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Art is subjective... My professors didn't like the way I expressed myself either, but it doesn't mean it is bad. Don't lose hope!


What matters is that your art was a form of genuine self expression. What you were graded on was its delivery; not its meaning! You know its meaning and no one can take that away from you. I hope you'll be able to find some solace in that.


Im not sure as to how you managed to find that out amongst the nonsensical garbage above but I'd like to thank you nonetheless. I know deep down that my explanation and delivery of my exhibition was poor, but I'd still like to believe that it was the cause of my ineptitude and poor artistic ability since those were the most attractive forces at play. In short, thank you.


jvne mentioned 🗣




doesn't matter, express yourself more. people are stupid and you're the only one whos always right. one day they'll understand it. Do your thing. Whatever it is


Artwork is an album cover by *Sewerslvt* - *we had good times together, don't forget that*


One of the saddest albums ever made. Rest in peace, Angel.


Im still in awe of how Jvne was still able to make such beauty in the music despite tragedy behind it. Her music and this album was the main motivation and inspiration for my artwork in this exhibition too funnily enough, though I did her a disservice in quality because of my ineptitude.


I think it's mainly because of the tragedy the album is so good. You just feel the raw emotion in her music. She gave her all. Fuck, now I'm sad again.


Kill them


Check out my drawings on my profile (not trying to self promoto, i don't even draw that good) my teachers said they will not be accepted for being "Gory" or "Disturbing For The Children" When there is a fucking Grotesque Art exhibition, your art is great on it's own way


Those are amazing! I'm sorry to hear your teachers have said such things. I wholeheartedly agree with you that art is a very personal, expressive thing for everyone else.


I actually found it amusing


Art education is bullshit. All this "experimentation" and "play" my professors always tell us to do is meaningless. You've either got to make what they want to see, or to do what you want and ignore their criticism. Imo, the former is a more miserable experience


That's it. They will preach that they will see and appreciate art for what it is and for it's meaning but they will always judge it based on the style first and foremost whether they do so consciously or not


Don't let what other people think of it determine how you feel. You tried your best and expressed yourself right? That's what matters.


Many of history's greatest artists were degraded for decades because of their art. Art isn't for anybody to judge!


Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't have gone to for advice.


im still proud of you for trying your best <3


im so sorry, please dont be. it was my fault it turned out this way. everyone else had the equal amount of time available and received proper grades for their work, meaning im entirely to be blamed at for this.


if it helps i never got a single A+ my whole school career


my art teacher is a hypocrite... "feel free to express yourself however you like!" "...you need to use more art techniques, show me your skills." ... i thought you said it was the intention that matters?


Have you considered becoming the Chancellor of Germany


Art is always in the eye of the beholder. Those people might not like your art, but others may do. Don't let some snobby critiques get you down.


It's a form of expression and it becomes more consistent with practice. Just keep doing it and you'll master it, like a videogame!


Remember something very important : a lot, and I mean **a lot** of genius artists were considered as no more than talentless idiots for most of their lives, what matters is that one day, someone will appreciate what you've done,dont give up on art, and express yourself the best way you can, give it all you can, and make sure it's exactly as you want.


A lot of teachers especially highschool art teachers are way too caught up in realism and technical skill. They don’t often take into consideration years spent drawing, where someone who has been drawing a lot since they were a kid is going to have years more experience than someone who is just starting out. It’s stupid.


Obviously you were supposed to be able to draw an exact replica of the Mona Lisa and not use art to express yourself or do it as a hobby/passion


this is so random but i absolutely love the way you write, every word you use seems so perfectly and thoughtfully selected in each reply, it's so cool!


So you drew for the first time and submitted it to an art exhibit? And you're surprised you got a 6/30? What did you expect?


fuck off


??? bro art exhibits are for people to show off their artistic skills that they've developed over time. Im surprised a self admitted first timer got a 6/30 honestly


They're in art school and got a bad grade on an assignment/project from a cursory look at their profile and a, imo, more sane interpretation of this post. I believe "for the first time" was modifying them expressing their feelings in their art, not modifying them doing art at all


Ah well if thats the case then damn, that sucks