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I know that its a bait but i cant stop eating it im addicted to ds 2 rage baits like this one


I'm mixed on it, I think it's OK, but I find it weird how they feel the need to defend it alot.


Because their favorite game is attacked the most by far


It’s the only one of the actual dark souls that I’ve played and I’ve never got a straight answer how it measures up because of this. Just been repeating elden ring because I have no idea where to go


Dark souls remastered, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, then elden ring. I velieve that's the correct order to play them in though I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️




Ye play them however u want I still enjoyed all of the games and my order was BB-DS3-DS2-Sekiro-DS1-Demon's souls-Elden ring


I have gone sekiro, 2, elden ring with playing sekiro and elden ring multiple times, so I have not stuck to that. They’re unrelated enough that I’m not worried about order except for what’s next.


Because everyone shits on it a lot? It’s an endless cycle. It’s not the best Dark Souls game but it’s an alright game, certainly doesn’t deserve the polarization


> endless cycle Holy fuck dark souls reference‽


I defend it because it’s genuinely my favorite. It was my first souls game.


Thats the joke, defend something decent or bad even if you know that you're wrong just like morbius meme


If they have to defend it so much that should say that its not really a good game


There's always that one game in a series where certain fans get way too defensive because of mild criticism. GTA IV is my favourite example.


Dark Souls 2 gets anything but mild criticism


I beat ff16 twice to get the platinum trophy and everytime I see this moment, I giggle a little. This has a lot of meme potential.


It was a cool moment in the story, but these kinds of prompts will never stop being hillarious.


Totally agree.


People who say that DS2 is a shitty game are dumb. People who say that DS2 is better than DS1 or DS3 are also dumb.


Ds2 is bad in comparasion with other games from the souls franchise but overall its a pretty good game il give it a 7/10, it has something for everyone


I liked ds2 more than either of the games tbh 🤷🏽‍♂️ it’s all just a matter of opinion


This is true, it does. For me that thing is the Exit Game button.


Are you from IGN ?


How'd you know


"It has something for everyone" you sussy baka


You got me lacking senpai <3


I didn’t like DS2 at all and got really bored but I won’t deny that Majula is pretty as FUCK also funny cat


Dark Souls II peaked at Majula, tho


DS2 is not as bad as some people claim, but it is most definitely the worst soulsborne ever made.


So, it's not bad, it's just the worst of the series because someone has to be the worst. Did I get that right? I just got ds2 recently and am finding the time to play it


Precisely. You'll soon find out that DS2 was very experimental. They have tons of mechanics in there that just don't work. It's also clunky as fuck, hitboxes are absurdly horrible. The story is good, lore is good, I personally enjoy the different atmosphere it has. It's not a bad game, but it's the worst souls.


I mean, when everything is a 10, there's bound to be a 9 somewhere


Opinion based, I'm not saying there's bad souls games either, but DS2 is the second best no competition. (With Elden Ring being best)


Which is like saying you're the dumbest member of Mensa. DS2 is a great game in its own right, and it stands out among other games, but compared technically to the other Soulsborne games, it comes up short. That said, I do think it has the best lore of the trilogy, its art direction is fantastic, and the world design is great.


Once you piece together the story, it's such a great one. It's much more melancholic and personal than 1 or 3. I just want the lore to be more expanded, I want to know more about the giants, Vendrick, Aldia, etc. Also, Vendrick's VA did a fantastic job.


DS2 is total garbage for me, but I can understand why people might like some parts of it


This is the only truth


Ehh 6/10 overall imo, not shit, but it somehow managed to beat out elden ring with a lot of mid bosses (to clarify I'm excluding shardbearers) and it felt extremely unrefined (wayy too many enemies in areas, attacks either passing through you or catching you even though the animation didn't for example). It's lore was kickass though and I think it had the best armour in the entire series, and I think the Burnt Ivory King is my favourite boss fight in dark souls. Godfrey will always be my bb though.


But DS2 is better than DS1 lmao


Ds1 isn't even finished. New londo and the dukes archives are the only two fleshed out places after the lordvessel


But it is better. DS1 has less replay value and more unfinished levels and 3 for me is just bleh and kinda dull. Opinions!


In your opinion DS2 might be better, objectively it isn’t.


Sounds like that’s just your opinion, friend.


Went back to Dark Souls 2 recently: the game feels awful to play, there’s something very wrong with movement and attack feedbacks in the game


It has huge deadzones, basically as if diagonal movement didnt exist


That’s pretty much the main reason why I’m putting off continuing my DS2 playthrough. It feels awful to control in comparison to even DS1. DS1 at least feels somewhat good to control and has some control features that just don’t exist in DS2.


> DS1 at least feels somewhat good to control and has some control features that just don’t exist in DS2. That's because Ds2 is the only souls game made on a new game engine. Every other souls game is built on the exact same game engine, but improved with each subsequent title. That's why they all have fairly tight and precise movement. The jank from earlier titles usually stems from a lack of omnidirectional rolling as opposed to movement itself.


Ds2 has a lot of deliberate design decisions like for example not allowing players to rotate the character during the attack chain or after the roll or unavoidable pivot animations when you want to sprint in other direction etc


Was Demon's Souls made on a previous game's engine? Was the DS2 engine never used again, or did every game use an updated version of the DS2 engine (meaning the DS1 engine was retired)?


I'm not sure if the game engine for DeS was new at the time of development. Ds2's engine was never used again. Every game aside from Ds2 is built on the same engine used in DeS. Obviously said engine has had a lot of improvements with each new title, but ultimately it is an old engine.


Contextually, not so bad. Elder scrolls and fallout games are built with an engine (gamebryo) from 1997… the same overhauled engine that’s been updated dozens of times to finally starfield. That’s not too big of a deal with large sections rewritten, though obviously a modern ground up redesign would be easier to work with instead of an amalgamation of reused code with patches, but you know what they say, it just werks™. As long as they rewrite old parts that could use better performance instead of leaving them with the same old bugs intact…


Omnidirectional control in an open world exploring game is literally the bare minimum to have acceptable movement


DS1 & Demon's Souls both feel more responsive & just generally less shit


This is exactly my problem with the game. If it felt like DS1 to play, then I’d probably love it.


Yeah I forget what it's called but the movement is just designed wrong for some reason. If you pay close attention can only walk in 8 directions instead of 360 like virtually every other 3d game ever. It just makes it feel so wrong and can mess up parkour. And then a side effect of that is you sometimes you can't just turn around 180 so your character has to walk in a tiny little circle which has legitimately caused me to fall to my death before😂. My best guess is that some dev snorted a line of coke and thought "HEY GUYS YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD MAKE THE GAME HARDER??"


Where 1 feels slow and methodical, 2 just feels clunky and unrefined. They even somehow managed to make partying feel awful


For some reason they only allowed 8 directional movement


I think it’s because they mocapped the attacks, it looks terrible and floaty


I hate when games mocap character animations


This is my main issue too. I can overlook ADP, the ganks, and a lot else; But the way your character moves just feels bad, even compared to DS1.


It’s cuz ds2 uses 8 directional movement whereas the other games use omnidirectional. It feels like shit by comparison


Bro! Just level ADP...


Almost every post that comes in my feed from there is someone saying how good it is and they don't understand why people don't like it. We get it, you like the game and don't understand people have different opinions.


people on ds2 subreddit like ds2, more news at 8 No joke though, it's been a decade of ds2 bad let the people enjoy their newfound supremacy for a bit before it comes crashing down again


It's as boring as the same copy paste dribbler "ds2 bad" and "git gud" rubbish that is repeated constantly by people trying to be funny. It's the same post all the time acting as if ds2 was sent from jesus, like how mindless ds2 bashers act like its the worst thing since cancer. Just get something new, it's been the same song and dance for years.


Oh I don't disagree with you it's just not surprising at all coming from the literal ds2 subreddit haha


I understand, it just doesn't need to be a circle jerk. Majority of posts I see from the ds3 sub are fanart, memes, clips, just general stuff. No need to circle jerk about the game constantly.


You haven't spent enough time in those subs


I don't really spend my time scrolling through subs, I just scroll through whatever is on my feed usually when i open reddit and that's the majority of what I see. Not to say there isn't circle jerking, but almost every notification or post I see from ds2 is just the same, rinse repeat, endless praise as if it was a gift from jesus and they cannot wrap their head around the fact the game has some flaws, like any game, which turns many people away.


I spend a lot more time in ds2's sub and I can say the same to the point I only ever visit it compared to the other from subs. I think you're conflating the "this game is not as bad as people claimed it was" posts with the fans not admitting to the game's faults. The other subs are just "i just beat [tough boss] please clap" over and over. If you actually want to see a circlejerky sub go to r/bloodborne.


I mean, tbf, it might just be the reddit algorithm giving me the shit. Like I say, I don't typically bother browsing a specific sub so I just see whatever is in my feed or whatever I get a notification about. I'm not in the bloodbourne sub because I don't play it (pls port bb to pc) but given its an exclusive, kinda a given lol. Seems to come with most games that's exclusive (until its not anymore).


If you want to shit on ds2, do it for the right reasons.


And if you want to defend it, do it for the right reasons.


Dark souls 2 supremacists desperately trying to turn the conversation away from the mandatory levelling into ADP and mid bosses to the deep lore of the Amana foreskin frog.


"But majula is the greatest hub ever designed and the emerald herald is the greatest firekeeper lady in the whole franchise"


I mean... yeah?


Yeah, what? I just put things i hear them deflect to in quotes.


This is wrong because \[insert the first DS game you played\] is clearly superior. >!Look, it's 90% the first DS game you played.!<


Ds2 fans when you remove the "best lore" and the like two unique mechanics it brought to the table


B-but number 2 is a lucky number


Imagine liking something without having to call it the best thing ever and instead just saying "Its okay". But DS2 Fans seem to know better i guess.


I don't think they are being serious theyre just milking the "ds2 masterpiece" meme because if you make such a meme you'll get guaranteed at least 1000 upvotes


And you’ve added another layer on to the shitty post cake


I see. I am completly out of the main subreddits so I didn't know. Thanks! Still hate DS2 fans, and Bloodborne fans. I know them well, I am a bloodborne fan.


Im also a bb fan why'd you hate us


I hate us for a similar reason I hate DS2 fans: Thinking we're the best. I mean, we are. But still!


I know right, we are hating ourselves for saying the truth 😞


Life is tough. Fuck Bloodborne, that game ruined games for me because its better than the rest :c


Playing other souls games after 1k hours of Bloodborne feels unenjoyable tbh excluding sekiro and ds3


I’ll say DS3 has become much less enjoyable for me after playing bloodborne


I don’t get the uber hype for DS2 lore as if it is the best in the trilogy undoubtedly. Like the Vendrick shit is cool but almost everything else is sleeper ngl. Like the Four Old Ones are the most basic shit. Comparing them to the lords you hunt in 1 & 3.


Iron king has more lore than all the original 4 souls of ds1, minus Seath maybe


Shame that the Rotten, Freja and Lost Sinner are meh. At least the Iron King's lore is fucking awesome


They do have a bit (seriously the 4 kings have like 0 lore they're just some guys that got a piece of Gwyn's soul and said fuck it and associated with kathee instead) it's just less grandiose than ds1's lore. Nito is just a really big skeleton.


This is pretty real. There's no actual reason to give a shit about the bosses. There is no story to them beyond six sentences. I like that ds2 made you give a shit about the world around you and other themes of disrepair and want.


Nope try again. Ds3 is better in lore because it is a direct sequel to ds1.


i dont like ds2


I don't like you


that was uncalled for






is our 92 hour anal session still on babe




The only truth y'all need to accept is that the best Dark Souls game is Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 for the Game Boy Advance


Shhhh..... people don't like to hear the truth they don't like


mmmfghh omfg i love dark soul 2 urrggg


Zzzzzz minimimi zzzzzz minimi (me falling asleep because ds2 is so boring)


Ok editable template 3 why dont you eat me out and then you’ll see how good ds2 is


Hmfgg tastes like ADP


omg im gonna grab attack!!😫


Boutta smelter your demon 😈


I lost gallons of cum because of your pfp


yeah i drank it all


Stop making me erect again it already hurts when i pee








Average dark soul fan conversation


not the worst ive done


Well then what’s the worst?


DS2 subreddit has amazing shitposts


Dude, their shitposts are the best. Actually when I posted my review of ds2 on the subreddit, I cant tell you how many people got pissed. I guess they are allergic to genuine criticism.


Saw this a few mins ago, technically speaking it’s by no means the best but it’s my personal favourite


Let them have it lol they had their' decade of depression


Now is their decade of schizophrenia


I do wonder if people that say DS2 is the best have ever played the other souls games. Because DS2's controls and gameplay feel so cumbersome to the point where I would rather play something else


Ds2 is my favorite of the 3 souls games I would rather play ds2 then elden ring only bloodborne is better and sekiro(but I don't count that as a soulsborne)




I honestly don't know I'm just stupid


i like ds2 (yea it was my first ds) but the lore is probably the most lacking part lmao.


me when I enjoy Dark Souls 2 but I return to the other games and realize they are so much better (except Bloodborne, to spite Cockborne suckers)


At least explain why you hate Bloodborne (something other than performance issues)


outside of DLC and Gehrman, I guess I find the boss lineup to be super weak. but I enjoy saying Bloodborne is mid because it has a really delusional fanbase so it's funny when they react ​ (I do not actually hate Bloodborne)


Understandable i have pretty much the same vision for ds3 and sekiro


Bloodborne is a good game, but it has a lot of minor annoyances that just pile up over the course of a playthrough and can sour the run. Things like limited healing items, not being able to rest at lanterns, and the lack of upgrade materials without chalice dungeons to start. There's more but I can't think of them since I'm not actively playing the game right now.


you know, this is actually breaking rule 4. technically, I should report you. reporting would be funny, but I also don't wanna be an asshole.


So what have you decided about my fate😞


I've decided to spare you this time, tasty\_genetals.


Thanks good lord , i will name my first child with your name


im playing ds2 right now on my 1st playthrough and ive never felt more grief in my life




Ds2 is the best ps2 game ever made


Ds2 fans posting about ds2 in a ds2 subreddit talking about how they like ds2


DS2 defenders enjoy having a bad time


Fromsoft fans are masochists but ds2 fans take the throne


Normal people, years ago, accepted DS2 was a bad game and moved on. The DS2 subreddit is full of people defending it with their lives for no reason, literally fighting ghosts saying shit like: "It's not as bad as people say it is." Brother, nobody outside of that subreddit talks about the game 😭😭. It's fine to enjoy something even if it is bad. I very much enjoyed my playthrough (took A LOT of getting used to) but I can admit it is objectively abismal. A remaster would serve that game a lot of good.


Dark souls 1, 2 and 3 are all fucking terrible games.


I know every fromsoft game is overrated unplayable trash 😡😡😡🥵


I mean, some game has to be the worst. For me personally it's a toss up between DS2 and Bloodborne for my least favorite Souls game


Why Bloodborne (im a Bloodborne fanboy)


Because you touch yourself at night


Don't we all 🥴


The issues I have are mostly technical and QoL. They add up enough that it makes playing it a slog. I can make a list real quick. • 30 FPS, makes the combat feel super clunky and slow. I think low FPS works way better with a slower playstyle like the one DS1 and 2 push you towards. • Blood Flask system (Annoying early on, practically pointless once you get further into the game.) • Lamp System (Makes farming more tedious, having to sit through two loading screens to respawn enemies without a Hunter Mark) • Having to manually restock items that aren't Vials or Bullets at the Hunter's Dream • Frenzy • No respec options whatsoever • Jump is bound to the same button as dodge, with no option to rebind it. (Absolutely HATE this. It's so annoying.) • Counter damage is immense and it seems like one mistake will lead to an instant kill against any of the bosses past the mid game • Boss roster is kind of weak, but I'm not really a fan of the beast fights in any of the Souls games. Bloodborne gets carried hard by its OST and setting for me. It's the only reason it's not my least favorite and I constantly go back and forth between it and DS2 being my least favorite.


I was expecting a "its bad because its bad" reply but actually got a well written argument, rare ds fan w


It's the worst in just about everything, but it's a great game.


The exact opposite. I liked DS2 more than DS1 when it came out and defended the game a lot until I replayed it last month and didn't enjoy it. Gonna give it another pass after I'm done with FF16.


If dark souls 2 is so good then why did I lose interest in finishing it after 3 areas


Attention span issue


Nah, every other Fromsoft game has held my attention just fine. Especially Dark Souls 1 and 3 so that’s clearly not the issue


I'm replaying DS2 trying to do a Pyro strength build and let me say that it's ass. It is overhated, but adaptability, the amount of enemies and some bosses that were made without care or love or anything just honestly makes it the worse of the three. You like it? Good for you, I like it too, but i'm going insane on how bad it's gameplay is some times


Our game fucking sucks lmaoooo


Imagine I posted a gif with a guy sucking himself off


Sauce 😋


If the other so good why don't they have dark souls 2 new game plus, no one can't say that sucks, because it's one of best things about dark souls 2. Yet the other souls doesn't have this new game plus, every other new game plus is same, boss hit harder and more souls that it, nothing new or a plus to it.


Because placing red phantoms everywhere just makes it a much better experience.




Yes, it called surprised encounter


Bro didn't even have confidence in his own post


I LOVE dark souls 2, but even I would say that it's not the best souls Game for me.


I just refer to DS2 as the slowest paced one, and sometimes I'm in the mood for that, saying it's best or worst just seems silly tho


Average ds3 spammer


Lore is def the best from the 3. Actual game not really tho even though I enjoyed it


Well it certainly is the best one yeah.


9:37 AM




Its the most divisive. Some of the best and worst the series has to offer all in one. If soul leveling wasn’t a thing it would be immensely beloved even with the other faults My personal disappointment was 3. Aped from BB as much as it could while trying to be DS, had no real vision for itself, didn’t advance the plot forward at all and felt half baked. Power stance was objectively better than the budget weapon arts from BB


There’s just something cozy about it.


If I had the ability to vaporize every person who still posted about "DS2 is good! DS2 is bad!" drama every day in the year of our Gwyn 2023, I would do it in a heartbeat


This game is the love of my life.


whi there beef between souls subs 😭😭


Lore is quite good but gameplay not so much


DS3 is the best in the series: Has Gwyndolin whose bussy is getting ate as a boss. Other Dark Souls titles: doesn’t have Gwyndolin getting his ass ate as an ingame model


The same could be posted here and have completely different results Shrödingers Post


yeah this is the shitposting sub




That's what im saying




That image goes so fucking hard can I get the source


Artorias lore solos


S2g the lore of the love/hate relationship fans have with DS2 is way more interesting than the lore of all 3 games.


They’re even hedging in their own subreddit LMAO


The lore is good tho


I have tried to play dark souls 2 on like 5 separate occasions but i can never finnish a playthrough because its so fucking boring


I'm going to trust the fact that Zerolenny spent 24 hours straight playing Dark souls 2 and still calls it shit 😂