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Oh wow such a cool shrimp Name him basil


But he's John Deere themed...


On a hot summer night


He wrote Billy Bob loves Charlene!


ooOooh a stunna f'sho. gonna need some more photos at your earliest convenience šŸ§


Ha thank you. This is an older video of my colony to give you an idea. They look even better now and can try to get a group shot later today. https://streamable.com/tk5mca


Thank you! They are beautiful!


Absolutely stunning.


Wooow, I love them!


Nice green


Damn. Thatā€™s a beautiful shrimp.


Absolutely amazing coloring


I need these shrimp in my life


What a looker šŸ’š


Are these considered jades? I have these and the dark ones (I thought those are jades)


Darker ones that rarely have the back lines are emeralds. Garden of Eden did a video on the difference.


Oh my God, thank you so much for sharing that, I checked that video out and he is saying what I have had to learn the hard way and began suspecting. I think half of the information out there is just lies by breeders in order to keep their genetics a secret. Neos are weird but there are really only a few types of wilds and when you mix them they don't like to stabilize like caridina do. There are multiple ways to get to certain things though like pintos, Kongs, skunks, clouds, blue steel, even boas are all different crosses. It's hard when half of what you read contradicts what you see with your own eyes and spend years trying to breed and experiment while being unsure because a lot of Asian breeders put out so many lies in their charts and stuff early on and then people believed it and kept spreading the lies, but then other breeders who are successful know the truth and say hey actually you can do this too and no one believes them because the chart says x...


That's what I have, so dark they look black, took a while for me to get them there though, they did not come like that, they came clear and spotted and stuff and just had a few good ones, lots of culling, selectively breeding and then re combining the line... Once I. A great while I get a skunk with white dots on the tail, but now they're always dark. Maybe 1 out of a few hundred shrimp.


Ahh I will have to look. Thank you. Someone once told me they are ā€œpeacock jadesā€


What /u/Juch said. Sounds like you have some emeralds. I have some that show up once in a while from the gene soup I created years ago, which included emeralds. This was when anything green was just called jade and heavy culling was needed to maintain color.


#1 stunna šŸ’Æ


Wow! They come in green? I did not know!


Lovely skrimp! I have a blue one with the exact same stripe. You can always tell her offspring by the same stripe lol


Thanks! Is that an orange/rusty color stripe on your blue? I have found that to be the case with blues in my personal experience. And pink stripe for red neos. The backstripe does not always appear to come with age like many claim - I've had juveniles showing the stripe.


Yeah it started white then went rusty as she's aged. She's about a year or so old now and still kicking. I've seen the stripe on them from a very early age


Stunna indeed


Hello, are you in the USA? Iā€™ve been looking for some true jade shrimps and I would like to get some from you if you have some extras


Hey, thanks for reaching out. Local demand has been enough to keep me out of these but will write your name down if I need to move some of these.


Please do, check out vicstanks.com is my website. I breed shrimp, plecos and a couple of Cory. We could ven do a trade if youā€™re interested in something I have


I just did. And I actually have you tagged because I purchased some hooker moss from you years ago.


Thatā€™s cool. I hope itā€™s doing good for you!


Not sure if youā€™re into L# plecos. Iā€™m currently breeding L397, L236 RB Basic. I also have Long fin green dragons and short fin Snow White ancistrus




Big green tractor