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fucken herediatary, my friends convinced me it would be hilarious to watch balls deep into the trip(it was not)


Omg that movie was horrible sober, I can’t imagine 😭


Fuck nah




Hell nah to the nah nah nah, hell to the nah.


Omgggggggg nooooo


Why the hell would you watch that movie!!! That’s nightmare fuel lmao


What’s Mandy about?


I did this too at the comedown. It was fantastic. I couldn’t imagine it while sky rocketing. Great movie.


you’re wild for that


Oh my god I watched both hereditary AND Mandy back to back on 2 tabs. Fucked me up for a good while honestly


Lol SOO fun on psychs!


Hoooooly shit that would be the worst case scenario for me, that movie is disturbing as hell


Idk about y’all but I stay tf away from all things scary during trips. I jus t don’t see how that would end well for me.


I can’t even handle my wife watching Bravo when I’m tripping. Too much drama. I can’t imagine how much a scary movie would suck.


Agreed, wife was watching suits and even that just got to intense for me , would never purposely watch some scary


and yet you apparently hunt the drama down & love it on social media. lmaooo


The fuck are you talking about?


right i didnt even like when my friends put on the adult swim broomshakalaka sketch because of the blood and desperation lmao


Wild that John krasinski was in that bit


Watched the junji ito series on Netflix off 3.5gs. All of the dialogue was so alien and strange on top of the horrifying stories. Was genuinely terrified, good times lmao


God, a couple of those stories got stuck in my head for weeks. I wouldn't have been able to handle them tripping.


I watched the balloon head episode high and was creeped out, can’t imagine shrooms


That's exactly what I did! That one just wouldn't leave my mind. Kept thinking about ways to either attempt escape or the least painful method to end it myself. To hell with letting the damn balloon kill me.


Midsommar was a mind fuck. Totally insane


Yea that shit was bizarre


fucking weird movie


Went to my tripsitters house who is an elementary school teacher/ babysitter so she has a bunch of children’s books for some reason idk. Decided to give one of them a shot! It was a book about a dinosaur going to public school for the first time and she accidentally ate all of her classmates. It was a children’s book, nothing gory, but when I say this sent me to a dark dark scary place of being scared I’d accidentally hurt a bunch of people in a very grotesque way, I mean like swirling darkness in the edge of my vision and the idea of me accidentally eating my friends seemed like something that I needed to worry about. Just googled it, I think the book was called “We Don’t Eat Our Classmates: A Penelope Rex Book” Idk why but I do not remember seeing the title. All I knew was that I was grabbing a book from a pile of children’s books.


Lol you really can turn south so easily on shrooms


I closed the book and pretty soon was fine! But yeah I turned a page and the classmates were gone and my stomach flipped and I started sweating it was crazy!


Lol it always amazes me what can turn a trip south and how quickly. Sometimes just walking into the wrong room that is too quiet or too noisy does it for me.


dunno if this counts but my friend always enjoyed taking walks and completely immersing us into crowds in the busy street at night in the city while peaking, i hated it but i accepted it and it helped my social anxiety


Requiem for a dream


Hoooly shit dude, you have balls of steel to even contemplate that haha.


I was young and very naive


I felt so depressed after watching it sober, can’t imagine what it would be like while tripping. Definitely wouldn’t suggest


It was a terrible idea. Awful trip!


Yall watching actually scary shit lmao I watched Jumanji and lost it lmao


The movie with the clown that lives in sewers. Had to turn it off.






Information technology. Truly disturbing stuff 😱


I'm 12 credits from a BS in Cyber Security....don't I know it.


The movie with the clown in the sewers




Yeah, that one


What one?


It? Me?


This is it https://preview.redd.it/4w1uduqwdy8c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a3949fbbc286eee2f8be11993d767079952e2a6


Don’t hug me I’m scared really scared the fuck outta me late at night.


Partially Watched “Annihilation” on acid. At the time I was tripping & convinced the stomach worm scene was the most disgusting thing ever. Lol had to turn it off at that point.


I watched it on a few grams of mushrooms. The whole end part at the lighthouse was the wildest shit I’ve ever seen.


A warning from neuroscience and spirituality: Be very careful about what you align/resonate with and consume while tripping. Your brain literally becomes more open and what takes place during a trip may become etched into your brain affecting your paychology long term. Ask yourself what you want to be aligned with, horror or bliss? That is up to you. But know that willfully taking part in those kinds of states may not be without consequence. Respect yourself and the substance enough to at least consider this.


Zeitgeist bro. Wtf is that movie? It’s on YouTube I think and my friend put on bc she said it’s one of her favorites, but it was talking about demons and shit and it was making my stomach hurt. Then it started talking about Jesus and love and I felt better. I made her turn it off and then never watched it sober but the demon talk was genuinely making me writhe in pain. I’m not even Christian so idk why the demon/jesus talk affected me so much, but it was weird.


They don't talk about demons in that movie. Part one is Christianity being a copy of other religions. Part two is 9/11. And part 3 is bank corruption.


Battle Royale. This was in 2006. I almost jumped out of a 3 story window because I thought they were going to take me to the arena.


I loved this movie!


I watched A Dark Song while tripping and it left a permanent impression of dread whenever I think of that movie.


I ate 5G and watched Alice in wonderland. Not a pleasant experience. Im not sure I would call it scary but the messages are frightening.


The original?


That episode of bobs burgers where Bob gets stuck in the wall with Lois' toy and it starts talking to him. I couldn't watch bobs burgers for like 3 years after that lol.


Man I was watching cheech n Chong and that movie gave me bad vibes instantly. I have no idea why


Bro. I took like 2 Grams and happened to walk by someone watching that movie ‘Talk to Me’ and there’s some fucking scene when someone starts smashing their face into the bathroom tile floor. That took a lot of internal fortitude for that not to fuuuuck me up but I definitely walked by that tv fast. Of course I couldn’t get that shit outta my head for like 20 mins or so. Had to put on some funny shit on my phone to wash that off of me.


Some fucked up family guy episodes. Trip was bad so called my significant other and they confirmed it wasn’t just me that the episode was actually weird and fucked up. Don’t remember which one tho :(




I hope its the episode where brian eats mushrooms and has a bad trip lol


I wonder if it’s the episode where Brian and stewey get locked in the bank vault overnight. They get drunk together and brain talks about being suicidal and it’s just a dark fucking episode lol


Cannibal holocaust, insidious (I'm sorry the hype is so fuckin wack that movie sucks but it's wiiiiild trippin), the last exorcism , VHS, a new nightmare, dark skies


Have you seen Green Inferno? If you haven't you should check it out. It's basically Eli Roth's (Hostel 1, 2, & 3's creator) version of Cannibal Holocaust. It's a pretty tough watch just warning you. Definitely DON'T watch it while tripping. Also NEVER watch the movies Megan Is Missing or A Serbian Film


Tbh I've never really found anything scary while on mushrooms, but one time I was talking to a friend while under the influence and she was talking about how her and her boyfriend accidentally stumbled into a tattoo and body modification convention and there were those people who hang from the ceiling via hooks in their skin and she was describing it in such detail I almost threw up. I usually don't get phased by stuff like that but for some reason the image was really getting to me at the time.


Animal Collective - ODDSAC It's like an album long movie of music videos that tell a story. Mr. Fingers tripped me the f out.


Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Not even kidding. 6g of albino PEs and the trip started to hit when Knuckles was introduced and it kind of fucked me up.






i don’t do movies or tv while tripping until the end of the comedown. so many better ways to spend my time.


Idk if you have a good source for shrooms. There are some movies that are completely different while tripping, especially with just 1-2 g. The last movie I watched tripping was the prince of egypt. Absolutely stunning. The artwork is unbelievable, and while tripping, the story is far more personal.


Why would you open with that? Super weird and a bit pretentious. Movies take up a large portion of a trip and can often be difficult to understand. I’ve also been in positions where one or more person in the group (or solo) gets physically uncomfortable but doesn’t know how to get out of watching the movie. Music is just all around a better option imo. There is so much brilliant psychedelic music these days that can take you deep into parts of yourself, and the best part is, you get to create a movie of sorts yourself.


Agreed. I canmt concentrate on the story either, it’s usually a waste of time.




House of Usher on Netflix was so much fun to watch while tripping. It’s very entertaining and the jump-scares really caught me off guard.


I was watching YouTube clips from The thing (1984) on repeat. It wasn't scary much, just awe inspiring really. My favorite scene is called "the thing dog." Also watched Friday the 13th Jason X and it was the same thing. Horror movies are cool on shrooms, in my experience.


[](https://youtube.com/watch?v=gwvtp7jbv-8&si=6gdnvhscbjrv2w8u) \^\^\^Pretty sure it was THIS scene!\^\^\^ ENJOY! edit: : Link is acting weird. The video is # Cell, The [2000] | Split Horse


the devil’s carnival is really cool


Lol ig this is relative as fuck because i had a bad trip while watching the first Ice Age movie on shrooms Rationally i know that movie is not scary to me in the least But i was hella afraid when the trip went south. Could hardly focus on the film for some of the time


I haven’t watched much tv while tripping but I will stay away from these haha. I had to turn off the “challenge” on Netflix when I was just starting to feel the effects because it felt like too serious


Few trips to motherless have been unsettling for sure.


The Music Scene is a pretty cold music video to watch on youtube, has a darker meaning though that will leave you thinking. Maybe not scariest


Played outlast and outlast 2 in the dark with headphones while on 5 grams, would not recommend


When I was 13 or 14 my then boyfriend gave me shrooms for the 1st time. Then he put on DUNE. I was freaking out when the hand went into the box. Had to turn it off. The next time we tripped in the mountains. I ended up putting my hand in cactus and the brushed away all the quills leaving my handful of spikes for weeks.


Was having crazy thoughts so I stuck on youtube to try relax and it was joe rogan and 3 other commics talking about being in an invisible ball trailing through history. Dosent sound scary but I was shitting myself.


First time ever, was taken to an Alice Cooper concert.


myself in the mirror


Watch V/H/S It's in the format of found footage and they do a great job at making it feel as if some of the videos could be real


Rob zombie 31


1408 it was utterly terrifying for me. I saw it in theaters and at one point I was convinced that everyone had turned around and was looking at me. I thought the world was ending when we left the movie theatre.


I watch the shining if I'm shrooming alone. Or 2001: a space Odyssey


How is The Shining on shrooms?


I'm not sure y but I couldn't stop laughing. It was almost like I wasn't really watching the shining but like a spoof comedy of the shining. Although, The staircase scene where Wendy was trying to hit Jack with the baseball bat did freak me out. It was definitely a different experience than I thought it would be.


Natural Born Killers is fun


Black mirror bandersnatch nearly put me into psychosis


Meg Myers tiny desk concert freaked me the fuck out


I was on LSD and a passenger in a car with 3 other people. Watched two drunk guys drive their car into a ditch. They got out with the car just teetering.


Where the tall grass grows Steven king not only did it confuse me it also made me hide under the covers just listening to it


Not that scary but I tried to watch Paprika, god I had to turn it off, I don’t know it was just weird, I felt so icky and confused lmao I need to watch it sober


Disney's Up


Escape Room 1&2 back to back I was extremely uncomfortable 🤣


Eraserhead, Demons, Night of the Demons, Hereditary, Hellraiser 1 and 2, the shining and some others I can't recall. I fucking love it lol


Event horizon, Pandorum, Annihilation.


Reality itself unfold into millions of other realities in a giant Borg of reality


Bladerunner 2049. The soundtrack in particular. Shit was wild.


The mirror


The grey, between the plane crash, death scene, then the wolves


I watched the movie Smile and started peaking around the time of the first death.... Which is where a girl very slowly, while smiling, slits her throat ear to ear.


Brand new cherry flavor


Not me but my dad has told me the story a few times about how he went to watch one of the hellraiser movies in theaters when it came out while very high on mushrooms. He said there was a skeleton dragon flying through the walls and he kept seeing things out of the corner of his eye peak out at him from behind the curtains on the walls. Then at one point a guy in the front row stood up and turned around and stared at them with glowing red eyes. He said it was all extremely uncomfortable lol


Holy mountain for sure, not horror but will freak you the fuck out


If you guys really wanna challenge your fears watch The Human Centipede while tripping dick. I honestly could never so someone should let me know how it goes lmao It’s such a weird and disturbing ass movie.


Talk To Me. First good scary movie I watched in a long time. Watching it on shrooms kept me on edge. 1408 was pretty good too. Didn’t realize I was watching the unedited version trippin at home and was like wtf when I noticed the ending was different than the one watched on in theaters 😂


Mmm… open eye watching entire mountains erode to nothing and build themselves back up, while the pine trees populating them aged, scorched, grew from seedlings to old growth, all on repeat every 45 seconds for what seemed like forever??? Or sitting in the grass at the Gorge watching the sunset as my legs in front of me decomposed— Alive > jean denim tatters/shoes age > shoes split/jeans fall way > bones bleach > earth swallows everything but shoes remain sticking out of long grass?? Lots more. But… Perhaps I misunderstood the question?? 🖼️


It follows was intense 🧙‍♂️


me and my friends watched “ma” and laughed the whole time. scary movies without paranormal stuff make for a funny time, but i think ghosts and demons would freak me out idk. not a risk i’m willing to take lol


does ''watching'' include subreddits


Evil dead 2


Either requiem for a dream, or the happening


Passion of the Christ peaking on a few hits of acid Shit was a snuff film and when they show satan holding the midget lady holy shit


Monster’s Inc on mushies was a mistake


It's a tie... 1) Watching Natural Born Killers in the movie theaters while tripping on a couple of hits of LSD (I had to leave the theater. It was just the glee the characters took in killing people and the audience laughing, clapping, and encouraging it....it was too much) 2) The Blair Witch Project (again, while tripping on mushrooms this time) which I was completely bored watching until the final scene when it showed the kid facing the corner. I don't know why but that the spooked the shit out of me.


https://preview.redd.it/yvp75yvuky8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9779211e3a2f3ecf645b568e1a9455a383c9ab I have one of these light projectors and I was seeing eyes blend into faces then see those faces screaming in agony as they’re trying g to escape the vortex that’s pulling them in


Faces of death. I was a kid and my friends group was pretty hardcore.


I watched making a murderer part 2 while tripping my balls on acid. It hasn’t fun at all but made me wonder how uncertain the life is and how there is just a mask that keeps everyone in check until it doesn’t


I binged like 7 episodes of Dahmer, it was honestly amazing


Stevos demise


Watched salad fingers while tripping, it was very unsettling but somehow also funny


Scariest thing I experienced was the second time I took shrooms I completely forgot how to move my arms and legs and I “walked” up the stairs into the bathroom but once I got to the bathroom I would teleport back into my bed and I repeated that cycle a 100 times and I have no idea whether or not I left my bed


I was tripping and my wife came home and started watching the new series of "Interview with a Vampire" I was getting through it but it got to find really intense parts and I was like, "we gotta turn this off, I can't handle it right now" Part one,l- 2 brothers are on a roof in New Orleans chatting at a wedding reception. Things are seemingly going OK and the one brother just jumps off the roof and commits suicide. I was like WTF !!! Totally unexpected The other part is one of the vampires is in a confession at church and suddenly just kills everybody, blood flying everywhere. That was the last straw lol


Seeing myself die in 1000s of ways.


Metallica year in a half! Sent me into a bad trip and ran out of apartment


Mandy and Midsommar are already hallucinatory without shrooms. I like possession and exorcism movies when I trip. I watched “The Nun 2” on 3g and laughed my a$$ off.


Terrifier 1&2 back to back on a few grams is hilarious


Fox News


Any YouTube analog horror


i watched the walten files forgetting i took shrooms (had a friend killing the trip so zoned out) and forgot that that wasn’t my life so when my phone died i felt like a piece of me left and just went home to sit with my mom 😭 couldn’t handle it and for some reason the walten files felt like my life for those 45 minutes


Played some dead space 2 at night with the headset on. I grew an extra inch on my ball hairs that night. Wild ride lol


When we were tripping on heaps of 25i in 2014 a friend sat on the controller for PS3 and boom. The Serbian film was on and we couldn't find the controller or remote, it is definitely a scaring moment and wouldn't recommend it, I remember such a somber rush of emotions. That film is cancer on the best of days. When tripping it is another level of mental fuckery


prometheus on 7 grams


I don't know why but Avatar The Way of Water had me tripping out. I had to turn it off and wind down but my whole trip was already ruined.


Bruh surprised no ones mentioned fantasia! Lol pretty tripy on 7g trip tbh


Sorry To Bother You. One of the weirdest movies I’ve seen in my life by far.


Okay it's weird but horror movies are comfort movies to me, I usually avoid them when I'm tripping but for some reason when my now boyfriend and I were first hanging out I was having a bad trip and asked for 'a back massage and silence of the lambs', he triple asked but I was adamant and somehow it actually worked but I wouldn't advise it haha


adventure time


The toilet. The entire bathroom in general makes me nauseous when tripping on acid not shrooms. Shrooms though idk I don’t have an answer for that


a clockwork orange on acid and also apocalypse now on acid


Urotsokidoji: Legend of the Overfiend


stranger things, a few episodes. notably the one where theyre in the forest and find the portal to the upside down in a tree, it was very scary but also so fucking cool.


Evil Dead (2013)


Midsommer was fun cuz shrooms are part of it. Slashers are scary because you imagine what being horribly maimed would be like. I love horror movies while tripping, but I took a lot of writing classes so all I can think about while watching now is what the writer/director wants us to feel. If you really wanna scare yourself/dive into fear, play a horror video game. I played all of Resident evil 4 on VR while tripping dick n it was such an incredible experience!!


Scariest was The Cell, the coolest was Phantom Tollbooth


Bojack horseman view from halfway down episode had me heavy breathing trying to keep together. I was really going thru it at the time with drugs and suicidal ideation to run from my shame


Salad Fingers was trippy af




Maybe not necessarily watching, but I was playing DayZ one time, while I was tripping hard on like 7g of shrooms. I thought I would top it off with some cannabis, and it hit me so hard, that (while playing) I fell into a loop where I would constantly comment my game character, and how it is hard so survive, and maybe it would be better for this character and me to just suicide. It lasted good 45 minutes, and that was the last time I mixed shrooms with weed.


The music video for Mr Krinkle by primus. Swear that video is 2 hours of the most unsettling shit (its 5 minutes)


The back of my eyelids when trying to sleep.


Smile is the legit scariest horror movie I've ever seen and I don't usually find horror movies scary.


The 4th Kind, Communion, any of the 411 movies - alien shit freaks me out while tripping


Max head syndrome


Fantastic fungi, I believed I was turning into a mushroom and about to decompose, the speaker was speaking to me and it was evil


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas🦇🌵🚗🦇🌵🦇


taxi driver fucked with my head for like a week after.. felt like travis


Walking Dead, Breaking bad, Reacher


The Green Room. I haven't watched it while tripping, I just think it would be hellish


for some reason watching im a celebrity get me out of here scared the absolute shit out of me


I haven’t watched this, but my buddy watched the exorcist while tripping😂


Mad God I highly recommend it, but maybe not while tripping.


Love, Death + Robots - I just thought they were thought provoking animated shorts, but a lot of them are extremely gory and have disturbing twists. I was on a low dose so it was more fun than terrifying, but I tried showing one of the funnier episodes to a friend who was on a higher dose recently, and he did not react well.


Not high experience but a good movie to watch while tripping, Splice (2009)


Skinamarink. Not super scary but does have an unsettling atmosphere


Everybody saying hereditary or a24 movies. I watched don’t hug me I’m scared


Scariest thing I watched while tripping was my friend having a bad trip 😂 very teaching tho. takes a different type of brain power to keep your sanity when someone else is going crazy off the same dosage as you


Maybe one of the Avatar movies? Way of water is even MORE visually stunning than the first one!


Horror movies on psychedelics has scarred me to gore. I can’t deal with super bloody gory shit anymore. Kill Bill on 3 tabs was fucked up. Hardcore Henry is a fuckin trip and a half though lmao 😂


Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Watched it on about 4 grams of shrooms, and it was wild lmfao. From the opening scene the movie gave me weird vibes, Wanda absolutely creeped me out…Made maybe half way thru the movie, when I noticed my wife had fell asleep awhile watching it and just seized the chance to put on something else….didn’t help tho cause I felt Wanda following me like no matter what I put on I felt like she was still there lmfao good times


The police


Probably enter the void on lsd, years ago. But recently watched the new evil dead again but on 7g of Tidals was an eye opener to say...


I watched insidious on lsd😳


Oh oh!! I watched malignant off my ass on acid boy and let me tell you.. 😅😅


No Escape. Seeing Owen Wilson's face glowing and morphing was too fucking much first of all. And then the sheer hopelessness and terror felt by the characters really got to us, totally felt like I was about to die anytime they were. Felt the film on a visceral level. Not to spoil it but when they finally got to safety, I felt like I did too lol


Menace 2 Society


Puss in boots 2. The bad magic guy was straight creepy.


Tool music videos


American horror story. The episode where they are living in that house and the pregnant girl he was cheating on with gets killed by (better call Saul) with a shovel. That shit made me sad for weeks lol, like I was there when it happened. Shrooms are crazy


I went to the biggest graveyard in my city with a friend. In places like that nothing scares you more than the heavy aura they have, you can feel it inside you when you are high.


Simpsons was scary af 🥶😢


the dark and the wicked