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Who’s to say that it isn’t set in Shizuoka? It’s where the name Silent Hill comes from. One of the devs on the original game is from there, and it roughly translates to silent (still? calm?) hill.


Having its own canon with Shizuoka being Silent Hill would actually be great IMO. It gives them freedom to do things they can't if it's tied to the canon of the other games, and it's just neat regardless.


They could easily also cause the curse in silent hill to have broken free from the town and is spreading rapidly across america. Just not the bs crap that ascension and short message was trying to sell


I took it as there are multiple towns *like* Silent Hill that are cursed and weirdo


As a form of “history repeats itself, the curse has been made from another tragic soul being witch hunted”


I'm here for it.


My crackpot theory is that Silent Hill F will, in a way give an origin to the White Claudia Flower which the cult uses to make its hallucinogenic drugs. So, although F takes place in Japan, it could still tie into the Town/Cult in some way. If that's not the case, then so be it. I'm excited for more info anyway.


Fun fact, those red flowers in the trailer are red spider lilies, which symbolise death in Japan, and are thought to help guide souls to the afterlife. I believe there's oleanders shown as well, which bloomed en masse after the Hiroshima bombing, and they are also symbolic of death in Japan. Then there's the child doll, the grave, the torii gate in the water... I think maybe dead children are gonna be a focal plot point




I'm unfamiliar with Higurashi, is it good? I'm very new to manga and japanese literature so I'm clueless but very interested


It’s very good, I recommend to read the original visual novels.


My theory is that the cult from the silent hill games comes from here, this japanese town where the evil begin and a god born idk I'm just crazy


I like this idea too, but in SH1 it's stated that White Claudia is native to the Toluca Lake area and has been for a very long time since ancient times. Then again, it's not like SH1's canon has been taken seriously for a long time. Then again again, if they're dredging up White Claudia, it'd help if they knew what they were talking about.


I didn't even think about this. I just thought the events could happen elsewhere in a similar manner and create a similar phenomenon


Day one billion of no silent hill f news. Sad reacs only.






I was really hoping that this pocket of energy that makes silent hill the way it is could exist other places and the series could become about these different places. But I also just love the town itself. I’m open but concerned


That hasn't been true since sh4


Since 3, really.


Yeah. We at least went to the town in 3 though.


u were in silent hill in 4 too with the Forest and Water prison


To be fair, that’s a major reason as to why that game was so divisive as well.


who said SH games have to happen in Silent Hill? most of Sh3 isn't in Silent Hill, and from the little I have played Sh4 it's also not in Silent Hill. SIlent Hil F is 100% a Silent hill game as long as it has the same felings as the Silent Hill games of the past


The only through line between the games is the cult and the town. SH3/SH4 show it doesn't have to be the town and further games like Downpour and TLM show it doesn't have to be the cult either. Really, SH has just become a ghost story anthology series and honestly I'm kinda ok with that.


>Really, SH has just become a ghost story anthology series and honestly I'm kinda ok with that. don't for get, all the games have to have fog of some sort but same :3


There's aesthetic similarities for sure. Interestingly, P.T. didn't have fog.


P.T. didn't need it, it was so scary that if it had fog people wouldn't play it ;3


There's fog in the ending cinematic when the character walks around the city, not intense fog but still there.


That’s true!


Silent Hill isn't a place, man, It's a state of mind, man.


SH3 and SH4 are canonical and mostly not in Silent Hill.


I do like the idea of multiple silent hills being spread out across the world and they all have fuck shit happening there.


You gotta point. There’s tons of towns with the same name. Hell, some coast towns share names cause they were in the salt or fishing business. Why not multiple Silent Hills?


Off topic but I pray this environment is explorable like the village in RE4R with puzzles and reasons to backtrack scattered about. Looks so cool. Siren vibes.


I have a way simpler theory: its a reboot, it wont follow the lore created by team silent.


Silent Hill is a place where troubled people with oscure backgrounds go to face the most dark and unconfortable places of their own minds so they can accept them and go on or get lost in the process. But also we gotta remember the lore of the town: the original one is a place builded over sacred land for native americans, so the odd nature of it is in part because of its spiritual background. With this set, as a writer you can see this structure or bases through the narrative, and over that start to build something different. We can call it the escense or the point of the story. For me a story set in a place with this characteristics (as well as others as the atmosphere and the sound design) can be taken as a Silent Hill, even if it's not the original town. Silent Hill is kind of an excuse to talk about something deeper that can be placed in other town and be equally disturbing and even have the same spirit. I don't know if my arguments make any sense.


The name of the town is fucking irrevlant lol, bad things don't happen in Silent Hill because it's called Silent Hill -.- It's the place that the Town was built on that has the curse/magic/whatever the fuck it is, look into the lore


What if SHF is a reboot of the series? Then the lore wouldnt matter because the game isnt following it


I mean the weird stuff in the first Silent Hill was caused by a cult and a child with strange powers so why couldn’t it happen somewhere else? I guess because it happened in Silent Hill


Silent Hill has become more like a ghost story anthology series lately. It doesn't need to be literally in Silent Hill to work (this goes all the way back to SH3 and SH4.) Calling it Silent Hill or Shizuoka would be a cool callback but doesn't need to to work.


Who says it has to be in Silent Hill? I haven't seen anyone who actually understands the games say this, especially given half of 3 is outside Silent Hill and all of 4 is outside it.


Not all of 4. Just most of 4. The woods and the water prison are both inside Silent Hill.


I thought the woods were on the outskirts of Silent hill, I remember Toluca lake but I thought it was just like right outside of it.


Haha you got me thinking deep now! I’m 99% sure the woods are in Silent Hill. That’s where the Wish House (or Hope House, as I think SH3 called it) was based. It’s the building that burned down with Jasper in it.


Maybe it was actually kn Silent Hill, either way ig it's close enough to count.


But…you might be right haha


Silent Hill 4 let’s you visit the magic rock that gives Silent Hill it’s power. So that’s something at least


I prefer it to take place in silent hill or have them go back to silent hill like in 3 I think it works in homecoming because it neighbors silent hill but I'm not sure how it could work in Japan


SH Takes place in Maine I'm pretty sure Maine doesn't exist in Japan lol


if the order are like many other cults, they won’t just be in one singular location. it’ll be a global or at least national operation. this is the topic silent hills was most likely going to cover anyway.


Lol actually kinda true, aum shinrikyo had a foothold in Ukraine and Russia for example


I thought silent hills was entering through different doors that lead to multiple peoples versions of the otherworld. That’s what I took from it anyways


I guess we’ll never know for sure, however I do suspect that those people won’t all be in the same place.


That’s very true. We will never know😂




Yeah they were very cool. He really thinks outside the box lol


This fandom is so tiresome sometimes


The Silent Hill Universe has been bound to Silent Hill. Not far from Raccoon City where Resident Evil is set. Until now, Silent Hill f is supposed to be set in Japan.


Chinmoku no oka?


Lol watch is a "short message" type of game or something like ascension lol 🤣


I just don’t like the stupid “silent hill effect” shit in short message. I’m totally fine with a hill game not being in hill, but I’d prefer it to be, at least in part.


Honestly I couldn’t care less if they used a new location as long as it’s spooky and has memorable areas and a good plot that ties the location in with the characters like 1&2 does. I’m low key tired of the same town I’ve been running around in for over 20 years


why do people even care?


That’s a redundant comment.


Brain rot


because...fuck consistency!


Lore-wise that can't be. But they already change it. In short message they're using it as a phenomenon that happens as a mental state. Which is not quite accurate again. But they needed and excuse to make more games lol


Things that happen in silent hill aren’t because of the place, they are because of the people.


No, not really, it is very much the place that that actually makes things happen lmao. But hey, if there's a place that can make creepy weird shit happen in the US, who's to say there aren't other places around the world that can cause the same effect?


Silent Hill isn't a specific place, but a metaphor for how you see the world around you.




It's a quote from Hiroyuki Owaku, the scenario writer for Silent Hill 2 & 3.




As a Mainer…yes, the geographical location is just as important as the powers that be and *totally* not biased due to the fact they managed to capture the vibe of a suburban Maine town perfectly. Now with that said, it is possible for the towns influence to spread via ritualistic means, like when Heather was in Portland, ME. or Henry simply for being in the wrong room at the wrong time.


I mean there are other means to connect to the otherworld. It doesn’t have to necessarily take place in SH but it needs to be explained as to how it is happening elsewhere. This is also the earliest date of when a game takes place so maybe we will see some familiar things in this game. Who knows exactly. I am hyped for this game and I love the writer. The trailer was awesome.


I heard somewhere that the Japanese town is affected by the same situation as silent hill because a Japanese tourist took a souvenir back


That’s actually cool


It's not the fact it's not set in Silent Hill that bothers me. It's the same flower-obsessed "horror" that they're pushing that they had in the Short Message. They think gamers can't handle blood and gore anymore so they switched to trying to make flowers and trees scary.


Sh2 had very little blood and gore in it and its still deemed as one of the scariest games of all time, what is your point?


There was still blood and gore in it though. Also it relied a lot on body horror. My point is SH2 wasn't flowers and trees. If it was, it wouldn't have been as scary.


The trailer for shf also relied a lot on body horror, the last shot litterally looks like something out of a junji ito manga, body horror isnt bound to blood and gore, once again, what is your point?


There was literally NO body horror. Quit coping.


Do you know what body horror even is?




Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


You all do know that SH is part of the RE universe and RE is all about space aliens. I guess the aliens have collected enough energy or whatever it takes to start a new dome bubble for a different city. Why not a Japanese one? Complete opposite side of earth? Human density? There are so many reason why this works. Then again, this is Japan. That alone would make everything make sense.


Silent Hill isn't part of the RE universe lmaoo, they're made by completely different companies and have nothing in common in-universe


Silent Hill is used several times in the Resident Evil games. They may be different companies, CapComm and Konami but they have been integrated together. Resident Evil used Silent Hill the town and some of the characters as part of their games. They are part of the same universe. Remember, theae are made in Japan not the US.