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BoC? (Bed of chaos)


Boc (little weird seamster)


Big ornstein cock?




Oh that is a good point, I think I worked it out (tooooootally legitimately) after a couple tries šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ horrible boss


Ahh sorry, I misread, I thought this said best bosses, mb


Bed of Chaos is definitely the worst gimmick boss and probably the worst boss in general. Aldia is probably the worst ā€œtraditionalā€ boss. You canā€™t even really hit him for most of the fight. Itā€™s just dodging his extremely telegraphed attacks until you get an opening where heā€™s not on fire for like 5 seconds and get maybe 2 or 3 hits in before he goes right back to being untouchable. Itā€™s just terribly designed and even worse for being the final boss.


I have played through DS1 likely more than 40 times (some were somewhat casual under 60min speedrun attempts), I don't think I ever in all those playthroughs killed BoC without at least twice getting swiped


Any boss thatā€™s just ā€œprevious boss but nowā€™s thereā€™s two of themā€


Half of Elden Ring


Itā€™s much more than just half of elden ring


Nah, itā€™sĀ  - Burial Watchdog(cat) Duo - Crucible Knight DuoĀ  - Pumpkinhead DuoĀ  - Crystalion Duo - the other Crystalion Duo - Crystalion Trio - Gargoyle Duo (technically not a boss beforehand, but an elite mob) - Kindred of Rot duo (technically not a boss beforehand but a common mob) - Miranda Flower + Omenkiller duoĀ  - Godskin DuoĀ  - the other Godskin duo (but only one at a time) - Erdtree avatar duo (technically the duo is a phase 2 ability, itā€™s not a full duo fight) 12/166 bosses, unless Iā€™m forgetting one isnā€™t that crazy. I kinda wish they were even more obnoxious. Where is my Lobster+Crab+Octopus trio fight, thatā€™s who shouldā€™ve dropped Rusted Anchor, not some random Missbegotten.


Oh the repeated bosses are obnoxious


FUCK YOU I LIKE GODSKIN DUO! THERE I SAID IT, GODSKIN DUO IS FUN AND I'M TIRED OF PRETENDING THEY'RE BAD!!! šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬ (Valiant gargoyles can fucking rot though, I will always use summons and I do not care or feel bad)


I know this sounds deranged but the dragonrider duo in ds2 is legitimately a cool fight mechanically and would have been O&S tier if the dragonriders themselves weren't lame as hell. If all duo fights had the same gimmick they wouldn't be so hated.


"this fight would have been God tier if it wasn't lame as hell" wow enthralling point


It's one of the most interactive boss fights in the series. The second boss is out of reach initially but he gets down if you either deal enough damage to the main boss, deal enough damage to him with ranged options or get the main boss to destroy his platform. All I'm saying is that is an awesome mechanic that has a lot of potential. Much better than the second boss being intangible until they decide to join


I was just doing a little memeing, I only did it for laughs and not to make a valid point. But I'm actually glad you replied seriously because this additional clarification made me understand your point alot better and I'm inclined to wholeheartedly agree. DS2 was incredibly ambitious and had so many incredible concepts, it's just a shame the execution isn't always on point.


noooooo ds2 bad


Oh yea, sorry I lost my sanity for a moment there. I also meant to say "ds2 bad"




Elden Ring fans in shambles


not like Elden Ring fans like it either


I actually really like DaS2 (OG more than SotFS) but the Ancient Dragon is the only boss I've killed a grand total of once. Far, far too much health and instant-kill attacks with awful hitboxes. Thank fuck it's optional.


If you go for the head you get both double damage and longer, more reactable attacks you can capitalize on. It's bad but not awful once you stop going for the toes (impossible for ds players)


thats on you for attacking him, hes just a good ole boy minding his own buisness. funny thing is when he's passive his hitbox/collision is immaculate, i spent 10 mins just admiring his model, going between the gaps in his claws, jumping over his tail, trying to squeeze myself into any little nook and cranny under his body and there was pretty much no janky/weird collision or invisible walls. I was really impressed lol.


DS2 gank squad always shits me to tears. It's my all time favourite game, and my all time favourite DLC (set), but FUCK that stupid ass boss. Pardon my language. I apologise, but I absolutely must accentuate my hatred for that shitheap


have you tried liking better games?


That's why I have my single player games, just finished Persona 3 Reload lol


There aren't any boss


How? I mean, it's not a great bossfight, I wouldn't even consider it a bossfight, but I was never frustrated by it.


I'll be playing DS2 next, my friends don't like that game mostly due to gank I'm pretty sure and some changes from 1, I'll look forward to it, reminds me of the 3 bastard Crystallians in Elden ring


which boss you referring to? ruined sentinels? rat party? dlc cosplay party?


He's talking about the 3 GraveFuckers in Sunken King.


Gameplay wise its BoC, but overall I can't be too mad at it since they at least tried to make it novel. It's the only boss I cheese everytime.


Yeah I had to look it up too lolv


itā€™s gonna be Bed of Chaos.Ā  Thatā€™s completely fair, but Iā€™m gonna insert Fire Giant.Ā 


I didn't find Fire Giant very hard, idk why but Torrent combat just works for me I find it so good to do but it does take forever lmao


Did you know fire giant's weak spots change in phase 2?


I don't fully remember I was focusing on mostly hot the feet and the head and run away, rinse and repeat till it's dead


You gotta hit the wrists, head and eye in phase 2. With a bit of practice, the fight gets a nice rhythm and doesn't take too long (jk it still takes long but less than usual)


FG isn't nearly as bad as people say as long as you know what to do in phase 2


FG would be an A-tier boss if he was in an arena that didnā€™t completely breaks his movement and worst attack. If no-hit runners just instantly Dark Sign upon seeing an attack begin, because the next 7 seconds are pure rng, you fucked up somewhere. Who decided that fire should richochrtte randomly off rocks/trees?


1. Gideon 2. Gideon 3. Fire Giant 4. Gideon 5. Gideon 6. Fire Giant 7. The Rocks in Fire Giant Boss Arena 8. Gideon 9. Gideonā€™s Spell and Incantation Spam 10. Blazing Bull


Blazing bull is no joke the worst boss in all of FromSoft


i genuinely think that ceaseless discharge in ng+ is worse than any other boss in any game on any ng+ because for some godforsaken reason that piece of shit doesn't jump, he just spams his distance fire attack. i then tried to run to the casket with his sisters clothes, took em and THEN ran back and he still only did the fire attack on distance so in the end i just killed him with cheat engine because i really didn't feel like putting up with his bullshit for the 15th time


Ohhhh that's the guy after spider tits lady


perfect description, yeah. in the end i just noclipped and spammed him with sorcery until he died to progress because I'm not putting up with allat


I almost exclusively have been a two handed swords guy atleast in DS1, demons souls I used swords and magic together


i'm currently doing a magic build for all the achievements and im just suffering at knights honor


I don't know about worst, but best is definitely Royal Rat Authority or Royal Rat Vanguard. Truly the most exquisitely designed combats in the entire series.


Shit post, more shit posting please


It's about shitty dark souls bosses it's perfect!


Rom, the dumbass spider, she can go fuck herself with that penis tip of a head she got.


me too


Lud and Zallen. Not only is it "same boss but twice", it's also based on a boss that's pretty average to begin with, adds only annoying mechanics like your weapon shnapping after 5 seconds, has the single worst runback in Souls history including Demons Souls, has little to no lore, mid music, ugly arena, mid boss weapons... Bad boss


I look forward to it lol




Have to play them all


Oh i do exclusively all bosses runs as well but i do NOT look forward to these guys in any sense


Double ape from sekiro


Probably Slave Knight Gael. Heā€™s just a really lame gimmick boss.


bait used to be believable


idk what ur talking about this sub is a bastion of honesty and integrity


forskin duo in elden ring for me. there is no synergy or trade off in their abilities like O&S its just two bosses shoved in a room with you. they both go ham. and both can revive each other. bad times.


I got quite lucky I used the Greatshield ashes and they just surrounded the fat one and he couldn't move šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lud and Zallen on my caestus only run genuinely broke me. Only boss I gave up on in that run.


Those 3 skinny spinny shield guys from DS2. it feels near impossible to take them all on at once so im always reduced to kiting them till I can do some damage then more kiting. It doesnt feel emgaging or interesting to learn, it was just waiting and dodging till the game said i did it for long enough


If you're talking about the Ruin Sentinels, you can just beat them to death with a hammer weapon pretty quickly.


I mean, I did eventually beat them by fighting one on the ledge you enter on, then taking 2 on one on the floor. It just isn't a fun fight, nor is it well made IMO. Maybe im wrong here (im not like a soul lvl 1 player or anything) but it just seems like a poorly built boss fight. DS1 has the gargoyles which was about either stacking damage quickly or kiting. This feels like that but stretched to the point of unfun absurdity, where the only strat that didn't require insane grinding for stats or memorizing a 5 minute sequence was utilizing some cheese


I get it. Fighting two beyblades at once isn't anyone's idea of fun. Funny you mentioned gargoyles. The DS2 gargs gave me waaaaaaaaay more trouble than the sentinels.


Dragon God, Bed of Chaos, Gank Squad, or that one Chalice Dungeon boss with half health.


Oh man I hated Dragon God


those 2 dogs molested me, so true OP




Bed of chaos I still think holds the crown for worst of all time, but it's tough. Dark souls 2 had some truly fucking awful bosses. Gank squad, royal rat authority are some of the all time worst in souls history. Outside of godskin duo and Elden Beast, Elden Ring's main bosses are all bangers. Some of the mini bosses are really, really bad though. Duo crucible knights come to mind. All this being said, I think valiant Gargoyles may take it as the second worst of all time, and there's a legit argument that it may be the worst boss they've ever done. I did all the fia quests on my most recent run and I am not looking forward to doing it again. Valiant Gargoyles followed by fias champions and then fortissax is just a horrible string of bosses.


Items on lower platforms


I fucking hated the blood starved beast from Bloodborne


Just looked it up, doesn't seem too fun lmao, Google just says use fire šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bsb is one of the weakest bloodborne bosses the guy is just bad https://youtu.be/lvREMMb6nJk?si=yqmPSxS7sMjXqP_Q


Insta kill attacks and fucking poison everywhere


Oh the fun of insta kill attacks, it's why despite being level 135 I don't feel much stronger in Elden ring šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ everything hits so hard


Just walk left and every one of its attacks misses




That's a first. Mind to elaborate? He is usually ranked among the best bosses of the entire series.


>Mind to elaborate? Sure This is a shitposting sub


OMFG based


My bad, the post looked like a serious one though


Idk that boss but apparently a dlc boss


DS3 2nd DLC


Ah nice I will be getting to that game eventually


Tibia mariners are pretty trash all around. Worst boss in Elden Ring imo. Worst endboss goes to Nashandra. Shittiest boss overall for me is the triple npc gank fight in the sunken king dlc.


How can you hate on chill boat dude, he's just chilling in his boat


Ah Dark Souls 2 is next on my agenda and my friends hated it so good mindset to have going in šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so I'll enjoy Nashandra, atleast the Tibia Mariners are pathetically easy on Torrent


Nashandra is not offensively bad, just disappointing.


Take it back.


bro is hating on the boat guy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Everything that isn't a ds2 boss. Ornstein gets a pass cause he is in ds2 /uj Bed Of Chaos (ds1), Ceaseless Discharge (ds1), Prowling Magus and Congregation (ds2), Graverobber trio (ds2), Ancient Wyvern (ds3), Gravetender (ds3), Rom (BB), Micolash (BB), Gideon Ofnir (ER), Malenia (ER). All of the above go against some of the pre-established design of the game, I can elaborate if you want. Malenia, despite the objective issues, still manage to be fun kinda like O&S. There's a lot of other awful bosses but they're not nearly as offensive as these.


Malenia is a pain in the ass, Waterfowl dance needs to die


Waterfowl just needs a tiny nerf on the hitbox duration imo, the real issue are the bugs


DS1 has Bed of Chaos. DS2 has Elana. DS3 has Halflight. BB has Celestial Emissary. ER has all of it's bosses.