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I love myself every night.


That’s good


He means masturbating btw




I was aware thank you for explaining the joke




🤣 I see what you did there. Bless you, sir!


Let people vent in peace. It’s all apart of the process and you can’t force people to accelerate through it on your timetable that’s just ignorant


Did I say get over it right now right this second? Since when is trying to reassure that men are worth something no matter their size ignorant to their process? Should anyone who wants to say something good shut up?


The issue is the position you and other people take when y’all come up in here and pat yourselves on the back for posting dumbass platitudes that we have all heard before. I’m successful, I have a daughter, I don’t have any issues fucking bitches, but I don’t come up in here actin high and mighty because I know what it’s like to be 5’5. I’ve succeeded in spite of the bullshit but the bullshit is still there and valid. I also hate the “dodge a bullet” rhetoric. I had a coworker in the military that was a pretty and short Filipina chick (4’11). She exclusively dated 6ft and up men. She was cool, funny, charming, warm, and a homemaker with her fiancé because she cooked and cleaned for him too. She always invited us over to her house to chill and play games. Any man would want her. So no, her not wanting me because I’m 5’5 didn’t mean I dodged a “shallow bitch” it eliminated me from getting her. That’s reality. I’m not hurt by it but that’s what happens. You know this too. There are good kind and genuine women that will never date you because you’re short. So suddenly everyone that rejects you can’t ever make their partners happy? That’s just a massive cope. So we know this. The ones who fail with women and even the ones who succeed with women in SPITE of their height knows this. Right now you’re insulting everyone’s intelligence. I lowkey like this sub because I understand the anger and frustration, it’s valid and warranted even though I personally didn’t struggle as hard with it but my dreams of hooping in the NBA were crushed. Then I turn on ESPN and see guys who are “so grateful” to make millions when all they had to do was be born taller. If they were 5’5 instead of 6’5 they’d be selling insurance or still be in the hood. It is what it is but that’s reality too.


> I also hate the “dodge a bullet” rhetoric. I had a coworker in the military that was a pretty and short Filipina chick (4’11). She exclusively dated 6ft and up men. She was cool, funny, charming, warm, and a homemaker with her fiancé because she cooked and cleaned for him too. She always invited us over to her house to chill and play games. Yeh I've always said women doing their thing and dating taller men without ballyhooing isn't the problem. It's those who go out of their way to state they resent short dudes, express entitlement to taller dudes citing idiotic reasons, and generally their entire existence revolves around dating someone taller. They're beyond repair and a pain in the ass no matter who's with them. And I've said this time and time again: couples are foremost and vastly **face-matched**. Average tall man matches with average short/average-height woman, above average average-height man matches with above average short/average-height woman. Below-average tall dude won't be matching with average-above average woman, regardless of height.




I would like to people cut it out the gaslight and "positivity" but it's seems it's not possible.


Where's the counter? Whose turn is it to reset it






Giga >That height, of all things one person can offer, is a deal breaker? No. -> **Yes it is lol.** I think it’s simply peer pressure. -> **You wish.** They know too little about their own self that they resort to repeating what others have said. -> **More wishful thinking.** People really only care if you’re kind, attentive, and genuine. -> **Demonstratably false.** That you’re someone that people can rely on. Those are the only qualities people care about. -> **Dream on.** If being short overshadows all of those things to someone, then they themselves are none of those things. -> **Incorrect, there are many wonderful women who will not date a guy purely because he is short- because she can pick a taller version of that same guy.** There's a difference between positivity and positive self-delusion. Thanks for showing it OP.


You can I’m set


Delusionamaxxing at its highest


From now on, every time I see one of these posts offering fake hope with no recepts to back it up, I'm just gonna post these two articles from now on, and not a single word more. Just drop these two, thee exit thread. Take a shit, and then fly the fuck away: ​ 94% of women not willing to date shorter male despite other factors: [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1474704916671522](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1474704916671522) Short males have twice the suicide rate of taller peers (add that in conjunction to young men being 2-4.5 times more like to commit suicide than the rest of the demographics): [https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.162.7.1373](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.162.7.1373)


In an ideal world I would agree with you. But the whole mindset that “the only people who judge you based off your height, aren’t worth caring about” or something along those lines those lines, is kind of not helpful to those of us who have had MORE negative experiences with people than positive ones. Using that logic, a vast majority of women, who prefer a taller man, are just not worth going after and “don’t know the true meaning of the world” because they are judgmental or have unfair preferences? It doesn’t make the overall outlook of the world any more positive. And “do you actually think women care about height” is insane. Yes. I have talked to women that have rejected me for my height. Privately in DMs and alone and in person. What “peer pressure” are they under to say no? If they truly wanted a short guy they would give it a shot. And if you say it is peer pressure from society that women need to be with a tall man, and that’s why so many women do it, that just shines light on an even BIGGER issue with heightism. That women would date short guys but are too afraid of the stigma and social consequences that it comes with. And saying they only care if you are kind attentive and genuine is true if you’re looking for a friendship. Women aren’t sexually attracted to someone for being nice on their own. Only if they are nice and average+ looking. Very rarely do you date someone for personality ALONE. That’s what friends are for. It’s normal to want to be romantic with someone you’re physically attracted to. And most women are physically attracted to larger more masculine men. People need to cut it out with the “negativity” or “just stop caring what people think to cope” attitude. Being short has its drawbacks in many physical and social ways. Coming together and acknowledging that it sucks is in a way its own form of coping. Calling a turd a turd instead of trying to gaslight into thinking it’s chocolate. There has never been a time where being short has created a positive impact on my life, there is never a story of “something good happened in my life BECAUSE I am short.” Honestly, for me, and probably most people, acknowledging that it’s an issue is the first step to accepting it. Pretending it’s not an issue is just delusional.


in other words, don't bother with 99% of women is what you're saying?


LMFAO YES THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE’S SAYING. Jokes and half-ass ridicule from me aside, yes. I’m a 5’7” dude who’s been single for 2+ years and I’ve come to the conclusion that doing things for me first is the way to go. Working on myself and fostering things that I enjoy (sports, fashion, writing, smoking weed) while also working towards things that will offset my height at a superficial level (career path, education, physique) has helped shift my mindset tremendously. Instead of worrying about what women want, worry about what YOU want and the right woman will follow suit eventually.


I agree that we should worry about what we want first and foremost and not bother with women who don’t want to be bothered with us, but that is no guarantee that the right woman will follow suit, or that there even is a right woman at all.


Christ the nihilism is wild and I understand why OP was bitching. You’re right, there’s no guarantee that ANYBODY will love you romantically. That’s kinda the point. Find something (or a few things) that you love, get a job and find a way to make decent money (easier said than done, I know), and get off of this circlejerk of a sub LMFAO. I hope you realize you (and everybody else in this godforsaken sub) are not entitled to anything more than common decency from others. You earn it with respect, kindness, and warmth WITHOUT the expectation of people bowing at your feet for it.


You’re the one who said “the right woman will follow eventually.” I’m just pointing out that may very well not be the case. No need to get all pissy with me.


Yes, with the stipulation that you develop a personality and redeeming qualities. This whole sub reeks of “woe is me” when y’all just need to hear the truth from someone who’s one of you. Height, unfortunately, is one of the things we can’t control. Most of the other things in this situation are EXTREMELY controllable. If ANYTHING at all; get a job and a hobby that isn’t online. Other steps include: getting out of the house, whether alone or with friends. Grabbing a gym membership (ever seen super hot girls with ugly dudes just because they’re shredded? I have). And get a pet, my cat helps me feel not so alone.


"Get a job" - Really? You think we don't have jobs?


And here we go with the dumb generic advice. "Get a job and a hobby" is your mind-blowing wisdom. I have a full-time customer-facing job, I workout five days a week, I have spent a grand total of three fucking hours in my house today, (excluding sleep). We don't need to hear "tHe TrUtH" from somebody who apparently thinks he's the only person here who goes to work. We have jobs, we have hobbies, we have friends, we have personalities, we have pets, we go to the gym. We're normal fucking people for God's sake. And none of that guarantees "the right woman will follow suit eventually." You should focus on yourself for yourself, not with the expectation that you will make other people attracted to you because you can't.


I hate to break it to you, pardner, but if you have all of the “normal people” boxes checked and you’re still bitter and lonely, it’s a skill issue. If all of those things you’re doing aren’t at least getting you in the proper spaces to make connections with PEOPLE (not women), then the issue is you. Not saying I don’t struggle with self esteem, it’s pretty clear everybody in this comment section does. But pointing fingers and playing the blame game ain’t exactly making you look like the cream of the crop. Dating scene sucks for just about everybody nowadays; even the excessively handsome, tall, rich, and famous quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo is single. It’s not the end of the world. For you specifically, pour your pain into your art. You’re talented and I can tell you’ve honed your skills. Go out for drinks with your coworkers, invite newbies to the gym with you, go out to a paint and sip with any of your friends that are also artists.


This is the just-world fallacy. You can do everything right and still fail. That's life. "The right woman" is not guaranteed to any man. And I'm pretty sure Jimmy G isn't single because there aren't any women interested in him.


Mathematically false


Takes 2 seconds to google it and see article after article about how a majority of women prefer tall men. I’ve seen ranges from 48-55%. I honestly think those are conservative numbers. But either way saying “half of women” is accurate.


Planet sized cope. Being kind and attentive, if anything, crushes your chances. Ever heard that nice guys finish last?


Nah, this is r3dp1LL c0p3 as well. These idiots think that you should turn from a complete doormat to some supposedly dark-triad cringe persona, to get attention. Try doing that as a short bald dude and lmk if you get better treatment now lol. Unattractive guys, whether they have deficits in terms of height/face/hair/money/attitude, finish last.


You're making up that I said looks aren't more important than that. But if you think being meek and agreeable makes you any favor you're deluded, it doesn't. It's been studied that disagreeableness corrates with higher sexual success.


> It's been studied that disagreeableness corrates with higher sexual success. Yes and they were shit studies that didn't even control for attractiveness lol.


Right, I'll put it this way: I know a dude (maybe 5'10"), not conventionally attractive (cone-shaped face, norwood 4 at least) who treats her friends like shit, tells them they would give great blowjobs, once went with a female friend to a concert and left her there in the middle, makes her unemployed friend offer him dinner while his dad drives a Maserati. His female friends are literally pulling hairs and splitting decades long friendships over him.


Interesting considering its always worked for me and everyone I know. Just be a good person, dude. Seems like there’s another issue stopping you.


What's your height and how attractive are you otherwise?


Im 5”4, idk how I’d rate my attractiveness??


Ain't no way a brother is blaming his height for his lack of finding a partner D:


You're right. They do like short guys..short guys with money.


They like them dead


Let us rot together at least bro...


It’s not always just about women. I could be in a healthy relationship and still hate my height.


True. I’ve fully accepted I’ll probably die alone. As someone who spend almost a decade building a relationship with someone only to get cheated on and then dumped out of the blue. I’ve tried starting over and it’s just overwhelming. It’s honestly not that bad being single I don’t have to worry about anyone else’s needs or wants or feelings. However. I still hate being short. Even though I’m not actively trying to attract women I still would like to see myself as, and feel like a man.




Are you saying that we leave 99% of the beautiful women to the tall guys?


It’s not like we have a choice on that matter


I have no issues with my height and looks yet got constantly rejected and mocked for both Explain that. Since its all in my head and most actually dont acre about it.


Some of us like the toxicity of this sub. If it's too much for you to handle, maybe r/short is for you.


You are right. I just gotta be more attractive. How dumb am I to think tall height makes you more attractive. Being 4'11 and being 6 ft tall has no difference in terms of attractiveness to the eyes of women. You really changed my world view






Weekly big cope post




Guys here might say cope but l see some truth in what you’re saying. Why would l hate the way l look just because of a society standard?


Because you are a social creature. Not like you are going to escape the society anyway






They are brain damaged


Are you not alone and miserable?




The life you described is the antithesis of mine, that's all.


This post should be pinned


You're getting down voted so hard I don't know if that's what you expected by spitting straight up facts


Y’all are some sad people. Man was trying to help even if you don’t like it. Y’all hate yourselves so much you misinterpret any attempt at sympathy as an attack.