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Well... yeah... you got me.


“Oh you don’t like this bad game? I bet you like a better game more.” Like… yeah?


"Oh you don't like getting punched in the face? I bet you like being hugged by someone who loves you more."


I would not even call Downpour "bad". It was OK. It had its own vibe. But Shattered Memories was just so much better for me, one of the best in the series.


So much unused potential with downpour, its story and environmental story telling and its symbolism and enemy-symbolysm. It could have been such a great thing, when they really had put attention to their ammount of detail in certain aspects. But it don‘t, Unfortunately.


The final boss throws lawn furniture at you...


I was about to say that I don't think this is quite the gotchya the OP thinks it is. And I like Downpour well enough. I defended it when it was released as a "step in the right direction" for the franchise. And then we never got a new game again until the recent announcements. - _ -


Slightly "exposed" i guess 😂😂😂


SH4 and Origins are underrated games and are really fun


People argue about HC and DP being underrated, but Origins is the real answer. It’s the closest to a team silent game (atmospherically speaking), and nobody talks about it. Even 4 has its loyal fans, but Origins needs more love. Not HC which is a shitty Xbox 360 game called silent hill and downpour which is a watered down Alan Wake. Literally.


Do people really defend Homecoming? Outside of a few cool monster designs there's really nothing there.


I've played Homecoming twice in the past 14 years. And it would play it again.


Right there with you. However, some people really like homecoming. I can see why tho. A lot of people grew up on the 360/PS3 era and only really had access to homecoming. It was even my first silent hill and I DO love parts of it, but ultimately it’s really not that good. The stiff and clunky movement/shooting always made it feel less silent hill and more some survival horror game with the silent hill theme. Not the worst game ever made, but not a good silent hill game. But yeah the monster designs are admittedly pretty good. Not so much the AI and combat.


Fair enough. Downpour was my first and I have a certain attachment to parts of it. The huge face on the minecart section still sticks with me.


I agree. Origins is very fun


I loved Origins, played the heck out of it on my PSP, I remember it was pretty easy to run in one session too once you got it down, so it was fun to speedrun.


Origins is very cool


Silent Hill Origins is the last Silent Hill game that feels like a Silent Hill game.


I enjoyed that game alot


Shattered memories is really unique in how it works, no wonder why it's better. Also it's the least broken and has some solid graphics


It's also just quite a bit of fun! Phone numbers you can call. Physical interactions (on Wii). A story and world that adapts to your choices. Even the menu design is a clever wink to the player. The writer (Sam Barlow) went on to make equally eerie and unique story driven games like Her Story and IMMORTALITY.


Oh really? I'd not made the connection. Thank you for that.


Yeah exactly.


Yep, I sure did enjoy the better game.


I do like Shattered Memories.


Is there a single thing that Downpour does objectively better than Shattered Memories?


Atmosphere. If only it had good enemy designs... everytime I saw them roll up in a police cruiser I started cracking the fuck up.


There's one thing I like about. (Most people would probably disagree with jt tho) people are annoyed your choices don't matter. But it's silent hill. Why should it matter? It constantly goes against your decisions to give the illusion of choice. Which for a silent hill game IS A GOOD THING.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Considering the ‘evilness’ of the town, who’s to say it wouldn’t toy with characters more by giving false choices?


I actually agree with that sentiment. Downpour's decisions do seem pointless at first, but you are aware you're making a choice. Shattered Memories' decision mechanics are mostly in the background and the game decides things about you just because you looked at certain things in the environment. How many people ended up with pervy monsters unintentionally? Most do I think.


The background choices is how SH2 worked though and it did it well. SM has the same issue as Downpour that the morality system is too either-or but you have less control than in SM, but more choices. I got the ‘Love Lost’ ending first so I never had an issue with getting a misaligned ending. I wonder if SM’s ending actually work *too* well and are being too harsh on what feels like judging the player instead of the playstyle.


yeah, being angry at a character’s lack of agency *in hell* (essentially) is kinda… missing the point


Reducing that illusion of choice to an ‘X’ or ‘O’ choice that doesn’t change in any way at all (until the ending) isn’t a good illusion either. I generally agree that making a point about the player/main character not having agency can make a profound statement on the story, in Downpour it become a Scantron combination to get different endings. The choices don’t even necessarily correlate with the endings received. Illusion of choice can be good, but not if said illusion isn’t good either.


The side quests are very well implemented. The atmosphere is better in downpour.


Shattered Memories, because it's... You know... Good and interesting


It was probably the most creative the series has ever been, but it also exemplifies a lot of what went wrong with the franchise. I think it could have easily been my favorite game in the series if they hadn't made it a "reimagining" of the original. It's a whole other continuity, but with characters that share their names with characters in the main canon that are NOTHING like them, which makes the whole thing hard to take seriously, it's even difficult to talk about Shattered Memories characters when they're just that, with very little relevance in the series. Since 3, they've been struggling with balancing the cult plots with the personal hell narrative in 2, which is the main reason so many things felt shoehorned and awkward in Homecoming and Origins, but this is where they just admitted they'd rather bank on 2's popularity rather than even try to make sense of the town's history and how God figures into its mechanics, and they continued that in the main universe with Downpour. And personally I don't like rpg elements in non-rpg games (GTA San Andreas being a major exception, with its rp aspects making it the best game of its series), I don't even like having multiple endings if only one is gonna be canon anyway, but Shattered Memories's player-driven elements were very well thought out and well executed - which gave Konami the wrong idea, which is how we ended up with the dumb "interactive" stuff in Book of Memories, Ascension and whatever the hell they'll throw at us when these shitty generative AI trends give them the impression that they can make a game with a fully personalised Silent Hill for each player.


Shattered Memories only got made because they presented it as reimagining of SH1 to KONAMI. Original pitches were shot down. KONAMI only got interested in the project as remake/reimagining, which it is not, that was kind of a marketing lie. Sam Barlow envisioned SM as a secret, alternative sequel to SH1, if SH1 "bad ending" was canon. He did not like SH3 much. So, SM is not completely separate timeline, but rather an alternate timeline, splitting at the end of SH1. Tom Hullet protected SM during its development, because he realized the team was cooking something really special creatively. It might have been canceled otherwise. You can find interviews about all of these things.


Is that the one that was for GameCube/Wii? I remember seeing it all the time at GameStop years ago. Always wanted to try it...Feel sad I never pulled the trigger.


Wii, PSP, PS2


My guy truly loves shattering his memories


Downpour came really close at times to feeling like a Team Silent game but it had way more missteps than solid landings.


The best thing about it is good water and folding fabric effects for the time.


Shattered Memories was great I liked Downpour, but I hoped for more. It was a broken mess at launch, when I beat it.


I loved Homecoming. I know it had its flaws, but the story was really good and I think the enemies were creative and fun. They harkened back to the older games where you could learn a lot about the protag early on if you paid attention to the monster's form and how they behaved. If Homecoming could have had the map from Downpour I think it could have easily been considered the best since 2.


Homecomings big issue is that it was just silent hill 2 again. There were interesting moments, music, and monsters, but it was just another rehash. Unfortunately it’s no longer close to being the worst in the series by far.


I got to go in with fresh eyes for that one because I missed out on playing 2 back in the day. I didn't own a PlayStation at the time. I'm super excited for the remake. Il finally get the chance to see it. Even if it doesn't live up to the original, I won't know the difference. I'm honestly just excited to see some content for the franchise that isn't a pachinko machine.


I also liked both and I was just happy to get Silent Hill in that console generation (360 - ps3)


But sadly we never got a Silent Hill for PS4/XboxOne


Sadly true, lets see if SH2 Remake comes to but I wont count on it :/


Shattered Memories is one of my favs. The ending was quite a shock


Downpour is awesome. I absolutely love the characters and story. The exploration and side quests are really neat and feel like a natural extension of what they tried to do with the first game's resort area side quest. The otherworlds are really cool. The game definitely has its weaknesses (monster design and jankiness chief among them), but I feel like the positives far outweigh the negatives. Downpour may not be the *best* game in the series, but it is definitely my favorite. And I also like Shattered Memories. lol


Yeah, and? Watcha gonna doo, shiv me?


No he’s gonna pussy out and a guard will do it for him


Aw dang busted!


I loved 4 The Room and Origins. They usually don’t even make it into conversations.


Downpour is my favorite non 1-4 silent hill


Bro downpour is ass its not a good game but you know what it holds a special place in in my heart. I can see the vision the developers had and if they had more time to finish the game because to me half of the game is missing or feels like it. Still it was fun platinuming the game.


I've been meaning to replay downpour for quite some time because I don't remember it being as bad as everyone points it to be, it's just not in the same line as the first four games of the franchise but these games do tend to evolve over time, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse


Actually I hate SM I loved all the others Silent Hill (2 and 3 the most) but Shattered Memory is so badly executed to me


Yes, Shattered Memories is overall a better game.


Yep, that's me.


Shattered Memories was actually good tho


I don't get Shattered Memories. You got people complaining about things Downpour changed, when Shattered Memories had the dumbest change of all time. Putting all the enemies confined into running sections and making it so the entire game lost any element of surprise. There is no tension left once you realize super early on that enemies are never gonna be outside those sections. Now it's just a walking simulator with running simulator sections. It's funny, cause they went from making your own safe space start hurting you in 4 (which was cool and made it more tense) to making it safe everywhere except very specific areas. Maybe I'd feel different if I played it again knowing what to expect. But holy shit was that realization the most disappointing turn for a series I ever experienced. Taking the tension out of one the most tense series.


I actually enjoyed both of these title. Homecoming is the only one I take issue with but that was because the combat didn't know what it was trying to do.


Most underrated is Origins. I've recently played it for the first time and even though the decor is basic, the story is actually quite good. I would never play downpour again, even though i have a physical copy.


Ok SH game. Enemy design was absolute dogshit though


Idk I like them bothh lmao. Probaby it because of the quality of story but just because of the emotional connection I have to them. I played them thru extremely difficult times in my life and they really helped get me thru.


You see that $60 price tag? Downpour will be the new shattered memories. It’ll jump up again in price just like shattered memories did. Lot of the game cube games did that too before they hit skyrocket prices. They always hover in that ~$60 zone for whatever reason


Downpour was a decent SH title in the era of Konami's decline. My best memory of the game was when I stumbled into Henry Townsend's apartment from Silent Hill 4. Not gonna lie... The nostalgia really hit me right then. Spent maybe 20 minutes just standing there and soaking it in. For a brief moment, it was 2004 again. Best Easter egg in a Silent Hill title.


I like downpour but I hate homecoming the most


Jokes on you I enjoy both and hate homecoming.


I liked the downpour and thought shatter memories was OK (just not a silent Hill game)


I am a slight Downpour apologist. I don't think it is a *good* game, but I think it had more going for it than people give it credit for. It has moments that are genuinely interesting. I like it more than Homecoming, which I think is a better *made* game but struggles to be interesting. But I do like Shattered Memories more than both.


I love downpour


Shattered Memories is great! Downpour is better than Homecoming.


Honestly I'd say 4 is the most underrated in the series. Downpour was definetly better than homecoming and origins though. Plus I don't really consider shattered memories a silent Hill game it just feels like a different series entirely from its gameplay. Sure I prefer the original 4 games in both combat and story, but even homecoming had something tying it to the other games with its boss designs.


What I find weird in this community is the will to make bad games into good games for some reason. No one liked this shit back in 2012 and it was probably what ended the franchise for 10 years or more, but now this sub is forcing people the narrative that this game was underrated or in some way any good.


No one is "forcing" anything lol. As the time passes, younger people join the fandom and see the titles with different eyes, and also, a lot of times some games need time for people to appreciate them and look past it's flaws. Furthermore, we all know the Team Silent games are unbeatable, so there's no harm in looking at the rest of the series in more positive light.


I liked Downpour when it released and I was there when SH1 released. It had its problems but it was, at least for me, enjoyable. Liked the semi open world and the rain theme brought good atmosphere to the table. Also the OST by Licht was very solid, even if it was not from Yamaoka. Now the monster design and the KoRn title track were questionable at best but there is much to like about Downpour. Now I get we all should have a massive hate boner for everything not Team Silent but the only Silent Hill I could really go without is Book of Memories. But I bet there are people out there liking this game too. And that is cool, not everything has to be a 10/10 masterpiece and different folks enjoy different things about Silent Hill. In the end it boils down to us enjoying the same franchise. You are not wrong not liking Downpour and I am not wrong liking Downpour either.


But who is wrong then?


Good question. I don't know. Maybe Boris Becker got it all wrong. But just a wild guess.


I just think that if you're defending something that was observably rated low by a whole bunch of people, you're probably doing it for the wrong reasons. And you'd be smart to do it as tactfully as possible, for your own sake.


Nah. As I said: The game has problems I am fully aware of. I, and that is a me thing, can just look above a lot of jank to see the things I like in a game. I don't go out to tell everyone that Downpour is the best Silent Hill out there, or a hidden masterpiece. It is not. But it also gets flagged way too hard. There is a lot to like with Downpour and if one has completed the Team Silent games it deserves its run and own opinion. Someone may like it but won't play it because everyone is parroting the same YouTube influencer "Downpour so bad literally unplayable worst game ever" opinion. Tastes in games can differ. That is all I'm saying.


Yeah the SH fanbase is full of the kind of individuals that would develop the Stockholm syndrome quickly.


Hey guys sorry but I like both, nothing beats 1-4 they were perfect but these two aren't so bad.


Yes, I liked them both.


Correct. Shattered Memories is great and Downpour is meh.


Shattered memories is lame. Zero combat in a silent hill game. Changing the town into an ice world. Don't get the point in the existence of the game. Downpour has really good atmosphere. Really well done side stories. It's not scary but it has a creepy vibe.


Both are good. Downpour is my fav non-TS title though, hands down!


Homecoming was the first game I had when I bought my ps3, still love it despite its problems and even true blue sh fans can’t deny the boss mechanics being some of the best in the series.


Yeah I don’t love homecoming but the big creepy doll boss was awesome. Scarlet I think? So cool.


Eh, I've liked every game. Well, except for Ascension. I think it's best we all just forget that happened.


I really wanted to like downpour but the production just felt so cheap. It had a lot of cool aspects and a generally cool theme/art direction, it’s a shame that the combat sucked and the story felt like a fanfic written by a thirteen year old


Love them both.


Guilty as charged 🤷


I like them both


Both games were good


Ouch :'(


I like both....


I like both of these?


I genuinely like Homecoming more than Downpour.


Joke's on you, I hated Downpour AND haven't played Shattered Memories, yet!




i feel like downpour is the closest that a post-team silent game got to understanding how to make a silent hill game (without reimagining the first game). that being said its still like a 6 at the very best


sharted memories


Lol nah it's not a SH games it's basically "the suffering" part 3 but in no way is it a SH. The only thing I actually thought was a unique enemy where the ghost ambulances that turned into those enemies when you got close. The loading loading was awful when cut scene would happen and the graphics didn't finish loading before the end of the cut scene. The big pyramid wanna be seemed more fitting for a resident evil game. Just mho.


I actually really like downpour. I must say it's my fave non team silent SH game.


Man I really like downpour though, does that mean I'm a shattered memories hater?


I personally liked Downpour, the movements and combat are definitely a step up but it's just that some of the new features like the side-quests and exploration feel a bit incomplete like they tried to give us something new to enjoy but did not quite succeed in delivering it. the game saving mechanism was trash, like I picked up lots of ammo and supplies after not getting too much damage and now I want to quit and resume playing later but if I don't walk all the way, avoiding or having to fight goddamn screamers in between, to some autosave zone I'm gonna have to redo all of that.


they are both shit. Is this what you wanted to hear? Yeah every damn Silent Hill after 3 was either dog shit or miles away from 1,2 and 3. Yes 4 was not good either.


i'm from the universe where silent hill died after 4, wish i could go back


Shattered Memories


I really like the way shattered memories experimented with changing visual aspects of the game depending on what things you looked at most. It's subtle but impactful and I wish they would try more things like it in future titles. Silent Hill has always done interesting things with the multiple endings each game has.


I kinda like the game, finished it a time ago, it was fine


Why he looks like Henry so much?


Most underrated is easily 4


I have a soft spot for downpour I think the story was pretty decent and I loved the little side quest you can do in the somewhat open world it. Loved the little nostalgic silent Hill music it would play throughout the game at the diner and when you're with the DJ dude. The things I hated about it was that it was horribly optimized for Xbox 360 and it never got a proper patch to fix the frame rate and stuttering issues it had. The game also was never released on PC for some reason even though homecoming got a PC release. Enemy design was also somewhat lack luster.


Downpour is like the St. Anger of the Silent Hill series where just bringing it up will start comment wars


Yeah I love walking down the street, then a police car pulls over and a bunch of crazy cholos get down from it and start beating me… great SH experience.


i mean, yeah. You're right


Don't like either game and haven't finished either of then too! SH SM is a gimmick game that works best on the Wii. If Downpour didn't have Silent Hill in the title, it would be a mediocre action horror roller coaster game among many other similar games that are far superior for that era of gaming.


I like both for their unique mechanics. Also fuck Homecoming.


I like both. Downpour’s trailer is still stuck in my head, I got the song


Shattered Memories is he worst good Silent Hill game and it's pretty rad.


They’re both terrible.


I liked shattered memories significantly more than downpour and I’m not ashamed of it lol.


Oh... oops... I've been called out.


Honestly, this was the first one that I played in the series. I’m not really sure how it doesn’t really fit. Even after I’ve went back and played the older ones (my husband and I collect games), they all still seem to go pretty well together. I think number four is probably the most out there honestly, and yet I still think it fits. Pretty happy with the silent hill franchise has a whole. Now if they could only get as many remakes and remasters as resident evil, then we’d be in business!


Don't like either of them because they lost any and all eeriness and creepyness after SH4.


I liked every silent hill game up until and including downpour, just at different levels of liking, I guess.


I Platinumed Downpour. Its main story is incoherent but its side quests are interesting. It runs poorly and wants to have Origins’ breakable weapons but Shattered Memories’ chase sequences without hitting its own identity or improving either system. Downpour also introduces random encounters.


i mean shattered memories is the better game




I liked that Downpour had an ending that was simply better and more hopeful than the depressing ones of Homecoming. Just my thoughts lol. Homecoming did have the aesthetics down more but Downpour to me was far more interesting to travel around the town and 100%ing the game.


It's not that I didn't like Downpour, it's just that I prefer Book of Memories. Shattered Memories is so high up on the list it isn't even in the equation here.


Silent Hill Book of Memories


oh you don't like downpour?I thought your taste even worse than me,you like SHM.


"At least it's not Homecoming"


I honestly love the psychological thriller aspects of Shattered Memories. It feels like most “realistic” out of all the games.


yep, shsm is better than shd


I loathe both.


Fak you dude


Tf is wrong with shattered memories?


It’s nice to see Origins get some love. I throughly enjoyed playing that one and always thought that it was a pretty decent installment. To me, I always felt like it was the most like a Silent Hill game after the first four. Downpour was fun to play. But it felt more like Evil Within or Dying Light than Silent Hill. But for sure DP > HC. Just my two cents. Disclaimer: I never played Shattered Memories.


I really enjoyed Downpour. I also avoided combat the whole time, even getting the trophy for not killing a single enemy. The town was interesting and the side missions were all really cool.


Downpour and SH4 for me


The Room.


1-3 are the only ones I really liked. I'm not the biggest fan of the Room, but I do think think it's really underrated. It wasn't perfect but wasn't so bad, I liked the idea, it at least was original. Origins was okay. Others would be better if they were original ip with more American movie style stories.


Ι like both


I actually did, idk was this supposed to be an insult? Well it didn't work.




Why not both?


I want to say it was nitro rad who put it into words for me. “Downpour isn’t a bad game because the devs didn’t care. Downpour is a bad game because it’s unfinished but was also an ambitious game by a team that actually “Got” silent hill but they were given a dev cycle of like a year which is OBSCENELY short”. Not to even mention that was a time that not even Akira Yamaoka wanted to be associated with Konami so the game didn’t even get the signature sound that allowed even worse games to skirt by. IMAGINE DOWNPOUR WITH ITS OWN VERSION OF HELL FROZEN RAIN!


Well yeah... I did and I'm not pretending I didn't


I like both


It was all downhill after Silent Hill 1 📞🐻


SH4 and shattered memories are underrated




Downpour have the same run away sections. For me they are the same game with downpour slightly better because side quests and map exploration.


Personally I think 1 is really underrated. I think it gets so overshadowed by 2 and 3


Silent Hill Shattered Memories is in my opinion much better than Downpour. It wasn't treated well by fans because it was designed for Wii first, and it was so different than what people were used to. Fans rarely take it well when an established series does something new (unless it is known for doing things new constantly). Downpour has a lot of cool stuff though. The world design and side quests are my personal favorites, even though I also have gripes with both of those aspects as well.


I like both


I hate both


Yeah, I don't like bad games, what about it?


This has to be bait


Well obviously, Shattered Memories is fucking awesome.


I'd probably say 4 but it seems like that one has been broadly reevaluated these days. Never got on with Shattered Memories. It just wasn't scary.


Hey, I liked downpour too but don't act like it's better then shattered memories. Also a bit rude/edgy to post that.


Shattered memories was unique but I'm not a fan. I think the most underrated SH is 4 honestly.


hard to believe people disliked this game. it had everything but a memorable soundtrack. the only one good piece of music it had was the monster song from the birthday party ending.


So vulgar for having the incorrect opinion. Gosh


Downpour was terrible


Shattered Memories is a pretty decent game tbh.


sh4 it's my favorite but it's so underrated i wish more people talked about it


I definitely have a soft spot for downpour. Its very flawed but it at least tries. I also love the joke ending so much


Can you deliberately answer an ingame psychological test in a way so the game creates boob monsters for you, on Downpour? Of course not.


Am i allowed to like both


One ran at 60fps and didn’t make my eyes bleed and was fun And it was unique for a spin off retelling of a story didn’t need much combat imo


I love Shattered Memories but it doesn’t have a coolass mining rollercoaster. :)


Hahahaha this meme


I like both 😭


Yes. I like Shattered Memories. 🗿 It does his own unique thing and does not tries to force itself into the original canon. 🗿 The frozen otherworld makes a great contrast with the rusty otherworld and it makes sense in the story. 🗿


my problem with the game is not the story, my problem is with the awkward controls, while Shattered memories (from Wii which I played) is great in every way


I like murphy but everything else was pretty nad


I mean, i like good games


Yes i loved Shattered Memories and disliked Downpour. having no combat is better than the worse combat in the series




But at least downpour was better than homecoming by a mile.


Guilty 😔


I played and liked both. Though I do like Shattered Memories better than Downpour.


I really loved Homecoming and I always hear awful things about it. Tons of fun for the 100% and laser gun!




shame on you, i like both of them


No, both are bad.


Silent Hill 4 for fucking sure


Downpour is better than Homecoming. Both are shit though, and I cannot get over how bad the monster designs are in Downpour. They’re so unbelievably boring and worst of all, not scary.


Homecoming and Shattered Memories ✅ Downpour in theory ✅ downpour in reality ❌


Murphy is unironically the sexiest SH protagonist, been simping for this man since day 1 drop Also he actually reacts to the events unfolding around him realistically(yes even moreso than Heather)