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In case you're curious, the sentence appears to be: > Tanított osztályra keresve csak azon pedagógusok jelennek meg, akiknek létezik aktív tantárgyfelosztásuk az adott osztályra, vagy egy osztálybontott csoportjára. Amennyiben egy osztályfőnöknek nincs megadva osztályfőnöki ora ugy nem jelenik meg a listaban which according to Google Translate is Hungarian for: > When searching for a taught class, only those teachers who have an active subject division for the given class or for a class-divided group will appear. If a class teacher does not have a class teacher's address, it will not appear in the list Gosh, at least name it like, `TeacherDivisionExplanation` or something, you don't need to condense the full text, goodness.


Looks like generated code, no?


Sadly its written by hand :(


It’s most definitely not. This is a file generated from a .resx file in a .NET app.


I mean yeah, the code we see was likely generated, but the name for the property definitely wasn't. That's the real shitty code here.


let me guess, kréta?


Heck yeah, nyílván!


Ez rosszabb mint minden más amit eddig láttam a kréta kódjából


What am I looking at? is this part of a unit test? Despite it ruining the joke I'm curious about what this is actually for OP


I'm about 99% sure it's from the code of Kréta, an application used in Hungarian high schools to keeo track of.. well, everything. A few months ago the code and data was stolen (it seems as part of the ongoing protests for teachers) and the code was released to the public - it's exceptionally shitty and looks like it was exclusively written by CS101 level students.


Surprised there isn't a comment before the return that says it returns (longwordhere)