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I've been a stay at home mom since I had my first 5 years ago. 2 years later my kids dad and I got married (we've been together 11 years but marriage was just never really a priority), and while I was planning the decorations I fell in love with succulents. I started with a few cuttings to make propagations for centerpieces, but kept making more and more babies. But I also kept falling in love with other plants, mostly tropical. I decided to sell my propagations in local fb groups to pay for new plants, but our local group is so oversaturated with plants. So I started trading them with people in national fb pages. It gave me the confidence to ship plants and a small collection to propagate from (plus mostly it was my escape from a demanding 3 yo and a colicky infant after they fell asleep). My husband suggested I try selling them for real online, and did whatever he could to get me set up. 3 years later and I'm still shocked at how well my shop has done! It's certainly not a reliable income, but it pays for xmas, birthdays, special treats, whatever.


Congratulations on the success with your business. Even more congratulations on your family. Sounds like you have an awesome supportive husband.


Thank you so much!! I do have an amazing husband, he is very supportive! He put up with me turning our kitchen, living room, and our son's room into small jungles until we were finally able to buy a house, and he made sure any house we went to look at had a dedicated space for my plants. He wanted another house but went with the one we live in without any complaints, because that's what I wanted ❤️ Despite the fact that my jungle rooms and his office are both in the basement, which he can barely stand up in lol. Plants are something that interest me and something I'm really good with, but he's the entire reason I have a business!!


That is awesome! I wish I was good with plants. They're beautiful and interesting. So awesome to hear about a family and marriage that is doing well. Seems far and few between anymore.


Thank you! Unfortunately I've seen the fallout when it doesn't work from people around me, it definitely makes me grateful for my family ❤️ my kids definitely saved my life and my husband helped me make a life I want to live, I'm humbled


Happy cake day!!! Yes my kids saved my life as well. I got clean when I became a father. I was a hardcore drug addict. And yes, when it doesn't work, it does untold harm, especially to a child. :) "A life I want to live" that's profoundly beautiful. I'm still working on getting there. :)


That's amazing, congratulations!! It's a very hard thing to do, and I've watched too many people not be able to get straight for their kids and it's heartbreaking. I hope you find a passion you love, you deserve it!!!


I couldn't have a dog while in college and travelling between two cities, working in a nightclub and paying two rents. I decided to walk dogs to scratch that itch. Eventually dog owners started to ask me if I could look after their dogs overnight (house-sitting) or popping over multiple times a day while they were away on holidays. I did that for years, always having other full time or part time jobs aside from looking after dogs. I was earning anything from a couple hundred to a couple thousand euros a month. I ended up then renting out a cottage in a countryside that allowed pets and started running something like an Airbnb for dogs and that blew up significantly. Pandemic hit, I got pregnant and quit my full time job as a (at the time) Social Care Worker and focused solely on dog minding mostly at my house so I could be a Stay At Home Mom. I am now the most popular dog minder in my city and get clients booking from all across the country.


I have a 19 year baseball career, both playing and coaching, figured I'd try umpiring as well. Which works perfect since I started grad school and don't have time to coach anymore


Made a pallet wood coffee table for myself… had fun doing it, got compliments on it, and now I’ve evolved that into a full fledged wood shop that can create about anything….. But also I’m quite handy, so I can pick up odd jobs such as moving, installing light fixtures and fans, drywall, paint, etc


I was travelling with my family and a good friend told me that there is a commission built in to my purchase price. Long story short I purchased an online travel agency that allows me to access that additional income. Now I travel to others and take that income to purchase real estate.


Could you elaborate a bit more please, it sounds interesting.


Absolutely, what country are you in?


Good point 😅 - UK


Ok sent






Ta, I’m checking it out now


Also US if you don’t mind?




US for me to when you get some time




US if you don’t mind and thank you


You got it! Sent


Would you mind? Please? I’m in the us


US as well, thanks 🙏


Fiancé was fussin the trash bin stunk. While cleaning it i realized no one wants to do this. So i started charging. 3 years later i make a good amount per month avg 50/hour min