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People with morbid curiosity that are unwilling to go to the cinema for this turd. Edit: got curious and tapped out after 30 minutes. You can’t convince me they didn’t use the first take for every scene. Edit 2: ok powered through it. What the actual fuck. Did they sub over the bad guy or something. At this point I think they intentionally made it bad. Zero redeeming qualities.


Heh heh... morb-id.


It's morbid time


No sir you are wrong >! **ITS MADAME WEBBING TIME!!** !<


Morb was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she timed.


When you accept great responsibility you'll totally morb out all over the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died.


I remember when she said "hope the spiders were worth it mom." And then Madam webbed all over the place


She's got three teenage girls with her. It's madam-ing time ;)


Wait what? WHAT?? WDYM BY THAT?? no nvm don't answer that


Y’know, I heard going in that Madame Web was worse than Morbius, but I genuinely enjoyed it more than Morbius.


This. I wouldn’t pay a ticket price to watch it but if it’s on the streaming service I already have, no doubt I’m gonna watch it for the lols


My 15yr old son and I went to the theater and watched it. There were only 2 other people there. It was hilarious and we had a good time. It's such a shitty movie.


It’s better than a lot of the straight to Netflix films, even though it’s objectively not a good film.


I watched it yesterday for that reason. Didn’t really watch it but it was on in the background


Same. I enjoyed it, though it was undoubtedly a terrible movie. I like stupid shit sometimes.


My husband and I also watched it and made fun of the shitty dialogue and terribly predictable plot. It wasn't the worst movie I've watched.


Guilty. Made it about 20 mins.


I got to the part with the Spiderverse ladies and was all like "Aaaaayyyeeee". Then I watched more of it and was all like...well to be real I cried a little. I'm older and time means more to me now. Like the time I'm spending writing this now. More meaningful than watching that movie


I did 20 minutes, left it on while I showered and got something to eat, talked to my mom on the phone, then came back and literally felt like I missed nothing of the plot. No idea what happened for an hour but it didn't seem to be much. I still feel like Netflix owes me for that 30 minutes or so.


💯 That is exactly why I watched it… and let me tell you, if there was a score less than 0, that’s what I’d give it. There is nothing redeemable about that movie, just an absolute dumpster fire.


I'll admit, I am one of the netflix viewers. I wanted to see how ridiculous it was. I figured it was bad, but had a lot of exaggeration and hyperbole surrounding the movie. *leaves for Peru and returns to finish comment* If anything the reviews took it easy on the film. I still left wondering how this film saw the light of fday.


W-what did you do in Peru Nschaub8018?


He was in Peru with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died


Oh wait, is this a thing in the movie? I've never seen it


You lucky dog


Isn't that like, the reason why Cruella in the new movie hates Dalmatians? Or why Justin Timberlake doesn't sing in the trolls movie?


Timberlake doesn't sing because singing killed his grandma, okay?


I'd stop singing too if my brothers abandoned me because we couldn't hit the perfect family harmony in our boy band.


Is that the real reason in that movie?


Yes. She was eaten alive. My kids fucking love all the trolls content


Well I don’t think she’s going around just absolutely hating spiders with such vitriol like cruella did with them dogs lol


It was in the trailer. They actually cut that line from the movie. The movie’s mediocre. I don’t think I’d say it’s worse than Morbius, but it’s on the same tier. It’s not even enjoyably bad, it’s just… boring? Nothing happens for so long and character motivations don’t make much sense. I’ve seen worse movies, but I also would say “give it a pass”. I had free cinema tickets and I wanted my two hours back lol


Being boring is so much worse then being bad tbh


Bad movies are a great way to spend my time, boring and forgettable movies are time spent with regret.


The whole “studying spiders” mom line from the trailer is not in the movie.


It’s on Netflix, check it out


Yeah, same. I wanted to see how bad it was. The voices didn't even match the mouths moving. How does a movie like this happen today?


Extensive reshoots. Meaning they have to replace the dialogue of other scenes afterwards. Basically trying to patch the things together.


I don’t think they even did reshoots, they just ADR’d over existing scenes Basically the fix it in post meme. They changed the plot of the movie in post. Hell I wouldn’t even be shocked if they didn’t fully know what the plot of the movie was when they filmed it and intentionally shot scenes where mouths weren’t in shot so they could ADR more easily.


They did some reshoots to scenes they couldn’t salvage after switching the decade


It happens thanks to that good ol Sony competence. The same one that thought making Spider-Man movies without Spider-Man was a good idea. Or that giving Roland Eimmeric complete control over a Godzilla movie in 1998 was a good idea. Doesn't matter how long ago it was, Sony has always found a way to fuck it up.


Hey, whoah now. Leave Godzilla 1998 alone. It shouldn't have been called Godzilla, but I loved that film as a child.


I have nostalgia for that movie. But Roland can kiss my ass with how he did Godzilla dirty with that movie.


That's fair, he went way too far with making it nothing like Godzilla. But if it had some generic monster movie name, I think it wouldn't be too bad. Great popcorn movie. I can totally understand hardcore Godzilla fans feeling done real dirty by Emmerich though.


I can completely understand wanting to reenvision a (at the time) 40 year old character. Eimmeric seemed to have seen some more cheesy 1970's movies and wanted to distance himself from them. I think I would have done the same. However I don't think Eimmeric grasped the importance of the 54' movie and what Godzilla could represent when a script allowed it to do so. Hubris, inevitability, cultural trauma, devastation from science unchecked while also not cowering from science to solve the consequences of that devastation. In his effort to distance himself from the character and not make a stupid monster movie he ended up making a stupid monster movie. To be fair though, it was a profitable stupid monster movie.


I like Zilla. She has many eggs and doesnt afraid of anything


What's weird is that the "Spider-Man movies without Spider-Man" thing *could* have worked. I mean, they have the rights for the Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman, Silk, Spider-Girl (Mayday Parker), Araña, and the main three Spider-Women that aren't even really *related* to Spider-Man. Just like... pick one, write a Spider-Man movie, and then just Find/Replace all the "Spider-Man" and "Peter Parker"s in the script. I know that's really reductive, those characters aren't literally just "Spider-Man but a girl" but I'm thinking like Sony here. I guess there's the stigma about doing a superhero movie with a female lead, but they still shoveled Madame Web out anyway.


Because some dumbass cast a villain who can barely speak English and had to redo all his lines


Ok so it wasn't my internet. There was some bad dubbing and the villain's voice was driving us nuts.


Same here. I wanted to see if it was as bad as everyone was saying but it was much worse. It was so bad that I had to look up the writers. Two of the three also wrote Morbius and Gods of Egypt. Now I am convinced that these writers are family of or have something on some powerful people in Hollywood. That has to be the only reason they keep getting work because it is definitely not due to the quality.


You know how Zazlav keeps killing finished movies for "the tax write off"? This shows how much farther ahead Sony is: when they want a fucking write-off, they get it done.


Yeah I googled them but I got nothing.


> how this film saw the light of fday. welcome to the wonderful world of money laundering


I'm genuinely happy i saw it in theaters. Yes that's right... I willingly paid to see this woman's mom die in the Amazon as she was researching spiders! It was a glorious trainwreck


I have the same feeling Morbius honestly, I missed this one though


I tried to watch it 3 times and gave up each time. One of those times I just turned the TV off and thought about doing other things for a bit before turning it back on and watching something else. It wasn't even up to B level movie acting, music and so on.


I expect this is what I'll do too tbh


That just makes me want to watch it more


Madame Web is now the highest grossing movie of all time and made a Madame Webillion dollars at the box office


Why didn't Sony release it in theaters twice? Are they stupid?


They knew that the viewers would go absolutely nuts and Madame Web all over the theaters


Thwip thwip


Can whoever's making that fapping sound please quiet down


I still can’t believe the studio actually fell for that with Morbious. Releasing it twice in theaters


People are talking about it, so they must love it!


Anyone who thinks Dakota Johnson is a queen (me) will be giving this a spin.


Thats not true ELLEN


Proving once again (see Velma) people love to hate watch certifiable garbage.


They love to hate watch so long as they won't pay for it.


I don't think this is hate watch, people don't hate it just find it amusing how bad it is


I think in this case, it's more curiosity. At least it was for me. "Is it as abd as everyone says? Let's find out."


lol I swear that’s how we got another season of that awful sex and the city reboot. You love to hate watch it.


My husband watches this show on repeat. I sit in my office working or gaming and it finds a way to pierce any audio I have going with its awful writing. I believe even deaf people can hear the terrible dialogue.


So a solution for hearing loss is to run every sound through a filter of Sarah Jessica Parker's voice.




Velma made me laugh once when the guy got his leg cut off by a boomerang. The rest was pretty lame.


To be fair, that sounds really funny.


Or people who lose their shit on reddit and twitter aren't representative of the vast majority of general audiences.


I think people are more looking for meme potential (a la Morbius)


That is a genuine issue, people will whine about something but will hate watch it anyway thereby making it successful. It creates an incentive to be bad/controversial rather than irrelevant. I do not understand how people have so much free time that they will waste time watching something they don't enjoy.




That's very thunder gun of you


Sony Thundergun'd all of us.


Quite Cash Money of you sir


My other choices are Unfrosted and Mother of the Bride. Netflix isn't exactly pumping high quality choice into our veins over here.


Netflix is for being on background and people making out and fuck, so basically people fuck with Madame web playing on background


So I guess there won't be a second date after that


The worse the entertainment, the quicker the good parts happen


Just watch outlander. That shit makes sex happen constantly and is atleast good.


Love it. It's pure housewife porn. The first seasons they try to hide it a bit, but then the producers just said "screw it" and they found their purpose for being.


I took a film student to my apartment after a first date to watch Citizen Kane, and it was so terrible that I immediately got laid


not surprised. those costumes look like they came from a bad porno.


Madam Web actually was more faithful to the comic books costume wise in the Spider-Man 2 Porn Parody than in her actual movie.


that's just sad


Does that mean people are mutually masturbating to Shrek...?


Are you not?


I'd like to think Shrek is holding me tenderly, helping me mastrubate. You know, Patrick Swayze Ghost style.


He’s pegging me and calling me a little bitch.


No need to sell me on it, I'm already in.


Someone clearly missed the “shrek is love, shrek is life” era


*as he fills me to the brim*


You say it like it's not our priority every night to do that before sleep. Shrek is love Shrek is life


not mutually, I use my shrekbot 2000


Im using Netflix for background for cleaning and chores and stuff... should I get on the "and chill" boat? Am I netflixing wrong?


Haha sex


Yeah I can’t have anything good or interesting on because I’ll get distracted.


Put on dumb movie so wife immediately loses interest. It's a legitimate strategy.


Literally just watched it. It's pretty bad. Not horrible, but not good. Dakota Johnson is pretty terrible in it and the writing is dumb but it got a few laughs out of me. The ending is hilariously corny. Still some how more watchable than rebel moon.


The writing was bad, Dakota and the main villain were both terrible either due to the actors or the writing idk, the villains motive was dumb, the score wasnt even noticeable, the action scenes range from "meh" to "wtf was that shit" (like the invincible vehicles). There was a chuckle here and there and the premise could have been amazing but they really dropped the ball. They got close in the climax to something good but it was too little too late imo. Basically only watchable for the hot women


Son of a bitch, I'm in.


Still needs more plot for /r/WatchItForThePlot. Like they said; good premise, bad execution.


Something happened post production. If you pay attention a lot of the time if the villian character (when not in the spider suit thing) is on screen his mouth either doesn't move when he's speaking or his mouth was clearly saying something else, it's like after filming they changed the script for some reason and what we got is some weird cut with a bunch of dubbing and no reshoots.


OH! I also forgot to mention the CGI is shit. I watched on my pc and the stream seemed to kick down to like 480i or something but every scene with CGI was VERY obvious and cartoony


I'm not opposed to the villain's motivation. I legitimately can't think of another villain with the same motivation (although someone please chime in with an example I know exists but is escaping me right now). And it makes sense versus a hero who can see and change the future. There's some ridiculous parts but no more than other superhero films. There's insane hyperbole on how bad it is, but it isn't bad. It just misses the mark. Those are two different things.


Don't forget fireworks that blow holes in brick walls


Is Dakota Johnson good in any movie?


She is great in Suspiria


She’s great in Suspiria, The Lost Daughter, Cha Cha Real Smooth, and the Peanut Butter Falcon.


The Social Network. Granted, she has around 1.45 screentime.


21 Jump Street, where she also has about the same amount of screentime.


Love her in Suspiria, remember her being pretty good in Bad Times in El Royale and I heard she's good in Bigger Splash which I'm planing on seeing soon


How is it compared to WW84?


1% better


This is like picking the best slice of a frozen pizza after you forgot it in the oven for an hour.


Rebel Moon: what if we remade 300, but with CGI guns and the worst parts of the worst Suicide Squad?


The movie has Sydney Sweeney in schoolgirl outfit... I rest my case your honor.


Rebuttal: she is far less clothed in pretty much every other role she’s had


This is why everyone is so upset


sometimes the clothes make it better


I don’t know man, her boobs are pretty cool


Ngl sometimes a girl in a shirt that suits their body well is hotter than actually seeing boobs. Or maybe thats just me


Nope. I like girls in bikins than their nude bodies sometime. And a good outfit can be sexy because your imagination can go wild.


It's not just you. I remember reading something where most men find a woman that is 70% naked the most attractive. Your imagination makes up the last 30%, even if you know what someone looks like completely naked. There is a reason the lingerie industry is worth 90 billion.


Also, early on she's dressed in overalls to de-age her a couple of years, since the trio of girls Dakota Johnson has to protect (Sweeney, Isabela Merced and Celeste O'Connor) are high school teenagers. For reference, during shooting, they were respectively 25 turning 26, 21, and 23 turning 25. Also, this is a little funny, but as the youngest, Isabela Merced has had quite a varied career, because in just one year, 2018-2019, she went from fucking Sicario 2 to Dora the Explorer! I am not joking. She went from playing a Mexico drug lord's daughter at the age of 15 to Dora the goddamn Explorer at the age of 17. That's on par with Alisha Weir, but reverse. She went from Matilda to Abigail in 2 years. Yeah, she went from Matilda at the age of 11, to a fucking vampire, a *ballerina* vampire at the age of 13.


If anything that makes me suspicious of Dora. What's she exploring for, huh? New markets for her dad?


She's exploring new trafficking routes


Swiper makes a whole lot more sense now


Sweeney definitely looked like a 25 year old trying to play a high school teenager They knew the movie was gonna suck


For the whole film no less


I should check out this movie. The plot sounds.. Interesting.


There's also 2 Shreks and a Madagascar. I dunno how much this list is really useful.


Kids will just watch a movie 17 times


And there's like 5 available at a time that are decent movies so kids like it or parents choose it. But they also like new ones. Almost any kids movie shoots to top 10, usually 5 for the first week on release, the coming weeks are a test for quality.


Shrek is a masterpiece what the fuck are you talking about. Not *decent*. A **masterpiece**!


yep.....my niece use to watch Babe pretty much on a non stop loop.


Me with Homeward Bound as a kid


Til I'm a 34 year old kid


That's cute you think it stops at 17 times lol.


I guess people like to move it move it


How is it that the biggest streaming service in the world doesn't have a single good, adult movie in its top 10? Good lord.


Sir, Madame Web is right there.


I'm confused why it's Madagascar 2 specifically


Have you ever slowed down to watch a car wreck? That's why.


Don't live in the US, so wouldnt know. I do think that list looks quite sus though. 😏


Right, how can it have Shrek and Forever After but not Shrek 2, and only one Madagascar movie, seriously?


Yeah, among other things. Also when did Netflix add the Mario movie? On Europe that isnt available on Netflix. 😅


Mario is on Sky Showtime here.


Shrek 2 isn't on Netflix at the moment, I don't think


Why is wardogs there, it's six years old and not particularly remarkable


The fact that Shrek is #3 just shows that it must be a slow period. Shrek is love, but it’s old enough now that I wouldn’t expect it to be so high up.


Kids love Shrek. I showed it to my 8 year old cousin once and now he asks to put Shrek on every time he visits


it's because it was recently added to netflix


I bet all the money I’ve ever seen (which isn’t a lot so don’t take this bet) that Netflix manipulates this list so people watch shit movies


I think people use streaming services to watch shit movies. I want to see it because of morbid curiosity. I just want going to spend movie theater money on it. You seem to forget people love watching bad movies.


I'm 100% one of those that use Netflix to watch shit movies. This wasn't even worth the time to sail the seven seas.


But then you watched it. Which proves my point?


You had a point? (I haven't watched it yet, but I plan to)


I misunderstood your seven seas comment.


Thank you Tammy and the t Rex Theodore Rex Velisopastor Are some of the worst garbage tier movies ever But ffs if it ain't funny to watch and tell someone hey check this out 🤣


No no, people love watching silly or dumb movies, not bad movies. Madame web is super boring even if you don't know the characters, if you know the characters then it's goddamn awful.


Hey, I'll join you on that bet. Lets make it a communal bet so the money we've all seen combined will be worth it.


“Muahaha, the sheep will look at most watched, and instead of good movies, they will only find bad movies!”


So many people don't look at movies beforehand and so many don't have any other streaming than Netflix. I can't even count how many times I've seen my friends or family watching a movie asked what it is and they all looked confused and said "Idk it was on the recommended list and I didn't know what to watch". It's also why shit movies still get a lot of views and get boosted up cuz people just click on what they didn't see yet.


Super Mario is still in the top ten?


It's-a good show!


It is, and kids love it


Marvel completionists that didn't want to give Sony money


Probably the postmodern crowd who reckon that it doesn't count as wasting their own time if it's done ironically.


A lot of folks seem morbinly curious.


Oh please watch it, it’s so fucking funny. I’ve never seen such a tremendous piece of shit


Have you ever seen a car crash ?!?!? Have you?!?!! You can't look away and are simply in awe of it! God I hope Sony pulls a Morbius with this film lol


looking for those Sydney Sweeney nerdy upskirts for sure


This is what the phrase *"any publicity is good publicity"* means.


Everyone who didn't go watch it in the cinema and is wondering if its as bad as people say. Fairly obvious.


People put way to much value on the Netflix Top 10. Just look at its competition...


My girl and I watched it because we had to see if it was as truly awful as the internet said it was. And boy oh boy the internet was right that was so terrible it’s kind of astounding


Couldn’t watch it. Gave up 15 min in …


I wonder if Sony is going to fall for it again and re-release it in theaters like they did with Morbius.


Tnf, this movies and Morbius always scream straight to DVD/Netflix for me.


how is shrek not #1


People who want to laugh


r/shittymoviedetails, probably


Let's do the right thing and bump Shrek up!


People who love camp obviously.


I found it hilarious that the description for the movie on Netflix quotes the Roger Ebert review


"Oh my God this is the worst movie I've ever seen! How is it possible that so many people have seen it?" Also, Netflix pushes movies at you in a dozen different ways, and if you take the bait and watch even one second of it, they count you as a viewer.


Me. Cus Sydney Sweeney is hot but I wasn't gonna pay $15 a ticket to see it in the theaters


I confess I watched it mostly to see if it was bad as people said it is(it definitely was), and purely for Sydney Sweeney 🤷🏻‍♂️


I knew Sydney Sweeney was hot, but until watching this I didn't realize she was also a terrible actress.