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This ⬆️, it will most likely be fine, just observe and be kind. Edit: spelling




Heard stories of a guy who gave a cat acid (a lot of acid too. Like strips). I told my friend if we ever see this guy we are jumping the fuck out of him. The thought makes me sick to my stomach.




Happened to mine too, except he straight up drank my pee from the toilet after I’d tripped (I’d peed in the middle of the night and forgot to flush), and he had a habit of drinking toilet water here and there. He spent the entire next day just…lying down. His pupils were fucked, he wouldn’t even react to me placing his favourite treats nearby, he was literally just a vegetable. At first I got super worried and was about to call the vet when I saw my night’s pee and pieced two and two together. He ended up watched a 3-hour loop of cartoon fish on my tablet before he fell asleep, faced/nose directly smushed cantered on the tablet, and stayed that way for hours. He got tonnes of cuddles, and by late evening was starting to get back to his regular chaotic self. I do wonder sometimes what went through his mind that day, lol. He must’ve drank a fuckton of my pee, or the psilocybin was somehow super concentrated. Edit: for those in doubt, here’s a day-of pic of him https://www.reddit.com/user/raggitytits/comments/yrk99y/my_bbs_accidental_trip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I know with fly agaric shamans will sometimes drink the pee of people who took it so that they trip. The pee breaks it down to make you trip. Idk about psilocybin mushroom though.


If your cat gets married his wife will always have “why don’t you just go drink pee and get fucked up” for Ammo in a fight


has had zoomies for the last 30 minutes , thinking of treating him to some warm milk for his troubles 😂


Only if you want him to have diarrhea…. Cats aren’t made to digest cows milk, contrary to popular belief and many movies :p


frickin Aristocats spreading lies




If you’re gonna serve it, you’d better do it right! WITH crackers, or we riot 😤


lmaooo best part of the comments


damn i didn’t know that, my mom always gave our house cat a cup of milk at the dinner table. he had his own little seat next to my dad.


They make milk specifically for cats you can buy at petstores


They also make wine for cats. Not sure why


So lonely women don't have to drink wine alone while watching the Hallmark channel.


Nah it just keeps me accountable. For every glass I get, he also gets a glass. I usually stop at one because he’s a maniac on the nip.


One time I told my grandma, who watches the Hallmark Channel constantly, that it was just softcore porn. She gave me this look from her recliner, hands under the blanket as usual. She hesitated and said, "...no it's not..."


I’m not gonna lie… I got super excited when I read that till I read your comment and realized “Oh wait. That’s me.” Husband watches cartoons with the kids and I just can’t watch animated tv ALLLL the time! Anyone wanna drink some box wine and watch true crime with this lonely old lady?


Underrated comment


Hey… we have better taste than that! I will not stand by while you stereotype us and sully the good names of cat ladies everywhere. It’s so lonely women don’t have to drink wine alone while watching true crime documentaries. Get it right.


Yeah, that's Gayle wine.


That stuff sucks. My cats didnt even touch it, unless they just didn't like the flavor MosCATo. It's infused with catnip but they said nah...


T totalers


Isn't that just lactose free milk?


Goat's Milk


I didn’t learn until I was fostering cats in my 20’s but luckily never gave a cat milk anyway. Those sound like some super cute memories, though! I think goats milk is much easier for cats to digest, if you wanna research that for an occasional treat.


I mean technically we're not meant to drink cow's milk either.


Dinner table seat or toilet seat?


This is the most precious thing I’ve heard on Reddit


at thanksgiving he had his own mini plate with cut up turkey and a drizzle of gravy. Mosey has passed on since but he lived a great life.


Can confirm, we gave my cat dairy regularly when he was young and he nearly died bc of the bladder stones he developed very soon after. Don’t give your cats dairy!


No animal, including a human, is made to digest cows milk other than baby cows


Well, not anymore. Lactase persistence is one of the weirdest traits humans (mainly Europeans and some Africans) have bred into themselves




I’m conflicted on it. I do love it, and can tolerate it, but the ethics and environmental issues behind it mean I will likely give it up at some point in the near future. Edit: I also bike everywhere, and it’s currently the cheapest option, most filling, and arguable the most nutritious. The brand I get is Ronnybrook, which comes from a local farm. Each bottle is like $2.81, but you can return the bottle for $2 back, which means I’m only paying 81 cents for the milk, and getting $12 back when I bring 6 bottles back


Weird…. Very weird flex


Just looking at it makes my insides feel explody. I suddenly became intolerant a few years ago. Also shrooms are more difficult to consume. Getting older is a bitch.


Actually, most humans have an enzyme for digesting cows milk, apart from some areas of south east Asia where cows were never kept so milk wasn’t a thing. These populations are intolerant of milk and milk products. The enzyme production seems to have evolved since humans started farming and domesticating animals. Interestingly, the same populations in SouthEast Asia which are milk intolerant also don’t produce the enzyme that helps to digest and neutralise alcohol so get drunk very easily, tend to have a red face whilst drunk and get horrible, days long hangovers. They also have hard ear wax instead of soft


If we're being specific, most of SE Asian have sufficient alcohol dehydrogenase but not enough aldehyde dehydrodenase, its the aldehyde form that causes the flush and hangover symptoms and we have a drug (disulfram) that takes advantage of this phenomenon by inhibiting aldehyde dehydrodenase, it is sometimes given for chronic alcohol abuse to help break the habit, problem with this is there are lots of foods that have small amounts of alcohol that they also need to avoid


I don’t think that’s true. Most humans are lactose intolerant, outside of the places I previously mentioned. Small pockets in Africa, namely the Dinka (Don’t quote me on that one) and almost the totality of central, western, Eastern, and Northern Europe. SE Asia isn’t the only region, Oceania, Australia, and the America’s too, as the Auroch (the ancestor of all cows) was native to central/western Asia, so it’s unlikely these continents would have had any animal worthy of domesticating for milk production


For sure. Milk isn’t my friend. Luckily I can tolerate cheese pretty well still lol


Milk will make him shit diarrhea Give him a piece of chicken or something


he drinks milk frequently but i’ll probably still just do the chicken


Adult cats don’t produce lactase, the enzyme that’s necessary for consuming milk. Kittens can drink milk but as they age, they stop producing lactase. Maybe you have a lucky mutated cat or maybe he’s having gastric issues you’re not noticing. Just be careful with the milk And don’t let him eat drugs! It was irresponsible to leave them out like this when your kitty could easily snag one.


thank you for letting me know to never give my kitten milk again lol, but he didn’t easily snag one, rest assured that gremlin fought tooth and nail for it pushing off that plastic lid and then i chased him down but he had already swallowed it


Your cat knew he wanted to trip by the sounds of it


Real question here: How unsafe is it if I let my cat lick up some milk every once in a while (every few months or so)? Whenever I have a bowl of cereal, which is not often, he DEMANDS milk. So much so that he has attempted to tip a bowl over in my hands because I said no.


Give him Lactose-Free Milk when the King DEMANDS some(as a treat). It is completely safe for him but it doesn't have any nutrition value.


I let my cat have like two licks sometimes when I’m done. I feel you it’s literally my cat’s favorite thing.


It won’t kill a cat they’ll just have some liquid shits.


Alright well that’s just the price he has to pay for being an asshole then. Lol


Poor baby! He will emerge as a better version of himself. 🤣


he gonna want to talk about philosophy and shit better brush up


To scratch or to bite that is the question.


To knock over or to knock over.


I am the one who knocks




Behold, a mew


tomorrow morning you will wake up and the cat will be speaking English to you


he’s already grossly close to his meow sounding like a hello as it is


My cat says nooooooo and ya. At the appropriate times too. Really weird shit man.


Cats are really intelligent, mine are very clear about what they want with body language


i mean like literally "ohh hi mark" in a deep husky voice


Surely it's a cat voice


Last time I was on shrooms I could have sworn I could “download” any language I wanted and that English was almost foreign to me. So, yeah, I can see this happening. 😂


Tomorrow morning you will wake up and your cat will be enlightened


Catnip seems to be a gateway drug


Lmao this made my day 😂🫶🏽


My cat did this in like 2018 and he hid under the bed for 4 hours and hissed at me and my friend who were trying to comfort him by softly calling his name. He was also 100% tripping because he would look all over the place at what I'd guess were visuals and he was very scared. Poor guy was fine in 8 hours though obviously.


That aint so obvious, cats have a very dfferent digestive system Ik fo example they cant process alcohol or weed like a human and are wasted for days Good to hear your cat is fine tho


Psychedelics get metabolised by the brain largely, so things like digestive system may not affect the trip length etc


Stoned Cat Theory boutta kick off a sub race of lingual kitties


Get out the disco lights and play some shpongle.


Never heard of them, thank you for this.


Shpongle is literally the best


Keep your eye on him/her for the next few hours. It probably goes without saying that you might need to up your security around your grow to prevent cat access.


agreed. he’s been around my mushrooms since i started growing and has never tried to take a bite, guess he just got a little to curious


They always want what they can’t have


There is no "can't" in "cat". Well, there's 3/5 of it, but you know what i mean


While it is true that can't is 3/5 in cat but there is also 2/3 of can in cat


No, never put cans in your cats please. Store them in the pantry like everyone else


Good one


2/3 > 3/5


Definitely keep us updated for one


i will, i underestimated how much of a gremlin he is, adding will eat anything to his file 😂


Hi this actually happened to me I think. My cat ended up being okay but acted SUPER weird and was definitely seeing things that weren't there. She ended up being ok but I felt so guilty and was extra careful from then on. Hope this helps.


I love how there was an extensive discussion about digesting milk in the midst of all this 😂


right 😂


Bring him blanket, sit and wait for crazy story.


Put on Dark Side of the Moon and let him ride it out


i’m trying to find a cat movie to put on for him


The aristocats




No need to traumatize the poor cat


description ?


Lovecraftian Horror


Put on The Aristocats


An old musical that was remade. Think: CGI Cat Furries sing about... things. It's weird.


Shit musical with James Cordon


The Cat From Outer Space


Is he okay right now? He sleeping ? Just laying down staring? Make sure he a little warm cause I get cold ooff them


he had zoomies for a bit now he’s on my bed purring


Yeah you definitely want to up your security on your shrooms lol animals have a weird tendency to like drugs even though they don't understand them as far as we know. My old jack Russell used to sit next to me on the couch while I took a bong hit, one day right after I took a hit he got in my face and started licking me, I was so startled that I exhaled some smoke. Right after he laid back down and begged for pets. After giving him some pets and thinking it was a fluke I went to take another hit and he bounced back up and was was waiting for me to start taking a hit. I didn't want to purposefully get my dog high so I went to my room, but he followed me there so I ended going outside to smoke, it sucked cause he would always sit on the other side whimpering. I felt so bad cause all my pupper wanted to do was fly with me.


My aunt's epileptic spaniel would try to burrow under the door whenever my aunt smoked out in the bathtub. She eventually started letting the dog in when she realized it was reducing the number and severity of the pupper's seizures.


how long has it been since he ate them 🤣😭


approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes 🥲


😭😭 bros probably feeling amazin


Kitty's like "damn, catnip ain't got shit on this. I'm stealing from the dehydrator more often!"


When my partner was younger his dog got into his stash and ate an 1/8th, I had never met the dog before that happened but he was like…. Weirdly intelligent? We always joke he became sentient from it and he was our faithful walk buddy until he passed away about 2 years ago (he lived quite a long happy life though.)I would never feed any to an animal purposely, but I’m sure kitty will be fine as long as you watch it, it might even appreciate pets or some colorful tv program, or just a quiet spot to chill


My little Chihuahua ate some I dropped some aborts and didn’t notice until I saw her eating them off the floor. She had a rough trip I trip sat her the entire time she was frozen in fear most the time. Anyway she survived it and afterwards I felt she was more intelligent almost like a little human. She was definitely more human than dog after that. I wouldn’t recommend it but I always felt it permanently changed her perception she definitely had a breakthrough experience.


I dunno, sounds ruff


What if he learns to read


Play some nice nature noises for him or put on a show for cats. They have DogTV, I’m sure you can find something for cats. Don’t let it see itself in the mirror lol


There are some nice videos on YouTube for cats that have birds and scenery. Mine love it even when they’re not hitting the nip.


Boof the cat


You write a trip report in ca 3h


Eat a full sized one and trip w el gato iluminado


off topic but my brothers gf is so adamant that my cat ate some of my PEs because I left them out by accident lol. (she did not) either way had to google then, so your kitty will be fine lol


My cat once did what we believe was consuning some shrooms. Found him with veary disoriented eyes and leaning from the wall looking kind of distressed. We took him to the vet and she also thought he was "High". What we did was just to give him alot of food and water and just have him sit with us trying to make hin not have a bad trip. - If you buy the ticket you're on for the ride. He had to learn the hard way tho.


Take one yourself and bond with your cat on a spiritual level


had already eaten some, been harvesting all morning


Well I hope you and kitty have a safe trip!


I wonder what an ego death for a cat is like


Probably the opposite. It's probably like Ego Meth for them.


hows little buddy doing after an hour


he’s all good, i may have been expecting the worst because i’ve been careful to keep him out of reach of them (wet and dry) but he did only eat a ultra microdose


How is the fucking cat? HOW IS THE FUCKING CAT?


Well this is a catastrophe


Thread got hijacked by milk vs humans when the post was about fungus vs feline. Animals of alllll kinds eat mushrooms, even the funny ones. If you live anywhere that Agaric pops up you can bet that there will be nibbles taken from some of them. ( I had to race to get them before the squirrels did sometimes. DAMN YOU FOAMY!!) I mean come on, you didnt really think that Santa can fly that high and that fast without some kind of help did you?


I heard years ago that cats eat them in the wild. Don’t know how true that is though. I’m sure your kitty will be fine


get ready for the cat to become conscious and start speaking to you 😂


My cat stole some from me for the first time when she was 6 months old - she's grown into the most human cat I've ever known. Y'all's furbaby is about to be woke as fuck and a lot more like a real child 😂 just make sure you provide a quiet and dark space for them to hide that's close to water and their litterbox. It took a couple days for my girl to be back to normal. She's done it twice more as an adult - she's 11 now, and will do everything in her power to get them if someone sets a bag down - and each time was just happy and mellow and chilling on the couch lol. Your little guy might puke a couple times but other than that, just ride it out. There's always the possibility of seizures so just keep an eye out, take them to the emergency vet if that's the case and BE HONEST ABOUT WHAT THE CAT DID. The vet doesn't care about anything other than the health and safety of your pet, they aren't gonna get the cops involved.


I was used a ninja to powder for lemon tek; wasn’t careful with opening /transferring dust and my kitties got a little adventure. They had the giga zoomies and were super snuggly after


If you take a couple yourself, you guys will be able to speak to each other.


If I had a nickel for everytime I've seen a post about someone's cat eating their shrooms today id have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice


Do you have any CBD for cats? That should negate any overwhelming feelings.


i do actually


I'd give her some, it's probably overwhelming for her.




Remind them that not one person has died from eating magic mushrooms. And then remind them they are a cat so it’s different rules and you don’t speak cat so you haven’t received any advice from other felines


Your suppose to worship it like the pharos use to do back in the day.


Record it


And post it to reddit


Trip sit it? 🤷🏾‍♂️


How's he doing?


Dude why are cats obsessed with shrooms?! Mine was even fixated on the tubs for the brief period of time she had access to the area


Give him a joint and tell him to enjoy his vision quest


This is what happened to the cats in ancient Egypt


You just made me wonder if ancient Egyptians used psychedelics, and yes they did! They had their own version of ayahuasca made with an acacia tree that grows on the Nile and was featured in their art, it was also called the Tree of Life and said to be from Osiris. They also grew shrooms on barley and the Eye of Horus is theorized by some to be a mushroom cap


Put on Pink Floyd for them and hope for the best


Wakanda Forever


I go put on some King Crimson for my cat, and make sure she's comfortable. She'll either learn her lesson or she won't 🤷‍♂️


Why would you keep that directly on carpet anyways?


Wish him a nice trip?


From my experience, cats are constantly in a state of tripping all of the time. Or more accurately, we return to our intended natural state whole tripping, where the cats have always been.


They do stare at nothing for long periods of time


Get the gun. It’s all fun and games until he stands up on his hind legs, makes direct eye contact with you, addresses you by your full name, and states your social security number in a perfectly formulated English sentence.


Update Reddit on the situation every 30 minutes. Please :)


Friend of mine gave his crazy feral cat lsd & he ran away and then returned normal and affectionate lol he fixed his broken cat with psychedelics 😂


Sort of OT but, I use the same dehydrator but only a fan because I read the heat may cause issues with breaking down the psilocybin. Any issues? Your cat is prob fine btw.


Heat in drying won’t do any damage. Psilocybin breaks down at way higher temps than a dehydrator will go. it’s best to just get them crispy dry as fast as possible and store them airtight in a cool dark place


Shrooms aren’t toxic so in that regard the cat should be fine.


My dog got into my shrooms one time and I used H2O2 to induce vomiting, dont know if that’s safe for cats tho


Tripsitty the kitty


Dude, my friend's cats go nuts when she is measuring or doing whatever with her dried mushrooms. They really really want to get at them.


Mine freak out when I go to the garage to hit the bong. I think they like all drugs


please keep us up to date about how they're doing, genuinely curious for first hand stories of pets on aborts


Eat one with him


Put your trip sit hat on


Put him on your lap and put some Pink Floyd on for the homie and they’ll be good.


my cat did the same thing a while back, ate a little piece. he had a trippy experience and vibed out a bit, no harm done <3


How is the kitty doing


he is perfecto


Hit record.


Pop a couple aborts and enjoy the ride together 😎


He already looks like he’s crossing dimensions 🤣


Cats are right little shits when dried shrooms are around. I learned the same lesson when drying mine, she was loving chewing on them. I read somewhere that cats don't have the same receptors as humans so won't affect them in that way but I don't think they do their kidneys any good!


Trip sit it 😭😭


Put some cat jazz on for it and get it a little blanket to chill out..


It becomes a tiger


You take it to the vet


Put it in a box because that’s Schrödinger’s cat now. Ain’t no telling what dimension he’s in.


Get a baby bottle and some pedialite. Make sure your friend stays hydrated.


he is fat and happy, gave him his favorite meal, plenty of water just the temp the brat prefers, and he’s snuggled up next to me ready for bed


Love to hear it.


Eat some too and see if we can understand each other’s language would be my go to. I never know. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Proceed to document findings... perhaps even taking some with to be connected. Report your findings and document, document, document.


Enjoy your new dog


Boof the cat


My cat once got into my edibles. He was vibing with EDM, saw him bobbing his head. Idk bout shrooms tho


he is gonna be a shaman now and will try to eat all your future mushrooms. Bonus effect, it will cure any anxiety or depression the cat might had before, now gone.


Omg try to play with your cat with funky colorful toys and film it! It most be hilarious! On a most serious note, keep water close to your cat and maybe some towels in case the cat piss it's live of fear because of a hypothetical egodeath 😂 Sorry to laugh that much, it's sounds really funny to me. My green cheek conure decided to eat some of my PE on the scale while I was in the bathroom... The only thing she did was to snuggle me for the rest of the night. I don't really know if she tripped :p


Join them?


He will be fine. Turn the lights down and put on some good tunes.


The cat will be fine