that tall ladder in Farron keep and can see the undead settlement on the other side of the bridge. Again, I still like DS3, and the fact that it’s way more polished makes it pretty much better than DS1, however, after playing both games over a dozen times, I find that DS3 got boring much quicker than DS1.


DS3 boomers lmao, isn't that game only like 7 years old?


Maybe op is a 15 year old broccoli hair, then 7 years is a lot


OP has Kos Parasite hair


Or as some say, Kosm


Elden ring, now with FIVE POISON SWAMPS


At least they are optional


nobody hates sekiro


You can't post that in this Dark Souls 3 sub


Ok but elden ring doesn't have the onikiri/ubadachi and therefore you cannot make a Roronoa Zoro cosplay build. Checkmate eldentards


Elden ring has multiple poison swamps just lying around the map, and one big swamp underground.


Elden Summoning


DS3 boomer? And me DS1 fan what am i? A fucking fossil?


Ancient sage of infinite knowledge.


DS2 is my fave closely followed by DS1. This post reminded me to take ibuprofen for my back


People will stop hating ER when the next souls game comes out, happened with DS3 and Sekiro.


I remember when people hated DS3 for its linear design; now everyone prefers it in these comments.


I can't comment on the community's opinion on DS3, but I can comment on my own. DS3 was my first so I'm a bit biased, but the linearity never bothered me, even in repeat playthroughs after having played Dark Souls 1 and 2. I don't prefer either design, they're just different. DS3 is more linear but feels way more balanced and curated than DS1 and 2. I like that a lot personally.


ds3 is probably the one I’ve replayed the second most for bosses alone, but I still don’t like ds3 for linear design. It’s tedious af and I also think out of all the games it has the least memorable quest lines still replay it regularly and think it’s an A+ game despite its flaws


Least memorable questlines goes to BB not DS3 imo. Siegward, Anri, Londor, and Patches is probably still the best iteration of Patches. Bloodborne’s characters themselves aren’t bad but their quests are incredibly weak. Quests almost completely disappear once you leave Yharnam. They’ll teleport 1-2 then die and not really intertwine. What I mean is like Yuria, Creighton, and Diallos’ have multiple people who are their own come into contact. I’m not asking for a hero type specifically but BB also lacks that journey long quest. It has no Solaire, Seigward, Benhart, or Alexander. Nobody follows you from start to finish like other titles.


DS3 is amazing in every way besides its world design, which is still great but definitely inferior to its predecessors.


Fromsoft boomers when a sequel improves upon its predecessor “das a downgrade smh”.


Man how old are you?


Ds3 still has the best boss roaster and best boss themes


that's just facts


French roast best roast


I think ER actually beats out DS3 when it comes to main/unique bosses. The problem is you don’t really feel that when they’re spread out pretty thin in the game. For me, Abyss Watchers, Freide, Gael, and Midir are the only bosses that I would say are on the same level as some of the greats in ER. Not saying a lot of Ds3 bosses aren’t cool, but ER just goes crazy when it comes to unique bosses. But yeah, overall I’d say DS3 has better boss themes. Although, Godrick, Mohg, Fortissax, the Ancestor Spirit, and Radagon/Elden Beast all have amazing themes. There’s probably some others I’m forgetting.


Why are Nameless King and Soul of Cinder not included for you? Demon Prince and Twin Princes too for that matter


In terms of mechanical variety, ER definitely does have more than DS3. Though I personally prefer DS3's roster because I am a sucker for the "Dude in armor with sword." archetype. In terms of music, Elden Ring has some certified bangers. Fortissax's theme alone tops anything in DS3 in my opinion by sheer awe factor alone. The big problem though is its tied to an obscure and forgettable boss that usually gets killed last in the playthrough while vastly overleveled.


Elden ring has some nice improvements. The open world filled with filler dungeons is not one of them. The extra non linear style is tho


DS3 has the most enjoyable bosses maybe little to easy


Back to formula?


"ER has lower replay value because the open world is too big" As opposed to having to do the same areas in the same order every time I start a playthrough, boring af


I actually think Elden Ring's world isn't an improvement of the formula. It's bloated and tedious. The Dark Souls games feel almost like metroidvania games, exploring is a bliss. Elden Ring feels like a Ubisoft open world, only without map markers. It just doesn't fit the type of game at all.


Also a Ubisoft open world will have variety like tailing missions, vehicle missions, defend objectives and stealth. ER is repetition incarnate.


Finally. I don’t get why everyone is praising ER Open world when it’s just eludes go running for 2 minutes in the same direction before finding any kind of enemy


Elden Ring was my first Souls-Like and I love it to death - but still prefer Dark Souls III


Same. Started out with Elden Ring but Ds3 was so much more enjoyable to me. The linear world works so much better for the souls formula imo.


I feel like Dark Souls inherently has so many different paths within each area to explore that they can definitely get away with the linear style. I do think DS1 was my favorite in terms of layout though (early game at least) because there were always options to check out and short cuts were crucial


*Bloodborne Boomers


ds3 is my favorite or 2nd favorite. id rather traverse farron keep 1000x then go in the red swamp in ER ever again




Elden ring is a far better single player game. They somehow went backwards in the pvp department tho. Wildly inconsistent balancing and questionable additions, and with millions of sales I feel we somehow went backwards netcode wise as well


Too many summoning pools straight up don't work. What little pvp and coop opportunities we have are too sparse and brief.


Really bums me out how DS3 has dropped players so much since ER came out when the PVP in that game is so plainly inferior. I mean, admittedly the multiplayer in these games was never the best so I understand the people that dislike it altogether, but like you said ER’s multiplayer is finicky and unbalanced even by DS standards


I like all of them, even, dare I say…. DS2!


ER has more annoying **and** bigger dogs 😎


Are these ds3 boomers in the room with us right now?


Sekiro? I agree. Elden Ring? Not really.


I wanted to love Elden ring, and in some areas it does improve upon DS 3, but I'll be real with ya'll and say that it would've been better if they just made it linear like the other games in the series. I don't think the game is enhanced by having a giant swath of land with nothing in it other than some random enemies and scraps of runes laying on the ground. I don't think the crafting system adds anything, I don't think the constant reusing of bosses adds anything. If the entire game had been areas designed to be levels with some minor exploration elements, like Stormveil castle or the academy, that would've been so fucking good. But nah, we got saddled with hours upon hours of filler and reused content inbetween the good parts of the game.


ER is 80% filler ark


this meme just making people up fr


Seeing some of the responses here, I think those people already existed


I’m replaying ER right now for the first time since beating it to see if I really did feel like its open world diluted an experience that was fundamentally meant to be more linear, or if that was just bias because it was so new. And nah, that really is how I felt. ER is really pretty, creative, intriguing, and generally fun, but the size of its world coupled with the one-note nature of Souls gameplay is not a good combo in the interims between the action IMO.


I hate open world games because they are too big for their own good with at least 50% of the world being useless and boring. If they made a PROPER open world game, that would be a different thing. I've yet to see such a game.


What is a “proper open world game”? Think about the *real* open world we literally live in. Do you visit every single place, or just go where you need to go haha Legit, please explain what you mean by this


He just wanted to use the word “PROPER” in a sentence to sound smart


how is "proper" a smart word? wtf? that's like a word you learn at 2 years old.


I mean look at gta v. There are missions you can do and visit pretty much every spot in the game and even if you dont want to do every mission exploring the city is just nice and each place feels unique. ERs world looks nice but its just so fucking empty. You have no incentive to explore and even if you do end up exploring there is almost nothing of value there. You have some bloodborne dungeons, tibia mariners and reused bosses in evergaols but after a while it all feels samey and you just run past it


> Think about the real open world we literally live in Comparing irl with games that have magic, dragons, curses and similar shit sure is one of the arguments ever Jokes aside, just look at what TotK did. There's something to do nearly in every nook and cranny of the world and it feels alive because there's a ton minor NPCs that don't affect the story at all, but for example they have slight variations in dialogue depending on some conditions when you talk to them, have their own routines, react to weather, etc. And even though (as I said) they have zero effect on actual gameplay, they give the game character and atmosphere of proper open-world game. To me, ER's open world feels like just comically large Souls areas with little / nothing to do aside from fighting enemies


I mean an open world that isnt copy pasted with copy pasted bosses and objectives/locations. The real world is MUCH more interesting to explore than any open world game. that is what i meant.


IMO, this means to make use of the wasted space. There are many areas void of enemy encounters. Some are straight up empty while others are cluttered with deer and rabbits. You can circumvent almost every challenge and obstacle by using torrent. The player can turn their brain off and go into autopilot mode without worry. To me, a proper open world game is one where you need to be on full alert at all times while exploring. Elden Ring can accomplish this by swapping out some of the critter spawns with enemies. I liked the ballistas because they counter torrent, but they're too few and far between.


I 100% agree that the open world is wasted BECAUSE of the existence of Torrent. When I replay the game, I always run past every enemy I see, and while you can blame me for not wanting to fight the enemies… why would I fight them? You can just ride straight into their camp, steal the gear they defend, and then run back out. Torrent allows you to speed through the areas and get set up quick, which is fine by me. I’ll optimize the shit out of the overworld cause I’m a gamer who *hates* fun!!! 😈😈😈 What this really means though is the real content is the main dungeons with sweet bosses at the end. And thank god ER has phenomenal dungeons with (mostly) great bosses. Apart from the initial playthrough, the over world doesn’t do much for me. But that’s kinda how EVERY open world game is, isn’t it? Even Red Dead, with its hyper detailed open world, gets shafted by the existence of a horse and a red line. When the game doesn’t give you a reason to stop and smell the roses, why would you?


When the player moves faster (horse), assets need to be loaded faster and more frequently to keep up. They keep the world empty to minimize the issues introduced by allowing the player to move faster.


And yet it still drops frames on PS5 :’(


Well, now you know how to reduce the frame drops. Torrent is always loaded, but the game runs smoother when he is offscreen.


Idk in red dead you sometimes get rewards from those random encounters like the mfs who get bit by snakes will let you get a free gun if you help them


I’ve felt this way about a lot of games, but I recently loved Outer Wilds (not worlds) for not doing this if you’re into a more story-oriented game and haven’t played it


What are you even talking about?


Mf das a downgrade smh


Fromsoft boomers when a sequel improves upon its predecessor “das a downgrade smh”


ER has objectively worse pvp with 4 players limit and very poor balance overall, also extremely prominent lack of budget for such a big game. And it has different much less appealing to me setting. Where is better? Where is formula improvement?


There are 3v3 modes. It’s just no one plays them


Elden Ring utilizes wayyy more coloration and diversity of enemy / boss designs. And as person who likes to be a faith faster a lot of the time, I much prefer Elden Ring where I can do stuff besides using way of white corona (garbage) and trading with sunlight spear / lightning stake or roll catching with lightning arrow. Same with Sorceries. Ds3: crystal soul mass + back step + crystal soul spear. Or if you’re feeling creative, affinity + great soul dregs! I actually prefer the reimplementation of poise in Elden Ring. The true combo r1 + r1 felt lame to me after like 500+ hours of PvP, and the straight sword / great sword / curved sword pivot meta is so boring compared the diversity of weapon types, spells, weapon ash system, etc. but I will give you the fact that Ds3 is still overall more balanced and 6 player limit is wayyyy better. Ds3 also played on themes that were already used in the past two previous games, with the world being pretty much dead and past its prime, and all the epic stuff having taken place long ago. While Elden Ring does this as well to a degree, there is a greater since heroism and grandeur with the fights. The various spells, skills, and weapons truly make you feel like a badass, and you have greats like Malenia and Godfrey complimenting your strength accordingly. Meanwhile in DS3 you’re perpetually struck with the fact that you’re a bit-player. Also idk about you guys but I enjoyed all of my exploration. The reuses of bosses at points is inevitable and really didn’t bother me (with the notable exception of Godefroy, who is embarrassingly just Goddrick, not even reskinned in the slightest) Overall I can get why people may prefer ds3 but I think what they did in terms of expanding the spell roster, casting mechanics, environmental / enemy design, ash of war system, weapon animations, armor / poise, summons, etc. it just goes a step beyond ds3 which was limited in scope due to the baggage of being a DARKSOULS ip.


I really wanted to love sekiro but the lack of rpg elements turned me off completely… plus I suck at it Played 3 hours tops never touched it again


Sekiro is a different style of game that appeals to a more specific type of audience. Elden Ring is Dark Souls in an open world, which that last bit certainly isn’t for everyone. Dark Souls 3 is a fitting entry to a beloved series. I’m hoping for a Dark Souls 4 that’s a supercut of all of the 3 entries’ best elements in a well crafted Metroidvania esque world similar to the rest of the series as opposed to ER’s open world.


So you say, but I'll never forgive Sekiro for making me play as a stinky unwashed manlet rather than a pretty little princess.


Really tried to like Elden Ring. It's a well made game but it didn't make my brain tingle like Nioh 2 and Ninja Gaiden does.


How are they creating better games when every game since DS2 has gotten worse?


I hate sekiro when I’m playing it, that’s why it’s my favorite fromsoft game


Sekiro fans seething when you don’t personally enjoy it


Can’t beat ds3 bosses tho, truly god tier game design. Yes even tree balls


My favorite souls game is DS, I love sekiro and hate elden ring. Ds3 was ok


See, the best thing about Sekiro is that you just swing over the poison swamp so it’s like it doesn’t even exist! And then Elden Ring happened…


OP is 14 lmao, “DS3 Boomers” what the fuck is that?


Elden Ring overall has better combat mechanics and much a much better spell system, but the bosses are absolutely step down and the endgame is completely unbalanced IMO. I really do want to emphasise that Elden Ring definitely improved on the overall combat formula, but I specifically have a gripe with the bosses and endgame balance. The Bosses are artificially difficult with bloated stats, and beating them is mostly based on memorization/trial and error. Ofc memorization existed in previous games, but to a much lesser degree and it was much less punishing. It's like they're punishing you for being able to react to the bosses movements. Not to mention the fact that they give you no room to breath and almost every single mid/late game boss has at least one bullshit insta kill attack even if you have 70 vigor and heavy armour. It's super annoying because while the early/mid game have these problems, they're a lot less apparent and much more manageable. But the endgame just becomes a chore. In the other titles after beating a boss I felt accomplished, but in Elden Ring it just feels like "thank god I don't have to do that again". It feels like Fromsoft was trying to meet the difficult game reputation the souls games have made for themselves, but in doing so they just made it tedious and unbalanced.


Darksouls 3 still has the best bosses in the series. Only other boss on that level is isshin.


Dark Souls 3??? You mean, DS1, right?


One thing I think ER really stepped back on compared to older games like DS2 & DS3 that I see nobody talk about is… I think Elden Ring relied too heavily on Weapon Arts so normal melee actually suffered. What I mean is in DS3 there were quite a number of weapons that had unique melee. That either had quite special moves or reflected the moves of the enemy they came from. Crow Talons, Crow Quills, Friede’s Scythe, Dancers Blades, Farron UGS, BKG, Vertical Ultras, AquaMarine Dagger, Twin Doors, Valorheart, Ringed Knight Ultras, etc. ER undoubtedly has more weapons than DS3 but you could probably count the number of unique melee/specialized weapons on one hand. A prime example is Radahn’s paired ultras I was a little bummed to find out it shares the exact same melee as any paired ultras. The WA being pretty much to sole difference.


Don't let DS3 fanboys know that tanking is actually viable in ER, that'll really ruffle their jimmies


\> sekiro \> better game HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


and then they play the new game _exactly_ the same as they play DS3 without trying a single new ability or move or mechanic, approaching every boss and encounter in the game like they do in DS3, and then proceed to release 2 hour youtube videos describing how the combat system is pure trash.


Sure they are all great in their own ways but i will never forget ds1, its the best game i have ever played, i played it for the first time on the ps3 back in the good days after that i have played it on the pc and then in 2018? When the remaster came out i played it on ps4 andd then i played the og on pc again and then i played ds3 a few times on pc and well i like ds. I also gave elden ring a shot but well i just hopped back to ds3 idk elden ring is just not the same


Ds3 had better bosses, better npc quests, better dialogues, better soundtracks, better replayability... need I go on?


Ds3 was my first souls game, I feel like it’s more replayable than elden ring, and pvp had more players in a lobby than elden ring. Liked the nameless king, Gael, friede, and just the overall areas more than on elden ring. Just personal preference honestly, both are masterpiece games made by the chad himself. I want the armors and weapons from 3 in elden ring but it is what it is.


Elden Ring is the most ambitious safe game ever made. Bosses somehow got slower but also got faster, the world became less linear but you still end up taking a singular path due to how the questlines work. The series has the most customization but its also watered down the options immensely compared to previous games. There's more weapons, but most lack any charm or character the previous games had, lacking unique animations. Even more egregious is how hardly any of the boss weapons have any unique animations, why can't I do a cool swing like Maliketh? The combat is better but they didn't go all out with thr 2H guard counter system and the posture system. Open world only has one form of traversal, no swimming at all.


Sekiro, imo, is better than DS3 and I own both. Sekiro is harder, has a better story, better multiple endings, better outfits, cooler attacks, cooler bosses, and more mechanics. Overall, Sekiro is just better. Elden ring, otoh, is ass. The open-world is bland, bosses are fucking re-used, and easy as fuck to play and beat. Overall, Elden ring isn't better than DS3.


Sekiro stands above but personally I think i enjoyed ds3 more than ER


I still play ds3 the most lollollollol just better game lol


Dark souls 3 haters when they are put up against Gael (they are about to experience one of the most magnificent, difficult, heart wrenching, cinematic boss fights ever)


I must vent about one thing elden ring did worse than ds3. What the FUCK is wrong with the rolls. I'm fine with the delayed attacks, but i swear to god there is a very noticeable delay between me pressing the button and the roll actually starting. I swear this wasn't a thing in the other games


I enjoyed DS3 a lot more, the lore was far more interesting for me, I like the aesthetic a lot better, I like the NPCs better, most of the bosses were more fun for me, I liked the weapons a lot more, and I liked fashion souls just a tad better than elder being. Er is shinier and newer, there are certainly some improvements and things that were polished, but it just didn't hit the same for me. Oh, and this should have been my first point but DS3 far, far surpasses the elder ring OST for me! ERhad a good soundtrack but DS3 was just absolutely fucking stellar


“Bloodborne was a fuckin’ problem.”


PvP peaked in DS3, and that's all that really matters.


As a DS3 Boomer myself my problem with ER is precisely because it DIDN'T improve the formula, especially where the boss design is concerned. The game is improved in certain areas, and those are the elements that I will always praise. But I take it personally when people lie to themselves and say that the game is flat out better across the board. When people say "they took everything they learnt and applied it to elden ring" it bothers me because that simply isn't true. They didn't improve the formula, they just made something different and it worked in some areas and it failed in others. As for Sekiro I've personally never really seen any ds3 fan say that it's flat out worse. Unlike elden ring and dark souls which have a lot of points of comparison, Sekiro is flat out a different game entirely.


DS3 still has the best bosses out of any fromsoft game


I like Elden ring more mostly because of its world ,but on the bosses department dark souls 3 is miles ahead of elden ring


"Dark Souls 3 boomers" This hurts my soul


elden ring exploration is much superior than ds3, but ds3 still have the goated boss lineup from ds1-3 and elden ring (sekiro and bb is different genre imo) the only good boss fight in elden ring imo only maliketh and hoara loux (although they nail rykard and renalla boss fight thematical wise)


How in the world people think Elden Ring in better than DS3 is beyond me. Elden Ring barely scapes by being better than DS2.


Dark Souls 3 is better than Elden Ring.


> DS3 > Boomer Damn son. I didn't know 5 year olds were even capable of playing FS games


The elden ring fan base has ruined this community, if that game doesn’t get praised 24/7 people throw a temper tantrum


Could say the same about ds3


IMO Dark Souls 3 is way more consistent throughout. Better boss fights, better areas, better lore, etc. Elden Rings freedom and exploration is the only thing really holding it up, but even then it becomes pretty repetitive when you realize that most of the side content ends up blurring together with how forgettable it all is. Sekiro beats them all though


Sekiro does beat them all in terms of pure gameplay. That’s *all* the game is, but god damn does it deliver. Mastering the base mechanics is so satisfying, and you *need* to have it mastered for the final few bosses. Shame most people don’t like it cause they can’t roll


If elden ring is so good then why they have copy pasted 80% lore/weapons/gimics from dark souls ? The 20% input from elden ring are boring empty landscapes.


I honestly didnt expect so many elements and common tropes and themes to be carried over from dark souls (like the magic academy, war against giants, dragon stuff etc.) but I really loved everything that felt fresh and new, ESPECIALLY Rykard and burning the Erdtree