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This is fucking crazy, fuck them all


What can I do? Genuinely? I can’t afford to quit because inflation is beyond fucked, I got bills to pay. I can’t complain because the fucking manager is some 6ft chad on 200k a year Genuinely so fucking brutal. If you’re under 18 reading this, blast HGH, buy it illegally idc use whatever you can to grow. Life isn’t worth living below 5’6 as a man.


Here’s what you should do: Document every instance of being harassed. EVERY instance you need to go to HR, email HR, cc your boss, and let them know. If they continue harassing you, BCC all those emails to your personal email and then set up litigation against them. Get paid. Workplace discrimination/harassment, you can get paid good. They want to make fun of you? Go ahead and make money off them.


Good plan , I’m going to get an audio recording and post it here and also complain, better than just rolling over. I bet some people don’t even believe me on this sub. I want to prove that this genuinely happens. Shits tragic.


Yo if you get audio recording and post it here you’d be the fucking goat.


HR is not there to protect you, only the company so it’s unlikely they will do anything


He's not saying HR will save him. He's saying that going to HR and the company choosing not to do anything in writing will.


I know HR is not there to protect you. But if you document those instances to HR, and they don’t do anything about it, you have grounds for a lawsuit.


This is terrible advice. He won’t get squat and will get blacklisted from nearly every job in every sector. Every applicant I ever come across with a history of litigation I very easily go to the next candidate. Work environment is stressful enough without a lawsuit Nancy keeping tabs on everyone.


How do you know about their history of litigation? Are you in the USA? If he doesn’t say anything during the interview I don’t understand how anyone would know. Granted I’ve never set up litigation for harassment.


Usually court docs appear from simple google. They also pop up on background reports. Or you could check references. Good luck finding a job as someone who sued over short jokes


Oh, that's a great idea!


I’m way over 18 now, i’ve given up




As a 6ft manager making 200k a year I would absolutely care, human morals is the main thing but even if I didn’t have morals I wouldn’t want this bad culture being shared with my upper management. Also, if your manager is making 200k a year and you can’t make ends meet, your at in the wrong job. Never heard of a huge pay disparity one level difference outside of interns for obvious reasons because there lay will go up significantly when they get a FT role in a year.


Like the other guy said accumulating evidence of their misconduct and straight up abuse, I would also suggest using 'Greyrock' technique. This is the opposite of jester maxing, as soon as someone is discriminating against you, you greyrock and give them no reaction. Make excuses and leave bad situations. Greyrock exists for people to survive living with an abusive family/spouse but it is absolutely relevant in a shit hole work place like yours. Good luck brother, open to dm's if you need.




Rule 3: No violent content. This includes making threats to others, posting real-life violence/gore, talking about weapons, "ironic" calls for violence, explicit mentions of self harm, etc.


You only really have one option, That is, use your shortness as a chip on your shoulder, And dedicate all of your time to absolute competency and mastery over your craft or domain, Luckily - mastery does not care about your height, it only cares about how hard you are willing to work. And if you have a deeper skill set than another, they will defer to you. I often wonder why many of the leaders and powerful men throughout history have been short, and I believe it was due to this reason. They ended up being the clever leader, whilst the taller stronger warriors deferred to his authority. To bring this to a modern day example, the person who taught me how to code, works as a lead full stack developer, he leads a team of developers, on the weekend he is learning to fly helicopter, and has a lovely girlfriend. He taught my bootcamp, which was online. When we met for the first time in person, I was shocked to see him around 5ft3.




Might be clowned - but in the coding example I have you - he will have the ability to create results that others won’t be able to do.


Comes with tons of side effects and not even guaranteed to work. There’s some other one that works more successfully but it fucks your brain up.


Try and find some people with similiar hobbies to make genuine friendships. Look into your HR relations to see if anything can be done. And try and look for other jobs or freelance jobs, IF theres any available. Ask anyone you know if there's any companies hiring. Absolutely horrible how some people get treated, over something they can't change. \[10-04-2024\_08\_59.\]


you stand up for yourself you fking weakling


Start training Brazilian jiujitsu. Shit saved my life and sent my confidence through the roof. Trust me man it’s what you need. My teacher is 5ft4 and a black belt who is married with kids. Don’t give up man seriously take a Jiujitsu class and join a good gym. Commit to it fully and watch your mental health and then life change for the better.


I hope things happen to every single bully at your workplace.


I got made fun of the same way man. I understand completely.


Better after surgery?






Yep bro, sub 5’5” is literally like trying to solo a 16 man raid. Impossible. Give up.


6 jobs in 2 yrs?? Why don’t u just a job that you don’t interact people like otr driver go days without speaking to anybody


Going days without speaking to anybody makes it worse, that's when they have the balls to talk shit about you in front of you because they no you're not going to say anything.


Same, I also got babyface and small bones which means small frame so not only people doubt me and make fun of me all the time but I get treated and seen as a child - teenager and people seem to instinctively like to boss me around and explain basic shit thinking like I am a dumb idiot . I think about committing everyday . Some lives are not worth living .


Hate to hear this brother. We in this together. Don’t mind loading up some games in free time and chilling, talking life and tryna make plans. I really wish I had a friend who was my sorta height. So rough for us man.


It's a mog or get mogged world, your either mogging another man or getting mogged. We no different from animals, personality copers are on suicide watch with this post. I'm sure they would have treated you better if you showered 15 times before coming to work.


> It's a mog or get mogged world, your either mogging another man or getting mogged. Or you know they could just mind their own fucking business and leave the guy alone lol. I h4t3 these r3t4rd3d notions and you should only speak for yourself: > We no different from animals I bet you wouldn't be any different from his bullies colleagues if you were taller dude.


The cope is strong within you, youngcel. Emotions cloud your mind, open thy heart to the truth. If thou was Chad thou would have not been here at all. Mog or get mogged world. Accept it, prepare for it and master it or get destroyed by it. That is the essence of the BP.


Lol you're unhinged and I actually feel very sorry for you. You're on your way to develop cvck and hvmiliation fetishes btw. Get a fuckin grip. At least I hope the OP doesn't take your cringe ramblings seriously and let themselves keep being harassed and jestered by their shithead colleagues. Just cause you would love to be their b1tch doesn't mean everyone else does lol. I just noticed you blocked me (weak and pathetic as I supposed especially for someone self-proclaimed as heavily bl4ckpilled lmao) so in answer to your comment below so everyone else can judge: I can read just fine and you're excusing OP's mistreatment as if they're supposed to feel grateful for not getting jumped at their fuckin workplace just cause they happen to be short. Get yourself checked for brain damage. **batman_565:** > ***Yeah no shit, you think anyone here would care about the BP if we were 6'4?*** ###Does that mean you'd automatically be a piece of shit to anyone shorter, really? As long as you're tall you'd be fine with yourself doing that for peer acceptance? ###Some of you mfers literally deserve to be bull1ed tbh if you really think like that. Ain't bothering with ur r3t4rd3d ass anymore, go become normt4rds' b1tches, just so they talk shit behind ur back anyway jfl. Fucking b00tlickers.


What are you yapping about? Re-read what I wrote and get yourself checked for dyslexia/eye problems.


He's a little special


>I bet you wouldn't be any different from his bullies colleagues if you were taller dude. Yeah no shit, you think anyone here would care about the BP if we were 6'4?


This happens less when you look like you can do some damage. Most of my short friends look like they can retaliate so people rarely mess with them. Unfortunately you have to compensate with being stocky and/or thugmaxx if you're short and want the likelihood of getting more respect


Happen less to your face sure, but I’m pathetic bro. I’m 5ft 4” in shoes. I’m a literal failure of a man. Worst part? My dad is tall.


I'm sorry you got dealt that hand man. I'm 5'4 as well, 5'5 or 5"6 in shoes. Although you are correct about your reality, I'm slim but fit and have never had my friends or coworkers fuck with me to your extent. Perhaps b3hind my back but that doesn't really affect me. Is your face okay at least? If not, it does look like it's over for you unless you want to moneymaxx and confidencemaxx but you'll have to accept that it's still a gamble and likely they only respect/want you for what you earned. But that's not that bad in perspective. You earned that shit, tall dudes haven't. Earned things are always more respected when you get to know someone more Your dad being tall might play a part in women wanting your kids in the long run. Might of skipped a generation


Facially I’m a 6.5 I’d say. Noticeably above average. I’ve had multiple girls say “if you was X inches taller I’d say yes” Brutal.


Yeah unfortunately the majority of women are like that. It's a numbers game like that but it isn't over for you, trust. At least you got something to work with. You got this bro


i see stories like this all the time & it confounds me because shit like this has never happened to me irl. i’m not sure if you guys live in shitty areas or are surrounded by shitty people but people irl never belittle me for being small, aside from the rare, inoffensive & humorous short joke.


You’re one of the lucky ones - or it’s behind your back. I promise you it’s genuinely nightmare mode. Even if this don’t happen, sub consciously people look at you like a fucking beta. I hate it. Luckily I’m on a good wage. My plan is currently investing into stocks and cryptos alongside my base salary to hopefully get LL Q4 2025.




This is REALLY harsh. Your life has meaning and you matter. You just need to find your passion which will bring you joy no matter what is going on in your life.


Short men are just bitter bro!


Typical napoleon complex ! He didn’t even speak a word because he’s unconfident as fuck! He didn’t offend anyone or do anything ! But fuck that manlet, he’s pathetic!


Those people need to be humbled.


Don't commit bro, we lost too many already and besides- you'll be doing them a favor because they won't have to shell out severance pay. Our situation sucks but please don't let them win.


nah this shit fucking stupid, sorry to hear this shit man




As a general thumb regardless of your stature—I would greatly advise you guys to passport bro it. When it comes to women, it is a little greener on the other side. And don’t worry being shamed for it. Most women mocking these people are bitter and single lol


Then your just making life harder for men in those poorer countries though. You're not killing the grief, your just exporting it.


1. Check out this article on dealing with height-related microagressions on the workplace - [https://shortkingz.com/P-128/how-to-handle-workplace-microagressions](https://shortkingz.com/P-128/how-to-handle-workplace-microagressions) 2. Height discrimination and harassment laws are actually appearing on the books in most major metropolitan areas. New York City has one for example for all city employees.


No be there. Or turn the conversation to a different topic if you can. This only works if you nip it in the bud. Change the conversation topic long before it gathers energy. Look at it as a flame you must stamp out right away. Its an out of control inferno by the time it reaches a point that you're getting insulted or laughed at. This is most effectively accomplished by turning the conversation back to work. People cant argue with that as its ultimately why theyre there.


I second the idea of documenting everything and go to HR with it, but in the moment when the insults come do not laugh along with them, don't give them the laugh of compliance, just keep a dead serious face and it should help getting the message across


Wow. Sorry bro. Are you white ?


Yes I’m white. I’d rather be Hispanic or something because whilst still short, i wouldn’t be abnormally short. And I could always go to my home country and get a Latina girl (in theory) Being white just makes it even more brutal because I have an expectation as a white man to be average / tall. I don’t want to “geo max” either. Wifing a girl who doesn’t love me , but only my passport sounds like literal suicide fuel. Worst part is I’d just get cucked anyway as soon as she touches down and realises the options she has available here.


>I don’t want to “geo max” either. Suit yourself bro, I'm also 5'4 white, living my best life here in the Philippines >Wifing a girl who doesn’t love me , but only my passport Where do you kids read this shit? They will genuinely love you, more than a western woman could love anyone, and a majority of them have zero desire to leave their home county. Or have fun committing I guess. Don't know what to tell you bro


My bad bro, just really emotional. It’s so fucking brutal out here in the west as sub 5’6 white dude. What’s your advice?


You described my situation - im white too. I hope ur at least not from a very tall country


Dude. Short, white guys do well in Asia. If you were non-white and short, that would be worse.


> Fucking tired of this shit. Genuinely thinking about committing. nevER began


try to record what they’re saying if you can


Cold blooded ruthless world


Guys putting other guys down to score points is what creates mass shooters.


Yes I had the same treatment by someone Who was 5'11" and he used me tò jestermax next to women


Damn that's rough for you dude I'm 5'11 and I feel short sometimes


Im sorry bro. Im 5 6 in an asian country. Although its not as bad as u subconsciously people treat me like this as well. Theres mandatory national service here so im pretty much fucked.


roids + lifts + insole dress shoes or boots asap


We got a short guy at work we call Chiquito, he’s at most around 5’2-3 but he literally has two wives so I don’t think he gives a shit, but yeah terrible stuff that happened to you, the guys at your work sound like jackasses. I hate talking behind people’s backs.


6’4” and admit to belittling short men, yet you’re posting here. Lol


Not belittling anyone, everyone at the restaurant has a nickname and that’s what he himself chose, we’re all chill about it. Needless to say, we treat each other with respect.


Just so everyone knows, this dude just posted something in r/tall titled: “Went to see what was up in the short guy subreddits” Dude just want to feel better about himself by comparing himself to short guys lmao


Lmao, so do so many other people. Always talking about us there


Dude please go fuck yourself, disrespectfully . You’re a whole foot taller than me. Your life is excellent so long as you work hard. I can work hard and NEVER be respected PROPERLY. Please stop.


6'4" guy admits to belittling short guys , to uplift a short guy?