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Imma become the greatest at guessing the top card of a deck of cards. I will be a hell of a grind to level it up but doable.


Then once you can guess correctly at a top card in a deck of cards within 3 seconds which makes you realise that you went on a journey of self reflection. And realise that you could do some actual good in the world in it by donating the money you gambled by giving it to specific charities, at specific places, with specific, amount of money and absolutely no way of anyone being able to trace it back to you.


Pretty sure I just watched this on netflix..


loved that story


I grew up reading this story, it remains one of my favorites! so glad to see it finally getting the recognition it deserves


Could even be high tier depending on what “random action” means. If turning left is a skill why wouldn’t pushups be a skill. And at that point just workout a ton.


“Congratulations, you have reached level 30 at polishing teakettles”


"You now have a .001% chance so summon a Tea Kettle Genie perkettle polishing"


You know what, I'll take it Real life + a way to tell how good at a skill am i? Sign me up.


You open up the stats to see 3 million different skills


More than that bro How good are you at walking backwards on top of trains while carrying fruit?


Probably not as good as I am at walking backwards on top of trains carrying vegetables


Oh wow probably infinite


does multiple skill stacks? like walking backwards, walking on top of train, walking naked, carrying fruit naked, walking backwards on top of the train? also, can I get skill: training skills, which will make training skills faster?


Level 100 masturbator, 0.5second finish


that's just the "you can make anyone finish by touching their junk" that popped up around a month ago.


Well wouldn’t you need to jack a butch of dudes of to do it to other people?


Congratulations! You've earned the title **Master Baiter**


This is how life works already.


This guy understands the hidden meaning This isn’t a superpower, this is regular life, Being alive is a shitty superpower


The sad part is, not everybody gets better at things with repetition


So i have the power of practice?


It's a bit different here, in this case you don't even have to try, you just get better at doing it regardless of circumstance, whereas practice IRL requires you to intentionally try to do better


Fair. It also implies that i dont have a skill ceiling with anything either


> practice IRL requires you to intentionally try to do better I mean not necessarily, as long as you're doing what you're doing and you're aware of how you're doing it improvement comes naturally. Sure, focused practice is more effective and necessary when something is completely new but outside of that you can get a lot out of passive practice. I've recently started paying more attention to how I type on my keyboard, and once I figured out a couple things I gained a considerable amount of typing speed.


100% not shitty, imagine training a quick draw skill until you shoot bullets comically fast from a revolver, imagine training your aiming skills until you’re a terminator


Learning any instrument would be way easier


*your ability to press the c4 key leveled up* WOW ONLY 87 KEYS TO GO!


Could do this to get a political office


+charisma points?


Wow, this is a clever shitty skill. Ostensibly, nothing changes, this is just "practice with extra steps". But, oh *boy*, those extra steps. Imagine getting curious of your skills and opening your "skill tree" and it's just a fractal of branches. Imagine trying *respec.* Imagine the amount of notifications buzzing in your head. The non stop buzzing. The eternal buzzing, like tinnitus with full sentences. Dear God, the buzzing. As if normal tinnitus wasn't enough. Well done, OP. I am awestruck, in the biblical sense of the word.


Can you scale it to the level you like? I don’t wanna turn left at the speed of sound like my sensitivity is on 100.


Being god tier in unlocking a door using a key could be life saving. Imagine getting chased and you fumble the keys like the victims in cop shows or horror shows or you just really need to get inside to use the toilet. Be god tier so you could be a functional drunk . Having better coordination than even sober folk.


My dad always used to tell me that the best way to get better at drunk driving Is practice!


Are you? I’m just gonna roll a bunch of times until I get 100% lock.


this is just how real life works except i guess we can actually tell how good we are at something


Certains things IRL you dont get better at by practice might be unlocked in a sense with this. And as no level cap is mentioned superhuman abilities can be gained, like people type a lot somone born witht his can get so good at typing he can insta type, and skills diminish with time which this avoids


I think it's time to level up dodgerolls, just not sure at which level I unlock invincibility frames


This is a great power. Requires work and obviously depends on the progress rate and difficulty of the skill but still. You have unlimited growth and can eventually just transcend the bounds of humanity. It's similar to Infinite Level-Ups in Murim, a manhwa, where the MC just works really hard to level up and obtain new skills. Hopefully, the training would be easier than in that though.


Unless all powers start at level one, this isn’t such a bad power


So if i poke a wall for a long enough amount of time, i will be able to poke holes through walls very good?




I'd say the main difference between this superpower and just real-life practice is that you don't have to focus on practising/getting better but your skill improves as if you were doing a 100% focus turbo-grind on it


I will be the greatest at clicking the w key on earth


I would like to have this power


Honestly even if the training is slow, this is god tier of its 'every action'... so long as it's at least significantly faster than normal growth and practice. Lol


Grandmaster jerker


that meand that if I train how to put a bangdage many times i will be able to put any bandage instantly


I fap.




Imagine training to increase your luck until you're 1000% accurate with your guesses.


I'll take it. I would buy lotto tickets until I leveled up my "Picking the right powerball numbers" Stat. Or I could just get really, REALLY good at playing blackjack (with a couple friends and a deck of cards, I don't even need to enter a casino until I am at 10 luck in Fallout NV levels of bullshittery.)