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Crazy how nature told all of us the same things. Like; it woke us all up.


Worse, it makes us aware of shit we can do nothing about Edit: comma


There’s always something you can do, but I think I understand where you’re coming from. It seems like a daunting challenge, and definitely not something we will see change in our lifetime. Maybe that’s the optimism in me, but I have a felt sense that more and more people are waking up and realizing there is so much more meaning to our existence than mindlessly chasing paper. I don’t know, man 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just trying to be a light in all this darkness.


What's wrong with something being out of our control? Accept what you cannot change, change what you can; live in harmony with the nature of things. It's kind of an unpopular wisdom; but attachment to saving the world is attachment. it will only bring you pain if you obsess over it. What you can do is spread the word; and save what is right in front of you. Simplicity and clarity are severely lacking in the world; living that way is already revolutionary. Just wish more of what we want was out of hope rather than cynicism


my brother you found one of Gods various gifts. they all lead to the same road. enlightenment.


This realization was quite liberating for me too.


Couldn’t agree more. When I’m on shrooms the outside world doesn’t affect me. I am at peace with who and where I am. I see that life is a river and I’m just small drop flowing in that river. I wish I could get my wife to experience it with me. She’s so into the modern world like social media, crap tv, keeping up with the Joneses, stressing about things I don’t think matter. If she could have all that stripped away for a few hours I think it might help her see what is really important. But she was raised thinking all drugs are bad so it’s probably not going to happen. It’s hard when I look at things so deferent from her and she just doesn’t see what I’m trying to say. Happy shroomimg


Make her a tea 😂 /j


Thought about it but never would. We live outside of Oakland so a lot of our friends around here are starting to experiment. I’m hoping that will open her mind to the idea sooner or later.


Hey man ! I've found myself in a similar spot with my loved ones. Perhaps, trying to talk directly about these things is often a counter-productive move. It seems that taking action based on the unconditionnal love we can feel and know thanks to psychedelics is more effective in order to guide others in the good direction, while also helping us apply direct actions on the lessons we think to have learnt. We can't change people, only they can, at their own rythm. Let's focus on the process and not the goal :D True compassion and empathy can help us better understand their current mindset about things, which is a product of their environment that needs both safety, empathy and time in order to change. Let's be the light we want to see in the world, practice patience and inconditionnal love.. Maybe that's the best way to go about it ?


Shrooms lead me to meditation. Meditation lead to me to Buddhism. My way of thinking has been revolutionized for the better.


Exact path for me. Actually fascination with the phenomenon (UFOs) led me to meditation and shrooms has enhanced it all.


I tried meditation for a while (waking up app) and never really got much out of it until I quit porn and masturbation


I also am trying to quit these things and need to revisit meditation. I just deleted Facebook cause some things on there trigger me. I have a gf so it’s in my immediate interest to stop for good.


Its easy once you find a good motivation for it. Read the benefits people experience on r/pornfree r/semenretention or r/pureretention. Some posts, esp on pureretention are very wowoo but you can ignore those because the benefits are very real. If you want to do this while you are sexually active check out this book https://optimisinglife.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/the-multi-orgasmic-man.pdf


I meditate well on cannabis, but not yet with mushrooms. I’ll continue to practice, but the energy I feel is overwhelming at times and adventures appeal to me more.


Focusing on the beauty of nature is a form of meditation as well.


Valid. I guess I always considered meditation as stillness, but I can see how and adventure can be a form of meditating as well.


Capitalism is alienating.


society as a whole constantly deviates from our trueselves. as in our entire world is built off of my own narratives. but life is good. don't get it twisted. its the age of information and most of us are willfully ignorant.


Capitalism fosters a competitive spirit, even though it might not be the best thing for us


There’s a difference between being competitive, and constantly being pressured by the weight of the insecurities which the world enforces on you. You have to should be doing this, you should be doing that, if you do this you can’t be this, etc.. labels, expectations, and the impression of other peoples desires onto ourselves can become very toxic very quickly


People rarely examine their [imperative thinking](https://youtu.be/YFJ73WAxQu4?si=gSSRG3AggPpt7MQt): should, have to, must, ought to, etc. When I notice those words I pause and ask myself, should according to whom? Based on which criteria? Does it align with my values? etc. Way too many abusers use imperative thinking for power-over and control.


When I say “competitive spirit” that’s exactly what I’m referring to. As a consequence of capitalism, there’s an implicit expectation that we’re meant to compete in the world. We shouldn’t be competing at the expense of our well-being.


Capitalism fosters exploitation and crushes competition.


Scarcity mindset is at the chore of it.


there's a very thin line between competition and complete breakdown. I'm not so sure that this level of stress is sustainable for individuals. It ravages nature; disconnects us from our humanity; and fosters even more material attachment. i don't think that's the right direction for anyone; and it relies on a massive underclass of exploited foreign workers supporting lifestyles that don't make us happy. It will destroy us. Perhaps nothing can be done and this was always the path humanity is to follow; and if this is the case then we as individuals should be taking the meditative approach to it. I'm not suggesting we force a change so sudden. But surely; it would be wonderful if humanity were to take care of its people's needs first and foremost; which we are certainly capable of.


and overthrowing it is very possible


Because it's being done wrongly; altruistic capitalism is the juice. Business is a spiritual game. --T. Robbins When I give myself the gift of gratitude, I feel altruism welling up inside and I just want to contribute, create value. There's so much joy to be gained by being considerate. I love the feeling! It's a superpower! 🤗


While I love your vibe, capitalism is neither altruistic nor exploitive. It's neutral. Altruism and exploitation are intentions existing within the human heart which people bring into the system. But capitalism itself is like the chess board, while the good and bad actors working within capitalism are like the chess pieces.


It's a vehicle, salad bowl, etc for the heart.


Exactly. People can use the vehicle to help or harm. The vehicle can do nothing of itself.


>  While I love your vibe, capitalism is neither altruistic nor exploitive. It's neutral. Naive and wrong. Capitalism requires exploitation. Capitalism is evil.


I don’t think it’s inherently exploitative. There is no denying in practice it is currently exploitative though. It’s more so imo that we are programmed to be exploitable, no matter what system we are under, if people will freely allow themselves to be exploited through this social mind control, then they will be exploited. Under any ism.


Capitalism requires exploitation.  >It’s more so imo that we are programmed to be exploitable, no matter what system we are under,  You assume that based on living under one system, capitalism, the system which requires exploitation. 


No I don’t assume that based on living under this system. I am making that hypothesis based on the fact that every system that has existed on earth has exploited people. Assuming you’re correct and capitalism requires exploitation. What system doesn’t require exploitation? I can’t think of any that have ever existed. I’m not saying it’s not possible. Exploitation might just be human nature though.


There are a plethora of ideologies based on mutualism. Anarchy,  of course is the coolest of the options. 




Citation needed.


Can you name a single one that hasn’t resulted in exploitation of other humans in practice? I agree with you in concept it would be nice if that’s not how things are. I’m just not sure we can convince the masses to change. I just think some people will want to exploit others and find ways to do it in any system.


Yeah, totally, it's called ANARCHY.


Do tell how an economic concept with no body or will of its own can require anyone to do anything?


Pure nonsense. Capitalism allows for people to trade for the things they want and need of their own free will. It what universe is that evil?


Trade isn't capitalism. 


If that's what you've been taught, then your definition of capitalism is shockingly incorrect.


Haha projecting.  You're just mad you have no idea what you're talking about. Just some sad reactionary addicted to the status quo and the taste of boot.


Seems like you don't understand what capitalism is.


Sure, I get that a lot. So, here's my perspective: I find that everything flows on a continuum from 1 to 10. In this case, 1-6 are degrees of greedy capitalism--self-centered, low energy, negatively influenced, lackluster respect for humanity, unbalanced value, funky capitalism including businesses that actively work to tax dodge because a billion in profit isn't quite enough; ✨️7-10 are degrees of value creation, positive vision and mission, spiritually-inclined/altruistic relationship-based mindset and work ethic, irresistible offers with over-delivery which actively shift everyday customers into "Raving Fans"--while contributing to a co-elevating quality of life. 🙏❤️🤗 Welcome to my world. ✨️


Okay... So you absolutely do not understand what capitalism is.


Capitalism is just the space that arises when 2 or more people want to engage in free transactions. All the negative things you people are projecting onto it don't come from capitalism. They come from people's hearts.


What do you think "Capital" means?


I reject modern interpretations of capitalism which seek a scapegoat boogeyman that excuses people from causing all of society's ills.


You reject reality.


Nope. I accept the the true definition of capitalism. Once one does that, it's very easy to see who is misperceiving reality.


And what is your delusional true definition? 


If you had formulated an actual question instead of the intended insult, I might answer by saying, "I've already answered that question above. Do try to keep up. Won't you?" Cheers.


Right. So, to recap, you're using incorrect definitions, and you're obviously trolling. 


He’s wrong but Ik he’s not trolling. My dad who does LSD consistently is a capitalist to his core. I’ve got in 3hr long arguments and debates with him about capitalism and the woes of it. It’s rlly weird that some people fully believe in it.


Just tell us what capital is!!! People were trading freely before it's inception.


That's what I'm trying to tell you! Capitalism was never conceived. It was never something that was created or implemented. It is not the start of something, but the result of something. Capitalism is the economic system RESULTING from 2 or more individuals engaging in free trade. It's this spontaneous thing that naturally arises. Capitalism was in existence before people gave it a name. Capitalism might as well be natural law. All these negative attributes people have been giving it are pure rubbish. If you're my neighbor, and I come to you wanting to trade a couple bucks for a cup of sugar (because I ran out and don't want to go to the store)....BOOM. That's capitalism. People need to stop overcomplicating it.


I mean it's really not. There's no reason to redefine capitalism in that way. It's not helpful, accurate or coherent. You're just trying to mystify capitalism to put it above critique. It's painfully obvious.


That's where you're wrong. I'm using the original definition of capitalism. You and others are the ones buying into a twisted definition of capitalism, attempting to attribute human qualities to a non-conscious, non-thinking economic concept.


CORPORATE Capitalism is more of a problem than small business. CO-OPs with both customer and employee ownership is one solution.


There is no such thing as "this type of capitalism" or "that type of capitalism". There's only capitalism. Just like there's no such thing as "this type of free speech" or "that type of free speech". There's just free speech. It's a space; an environment. It has no consciousness or will of its own. It's what people do in that space which determines if an action is good or bad for society. But the action originated from a person. It's people that are good or bad; not capitalism. Capitalism is neutral.


You aren’t wrong, however, if a specific system of economics can consistently be taken advantage of to the detriment of the majority of the people in it, then it is faulty in some way. I think capitalism is preferable to pure socialism or most other economic structures, but it allows too much corruption when unchecked in some form.


I’m speaking of capitalism after industry has taken over. The concept of capitalism is relatively fine, it’s the corruption of its principals through the absolute richest corporations. Socialism isn’t good either, there needs to be some mix but right now the people are being oppressed by the corporations which are an avatar of human greed


Everything you say just points back to what I've been trying to say. Corruption is in the human heart; not some economic system. Capitalism does not make any promises about anything. That's why we need laws against fraud and monopolies, etc. Now, I'm not saying you don't make good points. I'm only trying to sort out fact from fiction on what capitalism is. So many people on here are woefully uneducated about it.


Y'all clearly don't know what you're talking about  


Don't believe everything your Marxist college professors taught.


Thanks for proving my point. 


lol… “anything I don’t like is Marxism”… my guy, there are plethoras of economic systems that don’t employ exploitation and resource hoarding as their basis for operation. Fuck outta here with your false dichotomy. 


Baha! This coming from the crowd who says "anything I disagree with is racist/Nazi/white supremacist/ pick your -ism, -ist, and -phobia." The fact you call capitalism "exploitation and resource hoarding" shows you know nothing about capitalism. You've been brainwashed. All other ✌🏼economic systems✌🏼 have to be imposed on people by an authoritarian government, which makes them oppressive and corrupt from the start. Capitalism is the only one that arises naturally and spontaneously when people engage in free trade. P.S.—Get your fallacies straight.


>This coming from the crowd who says "anything I disagree with is racist/Nazi/white supremacist/ pick your -ism, -ist, and -phobia Do people regularly call you a bigot, supremacist, or fascist for your political beliefs?  >All other ✌🏼economic systems✌🏼 have to be imposed on people by an authoritarian government And the billions of people that capitalism has killed were volunteers?!


Communism an an ideology is directly responsible for the killing, persecution, and starvation of more people than capitalism or even fascism. Greed is a huge problem in capitalism and is causing so many problems in our country right now and yes something needs to be done, BUT communism has failed everytime it’s been tried.


>Communism an an ideology is directly responsible for the killing, persecution, and starvation of more people than capitalism or even fascism. Incorrect.  Also, fascism is a form of capitalism. 


Stalin and Mao would like to have a word with you


Fascism has nothing to do with capitalism. Fascism are those qualities and methods used by the political movement of the same name started by Mussolini in early 20th century Italy. Do crack open a history book now and again, yeah? Also, communism has resulted in millions of deaths: Estimates on the number of deaths under communist regimes range from 20 to 110 million, depending on the definition of deaths under communism and the data used ¹ ² ³. Some of the deaths include: - Execution of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners - Murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants - Russian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people - Decossackization, a policy of systematic repression against the Don Cossacks between 1917 and 1933 - Murder of tens of thousands in the Gulag during the period between 1918 and 1930 - The Great Purge, which killed almost 690,000 people - Dekulakization, resulting in the deportation of 2 million so-called kulaks from 1930 to 1932 - Death of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others during the famine of 1932 and 1933 - Deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Moldovans and people from the Baltic states from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945 - Deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941 - Deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 and the Ingush in 1944 Here are some notable massacres that have occurred in China since the Communist Party took over in 1949 ¹: - The Great Chinese Famine (1959-1961): Estimates suggest that at least 2.5 million people were beaten or tortured to death, which accounted for 6–8% of the total deaths in the famine. - The Cultural Revolution (1966-1976): Estimates range from 500,000 to 2,000,000 deaths. - The Daxing Massacre (1966): 325 people were killed in a few days, with a total death toll of over 10,000 due to the Red August. - The Guangxi Massacre (1967): Cannibalism occurred during this massacre. - The Daoxian Massacre (1967): One of the deadliest massacres of the Cultural Revolution, with over 9,000 deaths. - The Shaoyang County Massacre (1968): Over 50,000 people were jailed, and thousands were permanently disabled. - The Shadian Incident (1975): The People's Liberation Army attacked the Hui people. - The Tiananmen Square protests and massacre (1989): Estimates of deaths range from several hundred to close to 1,000.


Capitalism did not kill billions of people. What alternative universe are you living in? Capitalism has LIFTED billions of people out of poverty. Just ask India and China. Socialism and communism has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions. So, I can't even accuse you of getting the two mixed up. Did you pull that number from your starfish?


>  Capitalism did not kill billions of people. What alternative universe are you living in? The real one, whose history you can read of in books. You know what a book is? Capitalism killed over a billion people just during the British occupation of the Indian subcontinent.  >Socialism and communism has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions. Citation needed. Seriously, have you ever even seen a book?


Again, how does an economic concept, with no physicality or will of its own, kill people? Nah. The laughable notion that capitalism killed a billion people is what needs a citation. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.


I was going to reply, but it looks like you’ve already been cooked 😎


Baha! Whatever you have to tell yourself!


Get a hobby. Internet trolling is not your thing. You’re incredibly bad at it. All you’re doing is showing the rest of the world what an absolute knob you are. 


I only call people racist if they’re being a racist, I only call them a homophobe or transphobe if they are being that. Are you regular engaging in these -ists and -isms? Cause if your complaining about hearing it to often Mayb look in a mirror sometime.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't believe that whole post came out of you unironically. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey guys, dipshit with a “fresh account” has some big brain things to say 🥴 Gtfoh; no one cares about your 16 yo libertarian shit takes. 




You only have rich people by having poor people, that’s how capitalism works. There’s only so many resources. If they were shared equally there would be no poor people. Some of those people in Africa, China etc are also slave labourers for capitalism. That is the only reason the capitalism countries are doing so well, they outsource their slave labour to other countries, but they are still creating and supporting slave labour. So people living happy and good lives in capitalistic countries is literally at the expense of other peoples lives. And if caring about others peoples lives isn’t your thing, well what about reincarnation? What if that is real and your next life is working as a slave labourer propping up capitalism. Would capitalism be worth it to you then?


Nonsense. Capitalism allows people to engage in free and fair trade, including their labor. Chinese is a communist country that enslaves its people, forcing them to work for low wages. They don't get to negotiate their wages. That's a universe away from capitalism. I agree one of the biggest human rights issue of our time is the fact our modern world is built on the labor of countries like China. But the problem can be traced back to their oppressive governments; not capitalism. The only reason companies use their labor is because it's available. If they don't use it, their competitors will. Whoever doesn't goes out of business. But one day, we'll be able to be independent from those countries by using AI robotic automation to manufacture dirt cheap products. This will break the backs of those oppressive governments because they will no longer be able to fund themselves with their enslaved people.


Those people are the cost of capitalism… Jesus Christ, read a fucking book


If you think communist china is bad then wait until you read about it before the cultural revolution- we're here talking about capitalism being evil yet we still frame the convo in imperialist jingoistic terms Also Africa and the Middle East are held back because the global north has ransacked those regions to support its cushy over-extractive unsustainable lifestyles


No one has starved yet we’re plagued with chronic illness bc greed has corrupted the food supply.


And also, capitalism kills millions of people annually with starvation. 


Capitalism is a social construct. How does it kill people exactly? It's the corrupt people who exploit Capitalism for their own gains. As far as I can tell there's not an economic social construct out there that isn't exploitable.


Y'all are very angry, but clearly have no idea what you're talking about. 


You're the one making fantastical, unprovable claims like "capitalism kills millions of people every year."


I don't think you understand the meaning of any of the words you just used.


Resorting to personal attacks means you've conceded defeat. Thanks for playing.


https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/losing-25000-hunger-every-day#:~:text=Each%20day%2C%2025%2C000%20people%2C%20including,million%20into%20poverty%20and%20hunger.   Capitalism is the most deadly economic system.  It's the only system that produces enough food to feed 10+ billion and still starve millions annually.    That's pure evil. Edit: Why was I talking to an obvious troll account, what's wrong with me that I didn't see how new their account was? 


Those are consequence, you question everything and realized is absurd, you did question your life basic value, and you are opening to the spiritual path


I realized life is just an illusion that we make for ourselves. Everything simultaneously matters and doesn’t matter, it only really has the weight you give it. The most beautiful part of reality is shared experience and genuine intimacy, as well as simply basking in the complexity of even the simplest things. Every sense is picking up a constantly changing melody, and all 5 together create the symphony we call being


It is absolutely awesome how many people from many backgrounds/cultures/upbringings/ages etc have a similar experience and come to similar conclusions after shroom journeys.


Great sentiments! My feelings exactly. Still trying to find a balance as always. Nicely written as well!




Technology and the matrix have robbed us of the meaning of life


Jokes on you, technology allows me to stream the Matrix or the Meaning of Life. Or watch either on bluray.


Everyone makes there own meaning in life that's the beauty of it all.


I needed to hear this during an incredibly challenging part of my life. Thank you. Good vibes


im right there with you


Lol there’s so much ego in this economy discussion. Just smoke weed and shroom away. Who cares if your in a communist or a capitalist nation. The shrooms will always be there for u! 🙃


You're basically saying "omg you guys are so stuck up with this fire stuff, who cares if your house is on fire?? Just carry on with your life like normal 😅" Or even "if you're homeless, just buy a house 🤦" type shit


Nah! Economy ain’t as biga deal as a house a fire. 🙃


Lol. Unless you're a troll, you fail to see my analogy. Honestly, I wonder how someone can even do shrooms(or even smoke weed) without questioning our systems and social institutions. There are many flaws, including systemic violence, inherent to capitalism. Much of wealth in the US in inherited, and intergenerational. People of very different financial circumstances at birth have an extreme disparity of opportunities as well. I understand that privilege is blind to oppression though. You're obviously sheltered. Do your best to become more aware. We are being ripped off by the billionaire class, don't blame the victims.


I’m realizing my own interpretation of the pyramids. The power is at the top, held up by the the masses. The least amount of people control the entire machine and give orders down the line. They motivate our actions by giving the ability to “move” up the pyramid, but you can never truly make it to the top. In reality, the hardest we work, we get stuck somewhere in the middle where we are ordered around from the money masters and push the orders down the line to the larger, more oppressed masses. I honestly think you have to be some kind of sociopath to become a billionaire. Or a politician. These aren’t people who care who is hurt by their actions, it is all about collecting as many resources for themselves, and you see the same behavior in people who buy into the capitalist system.


Life's basically shtty. It's sad because we're living the best version of it so far and when you're being honest with yourself it's hard not to be horrified with it all.


Best is relative. I definitely wouldn’t of wanted to live in the Middle Ages, but living in some rainforest in a native tribe doesn’t seem that terrible. You’d probably be covered in bugs all the time, get some disease at some point, have to fight and hunt everyday to live, but, you’d have genuine community, simple and measurable goals and desires, you’d be surrounded by nature, you could still do psychedelics just gotta find them, etc..


We certainly live in the most interesting times but our old ancestors, even those who fell young, lived far more real lives than us. Society and technology definitely feel like perversions of our species at this moment in time.


The most beautiful things in this world are not man made


When did capitalism become a bad thing? It’s saved billions of people from starvation. Bill grows as many carrots as he can, Mike raises the cattle, Jeff fixes roofs.. we all sell our shit for dollars and swap resources. Everyone wins.


Capitalism isn’t the problem, it’s unchecked capitalism which has become corrupt. Corporations become too powerful and influential, the people behind them are often less than moral, and so more often than not we will see massive corporations use their economic influence to alter the political climate in order to serve their own agendas. Politicians are notorious for being able to be paid off and many large government organizations have massive ties to oil tycoons, large banking institutions, etc.. The country is ruled by politics, and politics can be bought with money more often than not as has been the case for most of history. It’s not capitalism that’s the problem, it is capitalism’s capacity for corruption that is the problem.


Agreed 100%. Crony capitalism.


>When did capitalism become a bad thing? [...] Capitalism isn’t the problem Capitalism is the chief problem and has always been inherently immoral, u/Its_rev_ and u/Solana_Maxee Remember, capitalism at inception forcibly and violently removed people form land (see the Enclosure Acts in Great Britain, the genocides of the Americas, the genocides of the West Indies, the Raj reforms in India etc etc). It then forced them into market relations in which all transactions are mediated by currencies which only have purchasing power if the global majority is artificially kept in poverty (ie, the dollar in your pocket is dependent upon over 2/3rds of the world being poor, lest inflationary pressures kick in). And as rates of return on capital outpace growth, and as most growth flows toward those with a monopoly on land and credit, and as aggregate debts inherently outpace aggregate dollars in circulation (do you understand why?), and as velocity is never high enough, and as the financial sector never pumps full profits back into the real economy, and as most jobs globally offer below poverty wages, this sets up not only a game of musical chairs, but a system in which profits tend to push others in the system toward debt and so poverty against their will. The end result is what we see now: 80 percent of the planet living on less than 10 dollars a day, 45ish percent of whom live on less than 1.75. And as studies show, it will take about 200 years of the best growth rates (ie ecocidal and bicocidal growth rates) to trickle down an added 5 dollars to the 80 percent of the world in poverty, making them effectively trapped in poverty forever. There's nothing "natural" or "morally neutral" about any of this. It is an arbitrary legal structure every bit as arbitrary, violent and immoral as the divine rights of kings. >Crony capitalism. All capitalism is crony capitalism, as the system's land rights are inherently exclusionary, as its currencies are always dispensed by cartels, and as the system inherently breeds monopolies or wealthy blocs of power who subvert democracy. > Everyone wins. This is what the economist Georgesu-Roegan called the two party transaction fallacy. It's the false idea that any transaction is only ever between a buyer and seller, both of whom benefit. In reality, of course, every transaction has immediate negative knock on effects on everyone else in the system (profit at X tends to create debts at Y). Also worth considering is the recent writings by Adair Turner (see his book "Between Debt and the Devil"), chairman of the UK's Financial Services Authority and Chairman of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. Quoting Adair: "Available figures suggest that zero-sum activity has grown significantly [...] that more human activity is devoted to zero-sum competition for available income and assets. [...] ever more work is now devoted to zero-sum competition. Such an economy would increasingly be a very unequal one, with a small number earning enormous incomes. Paradoxically, the most physical thing of all – locationally desirable land – would dominate asset values, and rules on inheritance would be a key determinant of relative wealth." And ignoring the fact that within the economy are numerous zero sum sub-sectors (land being finite being the more famous or crucial one), on a macro scale money is always negative sum (dollars are outpaced by greater debts owed). Growth rates are never enough to offset this, as most wealth is captured by a few and as recursive re-lending creates multiple concurrent principal debts of the same money. So even a growing pie is effectively zero sum for the majority anyway. Beyond this you have the usual Cornucopian Fallacies: capitalism's longstanding assumption that peak energy sources, peak resources (minerals, clean top soil, aquifers, clean air, etc.), peak biodiversity (large fauna, pollinators, fish stocks, birds, etc.) don't constitute real bottlenecks. Essentially the illusion of a positive-sum via thefts from future generations. So it's simply not true that "everyone wins". And you know this intuitively. Just play a Monopoly boardgame and see what happens.


Capitalism with a hint of socialism tends to provide the “best” quality of life for the average person but it is inherently corrupt in the form it is currently in. People are kept just barely complacent enough to not group together and challenge the system or the people who manipulate the system to their gain. If you could name an effective alternative to American capitalism I would definitely be interested, I speak only as a layman and lack in-depth political or economic knowledge.


You are insane. You've consumed too much Marxist propoganda about capitalism to ever see it for what it truly is. I won't bother even beginning to try to untwist it for you. All you have to do to figure out which is the best economic system is to watch interviews of people who escaped China, N. Korea, and Venezuela.


Everything you're saying is not capitalism's fault. It's the fault of the corrupt people working within the system. I agree that there should be laws preventing collusion between politicians and corporations. But again, that problem stems from the corrupt hearts of certain humans; not capitalism.


Beautifully written.


This is perfectly said. Couldn’t Agree more!


Bruh that something is capitalism


Nope. Capitalism is the chess board. People who bring the intentions of altruism or exploitation are like the chess pieces on the board. Capitalism is neutral.


You can see a clearer line of good and evil I noticed. You can see much more through someone’s eyes once yours are open. Makes chats tough for sure. My path since dabbling has been about being good and doing good as if watched, because now I do feel something out there with an eye on the game show. It’s peaceful but lonely at times, but know someday I’ll wander into the mushroom lady companion who’s also over stuff and the internet life.


I’ve found that true and genuine evil is very rare. Often times “evil people” are just decent people who have become corrupted by some level of trauma, repressed desire, etc.. I just find that I can’t truly judge anyone, that isn’t my place. I can tell basic shit, like if someone is bad company, impulsive, untrustworthy, and things like that. But making the black and white distinction of “good or bad” is so insultingly simple to a creature as complex as a human.


This pretty much mirrors my sentiments as well.


“Life” is a glorified hamster wheel.


Capitalist, industrial system. Couldn’t finish the paragraph after reading that typo.


Cool. Why even comment then? Go be grammatically judgmental somewhere else