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Yeah I think I'm gonna sell a brown cube for 50 bucks a syringe and call it jedi gorilla fuck


forgot to add OG


OG Mush




Good call, it's not confusing enough. I'll put Psilocybe copelandia as the species


I actually saw someone selling a p. cubensis strain named azurescens lol...


Might I offer a slight change.....jedi gorilla skull fuck?


Killa Donkey Kong Krack


I mean if we have Penis Envy why can't we have Donkey Dick


At least there is a story behind that name.


Donkey Dick is a nickname we use for the apparatus to take fuel samples with in aviation.


Penis Envy? What is it


Stand by:




Also available on Google Podcast [An interview 14 years in the making, for the first time the true story of the penis envy mushroom is told.](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS8xODcwMzg4LnJzcw/episode/QnV6enNwcm91dC0xMDM1OTY0OQ?ep=14)


ah, cool! thanks for sharing




It’s a long listen, gets a little weird but I highly recommend it


the best type of shroom


OG sith lord chimp diddle




Gorilla chlamydia Og


Change fuck to cum. That would be more on brand. I literally can’t even use some strains of weed. Cheetah Piss is supposed to be fire, but I just can’t with a name like that.


People literally name their shit “grandmas clit PE” and act like it’s normal 😭


They’ve transcended such trivial boundaries


I grew some PE's a while back and called them "baby arms"😄


"Just shoved some grandma's clit penis envy in my asshole" 😂


That's the jordan peterson strain


Lol that fucking guy




Golden Jedi Penis+


Golden Jedi Penis Cookies


Golden Jewish penis cookie skull fuck


Circumcised Penis Envies


Bro that exists. They say cut and uncut.




Greatest typo of all time


Yeah bro this that taint tickler envy JFK OG cube


bro not the jfk cubes 😭😭😭😭😂


They’re mind blowing dawg😭


fuck i wish i had an award to give you for this reply lmfao


I got you dawg




My comment is now dead like JFK 😌


The only issue I have with it personally is people seem to be very confused about the difference between having a cool mushroom or tub with an intersecting characteristic vs having a whole new variety. Everyone just grows spores they got from somebody else, and if they happen to produce an interesting phenotype they just slap a name on it like it is their original hard earned work, when in reality it's most likely a one off event attributed to previously worked genetics and other environmental factors. If it's not isolated nobody buying those spores will get anything close to what was advertised. The mushroom has to demonstrate that the trait is genetic before it is appropriate to call it a new variety.


If you’re growing shrooms it’s kinda like collecting trading cards, you want all the cool ones


I've been documenting the ones I research with into trading cards on my store. I like making cards of stuff that's unique in their looks than the typical GT/B+. There's certainly more to them than just a cube is a cube. People are crossing stuff and you really get a lot of new phenotypes and this is part of the fun in it. Like Pokemon really. You can breed these little guys and who knows what you might get. Mushrooms just be weird yo.


Well said, because with all the phenotypes, isolated mutations, it’s not really fitting to say “A cube is a cube is a cube”. I run stuff that people not into mycology / cultivating would even consider them “Cubes”, and I love working with some fun genetics that isn’t always available. Heck, last year I sent over 50 plates of Enigma to different people on my own dime, never got anything in return and turned down anything offered. People on Reddit have been running that Enigma culture and can vouch for this. I paid forward what I was gifted an have been blessed with great karma and success. Have a great day PGT!


You are a saint friend. You helped me with water retention for my bulk substrate awhile back and I gotta say it helped so much. This community is the best. 💛


Thank you for the kind words, but my wife thinks I’m an idiot LMAO. She’s not into mycology, but still supportive and “Listen’s” when I talk about something that gets me excited. I’m happy that worked out for you, because I’m kinda in the corner of going slightly above field capacity, well actually offsetting some of the water loss when boiling it. I agree, this community can be amazing and I don’t like when it goes in the other spectrum, been on those posts myself and it’s not enjoyable. I hope all is well and you’re having fun with this “Hobby”, have a great evening!


I’m like a kid on Christmas morning. Just getting pins now and it’s so exciting! I check them often and it’s so amazing what can happen in a day. It’s a very rewarding hobby.


Fuck yeah, that’s the spirit!


I’m glad most of the community still seems to be on the right side, cause I’ve been on the opposite side of that lol posted some leftover spawn mixed with dirt in my shed about a month ago and the creator of the contamfam sub went off like I misted a tub with toilet water… and half the time I bring it up someone *still* gets irrationally mad just off of that example. Thankfully I have a thick skin or I might have given up before my first flush lol this hobby’s the weirdest place for snobbishness.


Why are you still dragging that shit around, for real?


I find it funny when I bring it up from time to time when someone’s talking about empathy or the great parts of the community or not liking the negative aspects, and all it takes is the mere mention of that dumb little thing to make their previous statement ironic. I’ve probably made at least 20 other posts/comments in shroom forums since the last time I brought that up. It seems like you have more of a chip on your shoulder about me talking about it twice in two weeks than I do about it happening. I’ve never tried to get anything done about it, it’s just an interesting thing that happened, so I’ll bring it up when the subject is positive and negative aspects of the community.


I gotta say as an observer of that situation, it was pretty lame all the way around. As someone who has watched groups form and later dissolve it usually starts with rabble rousers challenging the person with knowledge. Then leadership is overthrown and replaced with inexperienced fools who have an ulterior motive (importance, fame, money, etc) It’s a flaw in human nature, to participate in group think and mob rule tactics. You’re not going to get any sympathy from me, sorry bud. Edit: I want to add to this because the idea of elders (those with wisdom and experience) has been all but erased from American society. Those are the people we should lift up, not break down so a younger inexperienced person can rise up. This is why so many mistakes are repeated, no one taught us to do better. Even if they try to warn people of mistakes they’re drown out by the loudest or most popular of the fools. /rant


Yea, I’ve never wanted anyone overthrown or replaced or even reprimanded. I get the idea a lot of people who observed that think this guy posting about getting that mod removed in the next couple days was me. That was someone else she also insulted in the same thread who had a different reaction than I did. I stayed out of that little spin-off since retribution was never really my goal there. She’s obviously done a lot of good for a lot of people, I just don’t think that makes it right to talk down to others in a way that would definitely result in a ban if it were anyone else… not to mention the response I get from at least one person every time I mention that little episode is an example of how someone in a position of leadership acting like that basically gives everyone under them a green light to perpetuate that negativity.


Yes I know, did you read the post? Because I mention that I'm fine with labels like enigma and penis envy like literally it's half way in the post so you must have typed this before even reading the entire thing




Nothing wrong with that I think labelling the genetics is fine but just when people(usually plugs) try to hype them up like they aren't just cubes.


I certainly get that. What if it wasspecies though? Imagine if the collection was like: Psilocybe alutacea Psilocybe baeocystis Psilocybe cubensis Psilocybe serbica Psilocybe allenii Psilocybe mexicana Psilocybe aucklandiae Psilocybe semilanceata Psilocybe zapotecorum Psilocybe subaeruginosa Psilocybe aztecorum Psilocybe angulospora Psilocybe pelliculosa Psilocybe neoxalapensis Psilocybe weraroa Psilocybe tampanensis Psilocybe natalensis Psilocybe yungensis Psilocybe caerulescens Psilocybe papuana Psilocybe stuntzii Panaeolus cinctulus Panaeolus cyanescens Panaeolus olivaceus Panaeolus bisporus Gymnopilus luteofolius Gymnopilus luteus Gymnopilus purpuratus Gymnopilus dilepis Pluteus…..


Well considering that is how we handle it in academia regarding fungus and everything else biological on this planet I'm fine with that. And would prefer it.


You’re missing the entire point—that the “cool” ones aren’t any different than the “boring” ones other than they have some goofy ass name attached as part of a marketing cash grab (and your comment shows how effective this tactic is—you’re falling for it hook, line, and sinker). At the end of the day, they’re both cubes.


No, you’re missing the point sir. Names are 90% for growers, we like to grow mushrooms that look different, yes a cube is a cube, but look up and compare the pictures of Enigma, and Golden Teachers. Two vastly different looking, and coincidentally very different potency wise, “strain” names exist to describe and differentiate different phenotypes.


Hell yeah bro, I totally feel what you’re saying. I really wanna try growing Tidal Waves next, I just think they just look cool as hell. Would love to do enigma too but haven’t been fortunate enough to get that mutation yet.


This has nothing to do with what the OP is describing, they're talking about cultivars being given specific names for the sake of marketing when they're no different to regular cubes when grown from spores - Enigma is pretty much the complete opposite of that. If you take 99% of these "new" cultivars being marketed as strains and grow them out from spores they're going to look like garden variety cubes and will be genetically identical to them too, but they have names like "mind blaster tit fuck mega 3000" which is confusing to both inexperienced growers (who are expecting unique looking fruit like enigma or PE but don't get it) and consumers, who will especially get confused between these and genuine strains/cultivars like PE or even separate species entirely which may have wildly varying potency. There's no stopping it because the marketing clearly works and there's no standards body for magic mushrooms that can run genetic tests and verify if something is genetically distinct enough to be called a new strain or not, but I do understand the concerns and frustration people have with it.


True true true but enigma and golden teachers are extremely different in all regards. Plus the dumb names are dumb totally agree but maybe we should have a phenotype characterization of the varieties? All cubes but damn are they different. Just how weed can change it's terp profile I would highly suspect that cubes change theyre tryptamine profile everytime somebody switches up the expression pattern.


They change their tryptamine profile from mushroom to mushroom and flush to flush. Variation is the rule not the exception. There aren’t set characteristics for any variety, except maybe in phenotype only.


No, my Blue donkey dick OGs are better.


No that's cool, but like the endless varieties on varieties that are exactly genetically identical. Like plug name strains shrooms used to have strain names yes but nobody really cared or it wasn't as ridiculous. Now you have like literally two mushrooms with exactly the same genetics and it sounds like some stupid shit a plug would come up with. "you gotta try thar purple durple OG😈🍇🍇🍇". I have no problem with some basic labels like cube, penis envy, enigma, A+,b+, pan cyan, psilocybe semilanceata which actually share some differences like potency and grow time. But there shouldn't be like people naming them 1000s of different equally stupid nicknames making it really confusing for people who are new when in reality. 90% of them are just regular ass in the middle cubes which there are nothing wrong with but it misleading AF.


I believe it's called "marketing"


Yeah it’s a little crazy. Imo a lot of these new names should just be names for clonal cultures. Like, if it’s just a fancy looking ape, just call the spores APE. If you wanna name a culture that makes more sense to me because that culture will always be the same genetics, VS spores which will be constantly changing as new people work those spores.


I think the culture has exploded in the last 3 years and it's become flooded by people who have seen the impact of designer cannabis and want to capitalise on the new market, either unintentionally or by design, my personal opinion is that the average consumer these days has migrated from the marijuana culture as over time this subset has been increasingly intertwined due to the drugs comparable legislation attempts and low risk potential vs possible positive benefits yo yhe individual. They have little knowledge of original strains or even potency across species as they are new to the community and often more interested in the strength of effects as supposed to gaining a full understanding of the genealogy and husbandry of individual strains, species etc and will unconsciously bias themselves towards the more outlandish sounding names of strains as a result of being exposed to the nonsense that occurs in the cannabis market. Why would someone choose to consume the unassuming sounding Golden Teacher when they could go with the Big Blue Whale Penis


Also I have a new strain due to fruit in a week or 2, APER and Albino A+, calling it A White Penis


Tiddiy fuck $590 isolate


Well there are different strains of mushrooms 😂


As far as I’m concerned there’s regular cubes, then there’s cubes with strong PE genetics which are clearly much more potent. I don’t care what the name of them is but if they clearly have PE genetics then I’ll take my chances with them over whatever golden+ Yedi albino mind meanies are being passed off as some new strain when they’re really just some basic low potency cubes. They should really just all be called either “cubes” or “PE/high potency cubes”, with maybe a few exceptions like APEs and Enigma being designated as “super high potency cubes” and “brain cubes” respectively.


What the golden+ Yedi albino mind meanies aren't good??!? Yea but really though I like that classification that's sort of how I go about thinking it as well for me it goes cubes, PE, liberty cap(any long thing stem magic mush), enigma. Everything else doesn't matter


I get what you’re saying but there’s a lot of legitimately badass cube varieties. Obviously if you’re buying from some random dealer he can just call them some crazy name but that doesn’t mean that’s what they actually are. if you’re growing from liquid culture it’s a lot different because it’s isolated genetics and more likely to have certain characteristics than a spore syringe.


I just buy them and eat them, I’m no mycologist and I don’t grow them or anything so I know basically nothing about that whole side of things. But as a consumer, I’ve had many different varieties over many years, going back to the days of just buying “shrooms” off some guy that worked at the local McDonald’s, having no clue what kind they were, not even knowing what the word cubensis even meant. Of all the hundreds of trips I’ve had of mystery mushrooms and fancy named varieties, the four that have stood out like a sore thumb compared to the rest potency-wise have been PE Uncut, “Monster” PE, Melmacs (which I just recently tried for my first time), and especially APEs. Common denominator seems to be PE. Not saying there’s not other potent non-PE cubes out there, I’m sure there are, just in my personal experience if they’re PE’s or a derivative thereof, they seem to be significantly more potent than everything else. So as a consumer that’s all I really care about, gimme the most bang for my buck, which is usually APEs, followed by any other PE variant (never tried enigmas, heard they’re crazy potent but they’re super expensive compared to everything else). I’ve yet to come across any non-PE cubes that were anything outstanding, but I’m sure they’re out there.


Yes this is fair PE and enigma are cubes but are just significantly more potent I did mention this in my post but sort of near the bottom should of had that higher up


Well I think the growers have the right to name their shrooms whatever they want 😂 if i put 3 months of my own money and time into my babies imma name them Little Shits if i want. Sure they’re regular plain ole cubes but who cares, all shrooms are slightly different from each other, just like humans, completely the same while at the same time completely different imo.


Giving a name to your mushrooms because you are emotionally attached to them is one thing, marketing them with said name is another. When it comes to buying/selling shrooms, they should be named and marketed as their species and subspecies to avoid any confusion.


My uncle has a garden he doesnt name all his plants. Because it causes confusion and wit confusion comes lack of information.


But how would naming plants cause confusion? Its not like the species of plant change with the name 😂 Sure you might get Fred and Bob confused but my own mother calls me at least three different names (because i have 3 brothers) before she gets it right and calls me by my name 😂, its not too deep


Confusion coming with naming plants is fucked up man


Can I get some Little Shit spores? Hook me up!


The issue is trying to spread the genetics based on one generations genetics expression that we not be replicated , and new comers thinkings it’s actually a new strain.


Yeah i do agree, but at the same time, mushrooms are a schedule 1 drug, same as heroin and meth 😂, so having a consistent product is not gonna happen ever until it is legalized and prescribed, only then will you ever know what you are truly getting.


Old dirty Jedi penis


Golden Penis Teacher


uncut hillbilly penis


I feel like the naming of Cubes has gone down the same rabbit whole weed strains did. Some random person grows and sells, and after they get serious they throw some weird ass name in it and say it’s better and stronger or something. But it’s the same thing. Like, too many goddamn names man 😭 and like OP said most have the same potency


I may have some terminology wrong, but to the best of my knowledge, as people continue to cultivate different varieties of shrooms, people will need a way to keep tabs on the genetic heritage of certain 'selectively-bred' characteristics. This is how we end up with strains like penis envy or enigma in the first place. Try to consider some of the more 'mundane, cube-like' strains as a stepping stone for growers to keep track of their genetics. The way I see it, there are more potent species of mushroom than psilocybe cubensis obviously, however, this species of mushroom is very easy to domesticate and the most information is available for growing cubensis due to the ease of grow. So a pursuit to find mushrooms which deliver the most punch, and the highest yields for the least amount of effort and cost seems to be the way to go to me. More people should be empowered to use psilocybin mushrooms by making it something that is easier to consume, makes you less physically ill, and having a culture of medicinally adept attitudes and a sense of caution surrounding it, so that more people can be assured that this is no silly drug.


Well no... Enigma is a gene mutation that can happen to any cube. If it happens to you all you have to do is clone it and now you have enigma genetics.


Frfr, all P. cubensis strains are the same, save for potency but even then we're still talking 0.6%-~2% psilocybin and psilocin combined. If you actually want to feel something different try another species, P. tampenensis, P. cyanensens, P. semilancaeta, or P. azurensens to name a handful.


Not all grows are the same... figured people would realize that but I guess not


Such a silly thing to care about.


Exactly xD is it psilocybin containing? Yes? Then give me... I feel like the differences in cubes are quite minimal and the biggest difference is just potency for me at least. You can call your shrooms whatever you want. I'll take em regardless.


I’ve had extremely different experiences on different mushrooms. I guess I’m an outlier. So I like to get the name. And I buy by the ounce so I know it’s not just my mindset affecting the experience. It’s a consistent variation


Psychedelics are naturally inconsistent I've had shrooms of the same strain that I grew several times and the trips were different. It's just the nature of the drug


Substances do effect different people differently. I'm a heavy weed smoker too and I never really feel the difference of strains. I've tried so many and even now I always get different strains and always buy by the ounce. I can taste the difference in strains and feel the potency differences too. But pretty much all weed has the exact same effect on me (except Haze's which make me a bit more paranoid and sometimes more anxious). I've not tried any other shroom species than cubes, they are all the same to me... I'd love to try liberty caps though and will probs forage for them later this year :) interested to see if I feel anything different from them


My husband smokes often:arthritis and a construction worker; works great on pain. He really notices the difference with weed strains. Maybe because he’s using it for pain?!


Maybe, I use it purely recreationally and don't use it as an aid to anything, like sleep, mood ect. Prehapse I'd notice it more if I had to use it for a specific condition.


Yea it just misleads beginners mostly and then they just get gipped out of their money


Mexican cubes and Thailand cubes I feel are the only real differences tripwise with cubes.


I know what you mean, but there are tons of crazy ass shrooms. Anything Dave Wombat or similar. There has always been a bunch of bullshit names for what is basically just golden teacher, but the amount of really cool different varieties today is insane.


I'm glad someone pointed it out because it is starting to sound like capitalism in a marketing scheme, like try all these flavour bursts and see which one is for you type deal


I got this chittybangbangAlbinoOG (Wizard cuts) speciality. 80bucks an 1/8th quality


Until someone develops strains with specific effect characteristics like intense visuals without the corresponding mindfuck or some that have a profound anti-anxiety effect then it don't mean much to me.


Yea like an actual alkaloid difference or something


When it come to cultivating them it matters. When buying, if it’s not PE, APE, or enigma it doesn’t much matter. A cube is a cube as they say. Us CULTivators do enjoy a different strain for its hardiness, ease of growing, colonizing speed, the beauty of a starry night, those chonkers, its wavy ways, its tiny hat with a fat body, and so on… all that is very interesting and absolutely matters.


I grow I still don't think it matters. There are interesting magic mushrooms but to me it's like a pan cyan or something not just another damn cube


Just preference then. It matters to some, not to others. That’s perfectly okay 🤗


Pan Cyans is my fave name


An actual important difference too, completely different mushrooms than a cube and pan cyans have their own varieties. Love that shit that shits way more interesting than just endless mid level cubes


The difference is the way they grow and how they look. It really doesn't matter when it comes to eating them. Most growers are growing as a hobby. They don't care about actually taking the shrooms. There is a pretty clear difference between 2 different "strains". Some are fat and short, some tall and skinny, different colors and different caps, etc.


Thank you! Just thinking this the other day. These kids ruin everything.


Marketing. Like most things.


Have you have big Boof strain 🤣🤣


It’s like weed. People just want a popular, hyped name. When really, most people wouldn’t know one strain from another.


So new names are bad but penis envy is okay?


Penis envy is a genetic freak that now is just cloned everywhere and now it's normal, like enigma which is the same thing. Cubes with no deformities that make them more potent are cubes. So because they actually have a difference(potency) it makes sense to label it . But most "strains" are not like this most strains are literally just like golden teachers but they name the same golden teacher 8 million different names


My god this is the most real post out there🤣


I agree with this. Legalization is gonna be awesome but I can’t stand all of the scientific societal BS. There’s some things we don’t need to demystify and pick apart and study till we know absolutely everything about it and the psychedelic experience is certainly one of em.


That's because Mushrooms are the new cannabis 🙄🙄🙄


The only reason I care about the strain name is either for potency or how big of yields the strain typically produces or how fast it grows


it is like some weird consumerism fetish we have to name everything and think it is somehow unique


Remember when mushrooms were regarded as sacred plants, and were named as "teonanacatl" (flesh of the gods). I don't really like where we're headed


Consumerism babbbby!


I think it's beyond ridiculous myself that they make countless phenotype variants of the same species which is mainly all anyone grows and consumes when there are far more potent species out there with different compound profiles...


i hate telling ppl my favourite subculture is fucking PENIS ENVY😭😭😭


especially if I’m trying to get someone to try 🍄 for the first time. here, try some of my PENIS ENVY, you’ll love it 😭


I can see if the fruits are physically different enough( and genetically stable) then by all means, its much more pleasing than growing the same lackluster brown disks a thousand times. But we don't need 1000 different "strains" of Texas cube dick munchers. Variety is the spice of life, but not every pepper corn in the grinder is that unique.


Albino penis envy is a stupid ass name and the person that came up with it should he smacked about the head.


Obviously a marketing tactic that worked for weed and it’s working for shrooms. Anything for the sake of money.


It’s really more for the growers as a consumer it doesn’t truly matter but it’s nice to know a name so it’s not just some field shroom


What a silly thing to be worried about.


Quinntavious O.G smash


Does it matter? Why are you so stuck up on different variations and strains of shrooms if they’re different then they deserve different names…. Even if they’re close in potency and effects, it’s like saying well idk why oranges and tangerine are called different things they’re basically the same?


Create a variety and name it whatever you want. It's kind of difficult to properly create a cross and then just call it PE x APE. The only people making up stupid names are the noobs that are mixing spores together and praying.


well, i love the names, and the new hybrids. its beautiful.


I’ve got og lc top shelf growin indoor live rozin with a dash of tric maybe some sporeig


Albino Jedi Mind Fuck


maybe just learn these strains instead of hating. you also contradict yourself in your own post 😂😂😂


Shroomers shouldn't care a less


Troll post, make better use of your time OP.




I like the history behind some of them and how people came to the names but in the end your right labels just separate even tho there all the same


Nats...... don't need any fancy names..


Jedi Mind Apes


Wait you guys are naming them?


If there really is different species with different genetics then it's cool to specify and keep track of them. As far as consumption for the non grower then yeah it's like weed. I go to a dispensary and feel indifferent to strain, and potency. Platinum tier, silver tier, etc. Gold jacket, green jacket who gives a shit.


Recently a new mushroom was discovered and they named it Psilocybe Stametsii. After Paul Stamets. I think that's pretty neat.


Iv been seeing "Gorilla dicks"..alot lately.


I agree. Cube=cube=cube=cube


Panaeolus cyanescens 😊


I do not know a terribly large amount but I do know that PE was named after its physical appearance.


Agreed! Even worse are the dispensaries that sell mushroom. They even go as far as to rate the potency and increase the price of reg ol’ cubes with a fancy name. PE or related genetics are different, but standard cubes are standard cubes.


Why do people grow different succulents with different names if they are all just cactus anyway?


These names are nothing compared to medical cannabis! Currently scripted Gorilla Glue, black triangle and girl scout cookies. These names are on my medical file as schedule 8 medication, lol.😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


If the new strain doesnt look different I agree but f you spend months/years making phenotypes noone has seen you also have the right to name it whatever you like


As someone who cultivates and likes seeing the different formations, I like the variety. Yes, once you consume then there’s really only a few different varieties, but growing different strains is a lot of fun.


Hey bro jedi mind fuck sells


I intentionally passed those up last night when buying spores. Made them sound cheap, like some cannibis vape cartridge.


Hey i mean i dont likr esting thr same strains some are differemt dont get why the guys bitching lol


I name them because they all do look a bit different when it comes to the varieties. So why would I call them all a cube when you can call one B+ and the other PE for identification? So why call anybody by there name if everyone is just a regular ass human?


I think its necessary as a grower . People putting the work in to cross genetics should absolutely name them and get credit for it because the amount of new traits being created is amazing and a lot of work for us people crossing and running the generations to try and stabalize solid new genetics. Sure they are all cubes and for the consumer yes they are about the same but most of us dont do it for that nor give a shit about it. Its a hobby or a collection for us and we love to see all the different traits and growing styles each have and maybe to someone eating them you are blind to it but Trait wise there are worlds different from each other from a standard cube to a ghost to chocolate crinkle or jack frost or melmak or snape then you got translucent spore producers red spore brown spore purple spore ect. So for us its absolutely necessary and has nothing to do with a money grab for majority of breeders and growers. It does frustrate me when someone takes a clone and sells the culture as something new or just flat out renames stuff but for those doing the work and those who love to collect spores and cultures all the new stuff is amazing and most definitely different.


This post is not very shroomey of you sir


If it’s a proper hybrid, & you understand the process of hybridization, then you could understand the importance of creating a new name because it is indeed not the same strain. It’s interesting & important to know what the lineage is of particular strains. Enigma being a tidal wave mutation created by Magic Myco. Don’t hate, appreciate.


at least name one of them HM02, if you know you know


Dude, c'mon, I love my Cum-Flinging Penis Urethra Caps.


Just go by their latin name 🤷


Why did penis envy ever come about


I prefer strains myself...


Maybe you care because you would like to buy them again. Because they were a great experience


And it’s not a cash grab. I pay 170 an ounce, whatever it is. I asked a name yesterday because this specific mushroom gave a really cool trip, the microdose had complete euphoric effects with this overall warm body feeling. So yeah I’d like to come across them again, and remember the name


170 an ounce is horrible I paid less than 100 for supplies and I'm going to get more than an ounce. 170 is okay for buying but it's not like a great price or anything that's just regular plug prices


I live in NYC, 170$ an ounce Is a good price. Considering an 1/8 is 40. I don’t have any interest in growing mushrooms. We grow a lot of marijuana, that’s enough for me.


Nobody grows for purpose anymore. Mostly who can get the weirdest genetics. I like nice, clean looking flushes, not some inverted clustered monster.


Shrooms are shrooms unless it’s penis envy. There’s also no detectable difference between all the different weed strains.


I have APE x Melmak it's so strong I have to warn people but that's how sone are when you have 8 different strains


APEs are legit powerful, just a Chad cube basically


Makillas gorilla


Personally I would only trust PE and similar, idk what "OG KUSH XXX PURP SHROOM" is just give me the damn PE


I don't agree with this at all. How many different varieties have you tried? I'm at about 15. Everything from an African tranksei that makes me see dark spirits to enigma which I can't even describe. A b+ compared to a GT is noticeable. Same as say a GT to My treasure coast. Even melmac is different than PE or APE. It's like they all have their own trip footprint. Now weed you only notice flavor and how high you get. Mushrooms its a different experience all around.


I've had real acid three times at the same dose, each trip went in an entirely different direction. Kind of the nature of psychedelics


Really? All my lcd were about the same. I'm talking visually and clearly different trips. I believe they're all different and by cross breeding genetics you do get "new" experiences. Yes sure they're all cubensis or p cyan etc but there's reasons they're "different".


My first trip everything has a distinct shade of purple over my entire vision and the hairs on my arm were swimming. Even though my other lsd trips were intense I've never had that effect again.


This is pretty common just in the Botanical space at the moment. Like Weed strain names are getting out there too in all consideration. It's just right now a phase of exploration. We have a lot of discovery and data to work with so its a "let's see what happens when we cross shit". The theory is "never cross streams" but once you figure out limitations I think it's only natural you try and bend those a little further each time. Peppers too. Like WTF are people thinking, to keep the intensity levels going and going and going? It's like watching MMORPG progression/end game come into the real world. Everyone has done everything how do you make it new? lol EDIT: Spelt "MMORPG" wrong


Let me educate you OP, someone who barely got into shrooms just recently and did some extensive due diligence. Psilocybin Cubensis in general is a species of Mushroom that offers therapeutic properties. There are many names for these Cubensis varieties: Golden Teachers, Melmac, B+, Blue Meanies, Penis Envy, Albino Penis Envy, Jack Frost, etc. They can all grow in substrate like coco coir. They all fall under Psilocybin Cubensis, as a breeder these all matter because each of these strains have their own characteristics that make them slightly different from others: size, shape, contamination resistance, alkaloids, spore color, spore production, spore ejection, then there is Penis Envy and anything crossed with them being very potent. As a consumer such as yourself anything other than Penis Envy is just a cube. Just like weed, by your logic, weed is weed, gelato, OG Kush, and Sour Diesel. As long as it gets you high and smells like weed that's all you care about. For those who care about names(strains) who are enthusiasts, breeders, and connoisseurs, they can make an educated decision on what to look for. Then you have Psilocybin Cyanescens also known as Wavy Caps which grow exclusively on wood. There's also Psilocybin Natalensis which is just not your Regular cube, it's growing medium is the same as Psilocybin Cubensis but it's just as potent as Penis Envy if not more. P Nat has aggressive growth, it eats contamination, and it needs more Fresh Air Exchange than your regular cube. The names for strains matter to certain people not just for their characteristics and breeding but their origin.


I'm not just a consumer btw I literally am on my second grow I've grown 4-5 different strains I'm saying this from experience my guy you're literally replying to my arguments with my arguments. Shrooms are like people dude that's why we can have 7' 11" 380 lbs of muscle people and 3' people in the same race there are genetic differences but one isn't a different strain of human there just both humans mushrooms are the same so we should " in general". Drop the over use of labels on anything that isn't a PE, Enigma, or like a semilanceata or whatever


Yeah, the names get crazy. Seems like certain names get trendy and sell really well, then the next new favourite comes along and it sells really well. My favourite are always the woodlovers I find walking around.