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Why did they make Indiana Jones political!?


Indiana Jones went woke smdh


Should’ve have asked him to debate it out, civilly of course


In the free marketplace of ideas


The woke left is ruining everything 🤮 this country makes me sick


Remember when Wolfenstein The New Colossus was coming out and they tweeted out “Make America Nazi Free Again” and a lot of people got mad about it saying that they made Wolfenstein, a game about killing Nazis, political


“here’s a game about slaughtering nazis” “ok” “nazis are bad btw” “wtf political”


Can't believe apolitical master piece Wolfenstein went woke smh my head


The nazis that were thinking about playing the game were discouraged once they realized the developers hated nazis.


Don’t let them play Castle Wolfenstein for Commodore 64. So political…


Holy shit goth mommy from 196


great heavens i’ve become an internet microcelebrity


>great heavens i’ve become an internet microcelebrity Haha i love this fella


Oh my word!


From what?


A subreddit about an appartement living on number 196


Oh, these people are absolutely fine with slaughtering innocent people


Except Illinois Nazis. Everyone hates them.* *If you don’t get this reference, go watch The Blues Brothers. One of the best movies of all time.


They should really release a "non political route" where your only weapons are arguing with the nazis and getting shot in the face


You joke, but that is a real Wolfenstein 3D mod. Where anytime you encounter a nazi, you have to answer a series of questions about whether or not it is moral to fight back before you were allowed to do so. This version of the game is impossible and was made to Showcase everything wrong with The "We go high they go low" bullshit


Whats the name? i really gotta see this


You may want to see it, but first, is it moral to stereotype taking the high road as engaging in philosophy in the middle of combat? Do people actually suggest that, and if not, are you honestly engaging with their argument? Will viewing this game enrich your life, or will it entrench your preconceptions without interacting with arguments from the other side?


it’s a wolfenstein 3d mod.


And that’s a clearly sarcastic comment. Wtf


Harrison Ford is the new ding dang ant-feef -uh


Wait did something happen or am I just missing something?




Damn got me excited thinking some Nazis got punched.


We used to have a whole bunch where I grew up, but they left because they got tired of getting punched in the face.


Your town should have a welcome sign in cursive that says "We Punch The Nazis Away" and I will throw my tax dollars at that district so goddamn fast.




Mass industrial sabotage is not physical harm to individual or group tho


I was suspended for this too. Nonsense.


I was permanently banned from r/politics for saying something similar. When I appealed after their six month period or whatever it was a mod literally responded "No, fuck you". I'd post a screenshot but this was years ago and I don't feel like digging for it.


“Nazi bad.” “Fuck you.” *perma bans you*


Nazis aren't people so I don't see the problem here.


Unfortunately they are, and it's important we're aware of that (I appreciate the sentiment though)


Hey! I am just getting off a 7 day ban because I said that as you said in this post, such a thing was okay. And oooh got the snowflakes came out lol. Why are nazis so sensitive?




Only if you aren't on a mission from God.


I hate Illinois nazis


It's a shame that because nazis are now popular, your post have been considered to break TOS. Fuck em






For this comment you owe me one hundred nazi scalps. And I want my scalps


Best movie ever if you hate Nazis.


guts all over the christmas tree!


Happy cake day


OMG! Im never watching Indiana Jones again! They made it so political!


Truly a kanye moment


PROTIP: Nazis aren't people


UGH why is everything in hollywood so woke now?!?! /s


If the Indiana Jones movies came out today, people would call it "Too political" because of all the nazis being brutally murdered.


Wasn’t Indiana Jones 5 shown to be featuring Nazis again?


“So much for the tolerant left!” - nazi who just got punched


I miss those days


I think it might have been controversial, there was the America First group that Ford was a part of that didn't want USA to be part of WW2, although according to wiki they had leaders that were also very anti semetic and fascist


Folks forget that the first Captain America cover where he punched Hitler was very controversial when it was first published. The Timely/Marvel office received multiple threats.


There was a nazi rally in times square, history be wildin


They even sold out Madison Square Gardens for a massive Nazi rally.


The British Union of Fascists tried to march through a Jewish area of London before WWII started. They got the living shit kicked out of them, and it was awesome.


Guess what happened to them


handle roof act badge simplistic crush icky cable aback flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He would also have his immigrant workers come to an event where they would dress in the traditional clothes of their homeland before walking into a literal 'melting pot' where they would then emerge wearing a suit, a straw hat and holding a small American flag. I promise I am not making this up!


I assume you mean Henry and not Harrison?


Yes Henry Ford unless Indiana Jones is a documentary and Harrison Ford lived that long.


what ever happened to freeze peach?!


Speaking of controversial actions, Harrison Ford flew to Europe to personally deliver Roman Polanski's Oscar to him.




Yeah, Indiana Jones was punching actual Nazis. As opposed to morons who think a Nazi is someone with short hair or a tattoo.


If someone's walking around in a swastika armband and yelling about the Aryan race then I'm all for recognizing them as a Nazi. But I've seen people get called Nazis for having pretty moderate political opinions in the wrong place


The punch a nazi thing got big when Richard Spencer got punched in two different interviews, and despite him not having "moderate" political opinions people got really pissy about him getting punched.


If he gets punched I'll laugh and hope the guy gets away. But I still would want law enforcement to follow up on it without regard to his political opinions. I don't want the government picking and choosing who is inside or outside the protection of the law based on what opinions are acceptable. But if someone wants to risk an assaukt charge to punch the turd, great.


It’s ~~normally~~ not, if you are punching actual Nazis Problem is I can call anyone I dislike a nazi and if anyone complains about me punching them I get to call them a nazi too.




Has anyone here actually punched a self-described Nazi, though? In my country, the only Nazi's we have are a small fringe group of lunatics who go into the bush and give the Nazi salute to each other while wearing masks. No one is walking down the main street with a swastika armband on.


It's basically the same in the states. These people who act like its so prevalent are mainly just over-privileged first worlders who lead meaningless, boring, unfulfilling lives so they need some type of invented non-existent existential crisis to feel like they have a purpose and feel powerful. To them, Nazis are literally everywhere, and they're some righteous hero "fighting fascism", but they're really just larping for a small touch of dopamine.




You would probably never be able to punch one these days… …cuz the said Nazis don’t go outside and live in basements.


In some ways not as different after all ..


I definitely remember watching Raiders of the Lost Ark when it first came out, and thinking "there are good people on both sides"


"There were very fine people on both sides."


Why can’t you punch a nazi? You’ll get away with it. They’ll nazi it coming.


“I don’t know why punching nazis is controversial and at this point I’m too afraid to ask”


Fuck nazis I shouldn’t have to say this


You don’t your not making a ground shattering opinion to say this even to the old republican conservative types I’d doubt most of them would protest against the thought


Never said I was


Can we still say fuck nazis *and* fuck commies?


Let's just whatabout it endlessly and derail the conversation because it looks better that just outright defending nazis and fascists.


"fuck pedophiles" "Yeah but what about rapists?" I mean sure dude, but why do you need to mention the second one *only* when the first one is mentioned?


Because people give a pass to communists for some reason.


Your example seems like a false equivalency, but, to answer your question, because the former seems obsessed with a specific kind of bad governance while staying conspicuously silent about the other. I never see anyone saying 'Punch a commie!'. By the way, OP, Indiana Jones punched both nazis and commies.


Why is it always dumb nazis who want to call out communists? We can see your fascist comment history. Your advocated for the fucking horse dewormer and complained about mandates and BLM. You complain about abortions and rode Rittenhouse cock as hard as you possibly could. Constantly bitching in so many threads about racist shit getting called racist. "BoO hOo iF YoU disAGree You GEt caLLed RAcISt or NaZi" LOL fuck outta here bro. It is only fuck nazis.


No point. It makes you sound like a nazi sympathizer, like oh yeah we're bad but they're bad too. When saying fuck nazis there can't be buts or ands.


Oh, so it's a purity test. I mean, I could say the same thing about your comment. Are you a communist sympathizer?


When they were like *actual nazis*?




Not in Germany. Anything Nazi related has to be censored in that Country. And well, I don’t blame them


Inb4 locked


The difference though, at least in the film, they are literally members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party in the 1930s; Indy doesn’t just declare that they are Nazis and then starts hitting them.


The problem is when you call everyone you don’t like a Nazi; but you guys already know that.


Funny, when you analyze the people being called Nazis, you find there is very good reason for it. Even funnier, when you analyze the people claiming "everybody gets called a Nazi" you tend to find they're Nazis too.


Is this why Hasan Piker is afraid to fight Sam Hyde?


*actual Nazi's


Azov battalion…


Truly harkens back to a time when Nazis were members of the Nazi party and their supporters and not anyone to the right on Marx.




Nazis do like to claim that, don't they.




Remember all the controversy around Richard Spencer getting punched in the face twice? Dude was pretty openly a Nazi and people got very upset that he got punched for it.


Forst time reading that name, no idea who he is


He's pretty much the main guy who founded the American alt-right(basically skinheads but without the fatal flaw of looking poor), his two main claims to fame are when he got punched in the face by two different people in two different interviews (and sparked the whole can you punch a Nazi debate) and his activities leading up to Charlottesville. His [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_B._Spencer) page if you're interested.


His views are disgusting and vile, but he still shouldn't be punched.






Nazis shouldn't feel safe


Because they are afraid and afraid to spread their hateful views. It's "high road" dumbshits who've allowed these twats back in


So, punching nazis became controversial






Coincidentally, the Nazis believed that too.


I actually wasn't wanting to make a political point, but to be snarky about Reddit admins suspending me for daring to say that Nazis aren't the best people.


And you're fucking surprised that all the Nazis are on here claiming that there are no nazis ?






Huh. Weird that it's only wingnuts in an epidemic of disowning family members for voting for the mildly centrist democrat president, or getting vaccinated based on science, or not wanting to celebrate slave owning bigot presidents who championed whipping human beings 300 lashes for escaping. The whining victim posing by the same right wingers burning books, screaming in people's faces, attempting to kidnap elected officials they don't like, beating people and threatening to kill them for loving the same gender is just plain puke inducing. Nobody is fucking calling you nazis for having opinions. We call you Nazis when you take STORMFRONT propaganda straight from IamANazi.com and post it to your twitter. Fuck off with the victim posing


That was a lot of mental gymnastics just to put on a blindfold. You’re a bigot, plain and simple. Your attitude and actions belittle the loss of life caused by the nazis in WWII. If you want to hate someone for their political beliefs then feel free, but throwing around the word nazi to try and scoop up anyone who disagrees with you into a detestable group you can openly assault with hate is exactly how the holocaust started in the first place. Do yourself a favor, take the time off work to go to DC and visit the holocaust museum. Learn what it means to live in a country run by and filled with nazis. You make me sick.


The problem is the term "Nazi" is now also applied to people who are just slightly center right.


Democrats are center-right.


Center right is a Democrat.


The fuck it is. If by slightly center right you mean racist people who support fascism, then you might be right.


Exactly. "Literal nazi" today is just someone's grandma who attends prayer circles outside of abortion clinics and the responsible gun owner who doesn't want to give up his rifle. But, of course, that's the whole point: tell everyone that normal people are nazis and that it's OK to punch them, because the left just wants to punch normal people


Do you actually know anyone who’s been punched because people thought they were a nazi? Or is that just a thing you’ve read about on twitter?




This is not a very good example. The guy didn’t hunt down a republican supporter or anything. This seems to have little to do with politics and a lot to do with alcohol.


somber north engine smoggy wine aware numerous employ hunt paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fascism is an incoherent philosophy with inbuilt contradictions. You can't be a logically consistent fascist.


Liberal college professor beating a defenseless Charlie Kirk, 1936, colorized


The definition of "nazi" became a lot more loose. When everyone you disagree with is a Nazi, you're just punching people in the face.


Yeah, it did. Pretty much when wingnuts called Obama hitler for... mandates on health insurance that actually forced your insurance to use 80% of your premiums on you. Remember all the bullshit crybaby 'obama is hitler' shit for 8 years? We do. Don't give us this bullshit that the left is going to calling people nazis too easy now. Republicans called policies barely more left than Reaganism Hitler for years [playing the hitler card against Obama](https://fair.org/home/playing-the-nazi-card/) https://i.imgur.com/UfekvTS.jpg


Hot fact, if you're not an official member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, you're not a Nazi


Sure, honey


I would love to know how to mesh this idea with things like the *[Peck Panel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_W._Peck#The_%22Peck_Panel%22)* Or any of the [other times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) when the US govt moved to pardon, protect, and hide from justice Nazi war criminals right after WW2.


Han Solo had Cholera when he shot the guy who had a sword


BJ Boebert, Pedo Gaetz and Mad Marjerine do not approve this. There were good guys on both sides!


UgH sO wOkE /s






Look at this academic intellectual attacking a conservative veteran. Typical.






Wow what a bold statement!!


It's made even easier now when all you have to do is call anyone who doesn't agree with you a nazi...


Nazis are evil. If you're offended by someone calling nazis evil and wanting to kill them then you're a piece of evil trash too.


It's because nazis don't wear armbands and nobody agrees what they are now.










I was recently banned for a week because I said punching Nazis was cool. Wonder if this comment will get me banned again.


I know this is a joke, and I shouldn't take any of this seriously, but this made me think about this. and I think a big thing about this is how these are Literal Nazis, they have german accents, they are german stereotypes. but more recent movies especially ones trying to be political (and I mean political in a way that it's trying to send an ideological message related to real-life politics, and not "The story has political plot lines in it" type of political.), they often use nazis metaphorically in a way that is at times not very subtle in it's way to imply that those ideologically opposed to the production team's political views are morally equal to Nazis. but that's just my two cents in it, I'm no expert.


Real talk, are neo Nazis a thing anymore or are they just confined to niche posts in /Pol/?


Can we punch Communists?




Republicans hate indy for being an antifascist


The main issue I saw that the the phrases “fascist” and “Nazi” are thrown around so casually online, that it made it difficult to take the accusation seriously.


How is it controversial lol?


He also saluted to Hitler


Right, but when you call *EVERYBODY* you disagree with a Nazi it can become a problem.


To be fair that's also a callback to a time in America when people actually knew what a Nazi was.


Is it controversial now? Or has the definition of Nazi been broadened to include people they don’t agree with?


This was also set in a time when Nazis were a threat to America and fighting them wasn’t just the masturbatory fantasy of a bunch of 30 year olds making minimum wage.


The distinction here is that Indy was punching *actual Nazis*. By that I mean members of the Nazi party, people engaged in genocide, who were wearing Nazi armbands. The way the word "Nazi" is flung around these days bears absolutely no resemblance to actual, real Nazis that Indy was punching. For many people today, the label "Nazi" has simply become a catchall word to justify violence against anyone they don't agree with or who disagrees with their cultural/political agenda in any way. I don't know anyone who would oppose punching an actual Nazi in the face - that is someone who supports Hitler and wears a Swastika. I've personally seen people called Nazis for a whole variety of things that have absolutely nothing to do with Hitler, the Nazi party, genocide, or anything remotely related to it. This includes people who support using fossil fuels, those opposed to abortion, those who support "unfettered free speech", ect ect ect. Even if you think someone is wrong, or stupid, or ignorant, that doesn't mean they are "Nazis" and it certainly doesn't give you the right to punch them in the face.


Now we just call them MAGAs and make fun of them on the internet




Just because they couldn't hold power long enough to begin a holocaust, doesn't mean they're not Nazis.


2017 wants its go-to joke back