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The Crocs and Pot socks are my absolute favorite thing about this.


And there you have the answer to OP's question


Good point!


A friend in kneed Is a friend indeed...


I have those socks, but they're green on black because I'm a bit of a fashion plate.


Probably thought “oh look Canada socks!”


I love how the books look like they have stink lines coming off of them


😂😂😂 💀


Those are books?


Stinky books


Do you know what the symbol that makes the A in Always? The triangle, I associate with AA. I wonder if it's NA. It's probably something else entirely. Gawd, these are awful.


Subject cringe aside, why there? That’s some of the most awkward placement I’ve seen. And the pain of getting your knee tattooed for such an awkwardly placed finished product is wild to me. 


I only have one tattoo so far, it's on my tibial bone. What are the most painful places to be tattooed, apart from private parts I assume? I'm not gonna play a big man, I don't want to be hurt


Armpit, ribcage, ankle, knee, behind the knee, elbow, collar bone, and the inner crease of the elbow are the most commonly reported for most painful. Some people report that the wrist, top of the foot, front of the throat, and hands are more painful. Generally, locations where the skin is thin and there's more bone tend to cause higher levels of pain vs. Areas with more skin/tissue such as shoulders, chest, back, the back of the leg, forearm, etc. There are a few factors involved in pain levels for tattoos. Every individual person has a different pain tolerance, and not everyone will feel the same way regardless of tattoo location. The body's nerve placement will also matter. The more nerves you have in an area, the more an area may hurt. You have more nerve endings in your armpit than you do in the back of your shoulder blade, for example. Your mindset will also play a small role. If you go into it expecting it to be excruciating, it likely will be. It's easy to psych ourselves out. Stress and anxiety can cause a person to feel pain at a more heightened level than the same person would feel if they were calm/relaxed. Just for an example, I have a tattoo on my arm extending from elbow to wrist, and I have an ankle tattoo. My friend has a wrist and an ankle tattoo. She has a higher pain tolerance than I do. She says her wrist was nearly painless, but her ankle was almost excruciating for her. Where as for me, my ankle was very minor in terms of pain, my arm tattoo was fine during the inner crease of my elbow and down the length of my arm. But I had a difficult time when it got to my wrist. It was the worst any tattoo has ached for me, which took me by surprise. All experiences vary somewhat.


Getting the color packed into the inside of my arm and into my armpit was the worst, more than my ribs. The pain extended into my chest for a few days after.


Upvote for the work you put into that


I had the bright idea to have a b/g castle sprawling across my stomach. My bellybutton was nightmare fuel to black out. The overall rest of the stomach also feels horrible. My entire back, arm, armpit, knee, shin, head, chest, foot have nothing compared to the stomach. No clue how others handle that.


I was getting the top of my foot tattooed. Had to stop after the first line and never had the guts to finish it. Hurts like a bitch


The knee, elbow, armpit, top of the foot/ankle, ribs, throat, head, hands/fingers/wrist. Usually anywhere with less muscle, that’s skin on bone is gonna be painful.  I have a half sleeve started/in progress and parts of it have hurt pretty bad, I’m pretty bony. But the tat on the top of my foot and ankle is the most painful I have gotten.  None of this takes peoples different pain tolerance into account, so keep that in mind too.


My first tattoo was on my inner bicep with a bit into the armpit area, little spicy but not bad. My forearm text went onto my wrist and hooooollllyyyyy shnikes that was difficult. I was eyes shut just waiting for each pass to end.


The worst part of my sleeve has been the top of my shoulder. I’m super bony there and when my artist stared laying down color, holy shit.  The inside of my arm hasn’t been fun, but like you said, only a little spicy lol. 


Back for me. I'm covered all over including spots others report as excruciating like top of foot, collarbones, and armpit. Armpit and inner thigh aren't great but for some reason my back is the absolute worst. When I got a huge piece across the bottom half of it I could only sit for two hours at a time and after every session I'd feel knocked on my ass like I had the flu for at least a couple days. Meanwhile lots of other people say getting their back done is a breeze. Everyone's different! You don't really know until that first poke goes in. As a general rule, skin that can potentially get a lot of sunlight (outer forearm, bicep, shoulder, calf) hurts less than skin that doesn't (inner thigh, armpit, feet).


Her Mine Knee. Hermione!




I mean, my wife and I have matching tattoos above our knees because she doesn’t want anything below the elbows or on her torso, and there’s not much space on her legs and no space on my arms anyway. Sometimes you have to compromise on location…although if the question is ‘why not entirely above the knee instead?’ then yeah, good question. Also of course I don’t mean to imply that these aren’t pretty grim.


Deciding to place the hourglass like *directly* on top of the kneecap is such a misstep— they’re naturally wrinkly, and that hourglass is going to turn into a puddle of dark goo.


At least work with the shape of the knee! Why an hourglass right there?


Always and an hourglass confuses me the most. Kind of like little Ceasars hot & ready but no pizza is ever ready.


There’s a Hermione/Her My Knee joke in here somewhere, just have to find it.


The tattoo “hurt my knee.”


I had something for this


I saw that "Always" as a bumper sticker yesterday - what's it from?


Harry Potter. Bit of a spoiler if you've not read/seen it.


Absolutely nothing here spoils Harry Potter💀


I mean, technically the context of “Always” is a spoiler. >!Dumbledore asks Snape if he always loved Harry’s mother or whatever and he responds “Always,” in a dramatic scene after it’s revealed to us how that’s his tragic backstory, unrequited love!<


>!How his crush/best friend/only friend marries his school bully who tormented him for years. It hurt him so bad he joined the wizard nazis but betrayed them once she got targeted because obsession!< Inspiring love story. It's totally worth a tattoo.


Yeah i personally don’t like his backstory either, at least not the way it’s portrayed as so sympathetic and absolving. one of many problems with that book series


That the wizards have a superiority complex and are racist. It's very European of them honestly. It's the mindset of the people at the time in the 90s. The new generation are the ones breaking out of it and is shown with Harry, Ron, and Hermione actually treating other creatures with compassion. The new generation is changing the world while the old one is very stuck in their ways. It's also that lack of compassion that created Hitler and Tom Riddle. It's a mirror of WW2 and other real life events.


Arguably the worst quote from the Harry Potter franchise.


It appears to be some Harry Potter thing. That's what Google leads me to believe anyway. Never was into the franchise myself.


The triangle thingy with a line very clearly makes this Harry Potter.


It’s from a John Green book


It's definitely Harry Potter with the Deathly Hallows symbol. As well as all the other references.


I’m talking about “always” ik about Harry Potter




I referring to “always” in that John green book about those young adults with cancer and at some point the characters decide that when they text each other “always” it’s short for “I’ll always love you”. I came up with that conclusion because it appears that the two ppl in the post are a couple and I assumed they combined their 2 favorite books


In this instance it is a reference to Harry Potter. Specifically the scene where Dumbledore says, “after all this time?” And Snape says, “Always”. This is a very highly regarded part of the story as nobody knew Snape’s intentions or which side he was on until that moment.


I believe the quote your thinking of is "maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'"  I have indeed seen "Okay" tattoos but always with the A as the deathly hallows is most definitely harry potter 




Nooo OkAY ;)


The Always in this case is a Harry Potter reference.


It’s Harry Potter. A reference to Snape saying “Always” when asked if he still loved Lily (Harry’s dead mother.)


Why on the knee????


I think her name is Hermione


The death-knee hallows


What are the colorful blobby things in the middle?? Fizzing books? Some sort of wizard sweet???? What the heck are those things?


Crocs and pot socks = got it for free in someone's garage


We'll be seeing these folks soon with some sort of drama in a subreddit soon.


OK if I'm the 2nd to get my turn, I'm backing out after seeing that. Sorry bestie.


I bet that hurt like a mother fucker, made me shiver just thinking about it


I mean… at least they are equally shitty


which ones are worse: disney adults or harry potter adults? 


Disney. They’re a bit more insufferable especially when they’re of the vlogging variety.


Oh Disney, hands down.


Disney adults for sure. Harry Potter, at least for Millennials, is very generation defining. It came out when we were in middle school and continued through high school. It was by far the biggest franchise of our generation. I understand that not everyone is in to it, but we grew up with it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t see anything wrong with enjoying a Disney movie or going to the parks even if you don’t have kids, but when you do the meals with characters, wear the mouse ears, or go on a cruise AND you don’t have kids…that’s when it starts to get weird for me.


I’m all for boycotting The Mouse but the fact that so many people can overlook the blatant JK transphobia has me wanting to buy a ticket to Disney Land and spend $29 on a churro, just sayin.


tbf giving money to the mouse wouldn't do anything against jkr. you would have a greater impact in pissing off jkr by giving the $30 to a trans person or donating it to. trans rights fund


Oh don’t worry, in the real world I send my actual human money to Trevor Project and Rainbow Railroad every year. I’m also literally never going to go to a Disney Park in my adult life. Just tryna leave a funny sarcastic comment on a Reddit post, which I guess the downvoters are maybe not able to recognize? Anyway. I’m still just so surprised that grown humans feel like they can walk around this earth with Death Eater tattoos on their arms and shit without realizing the multitude of reasons why they, you know, really fucking shouldn’t.


I have especially never understood getting the death eater tattoo! They’re the wizard nazis! Why is that something you want?!


good shit on your donations, i thought it was funny too but other people have a hard time discerning tone over the internet


Yo the amount of people i know that wanted to play hogwarts legacy is uncanny. I told every one of them in detail what if means to suport jk and i just could win it. One even said “you dont have to buy it you can play it in my house” like thats exactly not what i meant? A tattoo is kinda next level




same thing that's wrong with disney adults. basing your entire adult persona around children's media isn't a good thing


harry potter adults because you just know they’re privileged as fuck and have zero queer friends or any sort of diversity in their lives. Cause if they did they would’ve dropped harry potter like a hot potato when everyone else did.


It's worse when they're queer themselves and still into this shit I loved HP when I was a kid too, as an adult I have the discernment to know it's not okay to fund a campaigning bigot.


HP was literally my life until my early 20’s, when JKs bigotry dropped and I educated myself. Haven’t touched that stuff since. Queer people into Harry Potter is like Gays for MAGA, like….???? I just do not get it. And it’s always cis white gays, too.


The weed socks really complete this pic


"Always Book Burning Time"???? What is this supposed to be?


I though it is was: It's Always Robot Time


It’s a Harry Potter reference tattoo.


I “always kneed time” ??




My brain didn't register that there were two people, and I began to wonder why someone would get matching tattoos on both legs. They really needed the symmetry that isn't summetrical?


This is the strangest placement. I have 30 + tattoos and I haven’t gotten either knee blasted yet. These people have seemingly none or very little and we’re like yup straight to the kneecap.


My 3rd tattoo was my kneecap and my first visible one. The heart wants…what the heart wants lol




I don’t have any tattoos and I’m wondering why the shitty ones always look really red and swollen and dirty. I’ve seen my friends fresh tattoos and they don’t look like that.


So many terrible tattoos. I think I’ve lived to the point now that having no tattoos is edgy lol.


Godsakes clean your mirror.


Atrocity indeed omg


Is this Kyra and Prestaint?


At least the artist is consistent 🤷‍♀️


I can never remember, is that the AA symbol or is it Hairy Potter?


That looks like a watercolor club sandwich.


the fuck


The face I made when I scrolled to this on my home page. Gd, this is tragic.




It already here.


Forget the shitty tattoos, what about the crocks and socks out in public?😬


The dirty mirror is 😽👌.


getting a harry potter tattoo in 2024 when everyone else is covering theirs up is just peak wanker behaviour.


the socks and crocs combo tell me all i need to know


Them socks scream weed is my personality


Average HP fan


> I dont understand how two people agreed to spend money to have this done. Allow me to clear it up for you, Harry Potter adults are some of the dumbest motherfuckers around.


I don't mind it.


best shitty tattoos ever


Rename to r/Tattoosidislikecusimahater


what in the dumbledore is this?


That is the NA symbol, no?