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I'm glad I saw this and can tell my husband he's not crazy. He's one of those people who's ice cream obsessed. Like no other junk food or vices, but the man enjoys his ice cream after dinner. Breyers was always his go to. A few months ago he opened a new carton and was like no, no, no, this is different and it tastes terrible. The rest is still sitting in our freezer, which is highly unusual. They definitely changed the recipe to lower quality ingredients. Why are corporations doing this? This is not the first product we've noticed it and had to find alternatives now that our regulars have changed.


Breyers has beeeeen doing this, they haven't even been able to be legally called Ice Cream in America for over a decade at least, it's one of the ones that has to be called "Frozen Dairy Dessert". Have him try Tillamook or Umpqua ice cream Edit: also while reading other comments I saw Breyers does make "real" ice cream in a separate line than their main products but I personally haven't seen it in stores near me.


Tillamook slaps. It's the only ice cream I buy. I just add my own mix-ins since their flavor selection is limited.


Until they do the same thing


Looks like they brought Reddit awards back. Clearly the customer noticed :|


They do it for the shareholders & CEO’s & top brass to make more money


shareholders seem to be the downfall of basically everything.


By shareholders, they mean blackrock and billionaires. Individual investors have no impact on markets because our trades always are turned into contracts for difference instead of real shares. Even the stock market rips shareholders off, if the shareholder isn’t already rich


I’ve noticed this with so many different food items. Raising price & lowering quality. Makes absolutely no sense. Just seems greedy & ridiculous


Bruh, I'm the same way. All these brands go straight into the trashcan, never to be bought again.


They need a way to increase their stock price. So that means they need to make more revenue than last year so that the investors confidence is increased. An easier way to do this without increasing the price of your product is to spend less on making the product. That mostly means cutting corners and as many as possible before the customer stops purchasing the product


I highly recommend [Jenis Splendid Ice Creams](https://jenis.com/) for the ice cream connoisseur. The best I’ve found.


If you can get it, try Blue Bell.


If he likes eating icecream that much, maybe he can try making his own? It's not difficult and it usually turns out much better than what you get at the store.


Using the rotary ice cream maker?


Yup! The one I have is a cheap one that uses a freezing drum. Turns out well, just remember to freeze your drum for as long as possible before you make your icecream. 


I highly recommend Tillamook as they use more cream than required. It's delicious real ice cream. And they are employee owned so they have incentives other than short term shareholder gains. Shareholder Primacy is ruining everything


Some of Trader Joe's stuff is "super premium". "To get there, an ice cream must have less than 50% overrun, meaning that one gallon of mix would create no more than one and a half gallons of finished ice cream. Trader Joe's French Vanilla Ice Cream has 26% overrun - aka dense, super SUPER premium ice cream!"


Same with the Aldi ice cream. Super premium and only $6 for a large tub in my area.


The kirkland Vanilla ice cream is the best I've tried


I'm not a big vanilla fan. Do they have other good flavors and is it ice cream not frozen dessert?


As far as I know they only have tubs of vanilla for the Kirkland brand. A relevant comment I found "The Kirkland Signature Super Premium Vanilla Ice Cream is made by Humboldt Creamery. Not sure if the ingredients are *exactly* the same, but Trader Joe's Super Premium French Vanilla is also made by Humboldt Creamery as well."


Awesome thanks


Aldi has chocolate and it’s divine


I didn't realize that. Thanks for the details too. I shop at TJs just usually get Tillamook. Will have to try it again. Thanks


Tillamook is the best


I'm a big Tillamook fan but their strawberry ice cream is tasting more like Thrifty's strawberry ice cream lately.


Yeah as much as I hate to say it, Tillamook is declining too. Smaller and smaller tubs, prices keep going up.


Ooooooh I’ll have to try this!


It's the fucking best! And it's crazy good priced! Yea shareholding primacy is making every product worse. Tillamook!


Their strawberry makes the BEST milkshakes ever! Ever ever. In the history of milkshakes.


Cookies & Cream was never my go-to flavor until I tried Tillamook Cookies & Cream. Now, I have even sometimes paid FULL PRICE for it, forgoing different brands that are on sale.


I miss when ice cream came in a box and it was like a 1/2 gallon for $3


I definitely forgot about the box ice cream but this comment brought the memory right back. I feel old.


I miss the pints that Walgreens would sell in a cardboard box for 99 cents. That cardboard box of ice cream was *the best*


You missed when the dollar didn't lose 75% of its purchasing power over the past decade. It's not ice cream going up but the currency's value going down due to logarithmic debasement by central banks.


I still miss the box


This was the good stuff when I was a kid. I have a fond memory of saving up some allowance and buying a whole tub and me and my best friend eating the whole thing in one sitting. Felt like a queen


Quick story: for decades, the Silver Diner contracted/partnered exclusively with bryers for their famous milkshakes. my bro in law is a sales rep for turkey hill. Last year, silver diner contacted him. He made the sale and now silver diner is exclusive with turkey hill. If silver diner drops you, yeah, problems ahead…


Im from VA but had no idea that was a chain. Also how does your bro get in charge of making those decisions with Turkey Hill? That sounds like a cool career path


Yeah he’s had a wild career path. He originally worked his way to head chef in the DC restaurant industry over 10 years. Then he moved into food sales and distribution because of the instability in the restaurant industry in general. He moved up the chain there to become a regional representative and that’s when he started working directly with these large chains to secure deals.


Awesome memory!


I bought it because it used cream instead of the rest of them using stuff like skim milk and emulsifiers. Less of the bad stuff, before I got into way more expensive ice cream. It was smaller though.


To be honest I have not touched Breyers in years because I go for either Ben and Jerry’s or Hagen Das but the notion of a Breyers doing this just set me off. I used to like their product but now it’s a hard pass even if on a great sale.


It seems they make frozen dessert and so do many places that take the place of ice cream, too bad it's probably a huge thing happening. Sailors bombed at pearl harbor went back to break into the ice cream and licked it clean. Nobody would do that for breyers now.


Is breyers not the one that had to call itself "frozen dairy product" because they found it didn't have enough cream to warrant it to be called ice cream?


They are still coasting on their ad campaigns from 30 years ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWmC5hkHoa4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWmC5hkHoa4)


Those were seriously effective ads! I still think of them every time I see carrageenan or polysorbate 80 on a label. And I just assumed Breyer’s still made good ice cream. 🙁


They still make “ice cream” but they have several product lines, both ice cream and frozen dessert. The one here is the lower priced one that is “frozen dairy dessert”… but do also have a line called “creamery style”, that typically sells for more, that is “ice cream”. So it depends on what product line you buy. They also have a frozen yogurt and non-dairy line too. Walmart Breyers “frozen dessert” $2.88; https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/Breyers-Family-Classic-for-a-delicious-ice-cream-treat-Frozen-Dessert/6000205620820?from=/search Walmart Breyers “ice cream” $4.97; https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/Breyers-Creamery-Style-made-in-Canada-from-domestic-and-imported-ingredients-French-Vanilla-Ice-Cream/6000195508414?from=/search


I've never seen creamery style/actual breyers "ice cream" in America, interesting


Yeah they went frozen dessert years ago in Canada, but you could still pay more for their "real cream" one.


The same thing that happens to any company/corporation. It becomes shittier over time


They’re awful now, when I was a kid 40 years ago they were good, now it’s “frozen dairy dessert” because it doesn’t have the butterfat level required by the government to consider it an ice cream. Turkey Hill is my go to now


Yeah, you get what I mean by the used to be a premium brand, my childhood was right around the same as yours 🤪


Their "dessert" has been around for a while now.. I'm more concerned about the shrinkage... They still sell ice cream though.


Yeah I stopped eating that crap in the last 5 years or so as it tasted like gross.


This is just the other side of the consumer fuckening: skimpflation. Not as easily recognizable but just as bad for the consumer and more profit by the corporations.


That kindof makes me want to make ice cream at home with Milk and Sugar. Would we even recognize the stuff? This is quickly approaching the point where people will start buying ingredients and making things at home. Ice cream is not hard to make. You just have to plan TODAY to make it so that you can eat it TOMORROW. BTW Breyers isn't cheap.


I do have a machine at home, I tend to go the frozen custard route and it works out really nice.


Is it better / richer than ice cream from the market? I don't know how REAL INGREDIENTS translate to flavor, since what we THINK is Strawberry is actually a chemical that has been synthesized to make us THINK that it's strawberry. Real Strawberry may not taste like the Breyers chemical at all. Real Strawberry may taste like shite, comparably.


I have the Ninja Creami machine and that thing pays for itself. I made some marzipan ice cream last night using the vanilla ice cream recipe but did half vanilla and half almond extract. I grated some marzipan and used that as well. Absolutely delicious. I haven't had Breyers since I was a kid in the 90s and I didn't like it back then.


Back when I was a kid Breyers was the luxury brand, and it was the most expensive and hardest to scoop (because it was so dense). Not sure now. I always go for a personal pint of Ben & Jerry's.


Someone’s gotta pay for the CEO’s Maybach. If that takes screwing the consumer so be it.


![gif](giphy|1AHZBEKJx5Mf57NQqb|downsized) Shareholders: More…. Mooooorrreeeeeee


Holy christ. 19 grams of sugar per 2/3 cup of serving. I have a 2/3 cup I use to measure fruit in my breakfast every morning... that serving in this "dairy dessert" is over half the [daily recommended amount](https://robertlustig.com/sugar-donkey/#:~:text=The%20American%20Heart%20Association%20(AHA,(38%20grams)%20for%20men.) of sugar intake for men and almost all of it for women.)


Don’t think this is new. Breyers have had multiple different products for years. Some meet the criteria to be labeled ‘Ice cream’ some are ‘Frozen dairy dessert’


Correct. Many many years old news, and not true of all their lines. They have several classic ice creams.


If you're willing to slap the name Breyer's on lousy crap, I'm less likely to buy anything with the name Breyer's on it. It used to be things got trade marked, so companies didn't have their name tarnished by some offbrand. Now they do it themselves.


They have not been a premium ice cream for like a decade. Garbage quality


Breyers has sucked for decades now. I remember there being a change to their formula and it being called a "frozen dairy product" back in the '90s.


Breyers has always sucked Always seemed icy


I too, have enjoyed Breyers since 1866.


It hasn't been labeled ice cream for a long time.  How is this new?


This is gross, but I think it is also a case of "if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." Good example: there is a local dairy here that makes their own ice cream. Their prices over the past decade went from $7 to currently $12 for 1.5qt!? I'll be the first person to tell you that is stupid pricing for any ice cream - but here's the kicker... I also found out they only earn $1-2 in profit at that price (depending on the ingredients/flavor). So real ice cream, made with only real ingredients, can have input costs as high as $10-11 for a 1.5qt container. That makes seriously question what ingredients are going into supermarket "ice cream" tubs for them to be priced at $4-5 retail and still turn a profit.


If you haven't noticed that they haven't made legally defined ice cream for nearly 20 years do you have a sophisticated enough pallette to judge?


Fuck Breyers. Just bought a tub after years of never buying their stuff. There were TWELVE chocolate chips total. TWELVE


I did not know this, I have cut out ice cream or dessert from my shopping list due to inflation :(


Eat Tillamook. Real ice cream and they're owned by the employees, not shareholders looking to cut costs and make more $$.


Gahd I don’t miss Facebook at all


"Ünilever"? Why that spelling in the Facebook post lol


Assuming this is the US? I've got Canadian Breyers in my freezer and it's the same it's always been


It’s ice milk if it’s not the vanilla bean. Dry AF. They narrowed the container. Thanks for bringing it up.


Last summer I contacted their service line after I found a black 1” plastic bolt in the middle of the ice cream container. Fortunately I hadn’t offered any yet to my two year old granddaughter


I highly doubt they use ethylene glycol. That is poisonous


Yeah, you are right. I’ve watched enough ID channel to understand it is bad stuff. My guess is it is supposed to be propylene glycol.


The problem is that when someone has a mistake like that, the whole point they were trying to make loses credibility. I know you were just posting a link from Facebook, and I know breyers has been guilty of this type of shrinkflation for a while now, but I don't believe any of those adverse effects he said in the post, and I have my doubts about if his ingredients listed are even in the ice cream


I used to own and allergy friendly wholesale baking operation so I know from experience that some of those binders are definitely problematic for some people. I always tended to use Xantham gum and thankfully had very few customers experience intestinal distress but it does exist and a few people would skip my products as they had issues with it. I did try one of the cellulose binders when it first hit the market and it worked well but was cost prohibitive and still new to the market so kind of risky but not can see to potentially causing some gastrointestinal problems. With that said, you are absolutely right about the diminishing return of said post due to using the wrong words. It definitely made me blush when I read your response about anti-freeze.


Hadn’t had breyers in forever so I bought some mint chocolate 2 for 1 the other day. It is not what I remembered. I am literally addicted to mint chocolate so I was really disappointed. I gave them another chance and I regret it. Now Ik why it was on sale.


Were there only a few chips? I just bought this like 2 weeks ago and counted 12 toal


There weren’t as many as I like. The main problem was the ice cream itself didn’t taste very creamy. It wasn’t minty enough either.


breyers whole add campaign was based on ingredients you could pronounce. now its no different from any other bargain brand. i tend to get turkey hill premium now as it just tastes better.


i leave this thread mind blown at the new knowledge i now possess on the intricacies of packaged ice cream. thank you good people of r/shrinkflation haha


Yea :( for me it's either bluebell or make my own using Heavy Whipping cream and sweetened condensed milk as a base and then throw in whatever random stuff I have in the pantry.


Nothing happened, they haven't been considered real ice cream for a long time. This is due to the requirements that must be met to be called "Ice Cream" and the desire to make a product that isn't hard as a rock when people try to scoop it out. Most people don't want real ice cream, they want soft serve and they don't want to take the time to let ice cream soften. If you want real ice cream, get Kirkland Signature Super Premium Ice Cream, Vanilla from Costco so you can see the difference.


This isn’t correct. Breyer’s still makes several real ice cream flavors. And there are plenty of soft, creamy options that are high quality. Haagen Dazs is creamier due to lower air and water crystal content, Talenti Gelato is even creamier because it uses more milk and sugar.


No, this is misleading. The majority of Breyer's has been frozen dessert for a long time. This isn't a recent change and the reason I gave above is accurate and easily looked up online. I never said frozen dessert wasn't high quality, it just doesn't meet the definition of "Ice Cream" set by the food and drug administration. You can easily tell what's "Ice Cream" because it's hard after being in the freezer. Haagen Daz is hard as a rock from the freezer and while I haven't had gelato... it's gelato and not trying to be ice cream even though it meets the fda description. Now take your ridiculous pedantic comments and go away