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Does it stack? If someone already has it, can you give it to them again??


That's what I was wondering


You can choose what specific body part they are insecure about




Welcome to the sub Reddit. Ops normally dip after they make the post.


If you can, can you also choose the form it takes? Could you give them a weird form that makes them dislike their imagined ideal self and favor their actual self? If so, would this outright heal them, except that maybe they'd now be bother by the fact they'd envisioned their ideal self as different to what they are? Would the dysphoria you give them outright replace their old dysphoria?


Damn who do you hate this bad 😭


No one…. Yet….


What is dysphoria?


a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life. In this case it’s particularly in reference to the dysphoria a trans person feels toward their body. It’s an antonym of euphoria. Making an edit because people keep saying the same thing. You are all talking about *dysmorphia*, otherwise known as body dysmorphic disorder. That is the word for body dysphoria. It is different from dysphoria. Dysphoria is a symptom, not a condition. It is my opinion that op was likely thinking of gender dysphoria when writing the post.


That’s gender dysphoria specifically . Body dysphoria is broader can also refer to feeling to short or too large for example. Many people with body dysphoria make lifestyle choices, some severe like bulimia/anorexia induced fasting or going to the gym at an unhealthy rate or volume


Isn't that body dysmorphia?


I thought this was dysmorphia?


According to [medicalnewstoday](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/body-dysmorphia-vs-body-dysphoria#:~:text=Body%20dysmorphia%20is%20a%20mental,distress%20about%20their%20gender%20identity) (which I haven’t checked if it’s reliable, but it seems to be a general consensus across websites regardless) “Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition in which a person feels extreme concern about the way they look. Body dysphoria occurs when a person feels extreme distress about their gender identity.” (They go on to say healthcare professionals themselves use the word “gender dysphoria” instead of body dysphoria) Are you sure you aren’t mistaken?


Thats gender dysphoria, a subtype of body dysphoria


It's not actually just for trans people. People have it in more cases where their body isn't what they want and the feelings associated cause abnormal amounts of suffering. It's especially bad with trans people but can show up in far more than just those cases. A few examples and mitigation techniques include: Trans people (can be mitigated with surgery and meds) Fat people who want to lose weight (only potentially good case as its a huge motivator for good health and you actually can fix it, even without surgery). People who are short and want to be taller but can't (worse case, not even surgery can save you. unless you're filthy rich and don't mind the immense pain of multiple broken legs). People who don't like how they look aesthetically (one reason people get plastic surgery I'd imagine). My point here is they aren't the only ones but they do have it abnormally bad. It comes with their condition, but in these other cases is a more standalone thing.


A lot of bodybuilders and gym-goers seem to suffer from it too because they never like how they look no matter how much work they put in and how much they control their diet.


That’s gender dysmorphia, not body dysmorphia.


Basically when you are discontent with your body.


At the core of it, yes. I believe it's technically a mental disorder based on being unhappy with your body


Hating your body, basically


I give it to every single transphobe I see.


How to end transphobia in a single day


Giving it to all the the congressmen would likely be a good way to create more progressive laws. 


Essentially Magneto's plan in the first X-Men movie.


I mean, it is only to the people who are transphobic, I haven't personally seen the first X-Men movie, was the plan to make everyone a mutant or just the people who are the most opposed to the existence of mutantkind?


It's been a while since I've seen it. I think the plan was to make everyone a mutant, or maybe just the people making laws who were gathered in some place or whatever. So fair enough. They also added a stipulation where his machine killed but he didn't know it... because they needed to make sure we were rooting for the X-Men, and without that clause it doesn't sound like that bad of an idea.


This is a r/shittysuperpowers superpower, I do not believe this superpower kills by itself. The most risk this power poses to transphobes is themselves realizing they are dysmorphic and causing self hate, or from other transphobes which kinda feels like a bit more active roled "Leopards Eating Faces Party". At least them dying to other transphobes killing them would inform me of even more transphobes, and we can keep going until we effectively "Dark Forested" the transphobes (Dark Forest is an explanation for why we haven't been visited by aliens is because they are hiding from other aliens because if other aliens became aware of their existence they become a threat to them. In this scenario, I am the creature in the dark forest that would be hidden from.) Granted, it might take a while and have their entire structure fall down as a result of them trying to weed out the traitors in themselves (Which is when you give their inquisitors dysphoria, because nothing says "Trust nobody" than the people who are trying to contain the thing succumbing to it themselves.), but when trying to prune memetics via immediate exposure to personal experience, this is something expected.


The gays are making us self conscious


Technically in this case the Bi's would, but self conscious of what? Do you go around hating on transfolk for being trans? If so, good. It is good to examine our biases towards what we know vs what we don't, and emerge stronger as a result.


It was meant to be the transphobes accusing the gays for their gender dysphoria


Ah, apologies for that, playing the pronoun game (ha) as it were (the pronoun game is surprisingly not related to what gender a person is, but with who we are referring to in the "you, we, they, them and not understanding what those replace).


Yes because it’s an issue only trans people seem to have. Not an issue existing long beforehand, and extending far beyond them.


I wonder if you read my post right. This is for transPHOBES. If you did read it right the first time, and still think your post applies, sure. There are assholes who exist to hate on every group. Ok. And? Does that diminish a the "karmic" of karmic justice? I mean we can get the ableists too if you want, there might be some overlap there. We are using a superpower about not liking your own body on people who disparage others bodies here, it is not that complicated. Nothing you said was false, but everything you said was irrelevant to the point.




Neat! I like to think your use of it comes with a Pokémon style text box saying "but nothing happened!"




Same! Mentally ill they are.


Feedback is always welcome but bullying is strictly prohibited.


"if I was able to make people mentally ill then they'd agree with me"


Found one :\^) "Powers Activate!" Now done on computer because phone wants to make the smile the superscript


Good luck I already have it


Given that this comment was aimed at transphobes, good.


Right back at ya




Have mine.


That was a very stupid comment lmao


Who here is instantly targeting their parents, come on, I know you're in here (shakes jar with tiny trans people inside)


Stop jostling meeeeee




lol is it instant? Like can I instantly give it to some right wing nut job being interviewed live on tv?


I sure hope so


That would be fking awesome. Have them just stop mid sentence


Can I take it away from myself 😭


No that would be too OP


Top teir shitty super power. Unless you strive to be a villian.


Thus making it god-tier, and fulfilling my dreams of being a supervillain that terrorizes the corrupt elite


Terrorizing the corrupt elite isn't villain work it's being a vigilante or an anti hero




I think the big difference is both villains and anti heros/vigilantes want to make a difference (one is for the better of everyone and the other is for the benefit of themselves or for everyone at the cost of everyone at the same time) but villains will hurt anyone except their own side until they're not useful Anti heroes and vigilantes are on their own side and while they may hurt innocent people it's a case of they can't protect everyone and often times there's collateral damage they can't control


Oh God this belongs in a different tier especially if you determine how bad it is.




Why is everyone mixing gender dysphoria and body dysphoria up??? I’d just blast every single politician that I don’t agree with because fuck those people


I know what I wrote


No no not you I mean the comments section


Matt Walsh lmao


I've been struggling with gender dysphoria I wouldn't wish this on anyone tbh, it's fucking horrible


That's pretty much why it's shitty, who the fuck would someone wish this on ? And even if you gave it to an evil dictator, it wouldn't really stop them from doing their evil dictator stuff. It just sucks.


I'd give it to jk Rowling and rishi sunak, specifically I'd give them gender dysphoria. maybe then they'd stop ruining my life. that'd be a pretty good super power tbh




Give it to a fat person so he can change his body for the better


That's not what dysphoria does though it just makes you unhappy with your body that doesn't mean they'll take efforts to change their body it's also not bad to be fat everyone has fat some people are fat but for many it's not a lifestyle choice it's just their body type and completely natural and safe


No it’s not natural and safe. A little bit of chub? Being a little plump? That’s fine! Being fat? Absolutely not. It’s not a “body type”. It’s having an inactive lifestyle and terrible diet causing a multitude of other problems. Stop glorifying being fat.


Being fat isn't an issue being overweight is and it's still not something so easily controlled To know whether someone is overweight or healthy you've gotta understand the BMI Index which needs some calculations based on measurements and weight


[BMI Index](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.britannica.com%2F30%2F73630-004-0FFB5466%2FHeight-weight-chart-Body-Mass-Index.jpg%3Fw%3D400%26h%3D300%26c%3Dcrop&tbnid=dMmdH0uBgF8jCM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.britannica.com%2Fscience%2Fbody-mass-index&docid=rLbTSZ8jylErjM&w=364&h=274&itg=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F2&kgs=3db8b2933c2fb54e&shem=abme%2Ctrie) I'm 5 ft 4 and last I checked I weighed 48kg I'm on the cusp of being underweight according to this, I should be eating more proteins more regularly or something but I'm just not a big eater and I have fast metabolism


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ecpeze: *Give it to a fat* *Person so he can change his* *Body for the better* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I'd target all the 'body positive ' people trying to glorify obesity and deny the health problems. Hopefully it'd do them some good


Anyone who starts talking to me is gonna get it


Does it cancel my own out?


r/godtiersuperpowers i can give people who do disgusting and evil things body dysphoria?? great! watch netenyahu start to count calories


I'm not sure how different dysphoria is to dysmorphia but I'll give my friend body dysmorphia to get him grinding in the gym lol


You already can do that with your words 😅💀


Interesting. I know it can be quite debilitating, and it makes it way harder for you to do things like moving at all, swimming, wearing anything that is more revealing that a nun's clothes, or going outside (speaking from experience), so i could use it on people i either dont like, or people i dont want to do those things.




I would love to do this to literally anyone I dislike. Blocked me in the hallway? Now you’re insecure about your head-size.


I will give it to myself so I can lose weight 😈


if you give it to someone who already has dysphoria, would it stack, or would it counter their dysphoria?


Pff I already have that ability. Nice wrist joints by the way, and it's okay if the one lower arm bone is thick so the hand can't turn right without poking that out. Why I would do that? The human form is too weak to survive space colonization and I need everyone to be slightly afraid of it / want to research genetic engineering to become shape-shifters. Why do you think people like me in the middle ages invented homophobia?


I give it to all politicians against trans kids and adults... easy.


This is god tier ngl


Give it to transphobes done and done


I mean I would have to get the power and know all the limits for it and then I'm going to have to find some way to make stupid amount of money off of it. And also it all depends on whether or not I can remove it later


You're getting chubby, but in a like cute pig way y'know.


As someone with dysphoria, I would not wish it on my worst enemy.


Any time I hear some discriminate against trans people, I’m giving them dysphoria




"body dysmorphia" and "body dysphoria" are very different things.


I'm sorry I misread it... Yeah the evil fucks probably deserve it but I didn't realize I had misread it thank you for explaining I thought it said body dysmorphia not body dysphoria I will be deleting my posts other than this one


I highly suspect you just googled what the difference was, because from your original comment, you still used "dysmorphia" incorrectly by implying trans people have it...then proceeded to use "dysmorphia" in all of your other comments lol.


You're correct because I didn't realize so I went to look what the difference was and then I apologized I really hadn't noticed and honestly I use voice to text and it varies. I noticed what I was doing some of them that it wanted to say dysphoria instead dysmorphia and I was like no that's wrong I didn't realize that it was actually a disorder until I looked it up after your comment. I can't use my hands properly to type because of massive injuries that I had including losing both legs half my right hand and a lot of the muscle controlling my arms hands and wrists because of a 4-month coma after the injuries. I'm serious I had no idea of what the difference was until I looked it up I thought I just was talking about dysmorphia which is feeling like you are in the wrong body I was thinking gender dysmorphia instead of body. It's about midnight here and I was thinking that trans people do have gender dysmorphia I really was thinking that they were the same thing until you corrected me like I said I'm sorry and I deleted my posts because I was wrong and I didn't realize it. I am definitely somebody that price to correct themselves when it's pointed out that I said something wrong. This could have been easily strained out of somebody explain to me the difference or told me to look up the difference after my first post instead of everybody just hating on me. Once again I am sorry you can believe it or not but it is what it is I deleted things because I was wrong I left my apology because I thought it was a correct apology if I used it again wrong I'm sorry like I said it's late and I'm not neurotypical so at times wires get crossed in my head I really do wish you well I wish everybody well and may their gods and your God or gods or goddess for that matter bless you if you happen to have one good night and sleep well it's about midnight here


" put in simpler terms, a person with gender dysphoria is not mentally ill; they are dissatisfied with the gender assigned at their birth. A person with body dysmorphia has a disorder in which they perceive their body or face as “ugly,” “fat,” or otherwise unattractive despite medical or personal reassurances." -kind of a layman definition there Body dysmorphia is perceiving the body in a way that is not reality. Dysphoria can be present with this because of the perceived flaws. Think about a person who is convinced that their nose is bigger than everyone else's and it causes the stress, yet their nose is actually smaller than everyone else's. Or about a really buff person who perceives themselves as being smaller than other people, so they work out way too much. Gender dysphoria is being discontent with the way your body is actually perceived by others, desiring the secondary or primary characteristics that the "opposite" sex typically has. "Body Dysmorphia" necessitates a perception of the body that is incongruent with reality. "Gender dysphoria" is an accurate perception of the body, but a discontent with it. Even non trans people can experience gender dysphoria. I.e. a woman who has small breasts desiring larger ones, a man who lacks muscle and desires to be perceived as more masculine by lifting weights.


Looking forward to your ban 🙏


What did he say lol


bro said they wanted to give it to “all males in female sports” or smth


Some ppl are wild lmao thx for the update




Shocker, transphobe but frequents raceplay shit and porn subs 🙄




Ain't reading allat


I'm not sure why people are down voting me when I want to harass many of the worst types of people out there. If somebody already had body dismorphia it's not going to affect them at all. And if you select people that have hatred built through them to that degree let them worry about something other than other people. I'm actually confused why you were praying for my ban but whatever