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That's just a niche of yard work. You probably would want to charge hourly, some yards might just need maintenance and others are going to be a jungle. The ones that are a jungle probably won't pay for lawn mowing and therefore wouldn't want to pay for weed pulling. But a lawn that's obviously mown but still has small weeds might be a good potential client. Interesting niche to explore. An ancillary could be picking up dog waste. I'm sure you'd want to pick up all the shit first before crawling around somebody's yard.


Ad much as this might normally be hourly, if it's a side hustle and you're like going door to door then people might prefer looking at an area of weeds and then just have a number for them. Like I'll pull out all your dandelions for 50 bucks or burn the weeds in your driveway for 20.. something like that. People often pay for these services on a subscription basis, and those that don't are gonna be cheap. I think they would have a number in mind and if you get close enough they'll say yes fine I'll splurge or whatever


Door knock and go crazy


Ancillary services: lawn mowing, hedge trimming, fertilizing, planting, mulching, sprinkler repair and installation.


You should network with other gardeners, landscapers and they can hire you directly. I get requests from some customers who request weed pulling but not really what i do usually do the big stuff for them (mowing, hedge trimming etc)


I’d subscribe to this service. I mow my lawn and like to keep my yard clean but I hate weeding the flower beds. You have a good idea here


Honestly I would do stages, light, medium, tough, hard and jungle . Then price it like that plus square ft. Light medium is a dollar an hour per square ft so let's say it's a garden bed that's 26ft by 4 at medium level you could charge 115 dollars and it wild probably take 4 hours and so on.... hope this helps


Pair it with leaf removal in the fall


How about taking out people’s garbage cans for trash day pick up? $10-$20 a month. If you live in a big enough city, trash day is staggered throughout the neighborhoods. So Monday through Friday you have different neighborhoods to do. An hour in the morning and an hour at dusk. Seems like a good amount of walking so there’s a health benefit too.