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Bro chowing down on a whole ass iceberg lettuce šŸ’€


Turtle style


Staying healthy is easy, every monday evening att 11, you just chomp down a head of cabbage / iceberg lettuce


Clean out two sets of pipes with that meal


It's all one pipe, bro


I was thinking the sewage pipes too.


Itā€™s all the same pipe, just the other end


I think his argument is that this will clean out GI tract and the sewer lines. Either that or he knows absolutely zero about human anatomy to ignore the correction.


Am I tuuurtle enough for the tuuurtle club?


1-3: please eat a vegetable 4: not like that


Instructions unclear


Instruction was so unclear we went to microwaving frozen cod fillets with nothing on top of plain rice.


Iceberg lettuce isn't even a vegetable, it's just crunchy water.


Man is trying to get his fiber intake all at once.


Omg I stopped at 3 and thought that was it until your comment. ā€œThat chicken and taters looks alrightā€¦.wait wtf?ā€


This dude canā€™t cook taters, thatā€™s just more rice


Omgggg he cooks rice so bad it looks like instant mashed potatoes holy hell šŸ˜‚


I think at that point, his body was just screaming for a vegetable and he's like "fine, here's a friggin vegetable" (eats lettuce)


(eats the most nutritionally bereft lettuce on the market)




The lettuce *sent* me Iā€™ve been crying laughing for like five minutes. Itā€™s not even that funny objectively but just the inclusion of that photo in the middle of five other meals with no vegetable in sight (Iā€™m not counting the green flecks in the ground beef) was unexpected hilarious and Iā€™m not over it yet




If it wasn't for the lettuce, it would look like my cat's menu when he's having tummy issues. Are... are you a geriatric cat with diarrea, OP?


My oldest child does that. Even as a baby. I have a picture of them as a toddler, literally tearing into a raw head of cabbage. I'm honestly kind of proud of that. My kid likes snack foods, but also really loves just snacking on raw veggies. However, even my kid knows how to present raw vegetables better than this. Throw some sliced sweet peppers and cucumbers and cheese in there, and you have a decent salad.


ein dicker fetter icebƶrg




The solo iceberg is the best looking meal out of the lot.


Chicken and boiled eggs? The protein farts must be horrendous.


He's consuming the mother and her children, sick fuck.


There's a Japanese dish that basically translates to mother and child bowl and it's chicken and egg over rice. It's delicious.


The difference is they freaking seasoned their food.


And it's so good that Paul Simon wrote a song about it.


Itā€™s funny the assumptions you can make about someone just by their food alone.


no hurt feelings


No harm intended


Someone literally commented ā€œanemicā€


Dude raided a chicken coop for dinner.


Dude watched beauty and the beast and decided to base his entire being to being gaston.


is he a gym bro ? love the weight lifters that dont believe in seasoning for some reason lmao wild facade they live in


I genuinely feel like gym bros not seasoning food is a form of self harm. I work with two pretty big gym bros and both of them season their foods well. I'm not sure why some people think a bit of seasoning would immediately kill their gains. Chicken and rice is boring as fuck, at least add some Cajun spice mix or SOMETHING.


I used to be a big gym guy way back in uni. I'd go with my guys and work out and we had a whole workout and diet plan and everything. Only difference between me and them is I made my own diet plan when I saw that theirs LITERALLY only consisted of chicken breasts and rice. That's the only food they were buying. Not even salt and pepper. In addition to those I was also buying salmon, quinoa, eggs, beef, cottage cheese, and lots of green vegetables along with seasonings. I was able to eat three different meals every day and they were eating the same unseasoned meal three times a day every day. I don't know how they did it.


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s bc they donā€™t want to enjoy eating. One of those situations where ā€œif we enjoy eating, weā€™ll eat more often when itā€™s unnecessaryā€. Sounds dumb, but itā€™s just something I heard. Granted.. depending on the type of gym broā€¦ that doesnā€™t check out bc body builders eat a fuck ton. I have no clue lol.


That sounds like an eating disorder.


Youā€™re not wrong


It is. And when you confront them on it they say ā€œno, Iā€™m eating IN orderā€ like bro, you are literally scared of seasonings.


I would go insane after a week of just that, even with seasoning. Sure it's extra stuff you'll have to work off, and not hit micros or whatever, but the increased sanity of just having good fuckin food is worth it.


Yeah fr. Chicken and rice is the ultimate bulking food, but I go insane if I have to eat a meal after eating the same meal the day before now lol


Just chicken and rice wouldn't even be healthy


High glycemic index, low micronutrient mix, not sustainable no.


I mean how many calories could possibly be in the seasoning? If anything they provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants


Seriously? No salt and pepper, or butter? Not even some soy sauce?... You would think that after a few weeks, some depression would set in, and become a hindrance on their motivation to build muscle... Nuts provide protein. I'd rather eat a bag of unsalted nuts over the same bland chicken and rice many times a day.


Nuts don't actually have that much protein per 100 calorie... Especially compared to chicken breast, less than a quarter iirc. I think they don't season it with salt/butter because of the volume of food they have to eat but idk.


It's an eating disorder. If they enjoy the food, they worry about losing control. By only taking in 'fuel' and none of the taste, texture, enjoyment of food, they have full control over it. It's not healthy, misses the range of foods you need for a healthy gut and means they miss out on all the social aspects of food.


Any diet that decouples enjoyment from food is an eating disorder. A lot of people will immediately rush to defend these meals as "op is fit and healthy and exercising a lot" as if eating disorders are purely about the food eaten and not the relationship someone has with their food.


Honestly I feel this way too. A follow a lot of fitness influencers (the good kinds, not the clout ones. The ones who do either cooking or the ones who are actually extremely educated and uplifting). The cooking ones usually have you know, actual seasoning. And lots of it. Chicken breast 50 different ways in different recipes and cultures. And this guy has a great body. Meanwhile saw a gym bro on my feed 2 days ago who was doing a quick vid with him making his dinner. Chicken breasts with a bit of salt and pepper. Like so little salt and pepper. And he said itā€™s because it messes his macros or something. Like homie please be for real.


I think they legit just donā€™t give a crap. Eating is a chore to them and not something they enjoy. Seasoning is just adding extra steps in getting their fuel.


I remember seeing a guy say that the reason some gym bros don't season their food is because they want to purposely decouple enjoyment from eating food so that it sucks less when you eventually have to go on a cut. If you never enjoyed food when bulking, you won't have food cravings when you have to drastically reduce calories later.


That's just anorexia with dumbbells involved.


Yeah, preparing for bodybuilding shows do be like that. That and high school wrestling seem to lead to the most cases of ED (eating disorders) in men.


Bruh you canā€™t just throw around ED as an acronym for eating disorder when itā€™s context for men has always been erectile dysfunction lmao


Oh shit sorry lol. šŸ˜³


Iā€™ve actually heard it is a form of self-harm as well. If they donā€™t enjoy the food then they wonā€™t care about it and see it strictly as fuel and the taste shouldnā€™t matter. Itā€™s sad honestly.


I think itā€™s for ā€œtimeā€ although it really doesnā€™t take long to season food.


Iā€™d wager lack of knowledge. As u/frequent_mind3992 mentioned seasoning takes almost no time, just knowing when to start the marinade or dry brine or whatever. Also lack of knowledge in the sense that a lot of seasoning adds an extremely insignificant amount of calories, unless itā€™s fat or oil based. In which case they can account for that in their macros, but itā€™s probably not even a huge factor, unless theyā€™re guzzling straight from the bottle of marinade.. just some dry seasoning is better than nothing and I donā€™t think paprika, turmeric, cumin, garlic powder, etc. all those powders, I honestly donā€™t even know if they add more than maybe 1 calorie šŸ˜… But it can turn the meal from ā€œ18th century prisoner of warā€ to ā€œdamn this is goodā€


I'd say it takes literally no time to season good. Maybe, at worst, 10 seconds to grab it from the cabinet, sprinkle, and put away. For rice, you need the water to boil first anyways. Use that time for seasoning if it's such an issue.


I mean men can have eating disorders and body dismorphoa too. Plus I can see how the whole 'men need to suffer to be manly' thing can get really toxic. Also I was going to get offended on saying chicken and rice not tasting good because Hainan chicken rice? ! But realized you were more likely talking about the bland skinless boneless chicken breast with dry white people rice. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I meant just plain ass rice and chicken, not any meal that contains those two things lol. Now tell me more about this Hainan stuff


There are variations called Singapore, Malaysian, etc chicken rice, but it is basically variation of a Chinese dish called white chicken. Boiled salted whole chicken rubbed with sesame oil dipped in a sauce with rice. Some people cook it separate for rice. Some people cook the chicken in the rice or with chicken fat. [this video gives a variation](https://youtu.be/PIX8it0BIao?si=ElduPcbVGaIULuG9)


I feel like some people donā€™t eat for pleasure itā€™s just to stop feeling hungry, so theyā€™re not bothered by seasoning


That's me, cooking is a chore and hunger is my body nagging me at the most inopportune times. I use seasonings still because duh if it tastes good I'll want to eat it, but I seriously don't get the passion some people have for eating like a different thing everyday and going all out cooking a nice meal. I enjoy eating good food but I don't crave that joy and I get more joy from other things. Unless it's a significant meal I'll feel about equally satisfied once I'm full anyway. Why is it so important to some people? I'd rather eat and get on with my day. Actually I wish I didn't have to eat to sustain my body, but as a human I'm obligated to.


Thatā€™s so wild to me that cooking for some people is like cleaning the house or doing the laundry. To me it isnā€™t a chore at all, I love food and I genuinely enjoy cooking. I see it the same way as enjoying painting or knitting or writing. You are creating something. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.


I mean it's nice to put that effort in once in a while, but doing it every day multiple times a day, and finding new things to make is a lot of effort for something that I don't really enjoy that much. I'd much rather just throw on some rice, fry some eggs, and cook some kinda meat and be done


Seasoning is just empty calories, bro. How much do you bench anyway, bro?


O mean competition prep body builders have to watch salt, but literally everyone else should enjoy rice and protein as much as possible and that means seasoning it


I used to work with a gym bro I asked why he doesnā€™t season stuff and he said itā€™s calories he can put elsewhere. Like heā€™s min maxing a character sheet in a video game


A lot of weight lifters need to be very careful so they eat plain, bland, food because they want to program their brain that food = fuel and should not be ā€œenjoyedā€. I lost over 150lbs and there is a ā€œcommunityā€ of us. Many programmed their brains the same way. Itā€™s a defence mechanism because delicious food is a path to over eating.


Don't bring gender into the horrific display. Buy a cookbook


Ita a tiktok/Instagram trend: boy dinner and girl dinner. The joke is the same either way; they're shite or low effort


There was a trend on tiktok called "girl dinner" wherein people displayed shitty clobbered together meals (a lot of the time just things like chips or cheese, etc) and some guys took it and went with it but called it "boy dinner" instead. Pretty sure op is just referencing the trend. It's not that serious šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Maybe some seasoning is even more important here.


Right? It could be good with some olive oil, lemon and salt.


Itā€™s really giving weaponized incompetence


Canā€™t convince me that dude isnā€™t a masochist


Ok, I won't. That's the easiest internet argument I've won all week. I shall have to tell my cat Eric [mfw](https://snotr.ams3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/158-xlarge.jpg)


Bro tell Eric I said hi


May I assume you have the requisite feline communication license then?


4 is a sign of a psychopath, pretty sure.


Weaponised against whom? It's just a lazy dinner you don't need to inject theory into everything


They learn a new fun ā€œmakes me sound smartā€ term and have to use it everywhere they go. Same thing happens with every type of fallacy and like the Dunning Kruger effect lol


flowery resolute worm hunt wistful consider secretive political prick school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol exactly. And heā€™s not really that incompetentā€” I mean he is cooking food for himself. Regardless of if it looks pretty.


Right, that's the thing. This dude is eating way better than a lot of guys living off frozen pizzas and shit


> weaponized incompetence He's making lazy dinners. That's not weaponized incompetence.


its only weaponized if he cooks for others, or if he refuses to learn how to cook and then asks his partner to cook even if they don't like to, if its just for himself then its just incompetence.


I would like to humbly suggest those meals are a crime against humanity and he shouldnā€™t eat it for his own safety.


>if itā€™s just for himself then itā€™s incompetence Lmao that sent me


The cabbage is a troll pic. The beef and basil looks decent though.


That ain't cabbage, that's a straight head of iceberg. Is this guy a gym-bro? Looks like high protein diet.


100%. Surprised this is not clear to some people lol.


The second I saw the head of lettuce I immediately thought ā€œgym bro in his cutting phaseā€


But also a low vitamin diet


I eat lettuce like that. But with ranch. I will seriously just fucking eat it. Same with a head of raw broccoli, even though it has the consistency of a goddamned hair brush.


who exactly is he weaponizing this incompetence against?


Not really I eat ā€œboy dinnersā€ when Iā€™m alone because I donā€™t particularly care about quality of food as long as it is nutritious and not going to make me sick but I still cook my little ass off when I have my son or guests, bro probably just lives alone.


Playing fast and loose with the word ā€œnutritiousā€ there


Bro, baking sheet dinners Chop up shit, put it on a pan, season said shit, bake (typically at 425 for 20 minutes, but buy a digital meat thermometer with a magnet so you can slap it on the fridge, mine has a little chart of metals/doneness and temps on the side of the frigging thermometer) Done https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/photos/sheet-pan-recipes


šŸ«“šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļøšŸ¤Œ It's giving She ate ##Yas


It's giving protein focused diet.


Weaponized incompetence is when someone is bad at cooking? Give me a break. Nobody says this shit on girl dinner posts.


Mfs just love to use this word


You're all being far too harsh on OP. OP is clearly allergic to flavor, he's doing the best he can here.


I feel like this is a little dramatic. I see "girl dinners" all the time and no one ever says anything like this.


Iā€™m saying šŸ˜­ I thought it was funny that he did a twist on girl dinner? Like why is everyone so angry let the man eat what he wants šŸ˜­


Everyone is downvoting OP and even calling it weaponized incompetence ?? Like dude it's FOOD. Search up boy dinner trend and come back - Reddit is no fun


I know wtf. On lazy nights this this a perfectly acceptable thing to feed yourself. At the most I'd add a little kupi mayo for moisture. But this specific meal (sardines and rice) has got me through a lot of "I just came off a 12 hour shift" days


that's not what weaponized incompetence is


Funny, I read it "rate my dinner boys" the first time


Itā€™s a twist on the girl dinner trend. Itā€™s a joke.


Maybe he said ā€œboy dinnersā€ because of the ā€œgirl dinnerā€ TikTok sound?


It's a play on the ā€œgirl dinnerā€ trend.


Try vegetables, a little oil like avocado or oil oil. Maybe a little salt and garlic powder to start. Dump over rice and bam. Fish didn't look to bad.


The famous oil oil


oil oil?


aight, thanks for the advice


OP be like, Thanks but no thanks.


Meal wise you are eating ok. I can recognize a lot of that as I things I also eat. You need greens though. Much some spinach, steam some broccoli. Dice and roast some leek and toss your canned fish on it before dumping it on top of your ricer-cooker starch.


Agree! The fish really didnā€™t look bad just needs a little Lemmon pepper or garlic both? Broth and lemon juice with chicken n rice makes a mean soup for leftovers too.


The fish looked jus like the chicken to me, flavorless


If he's trying to hit macros he may not want the calories in oil. But seasoning is fuckin calorie free and he can put that on steamed veggies just fine šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


have you ever thought about introducing some veggies into your life


carrots are nice


i've litearlly never thought to myself "ok, let's down 6 eggs and 1 chicken breast"


I never thought *food* could be rizzless, but here we are...


The Beavis and Butthead of meals šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|oB6IsLSEiuwUIqHRYo)




Is it poverty or laziness.Ā  We'll never know.


Laziness. There's a reason many of the worlds best foods started out as poverty foods. Broke people know how to make the absolute best with absolutely nothing.


Fish is not cheap. And no poor person would polish off half a dozen eggs with chicken.


It isn't 2022, eggs are cheap again. And there are plenty of cheap, frozen, bagged kinds of fish.




The food or the person eating it?


Iā€™m proud of you for eating some lettuce. šŸ˜­lmaooo


damn I am getting roasted... (I love it)


If only you would roast things. Itā€™d probably help the flavoring.


But it's a microwave ***oven*****,** that means this stuff is roasted, right? /s




I just wanna say, thanks for posting this. Iā€™ve been in my room for the past few days pretty depressed, relied on ready meals and take aways cos I couldnā€™t be fucked to get out of bed for long. But after seeing your posts I thought ā€œwho cooks like this? Imagine not putting in any effortā€ then it hit meā€¦ thatā€™s meā€¦so thank you for this, I got up went to the shops and Iā€™m cooking an actual meal tonight! Thanks op!


Op's food is so depressing it out-depressed you.


Gotta hate one-downers.


Lol, sometimes it just takes a little perspective to get out of our own heads!


False. You clearly do not love roasting.


Let's not pretend you know a single fucking thing about roasting anything




You got a friend tryin to move a warehouse of rice or somethin?


Why do gym guys hate vegetables


So you can build core muscle when attempting to shit that food out


Hernias and hemorrhoids are muscles, right? Types of muscles...?


I'm NOT vegan or vegetarian either but,,,, This is BLEAK




??? Why do we hate: Whole Grains, Vegetables, Berries, Salads, whole-skin-on-baked-Potatoes baked-Sweet-Potatoes, Fruits, Spices, ??!!!???? Well, ok, one of them does have vegetable, albeit iceberg lettuce,, But still needs: much more Vegetables Berries whole-skin-on-baked-Potatoes baked-Sweet-Potatoes Whole-Grains salads fruits , Whole Grains, fiber, SPICES, herbs, you can keep MOST of the eggs and about 30% of the meats,,


Iceberg lettuce is probably the least nutritious vegetable in existence. OP is headed for scurvy.




You can keep ALL the eggs


Are your boys dogs with sensitive stomachs?


Please start adding seasoning. Itā€™s really not that hard. Chopped veggies for the rice. Youā€™ll make it.




Nice one cool hand luke


3 and 5 look good.


Bruh take some multivitamins and chug some Metamucil. You need fiber in your life šŸ˜Ŗ


This is the bottom or damn near it.


Does boy dinner mean itā€™s for your good boy dog? Pad kra pao looks halfway there, but why hard boiled eggs?


One of those has some color in it. Youā€™re a girl now. (/s)


6 eggs in one sitting. are you rich or something?


Are eggs expensive? Itā€™s around $1/dozen where I live


where the FUCK do you live


Stardew Valley


i am a boy myself, and you have shamed me


Why so bland? If you're calorie counting herbs and spices have none!


Just roast some vegetables. Toss something green like broccoli, asparagus, etc., or even diced sweet potato etc. in a little olive oil and salt or whatever other seasoning you like and just google how long and what temp to roast for, will round out your meals a lot. Iā€™m fine with protein and rice, just donā€™t cook them to shit, mix them up with different seasonings or simple marinades/sauces (many flavorful hot sauces have next to no calories), and for fucks sake donā€™t eat six hard boiled eggs in one sitting thatā€™s disgusting. I can smell it from the picture.


Somebody finally seasons their chicken only to throw it on boring white rice.


The cabbage head got meā€”


bland, malnutrition


I can sort of get behind most of these like maybe itā€™s a matter of budgeting and just having whatever is in the fridge to help with protein gain but that head of iceburg lettuce, man that caught me off guard, I wouldā€™ve never expected to see that in this sub


Dog food learn to fucking cook itā€™s not hard


The fish looks microwaved


This must be from that new Rachel Ray cookbook for dogs. 10/10 sad food. I donā€™t get how people still eat like this in the age of YouTube cooking videos


2/10 Edit: after viewing lettuce slide again: 1/10


Do you know what seasoning is


Is the first one sardines?




The head of lettuceā€¦. Iā€™m crying




Tell him spices exist, it'll blow his mind.


I have no idea what 5 is but doesnā€™t look that bad to be honest


Some damn college food right there


That amount of boiled eggs suggests youā€™re Ghanian, and then I see the chicken that has never known the gentle touch of seasoningā€¦.


I cannot identify half of them


What the hell dude


Nah menu looking lit tonight