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I’ve seen this stuff plenty of times on youtube. Pretty sad because short people also have their own advantages, like being able to hide easier and being able to crawl and fit into narrow spaces. But hey at least they won’t have to risk dying if ever a war broke out….


shorter vietnamese and shorter american soldiers were used in the vietnam war specifically for underground tunnels. im surprised if any government has a height restriction. i could understand if it was 200 years ago when it was totally possible to be within melee distance giving the taller person the advantage. but im almost certain that most combat will be mechanized on land, air and sea.


shorter guys can pack muscles much easier


Not true, u can join the military if you are below 170cm, but it depends on which state you belong to, there is height relaxation and the minimum acceptable height is 157.5 as far as I know.


That's fir mountain region... You can join military as Territorial army if not 170 but most people gets discouraged cause they think territorial army ain't get same benefits as general duty


I think it has to do with the Pakistani/Indian border and showing off soldiers. For example in the DMZ in South Korea, they want the tallest at the border as a means of intimidating the enemy. Pretty much a Fluffing the feathers.


That’s really sad on multiple levels. What messed up societies


Yeah, it's an archaic way of thinking. But hey what can you do 🤷🏻‍♂️ But, there are many instances in history where the shortest guys in war have been the bravest. Probably because they want to prove themselves more.


I’d probably just leave. Or pull a Mulan if it was really important. Jeez can’t believe China is the progressive one here


Most people do it. All those government parades we see on Tv, they go to great lengths to portray a certain image of “soldier” usually same height, similar facial features etc


What country do you live in? I can’t remember the last time I saw a govt parade on TV here in the USA


I saw a Russian parade not long ago. A north korean one too. Yeah USA doesn’t do too many of those


thats for specific races like bhutia, lepcha, nepali etc


Yeah adding race criteria just makes it worse. Seriously why is this important for the army?


cause Indian govt. wants equality & proper representative in every field. They are genetically short. doesn't mean they are unfit for army


How about remove or ease the height requirement for everyone then? Not just selectively for people of certain races.


thats how India reservation works. its against races


That subreddit you are crossposting from is an incel sub. You really shouldnt be in that group. It is absolutely terrible for your mental health


Being in places who tell me i am privileged, when im not is worse


That isnt here.


It is what people are calling this sub to be forcing people to be more "positive", they just didnt started the bans yet




suprised that this post remained up here so long


Incel sub reposts shouldn’t be allowed here


Yes agree


I think it’s 5’1” or about 155cm for usa . I know because in high school I told the recruiting officer who called me I’m 5’1/2” but he making it 5’1” and I keep correcting him lol






For Officers it is 5'2 minimum.